Hello Hurricane {English Tran...

By zaara91

4.1K 292 18

(Domen Prevc x Daniel Andrรฉ Tande, Four Hills Tournament 2016/17) They are young, popular, celebrating one su... More

1. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day before qualification
2. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day before qualification
3. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
4. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
5. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
6. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
7. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
8. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
9. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
10. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
11. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
12. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
13. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
14. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
15. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
16. Peter / Anders - Garmisch-Partenkirchen- Day of competition
17. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
18. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
19. Domen - Innsbruck - Day off
20. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day off
21. Domen - Innsbruck - Day off
22. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day off
23. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
24. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
25. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
26. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
27. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of competition
28. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of competition
29. Domen - Bischofshofen
30. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
31. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
32. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
33. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
35. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
36. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
37. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
38. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of competition

34. Peter / Anders - Bischofshofen - Day of competition

83 7 0
By zaara91

PETER stared absently into the room, which was flooded with sunlight. The sixteen-year old Slovenian was sitting at the big kitchen table at home, in front of him his math homework, which he still wanted to do before the upcoming afternoon training. At the same time, he distant stirred his muesli, oblivious to himself, when his father, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly broke the silence:

"Now look at this one! And who will pay this? Of course, the taxpayer! "He exclaimed indignantly, rustling the big daily paper in his hands. He was checking the news, just like every day during his lunch break.

Peter looked up briefly, but when he noticed that his father hadn't addressed him, only talked to himself, he devoted his full attention again to the task in front of him. He munched on the end of his pencil as his mother plunged into the room. "I'm late. Will you pick Nika up at the kindergarten later?"

"Here! Did you see that, Julijana? This is supported by our tax money! ", Peter's father scolded again. Annoyed, Peter rolled his eyes. He wanted to do his homework with silence around him.

"What?" Curiously, his mother leaned over his father's shoulder and scanned the article pointed to by his father.

"Just because some idiots got drunk. I mean, the few smearings! These are pranks! And now they show off in front of everyone! As if we had no other problems in this country! The police should rather deal with real crime and not with these spinners, "he continued to rage.

"Božidar!", His wife reminded him to rest. "This is damage to property, and it happened not the first time."

"And it won't be the last time either. I mean, they knew what they were getting into, didn't they? There were several protests against this gay and lesbian center before the construction. Nevertheless, they have insisted on this building. Okay, whatever. But now these... these people must live with the consequences and not blame the authorities, "Bozidar Prevc scolded.

"Don't get upset! You can't change it anyway, "shrugged Peter's mother, looking around the kitchen for the car keys.

"I'm not upset. I only wanted to say it. It's not like I have anything against these people, but that's enough. Have you ever stopped by there? Everywhere these colorful flags. They provoke people downright! The last time, as I have drove Cene to his buddy, there were two of them. Right in front of the center. They kissed each other, in public! Two men! And that wasn't the first time! Childrens are passing by! Think about, what they teach with their lifestyle! Which values. They can live as they pleases. And I don't want to know how, but please not in public. Didn't they teach them any decency? ", Indignantly struck Peter's father with his fist on the tableand made Peter cringe.

"Dad! Look at what you did! ", Reproachfully pointing Peter to his notebook. He had accidentally drawn a thick line across the notebook. "Now I can do everything again!"

"Sorry, but what has to be said once, must be said. The politicians don't dare. We live in a tolerant society, "his father shook his head and it was clear what he thought about it. "Remember you, boy: Stay away from them! Most of them celebrate too much and end their lives by the end of their twenties. Have no prospects. They end up in the gutter. Drug addicted and ill with AIDS. "

Annoyed, Peter looked at his father. "Thanks for this important lesson, Dad. Nevertheless, I can do the homework later once again, "he grumbled and looked at his watch. "And I'm late for training because of you."

"Oh, should I take you? I can kick you out at the hill, sweetheart, "his mother offered, scanning the mountain of bits and pieces on and in front of the microwave.

"That would be great!" Peter replied and shoveled the last of his cereal into his mouth and ran into the hallway to pack his things.

"Oh, and Bozidar-"

"I'll pick up Nika later. Don't worry, "Peter heard his father rustling with the newspaper, and a short while later, a loud smacking sound came from the kitchen that told Peter that his parents were just saying goodbye to each other with some kisses.

"Food for the boys is in the microwave. See you later, darling, "he heard his mother's affectionate voice as she hurried down the hall and frantically checked her watch. "Okay, but now, we really need to hurry."

Stirred up, Peter stared through the darkness at the ceiling. Plucked his blanket into the right place. Annoyed, he plumped up his pillow. And lied down again. Closed his eyes. Opened them again. Grabbed his alarm clock. 01:01o'clock. Laid it back again. A car drove by on the road in front of the hotel. It let shadows dance on the ceiling. Broke the monotone silence for a short time.

Why hadn't he notice? Or didn't he want to notice? How many times had he had that vague feeling in his stomach? The slight plucking of his subconscious mind, that had wanted to make him think more about it? About the gazes? The way Daniel looked at his little brother. How Domen had looked at the Norwegian suddenly, if they had met each other outside of the sport. The way they interacted. Daniel's hand, which had accidentally touched Domens hand, but remained a few seconds too long.

Restless, he rolled over on his side again. He forced himself to close his eyes so that he would at least have a few more hours of restful sleep. Opened them again. Grabbed his alarm clock. 01:03 clock. Laided himself back on his back. Stared up to the ceiling. Crazy as time went by.

He wished he could turn back time. With his knowledge of now. Then many things would've been different. Then he wouldn't have reacted that way today. Had Domen not just kick out. He didn't even know what possessed him. But the thing with Daniel... It had blown a fuse. What had he done?

Tired, Peter turned to the other side. Staring at the closet, where their jump suits hung. He turned around almost immediately, because the suits reminded him of his failure. And its consequences. He had been so busy being jealous of Domen, that he hadn't noticed.

Sighing, Peter rubbed his eyes. Let his arms fall back onto his blanket. His nerves were strained to the utmost. He was dead tired, though he was wide awake. He wriggled to the side again.

"What's going on?", Jurij's voice sounded across the room.

"You're awake," Peter replied in surprise, staring at the dark blanket next to him. Recognized the outlines as Jurij turned to him.

"Yeah ... as if I am able to sleep with that noise?", Jurij muttered sleepily and yawned.

"Which noise? Did you dream weird? "-

"Your thinking sounds so loudly across the room, it's a wonder I'm not deaf yet," Jurij said dryly, yawning again.

"No, um ... I just can't sleep. That's all, "Peter played down the issue, simply because he always did. Because he had his problems under control.

"And is this insomnia more due to your self-imposed compulsive break or to your brother?" Jurij asked unimpressed.

"I told you-" -

"That's nothing that can't be solved with a bit of time," Jurij finished sighing.

"Exactly." -

"But you've often said that lately, but you never really sounded convinced by yourself," Jurij objected.

"Maybe. There are just a lot of things, buzzing around in my mind, "Peter admitted in a tone that made Jurij understand he wouldn't give any further information. It was nobody's business.

Yawning, the older Slovenian pulled the blanket until under his nose. "Then let your thoughts flutter gently. At the moment, even fighter jets would be more quieter and I need my beauty sleep", muttered Jurij, whose eyes had already fallen closed again.

Disgruntled, Peter turned his gaze back to the ceiling. The restlessness made him crazy. Nevertheless, he forced himself to lie quietly. To breathe evenly, because he didn't want to disturb Jurij. Until he could stand it no more, he folded the blanket back and his feet lowered to the cold floor. Walking on tiptoes, Peter picked up his clothes from the chair, ran into the bathroom and dressed. It just had no purpose, he wouldn't fall asleep.

Carefully, he stepped out of the bathroom, fumbled in the darkness for his cell phone and his keys, put on his sports jacket and his jogging shoes. The hotel corridor was almost ghostly. The soft closing of the hotel room door rang Peter's ears as loud as if it had be the Big Bang. With his collar up to his chin and his beanie pulled down until his eyes, Peter ran aimlessly down the gloomy corridor until he reached the staircase. Blinded by the bright moonlight that filtered through the sweeping windows, he stopped.

Fascinated, Peter stared at the dark rooftops that the moon illuminated, white and snow-covered. A winter idyll that invited you to dream. Jumped out of a fairy tale. In the midst of countless rooftops, the spire towered upwards. Stabbed straight into the starry sky. Held by massive walls.

Domen had dropped so many appeals for help and he had simply ignored it. Had been too busy with his own life. Hadn't been able to react because the jealousy had clouded his perception. How many times had Peter wondered why Domen had to jump that good, while he was crawling around in his swamp again. Hadn't he secretly wished, that Domen got a ticking-off?

Domen was right: he was far from perfect. Even if he really forgot that for a short time now and then. Because everybody treated him like if he was. They put him on a pedestal. The success had changed him. Only he had never wanted to believe that. Had, what was written about him, confused with reality too often. Until Domen had joined the team.

The perfect facade had begun to crumble. Had reminded him, that he had mistakes. That he had been too focused on himself. Looking for help, Peter turned his gaze to the small cross on the spire, which was barely visible to the naked eye.

How Domen was doing now? When he thrown him out, he hadn't said a word. Domen had remained silent. He had pushed him away. Had denied Domen the help he so obviously needed. That wasn't what he had been taught. It had just shocked him. Sighing, he pulled his mobile phone out of his pocket. Became dazzled, when he switched it on in the dark. Impatiently he waited for it to boot up after entering the code.

Peter opened the messenger and clicked on his chat with Domen. Last online 01:39 clock, he read directly under the name of his brother. Now it was 1:51. Peter was obviously not the only one who had a sleepless night. Determined, the Slovenian began to type:

Can we talk?

Uncertain Peter waited for a reply from Domen. Starred at the info line, that changed to online after a while. Peter nervously stepped from one leg to the other as he saw, Domen was tapping an answer.


Relieved, Peter read the message until it became clear to him that it was his fault Domen wasn't lying peacefully asleep in his bed. Hurriedly, he put his cell phone back in his pocket and started running. The stairs down to the basement. Just in front of the gym, his footsteps slowed down again. He paused in front of the heavy iron door before pushing it open.

The room was brightly lit, but almost deserted. Only from the small gymnastics room opposite sounded a strange noise through the silence.

Cautiously, Peter peeked around the corner and saw Domen standing in front of a punching bag, on which he punched like a madman. Peter briefly asked himself if Domen had hung a picture of him on the punching bag. Nervously, he touched his neck.

"Is this going to be a conversation at some point, or are you just staring?" Domen broke the silence, staring at him through the reflection of the glass.

"No ... I ... I'm sorry! I was just ... kind of ... um ... overwhelmed. To be honest, I was just unable to cope with it." Stumbling, Peter stepped into the room because he didn't know how to start.

Nodding, Domen turned back to his punching bag and struck again. Silently, Peter watched his younger brother. How could he explain to Domen how sorry he was that he hadn't understood, though the younger one had given him enough clues?

"And what will you do now?" Domen asked between two strokes. His eyes fixed on the punching bag, his back straight up. Peter was sure that Domen was taking cover. He braced himself for his reaction. And Peter felt like Domen had beaten him. It wasn't all the same to Domen, what he thought of his younger brother. That he had understood this morning.

"Helping you, of course! ", Peter exclaimed energetically, as if something else wasn't up for debate. His brother stopped for a moment before looking at Peter again. "Somehow we get that back on track!" Peter reassured him and let himself sink to the ground. Knocked on the square next to him. It hurted the older Slovenian that Domen had believed that he would let him down. "How long is this going?"

Hesitantly, Domen sat down next to Peter. "No idea. In Oberstdorf something has changed. But... actually, only since yesterday, "Domen muttered softly to the floor.

"Okay, we'll fix it. Don't worry. There's nothing too late, "Peter began, almost relieved, and went on to propose his idea to Domen." First, I suggest you keep distance to Daniel. "


Puzzled, Peter frowned. "Well, I thought, a little distance- I mean, you have to admit, Daniel isn't really a good influence and-"

"What are we talking about?"

"Getting you back on the right track of course! I told you, I'll help you, "Peter replied in surprise, not quite sure what Domen was getting at. "What do you think?"

"I don't know that anymore," Domen mocked, shaking his head. "I somehow ... naive as I obviously am, believed that, although you kicked me out earlier, you could... I don't now, what I thought... But not that! " Domen said in frustration. Peter was shocked, how confused his younger brother was.

"But that only shows that you really don't want it. That your common sense tells you that this is the wrong way, " Peter told him, and was really relieved.

"My common sense would like to punch you at the moment, too" Domen said stubbornly.

Slowly, Peter lost his patience because he didn't know what exactly was again Domen's problem. "Please, think about it: Why are you so ... unbalanced? Unfocused? Since when did you lose the focus on the essentials? I mean, do you realize that with this shit, you risk your whole career? Why else is the tournament going bad for you? It all just happened because you suddenly spent time with Daniel! For the Norwegian, this lifestyle may be okay, but you should want something better for you!"

"Let Daniel out of there!" Domen growled beside him, which only strengthened Peter's opinion. To be able to think clearly again, his brother had to leave the Norwegians influence urgently.

"Listen, let's take a little break together. Two weeks away. Then you have enough distance from Daniel. Use the chance to find to yourself again. I-"

"What if I don't want to?" Domen interrupted him, but Peter could clearly hear the slight trembling in his brother's voice.

"I beg you, you know it's wrong," Peter replied confidently. It was completely a mystery to him, how one could choose such a life. He wondered gloomily what the Norwegian had done to his brother. It was all his fault. He should have taken better care of him. "Why else, you haven't told anyone? Why else does nobody know about Daniel? We all make mistakes Domen. We all had been young and insecure and made mistakes, guided by our confused feelings. That is puberty. That is okay. But at some point, you have to realize that this is a mistake. That you can't trust your feelings sometimes, "explained Peter, sympathetically reaching for his brother's hand, which he hastily withdrew.

"And what about all these websites? Guides and platforms on the Internet? Those who say it's okay? Daniel said it's okay", Domen continued to cling to fragile straws, which Peter knew would collapse.

"Of course, he did. But did you take a closer look at these websites? The problems that are addressed? AIDS, drugs. Do you really want to put your life to shame? Don't you want to have a real family? And did you ever think of Mom and Dad? "Peter continued, although he saw Domen turn pale next to him. Because he would never forgive himself, otherwise, Peter thought. "There is a reason why homosexual acts were still punishable up to 50 years ago. Why our faith doesn't allow them. God didn't create man and woman just for fun. But you can cure that, doi- "

"So, I'm sick, right? Disabled in the head? "Domen jumped up angrily. Desperate, confused, and frightened, he stood in front of Peter.

"No," Peter rose slowly, knowing that he now had to be careful and appease Domen. Before he completely would stonewall. "I just want the best for you!"

"How exactly do you want to know what's best for me? I don't want to hear that! Not a word more! "Domen demanded overwhelmed. He slowly backed away, almost tripping over his own feet until he just turned and ran out of the room.

"Domen! Domen! Come back! We'll fix it! This isn't as bad as it looks now! "Peter ran after his younger brother seconds later screaming when he heard the door that fell into the lock. Cursing, Peter crossed the room. Tore the door and looked into the dark, long corridors of the hotel, which were deserted and silent in front of him. "Crap!"


ANDERS put one foot after the other ill-humored. Shuffled down the stairs for breakfast because he wanted to go jogging. Couldn't endure Daniel with his mood no longer. The happy grin. The humming. Can you feel the love tonight! Pff! That was going far beyond a joke. It annoyed him, especially if he thought of yesterday's catastrophe. But what had he expected? Not that, if he was honest.

Tormented, he thought back to yesterday evening. After they had overcome the first tedious and embarrassing silence, when Silje had realized with whom she would spend the evening, they had had an amazingly harmonious time. Completely relaxed, they strolled through the small cozy Christmas market of Bischofshofen. They had drunk children's punch, had shared a bag of roasted almonds and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere. Until they ended up in the small restaurant, completely frozen. Their topics of conversation had suddenly become more intimate. Silje had told him about her plans to apply by the larger newspapers to finally try her skills outside of her father's radius. And then, just as she was in the middle of describing her dream career, she had to start to talk about her serious longing for a relationship. She had looked at him smiling over the candles. With a look, he couldn't quite interpret, but which had made him nervous. For the first time that evening, he had really realized that this was supposed to be a date and he had quickly changed the subject.

Grimly, he thought of the reaction when he had told the blonde that he wanted to concentrate on the sport. To be a Ski jumper was usually limited to a short time. And he didn't know what was wrong with that. No, how had she called it? Sad! Pah! As if! His life was sparkling with joy sparks!

And then one thing had turned up the other. What do you do here, when the sport is your only life content?, she had wanted to know and pressured him. To tell her then, that Daniel had coerced him, and he would never have gotten the idea otherwise in life, because she always had to make a huge drama out of everything, had been probably not the best idea then. But he had just been so angry! Had he criticized her life plans? No. Why was she even interested? After all, that was his life and Silje wasn't a part of it.

He didn't long for a relationship like Daniel! He didn't look at anyone with that lovable, dreamy, absent-minded look. Hannah had cost him enough time and energy. He just had- Why the hell had he let happened the last evening?

Excited voices came out of the foyer, tearing Anders out of his thoughts. Behind a palm tree in a corner in front of the corridor leading to the dining room, the older Prevc brothers stood and argued violently. Glad about a little distraction, Anders wondered, if the Prevc brothers ever had normal conversations when Peter stormed away without a word and just left his brother, who teared his hair out. Fascinated, he stared after Peter, who ran up the stairs, crushing rocks between his teeth.

Shaking his head, the Norwegian turned around again. And looked directly into brown eyes, which were only a few inches in front of him. "Crap! Cene! ", He reached for the spot behind which his heart was beating wild.

"Hey, uh ... stupid question, but chrm ... you haven't seen Domen somewhere, or have you?", The Slovenian stuttered restlessly in front of him. His eyes kept slipping through the lobby.

"No. What's going on?" –

"Uhm ... I don't know. That's-ah-shit, already so late, "cursed his counterpart.

Confused, Anders followed Cene's line of sight and landed in Silje's eyes, which darkened dangerously when she spotted him. Angry, he glared back before he turnedaround, snapping with his fingers impatiently in front of Cenes face to regain his attention.

"What- um- yes. Domen. A little dispute with Peter. Um ... you don't happen to know where Daniel is right now? ", Cene put himself together again and asked Anders just a bit too inconspicuously.

"Didn't you wanted to know where Domen is?", He stared at Cene, grabbed him by the upper arm and pulled him into a corner.

"Hey!" Exclaimed the Slovenian outraged, who nervously avoided Anders' gaze. No matter what was going on, that wasn't just a little dispute with Peter. "I ... um ... well- how should I explain that?" Cene stammered uncertainly.

"I know it, Cene."

"You know it?" Relieved Cene sighed. "It's exhausting. Why is there no codeword for such a thing? A kind of identification for all initiates? This is like-"

"Prevc!" Anders interrupted the meaningless babbling Slovenian, because he was sure that they had quite different problems. That Daniel would have completely different problems, who was at the moment happily humming in their hotel room.

"I have no idea. It's Peter. He knows it. And well, he is not enthusiastic and has- no idea ... The two had an argument and- Domen isn't at breakfast. Anže hadn't seen him since last night. I just have a bad feeling, "Cene gushed out, lifting his arms helplessly.

"Shit!" Was all Anders could think of. Daniel would freak out. Ironically now, where he was actually recovering himself for the first time in his life. And had the prospect of having something like a happy relationship. Even if it was with the pighead.

"You named it-"

"Morning Cene!"

At some point he would kill the blonde. Very slowly, Anders thought grimly, as Silje appeared unasked next to them. Cene looked expectantly at her and ignored him. "Do we want to go?"

"I just chrm have to find Domen before", the Slovenian said a little bit too absent minded and Anders realized that with each word he took on a darker complexion. Silje seemed to be tackling her project with full energy, and it didn't care that she was obvious disturbing here.

"Okay, then ... just join later," the blonde nodded understandingly to Anders' surprise. He would have bet, that she would flipped out, if it was him. With a last smile for Cene and a few chilblains for Anders, caused by the cold shoulder she showed him, the blonde finally left them alone.

"Okay ...", Cene grinned, until Anders finally took him down from his cloud again, recalling that there was something more important now. "Domen disappeared? Daniel in trouble? "Anders waited impatiently for more information.

"Why should Daniel be in troubl- Oh, you mean- No, I don't think so. I- In addition, he would be targeting Domen, too. -He believes, anyway, that this is just a phase ... That Domen couldn't cope with all the attention and pressure and that's why his feelings gone wild. Peter wouldn't bring more tumult in the team. And probably ... he just needs a few days... ", Cene pondered uncertainly, which didn't calm Anders.

"So you have no idea," summarized Anders, groaning. With probably he wouldn't be able to reassure Daniel either. "Perfect."

"Yes, shit! What are we going to do now?"

Helpless, the two athletes faced each other. Feverishly searching for a solution. For a way to put everything right again. To spare Daniel the threatening evil.

"First Daniel. He must know what's up. And Domen. Let's talk to the two first. Domen. Maybe he knows what Peter might will do or not, "Anders suggested uncertainly.

"Okay. Good plan. Better than nothing. One problem after another: You, Daniel. I'm looking for Domen, "Cene nodded as he rummaged his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Anders. "If Domen should be with Daniel, you can let me know."

Anders Finger hastily flew over the keys before their paths parted and the Norwegian climbed the steps, taking three at a time. His thoughts were racing. He had no idea how to tell Daniel that Peter knew. That his worst nightmare could come true.

Domen had changed Daniel. Had almost provoked him to become bolder. To stretch a toe over his safe little prison where he had been pushed. Hastily he ran around the corner, nearly stumbling over Tom's feet.

"Wow, why is everyone in such a hurry today?" The Norwegian asked when he regained his balance. "Did something happen?"

"How so?" -

"Peter come rushing past us a few minutes ago. Was pretty miffed. He even confused the floor, imagine this, "Andreas reported, shaking his head. "Did we miss something?"

"What? No! Everything as always. See you later, "Anders hurried on, ignoring the suspicious glances of his teammates.

Daniel wasn't allowed to take that away now. Wasn't allowed to hide again. He wouldn't let that happen! But how should he tell him? What should he say?

Hesitantly, he put his hand on the doorknob. Pondered feverishly if there might be another way. How he should teach it Daniel best when the door was suddenly torn open from the inside and Daniel screamed in shock because he hadn't expected Anders.

"Did you forget your key? Or was that your attempt to take revenge? "Daniel asked as he had recovered from his shock and grinned at him.

"No. I- we need to talk, "he pulled Daniel back to the room with a serious expression, closing the door behind them.

"Okaaay ... what's up? Is Silje waiting downstairs with an ax and wants to kill us? "Daniel tried jokingly. As he looked at Anders, he sensed that he was about to wish that it really were. Not knowing how to start, Anders sat down at the table.

"Did you hear something from your Pighead today?" Anders knew he was wasting his breath, but secretly he hoped that the Pighead had already initiated Daniel. But would Daniel then have opened the door with a grin? Probably not. Domen apparently rather let Daniel walk right into a trap.

"No, I- not since last night, but his phone also has a glitch, so ...", Daniel started and finally, destroyed Anders last faint glimmer of hope. "Anders, what's going on here?"

"Peter knows it. And Daniel: he's not thrilled, "Anders blurted out, realizing that there was no convenient way to pull the ground from under someone's feet. Concerned, he watched as Daniel's face turned white and his friend collapsed inwardly.

"How?", Daniel whispered, and Anders began to repeat tonelessly what Cene had told him. Until he finally fell silent waiting for a response from Daniel, who had closed his eyes and hid his head in his hands. "What have I done?"

"Nothing, damn it!", Anders cursed. "Now stop blaming yourself for everything!"

"No, you-" -

"No, I think I understand that correctly. You are firmly convinced that you were right, right? That there can't be a sunset for you. Am I not right? ", Angrily, Anders slammed his fist on the table. Angry, that Daniel would gave up that easily.


"No! Damn, Daniel! If you want it to end up different this time, get off your backside and tug the horse into the sunset if needed! Okay, Peter disagrees, but at least Domen seems to have a different opinion, otherwise they wouldn't have argued! Although it would have been nice if the Pighead had warned you, instead of melting into thin air ... What I wanted to say: Don't let Peter tell you anything! You've come too far to turn around, now."

"You're right ... I must look for him ... I ... shit!" Daniel stammered helplessly.

"Sure, that you want to talk to him? Perhaps a little bit of time would be more helpful ... ", Anders tried to dissuade Daniel surprised, because he was secretly sure that Daniel should better not have a conversation with Peter under these conditions.

"No! If they really have argued ... shit! ", Daniel began, and Anders would have liked to give his buddy an ass kick, because he obviously already questioning everything.

"Now stop driving you crazy! We should keep calm an- "-

"No. I have to find him, "Daniel insisted to Anders amazement. That was something new.

"Okay ... if you really want to ... Peter is in his room. Must be somewhere above us, "Anders supposed.

"Peter? I'm not talking about Peter. I must find Domen! Shit! He is totally stretched off thin. Who knows what Peter said to him, " Daniel tried to explain.

"But ... I thought ... Domen? That's all? But ... what about Peter? "Stuttered Anders, who could barely believe it, recalling the conversation yesterday at the gym. "Aren't you afraid of what he could do?"

"Sure, I almost wet myself, "Daniel confessed with a tortured smile," because I'm scared to death of what Peter might do. But Domen probably has a little more angst at the moment."

Anders stared at Daniel, who laboriously won the upper hand over his fears. Everything because of Domen. It was hard to believe for Anders, but then he recalled, how the two were dealing with each other.

"Okay," Anders jumped from his seat and ran to the door. "Let's seek for a Pighead. Can't be that hard."

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[ Real Life x Social Media]
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A text story set place in the golden trio era! You are the it girl of Slytherin, the glue holding your deranged friend group together, the girl no...