Hearts on The High Seas (Pira...

By Love_of_Fiction

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(#22 in Sailing #52 in TomHiddlestonxReader) Let's go back to a time of kings, queens, exploration, discovery... More

Chapter One: Young Life
Chapter Two: Gone
Chapter Three: A Stowaway
Chapter Five: Reunion
Chapter Six: Together at Last
Chapter Seven: Welcome to the Crew
Chapter Eight: Yes
Chapter Nine: Happily Ever After
Chapter Ten: A New Bright Future

Chapter Four: Pirates

461 23 2
By Love_of_Fiction

AN: This chapter will have some fighting in it so, blood and some descriptions of injuries and death. Just letting y'all know. Now to the story!


The sun was about to set, and the pirates were almost upon us. The crew had armed themselves with what weapons we had on the ship. I was standing blow deck with John guarding one of the storerooms that held cargo, while I had a sword in my hand ready to fight.

"Have you ever dealt with pirates?" I asked John.

"Once," He said looking over at me, gun in hand. "It was when I was back in France. That's actually how I met Alex."

"Wait," I said in shock but keeping my voice quiet. "Do you mean to tell me that Alex was a pirate?"

"Oui," He said with a nod of his head. "It was a few years back when his ship came to my small ocean town back in France. I got into a sword fight with him, then saw he was just a teen. He left them and then we both joined this crew a while later."

"I had no idea," I said with wonder. "He never said anything about that to me. Well, I guess that's not something you would wear on your sleeve."

Before John could reply, the sounds of yelling, metal clashing, and gunfire could be heard from above us. I held my sword tighter in my hands and John aimed his gun down the hall. After about two minutes, John and I could hear the sounds of heavy footsteps coming down the hall towards us. Then four men dressed in dirty bloodstained clothes were in the hall in front of us. Before I even had time to react, I heard three gunshots go off, and two of the four men fell to the floor. The weapons they held in their hands hit the wood floor with a thud, and I could see the now bloody holes in the heads of the two men who laid on the floor dead.

I heard a grunt from next to me and remembered that there was a third shot. I looked over at John and saw that he had his hand near his left shoulder, blood seeping through his clothes and onto his hand. I began to panic. What if he loses too much blood?

I saw movement from the corner of my eye and remembered there were still two more pirates that needed to be dealt with. Luckily for me they only had swords and not guns, John had shot the only man with a gun.

"Two against one," I heard one of them say with a raspy voice as they walked closer. "This shouldn't take long."

My first thought went to protecting John, who had now fainted from the loss of blood and was defenseless, not the cargo in the room behind me. In the short time I had been on this ship I had become very good friends with Alex and John, and I sure as hell wasn't about to let one of them get killed.

The two men swung their swords at me, but I quickly moved out of the way and swung back, catching one of them on the left leg, making him cry out in pain and fall to the floor. His light brown hair falling into his eyes slightly.

"Why you little," He said grinding his teeth. "Now you are in for it."

He tried to stand but kneeled down again after putting presser on the injured leg, but he just reaches into his pocket. He pulled out a small pistol, but before he pulled the trigger, I jumped out of the way of the other man's sword and jabbed my own sword into brunette's gut. The gun fell limp in his hand and clattered to the floor.

"Good fighter," Said the last man, his green eyes looking down at his fallen comrade with a look of pity. Then three more men came down the hall, and all of them had guns. "Hold your fire. This one can fight, he could be useful."

"What do you mean by useful?" I asked still holding my sword at the ready.

"Tell you what," The man said bring his sword down as he talked, showing he didn't want to kill me at the moment. "You can join our crew, the captain is always looking for someone who can fight, and we need a replacement after you killed Randy," He gestured with his sword to the man I had just stabbed. "And we won't kill you. If you don't like that offer, well, I know that my friends would love to get some target practice in."

My mind was racing faster than lightning, trying to find a way out of this. If I tried to fight, I would be gunned down by the other men, it seemed joining them was my only option.

"If I do go with you," I said lowering my sword but ready to use it at a moment's notice. "You will also leave this man unharmed and will let someone treat his wounds."

"Under other circumstances, I would say no," The green-eyed man said looking down at John's unconscious figure on the floor. "But I can tell he is a good shot when he is awake that is. Yes, we will not harm either of you, but you need to come with us."

I put my sword back into the sheath that hung on my belt, as a sign of surrender. The green-eyed man smiled and motioned for the men behind them to grab John and take him away. They picked him up and carried his limp body down the hall and out of sight.

"Well then," The green-eyed man said looking at me. "Seeing as you are going to be on our ship now, we need to have a name for you."

"Nicolas," I said, by now used to the fake name I had given myself. "My name is Nicolas and that is what you can call me."

"Very well, Nicolas," The green-eyed man said. "My name is James, and I am the first mate of the pirate ship "Midnight Wolf" welcome to the crew."

As I walked above deck to get to the other ship, I saw about thirty men lying dead or injured on the deck of the ship. It was night now; the only light was that of the full-moon shining above us. I didn't see Alex, which I took to mean he was still alive somewhere on one of the two ships. As I walked across the plank the connected the two ships, I saw the back of a tall, hooded man talking to captain Stevens. Before I could see the hooded man's face, I was shoved along onto the pirate's ship. I was taken below deck and into a room that had two men in it.

"Oh, thank god," I said rushing in and wrapping my arms around Alex in a hug. "I am so glad to see you." I also saw John laying on a bed, they had taken his shirt off so they could bind his wound. "How is he?"

"He should be alright in a day or two," Alex said looking down at our sleeping friend. "And when he does wake up, I am gonna kill him for scaring me like that."

*Time Skip*


Alex and I and been sitting together in that room for about an hour before James opened the door and came in.

"Come on," He said motioning us to follow him. "It's time for you and the rest of the new crew to meet the captain."

James led us back to the main deck of the ship and standing above us, on the quarterdeck I could see the same hooded man from earlier. I couldn't make out he face because of the moonlight casting a shadow from the hood. He walked to the rail and placed both hands on it, then leaned out slightly to get a better look at us.

"Glad to see a few new faces," He said with a deeply accented voice that almost recognized. "Don't worry, you will be treated very well onboard my ship. You will be fed, will each have your own bed to sleep in, and just as much right as any member aboard this ship. As for who I am, let me introduce myself. I am the captain of this lovely ship," He took off his hood and I gasped. He looked different then I remembered, a little older and had a slight bread on my face. "My name is Captain Thomas Hiddleston, and welcome aboard my ship."

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