Not So Simple

By scales7twist

719 34 0

At age seven April-Mae Stewart, lost her famous father when his plane blew up, Her mother was pregnant at the... More

Not So Simple
Chapter 1: Birthday Wishes
Chapter 2: I Promise
Chapter 3: Three Musketeers and Their Wing-Lady
Chapter 4: Surprise
Chapter 5: Wuv You Mummy
Chapter 6: So Does
Chapter 7: I Think You're Busted
Chapter 8: Channel Star
Chapter 9: Well that's not supposed to Happen
Chapter 10: Told Ya So
Chapter 11: Dancing Around Back Stage
Chapter 12: Say Goodbye
Chapter 13: *Insert Smirk Here*
Chapter 14: Unless you're Offering
Chapter 15: Not So Sweet Dreams

Chapter 16: +Positive

38 2 0
By scales7twist

Not So Simple

Chapter 16: +Positive

“Leave them out of this, they don’t need to be part of this, goddam it” I cry, while Coby stares at me.

“You really thought I would let you go, princess I am not here for your children” He smirks, placing his lips on mine and putting his hand under my shirt. I move my head, pushing him away. “Princess you’re not leaving until, I get what I want” He whispers nibbling on my turned ear “guess what, I want you”

I scream, tears running down my face. Once again I am freaking out over my stupid nightmare, this has been happening for at least a month now. Coby hasn’t struck, and everyone is saying he isn’t going to, but I feel like he is soon. It might give me some closure if he did. I lay back down feeling an arm wrap around my waist. “You okay” Chase mumbles, I nod.

Chase has been staying with me, for a while now, we partially share a room. No get your head out of the gutter; we are not sleeping together. ‘Well, you are’ I mentally sigh; you should know what I mean. I look at the clock, 4.30 on a Monday morning “I’m fine, go back to sleep” I whisper, he nods drifting back to sleep.

Hours later it was 6.00 and I am in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the boys. Brodie was playing with his truck, while Conner was still asleep and Chase is in the shower “Quite down buba” I say making Brodie whisper, I really don’t want to wake Conner up he will end up in a bad mood. I flip the bacon, while trying to keep the flies of the sausages. I hate flies. I hear someone walk down the stairs.

“So who’s looking after the boys” I look at Chase, shrugging.

“I dealt my mother as she is still probably pissed at me, your mother; well there is no way in hell I will leave my children with her, everyone else has school, babysitter is out of the question; if I want some stranger to look after my kids, I would of put them up for adoption. So I have no Idea, who is going to. I could skip school, another day won’t, hurt I might already have to repeat my senior year, so who cares.” I begin to cry, putting the food, on a plate.

“April” Chase whispers walking up behind me, he takes the cooking utensils out of my hand, turn me around staring at me. “I know everything, that has been happening is hard. I know for a fact that your mum is not angry; she was upset she didn’t know about your condition, but that’s it. She is not angry that we left after we found out about Alec. My mother on the other hand, I wouldn’t leave her in charge to clean my toilet, that sound hash I know, but that’s how I feel, she hurt your feelings and was picking on my children. It also turns out she sent my brother away. Babysitter that’s fine, to be out, and I’m glad you didn’t put them up for adoption. Skipping school is a no, you are not going to repeat, and we have medical certificate to prove you were ill, that we were in hospital, so its fine.” He says, I nod wiping away my tears, “We will figure out something, babe don’t worry” he smiles, turning around.

Babe, I like it. I smell smoke, turning around I realize a piece of bacon is still in the pan, and its burning. Oh Shit. I quickly pull it out, realizing how burnt it really is. Maybe we should have stuck with the cereal.

I can cook, just not when I’m upset. I sigh, putting what is eatable on the plate and walking upstairs to wake up my other baby boy.


I pull up at the school, with Chase and Lisa. The boys are spending time with Aunt Kay and my mum, Lisa had to come with us, and it turns out she is coming back to school here. Oh dear lord why do you hate me. I get out seeing Paisley, smiling at me. “Oh goodness, April how are you” She ask, I nod and answer with a fine. I look around, my eyes; connect with Coby, who is smirking at me. It made my stomach drop to my feet, my eyes kept going around, seeing Macey who should be practically climb a tree she is hanging onto Coby that tight. It’s not like I’m going to freaking hit her.

I look over at Paisley “So how are you and Ash” I ask, while everyone else, talks. She looks at me and smiles.

“I think where together, but where not official, to be honest, sometimes I wish, we were together, together. But I’m taken what I can get.” She smiles, making me smile and nod. I feel bad about this, she really wants to be with him, but I have no idea what is running through Ash head.

“I believe you should talk to him, it could help Paisley” I say, she looks at me softly grinning before we hear the bell, singling for class.

When school ended, I was really happy, the first thing me and Chase did was go get the boys, I talked to my mum while I was there and she told me she wants me to meet Alec, but I don’t know, about that not yet, I really just want my life back to normal, well back to the way it was.


I laugh “stop” I yell running outside, Chase smirking at me. His eyes glowing, the boys are upstairs in the play room, while we are down, stairs and I accidently tipped the water over him. He scared me and I had a bucket of water in my hand, I was getting ready to wash the floor, it is dirty, luckily I hadn’t put the chemicals in yet. He shakes his, head laughing at me.

“Why, you got me wet, I just want to return the favor” he smirks, I shake my head stepping back, crashing into the wall, behind me. He presses down on the trigger to the hose, spaying me. I squeal, making him laugh, stepping closer. I smile, looking up at him, when the water stops realizing how close, we got. He looks at me. Leaning forwards, I was frozen staring at him.

Ding, Dong

Chase groans stepping back; I smile walking back inside, to see who ruined my moment. I open the door seeing Paisley standing there crying. I gasp “What’s wrong” I ask, she sobs walking through the door, into my arms. I pull back hearing Chases’ footsteps.

“Uh, me and the boys will go for ice-cream” Chase say wide eyed, than he turns around running to get the boys.

After the boys left, me and Paisley are sitting on the couch while she tells be what’s going on. “I haven’t had my period, this mouth and I think I’m pregnant April” she cry’s. I sigh, I remember like it was yesterday, the day I found out I was pregnant.

 “Stop it April you will be fine, he will be back before you know it” Macey says, because I am crying, little did she know I wasn’t crying because Chase had left, I was crying because I was pregnant.

“Macey” I sob, handing her the test, she gasp looking at me, before pulling me into a hug.

I went through all my options’ that night. “Frist let’s get the test, okay” I say she looks up at me, nodding. I jump up grabbing my keys “Be right back” I yell, before getting in my car driving to the closers pharmacy.

“Good Evening Miss, how may I assist you” The tall old man, with dark grey hair ask, I smile greeting him and placing the two pregnancy test on the counter. He gives me a strange look before ringing me up. Once I was finished I thank him, going back to my car and back to my house.

“Here take these, you know where the bathroom is” I say handing Paisley the tests, she nods walking away. I sigh sitting down. I feel sorry for Paisley I understand what she is going through, right now. I hear the door, open watching Paisleys walks out shaking with tears running down her eyes, She hands me the tests, was she in the that long.



They are both positive, Paisley Rosen is Pregnant. I used to think, this wouldn’t happen to anyone else, I even thought I was naughty to many time, but it turns out it can happen to anyone.  “Paisley, how about we tell Ash, and then we figure out your options” I say she nods, hugging into me “I’m so sorry Pas” I say hugging into her.

For the rest of the night we stayed watching movies, and eating junk food. When the boys got home they were bugged. Even Chase was but he still picked up Paisley and put her in the spare bedroom, when she fell asleep on the couch. Not long after that Chase fell asleep, and I laid there for a while, just thinking about everything that has happened. When I fell asleep, I had not so sweet dreams.

Thanks for Reading

Next Update: sorry this one took a while, and the other one might to, I have a serious case of writers block, sorry.

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