Playing A Love game with Mrs...

By ellabella201

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(a sequel to "Playing a Love Game with Mr. Player") After being left and heartbroken by her one true love. Da... More

Chapter 1: Welcome Back
Chapter 2: The Love Game
Chapter 3: Paint balling and arguing!!!!
Chapter 4: Hang over!!!!
Chapter 5: I dont get it.
Chapter 6: Pledge Week
Chapter 7: Initiation Party!
Chapter 9: Guess who!
Chapter 10: She is EVIL
Chapter 11: Best Friend's Brother
Chapter 12: The King is Back!
Chapter 13: There Is A Thin Line Between Love And Hate
Chapter 14: When Threats Come True.
Chapter 15: A Little Push Is All It Takes
Chapter 16: When The Cat's Away, The Mice Will Play
Chapter 17: When A Nightmare Becomes Reality
Chapter 18: Love and Loss
Chapter 19: Recovery
Chapter 20: The Crazy Is Revealed!!
Chapter 21: Heartbreak
Chapter 22: Rescue
Chapter 23: Safe and Sound
Chapter 24: Welcome Home
Chapter 26: Back To School
Chapter 27: Prom
Chapter 28: Beach Day!!
Chapter 29: Graduation
Chapter 30: End it With A Big Bang
Epilogue: And Everyone Live Happily Ever After

Chapter 8: Bye Justin! Hello Senior year!

1.7K 51 10
By ellabella201

 “Danielle come say good bye before we leave!” my father called to me through to car window. 

“Honey, be gentle with her! You don’t know how she’s taking this.”

I heard my mother say to him. She’s right. He didn’t know how I was taking this. Hell, I don’t even know how I’m taking this. All I know is everybody is out there waiting for me to say my good byes to my brother. My brother. The only solid thing I have had in my life while my parents went off on many business trips. The only solid thing I had in my life after Devin left. The only solid thing I had in my life period. He wasn’t only my brother. He was my best friend, my protector, my shoulder to cry on, the person I ran to if I had a bad dream, the one who red me bed time storied when I was little, the one who would do anything for me, and the one I can trust the most in this world. I can’t believe he’s leaving. I looked out the window to the huge campus in front of me. The university I would hopefully be attending after my senior year. New York University. I took in the view. It was breathtaking. Well as breath taking as a college campus could be. I remembered the flight here. My parents forced me to come because, and I quote, “It would be easier to let him go.” They make it sound like he’s going to be gone forever. That and I highly doubt it’s going to make this process any easier.  Well it’s now or never. I have to go out now or my dad is going to drag me out. I unlocked the only barrier between reality and me. As I walked towards him I felt my heart getting heavier. I can’t do this. I turned around and started walking back towards the car.

“Danielle Anna Summers, don’t you dare walk away from me like that.” I stopped walking   “Because if you do, I can’t come after you. If you leave, I’m going to be left here a whole year without hearing you say goodbye. Then I’m going to have to start crying, and then everybody is going to call me a big baby, and then my whole reputation is going to be ruined and it’s going to be your entire fault. Do you want that for me Dani?” I shook my head, still not facing him. “Good, now stop being such a damn coward and get you little ass over here.” I turned around and started walking towards him again. After a few steps, I couldn’t take it any longer and I broke out in a sprint for my brother. His warm arms awaited me.

“I’m going to miss you Justin! So much. You can’t leave me Justin!” Tears flooded down my face and my words became less and less understandable.

“Baby girl. I have to.”

“No! You can attend community college back home for a year and- and wait for me. You can wait for me. It’ll only be a year.”

“It’s too late honey and besides you’re right, I’ll only be gone a year and then you’ll join me.”

“Justin I can’t! I can’t live a whole year with out you. What am I going to do without Justin? Who’s going to beat up all the boy who break me heart? Who’s going to be my shoulder to cry on? Who’s going to read me a bedtime story when I can’t fall asleep? Who’s going to be the one I stay up with all night playing video game with Just because? Who’s going to be to person to tell me everything’s going to be ok when I’m at me weakest? Who?” The tears flooded even harder as I cried my eyes out.

“I’ll still be here whenever you need me! I’m just a phone call away. I’ll visit every single chance I get. Until you come join me at this school, you’re just going to have to leave that to someone else and I know the perfect person.”  I followed his gaze to Devin “Danielle, believe me. He can do all those things and more if you let him. He loves you, not as much as I love you, but he loves you. He loves you so much he went to rehab to get better, for you! Did you know that? He went to rehab for you! He wanted to get clean for you! So there would be one less thing holding you guys apart. You have to give him the chance to show you how much he loves you. I trust him to take care of you.” Devin came up next to me.

“Danielle we have to go if we’re going to catch our flight.”

“No!” I held onto Justin tighter. Justin looked up at Devin.

“You have to take care of her for me. You have to! You have to be everything she need, and she’s pretty demanding. I swear to god if I find out you did not take care of her, you will feel the worst pain you have ever felt in your whole life. Understood?”


“Good bye man.”

“Good bye bro. See you next year.”

“See you next year.”

“Danielle, it’s time to go.”

“NO!” Justin held on to my face.

“I’m going to miss you so much, but you have to go. You have to have an amazing senior year. You have to call me every day! Remember baby girl. It’s only one year! It’ll be over before you know it! I promise. I love you so much.”

“I love you too!”

“Good bye Danielle.”

“Good bye Justin.”

Devin had to literally pick me up and put me in the car, because he knew if he let me walk myself I’d run back to him. I looked through the back window of the car to see him waving at me. Just waving and smiling.  I continued staring at him until I couldn’t see him any more. I was Fine. We got into the airport. I was fine. We got into the terminal and waited for them to board passengers. I was fine. We boarded our comfy first class seats. I was fine. We took off. I was fine. The pilot said. “Buckle up, it’s a long flight back to Florida.” That’s when I broke down. Devin held me to his chest trying to calm me down.

“Shh Dani. It’ll be ok.”

“I can’t live without him! I can’t do it!”

“Yes you can. You got Jess, Mel, and me. It will be ok. You will be ok. You can do this. It’s only a year. One year! You can do it.”

“I’m going to miss him.”

“I know. I know. Shh baby. It’ll be ok.”

I looked over at Jess and Mel and they were already fast asleep. I soon joined them. I woke up a few hours later still in Devin’s embrace. Only him and my mom were up.

“You’re really good with her.” I heard her soft voice speaking to him.

“Yea. I guess I am.”

“Does she know?”

“Know what?”

“That you love her?”

“I hope so. I tell her all the time. It’s just, she doesn’t believe me or something.”

“Well she’s a bit stubborn.”

“I know. I just don’t know what to do Mrs. Summers. I love her so much, but she seems to not want my love.”

“Of course she wants your love, but something in her heart is keeping her from getting it. Just be patient with her.”

“When I went to Spain, she was the only thing I could think about.”

“Did you tell her about Spain?”

“Yea. I told her.”

“Have you been completely honest with her?”

“Yes. Ever since I got back, I’ve told her nothing but the truth. Even if it hurts.”

“Well the only thing left to do is wait. She’ll figure it out. She’s smart.”

“I know. Maybe a little too smart for her own good.” I heard my mother laugh.

“Get some sleep sweetheart, you have school tomorrow.”

“It was nice talking to you Mrs. Summers.”

“It was nice talking to you to Devin.” Devin kissed my forehead before closing his eyes to go to sleep.

We go home around midnight. Made tips back and forth from the car to Jess, Mel, and my room. He delivered each of us to our beds. He saves me for last.



“Can I sleep with you tonight?”

“Sure Dani.” He placed me in his bad and wrapped his muscular arms around me. It was easy for me to fall asleep.

I skipped happily down stairs, humming a random song.

“What the hell are you wearing?” I hi stopped dead in my tracks and looked up at the boy sitting on my counter.

“What do you mean?” I looked down at my out fit. It was my, new, normal outfit. A skintight black shirt, a low cut hot pink shirt, and a cute pair of black and pink high heels.

“You’re going to school like that? What the fuck? No! Go change right now!”

“But Devin! I don’t wanna!”

“I don’t care!”

“I’m not changing!”

“Yes you are!”

“No I’m not!”

“Yes you are! Even if I have to drag you up those damn stairs myself.”

“Ugh fine!” I stormed up the stairs while yelling, “I hate you!”

“I love you too!” He yelled back.

 I scanned my closet for something slightly more appropriate. I chose a pair of short shorts, a red tank top, and the heels Devin got me to wear for his birthday. Now I have to change my make up. Gosh! I removed my former pink make-up and replaced it with red make-up. While walking angrily down the stairs I heard him yelling at Mel and Jess as well. They stormed past me.

“Is this better?”

“Much better. Thank my love!” He gave me one of his signature, heart melting, contagious smiles.

“What ever.” I went over to the fridge to grab a protein shake. He came up behind me and wrapped his strong arms around me.

“You’re not really mad at my are you?” He whispered in my ear, before kissing up and down my neck, nibbling and sucking on each spot he kissed.

“Yea! I am!” He turned me around, forcing me to look at him.

“I’m sorry, but those clothes should only be for me to see.” I smirked.

“Are you getting jealous?” I said making a trail of kisses on his neck.

“My love, I don’t get jealous. Why would I? I can have you whenever I want.” His face got closer to mine.

“Oh really.” Our lips wee almost touching.

“Mhmm and I want you right now.”

His lips touched mine. I instantly felt that addictive sensation that happened when our lips met. His tongue grazed my bottom lip, before he started nibbling on it. I opened my mouth for his tongue to enter. His tongue was slowly entering my mouth, teasing me with every passed second.

We heard a set of voices getting close to the kitchen. At the sound of the voice with snatched our mouths from each other and turned our heads to the voice’s owner.

“What’s going on here?” A smirking Jess asked, with a smirking Mel along side her.

“Nothing.” Devin and I said in unison.

“Oh really? Then why does Devin have red lipstick all over him?” Jess asked.

“Why do you have red marks all over you neck? And why are your cheeks all red?” Mel finished.

“Fine! Devin and I were making out! Gosh! Why couldn’t you guys have stayed upstairs for five more minutes?” Still upset about the unfinished kiss, I took Devin’s hand. “Now if you don’t mind I’m going to get my lipstick off of Devin and put make-up over my hickeys.”

“Hey don’t get mad at us. If you guys wanna do those things… get a room.” Mel replied.

I led him to my room. Fumbling around in m make-up bag I finally found my make-up remover wipes. I started wiping his lips and neck. I looked up and saw him staring at me.

“What?” I asked staring into his hypnotizing blue eyes.

“Nothing, you’re just so… beautiful.”

“Shut up!” I looked down, trying to hide my blush.

“No really. You’re beyond beautiful.”

“That’s new. I’m used to hot or sexy.”

“Well now that I’m back, you’ll be hearing it a lot more.” I looked up to see his magnificent smile. I couldn’t help but to smile back.

“We should probably get going. Don’t wanna be late for school.”

“No we don’t.” He grabbed my hand and led me down stairs.

“Girls! Come on! We’re going to be late!” They got up from the kitchen table and walked towards us.

“What took you guys so long?” Jess asked smirking.

“Did we really take that long?” I turned to Devin. “I guess our quickie took a little long than we expected!” He smiled and pecked my lips.

“I have a meeting to go to and you girls have kept me too long!”

“Bye.” We sang in girly harmony as Devin walked out the door.

“Danielle Anna Summers!” They said in motherly unison.


“When were you going to tell us?” Jess asked.

“Tell you what?”

“Tell us that you and Devin are a thing!” Mel finished.

“We’re not in a relationship!”

”Why not? You guys are clearly in love.” Jess said.

“It’s still complicated.”

“You guys have always said that. How is it so complicated? One of these days it’s going to be too late!” Mel replied.

“I won’t let that happen. It’s just it can’t happen right now.”

“Why not?” Jess asked, a little annoyed.

“It just can’t! Drop it!” We walked out of the room to my car. The drive was quiet, except for the staticy hum of the radio. We pulled into school and walked in. Immediately I was greeted by Jasmine!


“Jasy!” we attacked each other in hugs, before she grabbed my arm and we walked down the hall.

“Hey bitch! Haven’t talked much during the summer. How have you been?”

“I’ve been good! I’ve missed you so much though! I missed my little slut!”

“I know girly. What happened over the summer?”

“Guess who the new Rose Queen is.”



“No way!”

“Yes way!”

“I’m so fucking happy for you!”

“I know right! Thank you girly!”

“So have you heard?”

“Heard what?”

“King Devin is back to reclaim his kingdom, and win back his queen.” She said that last part winking at me.

“Yea, I know. He lives with me.”

“Oh really. So how has it been living with the king of the school?”

“It’s what ever. Being the queen is much better than being the king.” I said while winking at some guy by the lockers.

“You’re right about that. Now that you are back, you can continue you reign over this wonderful school for one more year, before we all separate off to college.”

“How amazing is college going to be?”

“So fucking amazing we’re not going to know what to do with ourselves. Oh I forgot to ask. How did you handle Justin’s move to college?”

“I handled it better than I expected.” That was the truth. I expected to be kicking and screaming like a little girl, causing a big scene in front of my future school. I didn’t.

            The gossip mills spread around this school faster than wild fire. My “secret relationship” with Devin is at the top of the rumor mill. Wow the first day of school and there’s already rumors going around. This year is going to be fun. I get to do everything in my power to make sure I come out of this stupid ass school remembered. I’m going to do that by being one of the best fucking queens this school has ever had! It’s my last year to do something big that screams “Bye- bye bitches!” 

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