Austin and Ally- Proms and Pr...

By R5Fan05

27.2K 579 69

Ross Lynch and his family plus Ellington and all their girlfriends are going to the Austin and Ally after par... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15- Christmas!!!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22: The Wedding!
Chapter 23

Chapter 18

856 19 0
By R5Fan05

(Ross's POV)

I woke up and Laura was gone. I went downstairs to find everyone from last night except the vamps there in the kitchen.

Ross- Where's Laura?

Laura- Here

Ross- Where were you?

Laura- Bathroom

Ross- Morning Sickness?

Laura- Yep, I can't believe I have to go through all this again

Stormie- You survived it the first time

Ross- Yeah it will get easier next time

Laura- What? Next Time?

Riker- Good god man don't anger it

Laura- Excuse me but there will not be a next time

Ross- What?

Laura- After this that's it, I'm done with Pregnancy

Ross- It can't be that bad

Laura- Oh really? Stormie?

Stormie- Yeah?

Laura- Is Pregnancy bad?

Stormie- It's awful and I should know I had 5 kids

Ross- Well whatever, I think it would be cool to have more kids ya know keep it going

I walk into the Family Room and she follows me.

Laura- So what? You have our future planned out?

Ross- Not exactly but I just think that once we're married then it would be nice to keep the Lynches going

Laura- Ross, I don't think you understand how bad pregnancy is

Ross- It'll be fine

Laura- Easy for you to say I don't see you giving birth anytime soon

Rocky- She got ya there

I look over to see everyone watching us through the window that connects the kitchen and Famlly Room.

I sigh and put down my drink.

Ross- I'm not saying we have to have more kids, I'm just saying it's an idea

I sit down and she sits next to me.

Laura- Look Ross, I understand that you would like to have more kids and have a big family but having a baby cannot be said and done that easily, I have the pregnancy and all the stress that comes with it and then it's the waiting for the birth and then the birth is painful and I just don't want to spend my life in pain

Ross- I know, but it's just an idea so can we drop it?

Laura- Sure

Everyone walks in including Rochelle who sits on Laura's knee.

Rochelle- Will I have a brother?

Laura- We don't know yet sweetie it could be a sister

Rochelle- I want a sister

Rydel- Ya not the only one

Rochelle- You have 4 brothers

Rydel- I do and trust me it ain't easy

Boys- Hey!

Rochelle gets of Laura and sits on Rydels lap. She hugs her.

Rochelle- Your my favourite of daddy's siblings

Boys- Hey!

Rydel giggles.

Rydel- Thank you but I know

Vanessa- What about me?

Laura- Yeah, Auntie Vanessa or Auntie Rydel?

Rydel/Vanessa- Yeah who's best?

Rochelle- Auntie.. Rydel!

Vanessa- Well I'll remember that on your birthday

She gets up and hugs Vanessa.

Rochelle- I'm sorry Auntie Vanessa

Vanessa- It's fine

Rochelle- I wove you

Rocky- She's playing the I wove you card

Vanessa- How can I not forgive you?

Riker- Girls

Vanessa- Excuse me?

Riker- Er nothing, I wove you

She smiles.

Vanessa- Whatever ya big perv!

Rochelle- What's a perv?

Ross- Great now my 1 year old daughter knows the word Perv thanks guys

Riker/Ness- Sorry

Rochelle- What is it?

Vanessa- Well sweetie, that isnt something you should know about yet so why don't we forget about it and pretend it never happened?

Rochelle- Alright

Vanessa- Good girl

She jumps off and stands in front of Ryland and blows her tongue.

Rochelle- Uncle Ryland is a perv

Ryland- Ross! She just called me a perv

Everyone burst out laughing except from him.

Sav- So my boyfriend is a perv nice to know

Ryland- What? No I'm not Sav, Ross tell her!

Rocky- It makes it better that she doesn't even know what it means

Rochelle- What does it mean?

Ross- Seriously Rocky?

Rocky- What? Sorry

Ross- Come here sweetie

She ran over and I sat her on my knee.

Ross- Look, daddy wants you to stop saying that word now as it isn't a good word ok it's a very bad word that you should not even know about never mind saying it so apologise to Uncle Ryland and forget that word, can you do that?

She nods her head.

Rochelle- Sorry Uncle Ryland

Ryland- Your ok, just don't do it again

Rochelle- Ok.. perv

Laura goes to stand up and I hold her down.

Ross- Calm down, Rochelle go upstairs for a bit

Rochelle- Ok daddy

She ran upstairs. Laura started pacing around the room nervously.

Ross- Will you calm down?

She stopped and looked at me.

Laura- Ross, our 1 year old daughter ok 1 year old knows the word perv ok and your asking me to calm down

Ross- I'm sure she'll forget about it

Laura- But she won't, she will go to school and use the word and we will be known as the parents who teach ther kids swear words

I stand up and place my hands on her shoulders.

Ross- No we won't because I will go and talk to her and sort it all out ok

Laura- Alright

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