༄I Wanna Be Just Like Yo...

By onfleekbagel

149K 4.7K 7.7K

Meet Bakugo (Name). The exact opposite of her brother, Bakugo Katsuki. (Name) is very shy and reserved but he... More

a/n 著者注
1 つ
a/n 著者注
9 九
11 十一
quick a/n!
not a chapter but something b e t t e r
a l s o not a chapter, but still something better


8.4K 303 186
By onfleekbagel

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: oOF

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: let's get this bread

you/daddydeliciousness: let's yeet this yeast

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: let's win this wheat

you/daddydeliciousness: let's put our brain to the grain

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: oh god

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: we have to stop xD

you/daddydeliciousness: w h y s h o u l d I xD

you/daddydeliciousness: jk

you/daddydeliciousness: i gotta get ready

you/daddydeliciousness: ttyl

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: kk

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: ttyl

(Name) got up from her bed that Katsuki hadn't slept in last night. She did her normal routine and got dressed.

(Name) knocked on Katsuki's door and just heard a low growl. That was enough for her to know to get away from the door.

(Name) walked silently beside Katsuki. They didn't really have a reason to talk so they didn't.

"(Name)! Bakugo!" To be honest, all Kirishima had to say was Bakugo and the both of them would've turned around.

"Wassup bro?" Kiri greeted as he fist-bumped (Name).

"Nothing." (Name) huffed. They continued to talk till they had finally made it inside the classroom.

The day was just things like English, Math, etc. until their Basic Hero Training class has come up.

Aizawa looked at his students with his dead eyes causing everyone to shudder.

"Today, we have a special guest." He said before going into his sleeping bag under the desk.

"I AM HERE! Busting through the door." All Might slid into the classroom. He then looked down at the yellow caterpillar man. "Does. . .um. . .does he do this often?" The class simply nodded. "Hm. Anyways! Today, all of your hero costumes came in! I would like for you all to change into them and meet me on Grounds B!" And the big man is off.

"What is with these guys and never telling us where these places are?!"

(Name) stepped out onto the field with the rest of the ladies. (Name)'s hero costume was almost identical to Katsuki's besides the fact that she had more soft things. Ex: she had soft pastels for colors, her ear accessories were more round and had a cloud look. She also didn't have a mask, she had a blue visor. Her belt had time bombs instead of grenades like how Katsuki did. The knee guards were the same though. So were the big arm grenades and the boots. Even with the differences, everyone could still see what (Name)'s outfit was based off of. But everyone could definitely see who's Izuku's costume was based off of.

"You look so cute, (Name)!" Ochaco commented.

"R-really? I-I think I-I'm kind of e-extra. B-B-But you! You look b-badass! You too Momo!" (Name) grinned at her two friends.

"Shhhhhhh!" Iida hushed the girls.

Momo looked at the girls with a "the fuck he just do to me?" look. "Oh I'll show you how to hush-" This immediately got (Name) and Ochaco rushing to stop their taller friend from beating up the engine boy.

All Might then began to explain what the students were to do today. "ALRIGHT! Or should I say All Might?" He laughed while the students groaned. "Okay, okay. Anyways, today you will be spilt into teams of two! Because of the uneven amount of students, one team will have three instead of two. This is a villain vs. hero exercise. The villain team will be protecting a nuclear missile, it's fake, and the hero team will attempt to get to that weapon and defuse it before the time runs out! If the villains capture the heroes and/or keep the bomb the entire time, the villains win! Is everybody ready?"



After picking out a bunch of teams by a mini raffle, everything was set in place.

"First battle! Team A Heroes: Midoryia and Uraraka vs. Team D Villains: Bakugo-er Katuski and Iida!" All Might announced. He only used Katsuki's first name because he didn't want to get (Name) confused.

Long story short, Team A won. Momo gave a lovely explanation about what both teams could've done better because what else would you expect from a recommendation student.

"Battle number two! Team B Heroes: Todoroki and Shoji vs. Team I Villains: Ojiro, Toru, and (Name)!" (Name) turned around and saw the two people she was planning to hide from. You've got to be shitting me.

"The ice!" Toru panicked as she saw it gaze the floor, trapping their feet. (Name) reacted quickly and blasted the ice off their feet. She saw Todoroki about to touch the bomb but she quickly threw a time bomb, took out a controller and pressed a big red button immediately blasting away Todoroki.

She let out another blast from her hands towards him but he blocked it.

"I don't know if you realized," Todoroki's cold voice started,"but you've already lost."

(Name) silenced him and blew a shot to her behind. Shoji was then blasted away. She looked towards where she previously was and saw that Shoji had presumably knocked out both Ojiro and Toru.

"Damniiit!" (Name) voiced.

"She's gonna lose. . ." Momo sighed.

"You can't say that so soon!" Ochaco attempted to defend (Name).

"No, that's not it. Todoroki has the upper hand. The ground, Ochaco!" As soon as she said that, (Name) began to slip on the ice before falling and hitting her head on the missile.

"Nothing personal." Todoroki said as he froze over the missile.

Shoji walked in with (Name) in his dupli-arms. Ojiro had woken up right after All Might had announced the Heroes as the winners and was carrying Toru. Todoroki walked with his hands in his pockets in front.

"(Name)? Toru?" Ochaco called out to the two unconscious girls.

All Might looked to the kids who had just entered,"Do me a favor and take them down to Recovery Girl's office?"

(Name) had awoken to Katsuki on his phone sitting by her bedside. He noticed that she began to wake up. "Finally. I thought you were never gonna wake up. You slept through the whole rest of the day." He helped her up and picked up his sister's backpack.

"You both are leaving so soon?" Recovery Girl questioned the Bakugo's.

"Yeah. The day is over, there's no point in staying." Katsuki yanked (Name) out the door while she waved Recovery Girl goodbye and mouthed thank you.

"Are Toru and Ojiro okay? They were knocked out when I last saw them." (Name) questioned her brother. No response.

"Katsuki? Are you okay?" He didn't answer. (Name) sighed and clutched his hand. He didn't even resist.

"Kacchan!" Izuku yelled as he finally reached the two of them. They both turned around.

"I," he huffed,"I was never lying about my quirk! This quirk of mine. . .somebody let me borrow. They want me to make it my own! I know it seems far fetched a-and I know that! Like out of a comic book or something. I still hurt myself when I use it. I'm trying to take my time and t-thats the reason I didn't use it with you! I had to still rely on it and use to to win though." Izuku held onto his cast. "I'm trying to make this quirk my own, so t-then I will beat you with it!"

Even with Izuku's poured out words, Katsuki didn't seem to believe him. (Name) looked at Izuku, confused as well.

"Borrowed power? That's bullshit." Katsuki's voice began to waver. "What're you trying to do, huh? Rub it in my face that you think you're better than me? Huh?" Katsuki began to shake viciously. "Is that it?!"

"I lost t-to you. That's all it was! That's. . ." (Name) knew better than to try and interfere. Izuku noticed that (Name)'s face had turned into a face full of worry.

"I saw that ice g-guy. And you know what I thought?" Katsuki was beginning to raise his voice,"THAT I CAN'T BEAT HIM."
Katsuki threw his head back and put his hands on his face. (Name) stood back.
"God damnit! What that girl said was true!"

Okay, now this is getting out of hand! (Name) attempted to reach for her brother but with how he was flailing his arms, it would've been hard.

"Y-you! Deku! I'm j-just getting started!" Katsuki lifted his head up to reveal eyes full of tears. "YOU HEAR ME? I'M GOING TO BE NUMBER ONE!"

He turned around and began to wipe his tears. (Name) looked at Izuku with an indescribable emotion before immediately going for Katsuki.

"There he is!" All Might zoomed past Izuku and straight towards Katsuki as well. "Young Bakugo!" All Might began to give a speech about how pride was important and that he had the qualities of a hero.

"Get off of me, All Might. I can't walk." Katsuki managed to get out. "I don't need you to pity me. I'll become a hero that surpasses you without your help."

All Might, despite his everlasting smile, seemed stunned. He let go of Katsuki.

(Name) didn't look back this time. She followed her brother and took his hand to tell him "I'm here."

Katsuki's body shook in (Name)'s lap and she felt her sweatpants begin to wet. She gently played with his hair to calm him. "Don't cry." She cooed. "You know who you are and what you're going to do. What are you going to do?" (Name) asked in a simple attempt to cheer him up.

"T-To be better." His muffled voice came back to (Name)'s ears.

"That's right. That's what you always do."

(Name) heard her phone buzz, she looked over and saw that Izuku was texting her.

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: (Name), is Katsuki okay?

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: (Name)?

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: I didn't mean to make him cry.

cinnamonrollbroccoliboi: Goodnight, (Name).

Meanwhile, Izuku sat in his room and thought about what he had just done. Does this make me the ass? Izuku groaned and threw his head in his hands. Ugh, that's not what I meant to do! I'm sorry Kacchan. He lifted his head back up to look at a picture on his desk. A picture of him and Katsuki when they were younger.

All three teenagers went to sleep with a heavy heart that night.

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