Sometimes things are more mag...

By kaatjedeee

102K 2.6K 130

When Agent Phil Coulson gets the order to bring a special team together, to protect people, and to work with... More

Sometimes things are more magical than you know ~ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D\OC
pilot (1)
pilot (2)
pilot (3)
pilot (4)
pilot (5)
pilot (6)
0-8-4 (7)
0-8-4 (8)
0-8-4 (9)
0-8-4 (10)
0-8-4 (11)
0-8-4 (12)
The Asset (13)
The Asset (14)
The Asset (15)
The Asset (16)
The Asset (17)
Eye spy (18)
Eye spy (19)
Eye spy (20)
Eye spy (21)
Eye spy (22)
The girl in the flower dress (23)
The girl in the flower dress (25)
The girl in the flowerdress (26)
The girl in the flowerdress (27)
FZZT (28)
FZZT (29)
FZZT (30)
FZZT (31)
FZZT (32)
FZZT (33)
The Hub (34)
The Hub (35)
The Hub (36)
The Hub (37)
The well (38)
The Well (39)
The Well (40)
The Well (41)
Repairs ~ Note of the author
Repairs (42)
Repairs (43)
Repairs (44)
Repairs (45)
Repairs (46) [epilogue]
The story of Andromeda of Asguard ~ Intermezzo + author note
The Bridge (47)
The Bridge (48) (authors note)
The Bridge (48)
The Bridge (49)
The Bridge (50)
The Bridge (51)
The Bridge (52)
The Magical Place (53)
The Magical Place (54)
The Magical Place (55)
The Magical Place (56)
Intermezzo ~ Past, present, and future
The magical place (57)
Seeds (58)
Seeds (59)
Seeds (60)
Intermezzo ~ a special lecture
T.R.A.C.K.S (62)
T.R.A.C.K.S (63)
T.R.A.C.K.S ~epilogue
T.A.H.I.T.I (64)
T.A.H.I.T.I (65)
Yes Men (66)
Yes Men (67)
Yes Men (68)
End of the beginning (69)
To my dear readers
Intermezzo ~ Welcome in the mansion of Mr. Dead himself. Enjoy your stay.
End of the beginning (70)
End of the beginning (71)
End of the beginning (72)
Turn, turn, turn (73)
Turn, turn, turn (74)
Turn, turn, turn (75)
Turn, turn, turn (76)
Providence (77)
Providence & The only light in the darkness (78)
The only light in the darkness (79)
Nothing personal (80)
Nothing personal (81)
Nothing Personal (82)
Ragtag (83)
Ragtag (84)
Ragtag (85)
Beginning of the end (86)
Beginning of the end (87)
Beginning of the end (88)
Beginning of the end (89)
Beginning of the end (90)
A word of thank you
One shot: Why Nyla Sanchez isn't on the SHIELD Index

The girl in the flower dress (24)

895 26 0
By kaatjedeee

Location: Austin, Texas
Time: Somewhere in the afternoon

"Just left the cafe were Miles logged in, cashier says she hasn't seen him in over a week," Skye told the others over the radio.
"I may have eyes on him," Ward answered, while standing on the corner of a road.
On his right, he could see Miles, who just had left a place.
But, unfortunately, Miles had seen him too, and started running.
"I've been made," Ward told the others over the radio, and started to chase him.
"Heading east on fifth street," he updated everyone.
"Copy that," Sanchez responded.
While chasing Miles, Ward got stuck into a group of people, and he could just see  Miles getting into a car.
"Target is now in a silver jeday."
"I got him," Coulson answered. With their own car, he started the hunt on Miles Lydon.


The chase went as expected. Miles had created some extraction, and Coulson had been stuck in the traffic. Oh yeah, she had been able to see everything perfectly from her rooftop. When Sanchez turned a quarter, she could see someone walking to a appartment complex. Skye, going to her boyfriends place.
She knew that Miles wasn't her boyfriend, but she liked it to call him like that.
She had had the command of Coulson to follow Skye, together with May.
A soft windblow came. And there was nothing to be seen anymore, on the rooftop.


"Can I please please please please please interrupt their little boyfriend girlfriend stuff? I want to play with them."
As a goddess like Sanchez, her senses were highly developed. She could hear everything what happend in the appartment with Miles and Skye.
May and she on the other hand, were a few metres from the appartment, invisible for everyone who wasn't supposed to see them ofcourse.
"No," May answered.
"You are wishing that I go back with my ass to Asguard, don't you? I can see you thinking it."
May made a face again. This was one of the reasons Coulson had found Sanchez very annoying in the past. Again, reality showed them why.
"Instead of acting like a little girl, tell me everything what happens in the room."
"You mean... Quoting?"
Even May her typical pokerface could not hide that she was getting very angry at her.
"Okay, okay," Sanchez nodded.
"Ehm, let me see. Miles just has closed the door. Locked it, with his key. Skye asks him if he's sure that we aren't following him. The girl should know better after this time. He answers that he's sure, and... Ew, appereantly, she had texted him that we were searching for him. Coulson is not going to like this. And now... O my god, you should hear this yourself. He's asking her if she's mad at him. She asks if he's making a joke, and now she wants to know to who he has leaked those files to."
"You're sure of that?" May asked to her.
"Like Thor is the son of Odin."
"If that's true, that she didn't knew from his actions, it would prove her innocence."
"I will download it from my brain, and give it to Coulson if you want," Sanchez answered.
For a second, May didn't knew if she was making a joke or not.
"Go farther. What are they saying?"
"Now, it's nothing special. Rising tide talk, releasing stuff into the world, blablabla... Hm, she says that we will stay hunting on him, unless we find someone else to hunt on. Wait, I will make sure that you can hear it."
Sanchez opened her mounth, and May shivered invisible. The voice of Skye came out of Sanchez her mounth, also Miles'. Sanchez was figuring like a LP player.
"Why the hack would you hack SHIELD?" Skye shouted to Miles.
"Because that's what we do," Miles answered.
"Not when I'm on the inside. You could have ruined everything, you... dumbass."
"Seems like you handled it,"
Miles answered.
"I've come to far to..."
Sanchez closed her mounth again, and swallowed.
"And now, they're going to start talking romantic. Can I please please please please-?"
"Okay, fine," May hissed. Sanchez grinned.
"I'm in the mood for a show, sweetheart. Do you want to inform the others, please?"
May wanted to say something, but when she blinked, Sanchez was already gone.


"That's where you keep it, he?"
Skye putted a little micro chip into her bra.
"Better safe then busted."
"Making any progress on that?"
"Digging. But your little stunt is going to make it harder."
She sighed.
"Where is my top..."
"I could be helping you, if you send me some cipher text, I can be working on algorithms-"
"I can't contact you. I never should have. There is a SHIELD team, looking for you right now. My team. And if they suspect something, I'm screwed."
"There's a joke here," Miles smiled. "That I'm resisting. That involves the word 'screwed."
"Shut up," Skye nodded. "There's a guy in trouble because of you, and I got to get back, so, if you wanna help me, help me find my clothes."
She stood up from the bed, and Miles did the same.
"Hey... I'm sorry Skye. Really, I am, if I messed anything up. I missed you."
"Me too," she answered. "But we talked about this, when I left for L.A. I've got a chance here, so SHIELD is off limits. Okay?"
She walked around the bed, looking for her clothes.
"At least, tell me what it is like," Miles asked. "Come on, the belly of the beast?"
"Suprisingly... Unbeastly," Skye answered. "I have good people with who I'm working with."
"Some good stories dough, help."
Skye sighed again.
"Miles... You have no idea, but... That's classified."
"You did not just say that to me," he answered.
She laughed.
"Come on, you got to tell me something!"
"Well, if they ever let you go on leave, or... whatever. Well, let me know, and I will get us a suite at the... Fancy hotel that has sweets, and you can go tell me stories while naked-"
"A suite? You?" She asked. "That's funny. But they're never gonna let me go or anything, if I don't-"
Skye opened the door of the sleeping room, and she froze immediatley. Sanchez was sitting on the chair, clapping, and whishtling like she was watching a game.
"Woohoo! What a show, it was amazing. Damn, the two of you were acting like beasts. And your boy Miles, holy mother of god. He's a beast."
"Skye, what's happening? Who-?"
Then, Miles saw Sanchez too.
"What the hell-?"
"Hello pretty boy," Sanchez grinned. "I'm Nyla, a friend of Skye, and dear lord, you're a beast in bed, I can tell you. I heard everything from your little show."
"We're so screwed," Skye hissed to Miles. She decided that she wasn't even going to ask anymore how Sanchez had found her. This was SHIELD, and if Sanchez was here, the others couldn't be far.
"I heard that," Sanchez grinned. "And that's why I'm bringing you back to the reality now, sweetheart. Your telling me the full truth right now, maybe I will try to save your ass by Coulson later, if I believe you ofcourse. Or, the other choice, I will leave your boyfriend five minutes in a room with agent May, and believe me, I'm not lying when I say she heard everything too. And before you start to wonder about your choice, don't you dare to lie to me. I can sense it when people are lying to me into my face. But you already thought that, right? You're having exactly five minutes."
"Well, if I could choose-"
"Miles, shut up," Skye hissed to him. She was in deep trouble right now, but one thing was absolutely clear for her. She wasn't going to leave Miles into a room with May. That would be his dead.
"Well, I-"
The door slammed open. Sanchez grinned.
"Oops. Too late."

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