An Unconventional Hero (Old V...

By Leunafrost

476K 4.2K 7.6K

(A new version of this story is being made) Izuku Aizawa was a quirkless boy in a world ruled by women who po... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Training While In Love
Chapter 3: Confronting your Feelings
Chapter 4: Entrance Exams
Chapter 5: First Day At UA, Part 1
Chapter 7: Class President
Chapter 8: The Calm Before The Storm
Celebrating 1,000 Followers and 65,000 Reads!
Chapter 9: A Very... Eventful Night
Chapter 10: Meeting The Big Three
Happy Birthday Momo Yaoyorozu!
Announcement #2 (or 4? Idk)
Chapter 11: The U.S.J
Chapter 12: A Terrible Reunion

Chapter 6: First day at UA, Part 2

37.9K 341 497
By Leunafrost

In The Girls locker room:

After completing the quirk assessment test Izuku and his classmates are all inside of the locker room getting changed. That is until Izuku feels two big warm mounds on his mid back and arms wrapped around his waist. "Izu-kun~" Izuku turns around and looks down to see Tooru smiling up at him. "Hello Hagakure-chan." Izuku says looking straight into her crystal blue eyes. "You can look lower Izu-kun, You'll like what you see~." "No thank you, I'm already satisfied looking into your beautiful eyes~." Izuku says before bending down next to her ear. "If you want me to see more, then I will meet you in your room at 9:30." He whispers as he nibbles on her earlobe and starts wagging his tails. Tooru shivers in delight before walking back to her locker with a, only visible to Izuku, extremely seductive sway in her hips. Izuku blushes and his tails wag faster before spinning around and trying to change without anyone realizing that he's hard.

Somehow he successfully changes and leaves the locker room with a still asleep Eri without being exposed for being hard. 'Oh my God I'm a ninja! Now to get you in your crib.' Izuku thinks as he gently strokes Eri's soft white hair. He makes it back to the classroom, grabs his backpack and Eri's blanket, and starts his walk towards the dorms. As Izuku walks down the halls everyone stops to look at him, despite his inner desire to curl up in a ball and hide in a corner, he keeps a smile on his face and waves back at any of the girls who wave at him. He makes it out of the main building and starts his path to the dorms, however before he does so he forcibly summons Kohaku and Ysmir to his side to make sure they're ok. "Thank you for that master Izuku, Ashido was choking me." Kohaku says as he hops onto Izuku's tails and curls up to fall asleep. "T-Thank you Papa, some older students were c-chasing me through the halls and I-I was scared, I sent a distress signal to Mama and she's c-currently running through the halls trying to find me." Ysmir says as she connects telepathically to Katsumi and tells her that she's with Izuku heading to the dorms. "Ok Ysmir, and Kohaku, how many times do I need to say to not call me master... and he's asleep... *sigh* What am I going to do with you?" Izuku says as he continues his walk to the dorms.

After a 10 minute walk Izuku is now standing inside the common room of the dorms. "Wow, it's really nice here. Oh, there's even a kitchen!" Izuku says as he walks into the kitchen. "Papa, I think you should put Eri-chan in bed first, then you can explore around our new home." Ysmir suggests. "Good idea Ysmir, let me take her to bed. Could you watch over her please?" Izuku says as he leaves the kitchen to out Eri to bed. "Ok Papa!" Ysmir shouts with determination as she follows Izuku.

Izuku's Room:

Izuku is now inside of his dorm room and is shocked at how spacious it is. "Woah... this is awesome! And Eri's crib has already been set up, it even has a baby mobile too! (Google it) Whoever put this together I really need to thank." Izuku says as he makes his way to the changing table which was also already set up. After changing Eri, he places her down inside of the crib and puts a blanket over her before grabbing a bowl from the bathroom, filling it with ice, and placing it right next to Eri's crib so she doesn't get hot. 'Haha! Way to cheat the water bill! Wait... I don't need to pay for that! Well whatever, at least I won't have to worry about Eri being hot.' Izuku thinks as he kisses Eri on her forehead and leaves the room with Ysmir perched on Eri's crib like a little gargoyle. "Thank you for agreeing to watch over her Ysmir, I'll make you two steaks tonight as a reward." Izuku says happily as Ysmir cheers and he walks out of the room.

Common Room:

Everyone else has now made it to the dorms and are all lounging around on the couches. "Hey where's Izu-kun?" Mina asks to no one specifically. "I don't know Mina, I don't think he's made it here yet." Iida says as she drinks some orange juice. "Ysmir told me that she and Izuku made it here long before we did and changed Eri before putting her to sleep." Katsumi says much to her classmates' delight. "I know that look on your faces and go ahead, I told him he can have a harem. But one at a time unless he says otherwise~, I can also guarantee that you won't be able to walk properly for at least two days, and even if you pass out he will keep going until he cums and maybe even more if he doesn't notice. Trust me I was there and it's glorious." Katsumi says remembering how she and Izuku went at it like animals on multiple occasions. 'I'm glad I'm invisible or else they'd all see the massive amounts of drool coming out of my mouth right now. Oh my hot sexy Kitsune, I'm going to give you the time of your life tonight~' Tooru thinks imagining what will happen to her tonight. "Hey Bakugou-san, y-you wouldn't happen t-to have a picture o-of Izu-kun as a k-kid and one o-of him s-shirtless... would you?" Momo asks while rubbing her legs together. Katsumi smirks and says: "I have at least 50 different ones of each and I even have a bunch of Deku's hard cock from multiple times when we had sex, why do you ask?" What she said brings the attention of all of the girls who are now blushing, drooling, wet, or all of the above. "I'm guessing you want me to send them to you don't you?" Katsumi asks as all of the girls rapidly nod.

That's when Izuku makes his valiant appearance. "Hey ladies, what're you all talking about?" He asks ever so innocently. "Nothing!" All of the girls shout. "O-Ok then...*sits in between Katsumi and Tooru and turns on the TV* What would you girls like to watch?" Izuku asks as he wraps his arm around Katsumi's waist and pulls her closer to him much to her delight.

After ten minutes of movie suggestions and arguing they all decide on Black Panther. "Alright, I'll start making lunch for everyone while you ladies watch the movie." Izuku says as he kisses Katsumi on her cheek and walks away. As soon as he enters the kitchen Yu asks. "He can cook?" "You bet your ass he can! And damn good too! When you taste his food you won't be able to stop." Katsumi says further intriguing the girls. "Ooo~ tell us more about Izu!" Hinata (Shinso) says as all of the girl agree with her. "For now I'll just tell you some basic facts cuz I wanna watch the movie. First of all: Deku-sama barely ever lies. If you asked him anything he will tell you the truth depending on what it is. Like one time a few months ago I caught him doing something and I asked him what it was and he told me that he got me a gift and wanted it to be a surprise." Katsumi says. "What did he get you?" Ochako asks curiously. "He got me this necklace." *Pulls up heart necklace that is half ruby and half emerald*" "Aww that's so sweet!" Denka says. "Next: He is usually always a very happy person, even when we were kids and he was bullied for being a male he would still smile away and even help out his bullies if they dropped something, or if they threw something at him he would get up, walk to their seat with a smile on his face, and give it back in somehow better condition. The once and only time I remember him getting extremely mad was in our second year of middle school. I had just walked into the school and was hit over the head with a frying pan. Yup a fucking frying pan. As I was being dragged away, most likely to be beat up, I remember seeing Izuku with a cold, emotionless, maniacal gaze in his eyes. Even barely conscious I remember trembling in fear at how scary he was, from what I heard from behind me the girls who hit me ran and then I passed out." Katsumi says as she shivers remembering the cold gaze of Izuku. "Well... remind me not to get him mad..." Eiji says as she stares at Izuku who is currently cooking happily. Suddenly Izuku starts talking jolting everyone in their seats. "I remember that day Katsu! That was the day I got suspended!" He says making the girls question what happened on his side of the story. "W-what d-do you mean?" Momo asks nervously. "That day after I put Katsumi in the nurse's office to get treated I went after those bitches. It didn't take me long to find them since two of them were in our class. So I walked into the classroom and innocently told the teacher that the two girls were needed by the principal which was in fact a lie. Because as we were in a secluded hallway I attacked them, sparing the details let's just say they learned the hard way why you don't mess with my Kacchan. After that the principal found out and after a little "convincing" on my mother's part, she only suspended me for two weeks. Also, it's not below me to kill a Villain, how do you think I rescued Eri?" He says. "And about that evil face Katsumi was talking about... it's this one." Izuku says as he turns around with an eerie smile, his eyes are glowing a florescent green and his pupils shrink to a quarter their original size making them look soulless and full of malice. The face causes all of the girls to scream before Izuku stops and gives them his regular Lovable smile and goes back to cooking.

(A/N Just ignore the blood and suit, give him casual clothes and make his pupils smaller)

"Holy shit what was that?!" Hana asked still shivering. "I-I don't know! H-He wasn't that scary last time!" Katsumi shouts also shivering. After 10 minutes of trying to calm down Tsuyu asks: "Is there anything else you know about Izu-kun *Kero*?" "Yea, he's a very generous person, especially when it comes to birthdays." Katsumi says remembering the motorcycle Izuku got her. "Ooo~ tell us the deets!" Mina says excitedly. "Why don't I handle this one honey?" Izuku says as he makes his appearance with a metal cart full of different kinds of sandwiches. "Ok sweetie." Katsumi says as she gets up, kisses Izuku on the lips, and takes 3 sandwiches. "To answer your request Mina, last November on Katsumi's birthday I got her a motorcycle. Well, not technically... it was about 8 months ago while I was cleaning the beach that I came across two trashed motorcycles. With the help of my Mom and All Might we got them to the garage without Katsu finding out. Over the time until her birthday I started fixing them, thankfully I managed to finish them the morning of her birthday." Izuku says as all of the girls glare at Katsumi in jealousy. "That's not the only time honey~." Katsumi says making Izuku chuckle a little. "I'll tell this one." She says as she finishes her third sandwich. "Ok so, during our childhood until the end of middle school, Deku-sama would always get everybody something for the holidays or their birthdays. The first time he did it in middle school he took it upon himself to make chocolate from scratch and gave it to everyone including all of the staff of the school. I never ate the chocolate in school but as soon as I got home I would open it and share it with my mom seeing as it was from Deku and it was fucking delicious." Katsumi says. "Wait, isn't Valentine's day coming up in a little over a week?" Ochako says drawing everyone's gazes to Izuku. "I was going to make chocolate anyway, but first does anyone have any food related allergies?" He asks and all of the girls shake their heads no. "Yay! Now I can make all kinds of chocolate!" Izuku says with a bright smile on his face.

After talking and eating Izuku's sandwiches everyone decides to play some games. "Let's play truth or dare!" Mina shouts as the girls agree and Izuku gets a chill up his spine. Soon everyone is sat in a big circle awaiting for the game to begin. "Since this was my idea I'll go first. Ochako! Truth or Dare?" Mina says startling Ochako. "D-Dare..." She says slightly cautious. "I dare you to... do the Pocky game with Izu-kun!" Mina shouts as Ochako explodes in crimson blush and Izuku's tails start to wag.

Izuku and Ochako are now sitting in front of each other with both of their mouth on each end of a pocky stick. Izuku nibbles forward, and Ochako does the same. Izuku takes another bite, but this time Ochako removes the Pocky stick between them and smacks her lips into Izuku's forcing them into a makeout session. The girls cheer and Katsumi smirks at the mistake Ochako just made and watches as Izuku starts quickly dominating her. 'Oh no... he's kissing back! I wasn't prepared for this! But it feels... so good~.' Ochako thinks as she fully submits herself to Izuku.

A minute later:

"*Gulp* Wow... he must be really good at kissing if Ochako is completely out of commission." Momo says as Izuku parts with Ochako, leaving a thick line of saliva between them and Ochako passes out. "Why'd you have to do that Mina? Now Ochako is in a daze!" Yu says pointing at the bliss filled girl on the ground that is Ochako. "W-Well I didn't think that would happen!" Mina shouts blushing a lilac color due to her skin. "That's one person's turn up. Now normally it would be Ochako's turn but... yea... So! My turn!" Katsumi says. "I dare all of the girls to do 7 minutes of heaven with Izuku!" She shouts as everyone blushes profusely. "This is So not going to end well Katsumi... I thought you wanted to be the one to have my kids first~." Izuku responds flirtatiously. "*Blush* O-Of course I do B-Baka! That's w-why I'm only giving them 7 minutes, when I have you all day." Katsumi says still blushing. 'Not if I have his babies first!' All of the other girls think at the same time.

Teachers Lounge, UA:

'Why do I feel challenged emotionally right now?' All Might and all of the other teachers but Shouta think at the same time before continuing their work.

Back to Izuku:

Right now Izuku is inside of the closet chosen for the 7 minutes of heaven, outside of the closet the girls are choosing who gets to go first. Soon the closet door opens and shows Kyoka blushing madly. "S-So I take it that you're first?" Izuku says also blushing a bit. "Y-Yea, what's it to you?" Kyoka says as she tries to glare at Izuku as he closes the closet door.

"So..." Izuku says attempting to start a conversation, but quickly gets interrupted by Kyoka kissing him on the lips. "W-W-What?!" Izuku shouts quietly. "W-Well... I just... uh... ah screw it, I love you Izuku!" Kyoka shouts as she jumps towards Izuku before standing on her tippy toes and starting to make out with him. Izuku quickly starts kissing back and moves his hands down towards Kyoka's waist, once there he pulls her body closer to his making her gasp in surprise. After a minute of making out Kyoka parts from Izuku leaving a thin line of saliva between the two as she grabs Izuku's crotch. "W-Woah what the?!" He says in surprise. "You seem to be very excited honey~ would you like for me to help you out~?" Kyoka say seductively as she looks up at Izuku while biting her lower lip. 'She seems to be about 25 centimeters shorter than me... a little taller than Tooru...' Izuku thinks looking down at Kyoka with an ever growing erection. "I take your silence as a yes~." Kyoka says as she pulls down Izuku's pants.


As Izuku's underwear comes off his cock flops out right next to Kyoka's face. "So big~ I wonder how it tastes~." She says as she grabs his member and shoves 4 inches in her mouth. "Guh!" Izuku grunts out as he feels Kyoka's warm tongue lick around the tip of his cock. She starts moving her head in a back and forward motion as she starts sucking on Izuku's dick. 'Oh wow~! It's so tasty and thick! My jaw is as wide as it can go and I'm not even a quarter of the way down the length yet either! Wait... what's he doing with his hands?' Kyoka thinks as Izuku grabs behind her head and forcefully shoves 8 more inches down her throat. Without even letting her get used to his size Izuku starts face-fucking Kyoka vigorously. Every time Izuku pushes her head down she gets more and more horny and wet. 'E-Every...time he... pushes it back... in, I can't... think straight!' Kyoka thinks as she drools everywhere. Just as she got a little used to having 12 inches of fat cock in her throat Izuku shoves in another four inches, instantly making Kyoka cum intensely.

After 2 minutes Izuku's cock throbs, getting bigger in Kyoka's throat and making her moan in surprise. 'Did he just get bigger?! My jaw is already too opened! But I want his hot cum!' Kyoka thinks as she cums again. Izuku's member throbs again and this time he cums, Kyoka gasps in surprise as massive loads of hot, thick, sticky cum is shot into her mouth and throat repeatedly and going straight to her stomach. 'T-There's so much! It feels like solid food is being shoved down my throat! And he's still cumming!' Kyoka thinks as she starts rubbing her soaking wet womanhood while gulping down Izuku's rapidly flowing cum. Soon the amount of cum becomes too much for her throat and now inflated stomach to handle causing Izuku's dick to be pulled out and spray cum all over Kyoka's face and body. A minute later Izuku has finished cumming and Kyoka is completely drenched inside and out in thick, hot, sticky cum. "Wow... so much~. And so tasty too~." Kyoka says as she licks large amounts of cum off of her face. "N-Normally we would go for over an hour, but since w-we have a time l-limit, I rushed it... sorry..." Izuku says as he uses water kinesis to help clean off his cum from everywhere. "It's alright sweetie~ I love it when you're rough~." Kyoka says as she cleans Izuku's still hard cock with her mouth. Soon she takes it out with an audible *pop* and a gasp of air before saying "You're still rock hard sweetie~. Would you like to use this hole instead~?" She says as she gets up, turns around, removes her panties, bends over, and spreads her butt apart showing her asshole. "*Gulp* A-Are you sure?" Izuku asks cautiously but his tails are wagging and his cock is throbbing. "I may not have huge tits like the other girls in our class, but I definitely have the best ass, so fuck me Izu!" Kyoka quietly shouts so the others don't hear them. Izuku moves closer to Kyoka and spreads her ass wider as he places his cock at her asshole's entrance. Just as he is about to thrust all of the way into her, the closet door slams open...

With the other girls a minute prior:

The girls are all sitting in the common room, where the closet that has Izuku and Kyoka in it is. Right now they are all talking about what Izuku and Kyoka might be doing. "So what do you think those two are doing in there?" Momo asks. "I think they're making out." Ochako says still recovering from earlier. "I think they might be having sex." Tsuyu says as all of girls suddenly blush and become very jealous of Kyoka. "I don't think so Tsu, Kyoka seemed to glare at Izuku a lot of the time. So maybe she's staring him down." Denka says and a few other girls agree. "I guess we'll get to find out! It's now been 7 minutes!" Mina shouts as everyone gets up and walks over to the closet.

Back to the present:

"Time up you two! How did i-..." Mina says but stops mid-sentence seeing Izuku without any pants about to shove his cock inside Kyoka's ass. Along with said purplette bent over, cheek placed on the wall and her tongue out as her big ass is about to take Izuku's huge cock. Izuku's and Mina's eyes meet and they both blush profusely. "W-W-W-W-WHA?!" Izuku shouts as he starts panicking startling Kyoka back to reality as well. "OH MY GOD!" Kyoka shouts as she drops to the ground covering her womanhood with her skirt with tears in her eyes. "I see that it went well~." Katsumi says moving the now drooling and blushing Mina out of the way. "C-C-C-COULDN'T YOU GUYS KNOCK FIRST?!" Izuku shouts trying to get his pants back on. "And miss you and Kyoka about to do anal? Nope! " Katsumi says much to the displeasure of the two still very horny teens.

After the incident everyone kept teasing Kyoka about her cum filled stomach even though they were very surprised and wet thinking he could cum that much, and getting way too close to Izuku throughout the rest of the game. Since Katsumi dared all of the girls to do the 7 minutes of heaven, one by one they all went into the closet and by the end of it they were either making out mostly naked, a girl giving Izuku a blowjob, or about to have sex. Most of the time Izuku would be caught pantless and a girl bent over with a cum filled stomach and no clothes on, or he'd be getting a very messy blowjob. There were only a few times it went any farther. The first one was with Izuku and Katsumi, when they were caught having vigorous vaginal sex. Another time was with Izuku and Momo, who were caught as Izuku penetrated and thrusted his cock all the way into Momo's ass. The third time was when the girls caught Izuku cumming in Mina's ass, thus inflating her stomach as the girls watched. The girls didn't fault him for any of it seeing as they were the ones to initiate it half of the time, which Izuku was very embarrassed but grateful for.


Right now Izuku is cooking dinner while Katsumi is breastfeeding Eri who woke up during the games. "Aww she's so cute~!" Mina coos as she looks at little Eri while trying to sit properly. "She sure is, I'm glad Izu-kun is the one who found her." Katsumi says as Izuku walks into the living room. "Dinner's ready everyone." He says as all of the girls cheer and walk to the dining table. They look in awe at the massive amounts of food spread out and drool a little. "Well don't just stand there! Dig in!" Izuku says as he gently slaps Momo and Yu who were to his sides on their asses, nudging them forward and making them blush intensely.

Everyone soon starts eating and are absolutely loving the food. They all thank Izuku and they continue to eat. Ysmir is especially grateful seeing as how Izuku made her two steaks like he said he would. As they eat Shoyu asks a question. "Hey Izu-kun, Katsumi mentioned earlier that you found Eri, how did you find her?" Izuku stops eating and says: "It was after the exams and during the night, I couldn't sleep so I decided to go out for a walk. As I was walking around I heard a baby crying, so naturally I started using Sonido everywhere trying to find the source. Soon I found a little box with Eri inside of it covered in a blanket. As I grabbed her a note came out of the blanket and I read it. It said that Eri didn't have a name and that the mother didn't care for the child so I decided to take her with me. While I was walking out of the alleyway I found her in I felt the need to dodge so I did and I saw big, jagged earth spikes where I was standing. I looked around and saw nothing until someone called out to me in the darkness, it was Overhaul. She wanted Eri but I wouldn't give her to her. That's when she got mad and tried to fight me, I kept dodging most of the time but as she was about to grab Eri from my arms, I had a glimpse of Eri dying as Overhaul would touch her so I used Hemokinesis on her to forcefully move her away from us. I said to her: 'Since you're a villain you're going to die like one.' As I was forcing her hands onto her neck she asked: 'You think you're cute acting like a hero?!' To which I said: 'Bitch... I'm adorable' and then her hands grabbed her neck and she decapitated herself with her quirk." All of the girls start laughing hysterically at what Izuku said to Overhaul in the end. "Hahaha! D-Did you seriously say 'Bitch I'm adorable'?! Hahaha!" Eiji laughs out.

After a few minutes of laughing and eating everyone is done eating and are now watching another movie. As everyone sits down, Tooru with no clothes on, walks up to Izuku and whispers: "I know it's not 9:30 yet but I want you inside me~." Izuku's tails starts wagging vigorously as he says: "Excuse me ladies, but I need to check something." "Ok!" All of the girls say back and Tooru grabs Izuku's hand and drags him into her room.


As the two teens enter the room Tooru quickly closes and locks the door. She turns back to face Izuku but is met with a shirtless Izuku who picks her up by her perfect thighs, causing her to yelp in excitement as the two start making out. Tooru wraps her arms around Izuku's neck and wraps her legs around his waist as she's pinned up against the wall, continuously moaning loudly. After making out for a while Tooru eeps in surprise as something is throbbing between her butt cheeks, she separates from the kiss and looks behind her to see Izuku's rock hard cock about to penetrate her ass. "Eep! W-Wait Zuzu! Don't do it y-ET!!!" Her pleas fall upon deaf ears as Izuku's cock is rammed up her ass. Tooru's eyes roll back and her tongue is out drooling everywhere while moaning out gibberish.

Izuku continues to pound relentlessly into Tooru's ass as her entire body bounces up and down vigorously. Suddenly Tooru's head shoots back into Izuku's and they start making out again as Tooru's entire body tightens. "I-I-I'M CUMMING~~!!" She shouts as she cums all over Izuku's abdomen. He pulls out his cock from her ass making her moan loudly as he does so, picks her up, and puts her on the bed. She slowly moves so she is laying on her back and blushes intensely at how exposed and defenseless she is as she spreads her legs, revealing her pink sopping wet pussy. "Somebody's excited~" Izuku says flirtatiously as he climbs on top of Tooru and starts to make out with her again. Izuku's hands start to slowly and gently caress every inch of Tooru's body, making her moan even more, as he reaches her ass he grips it firmly, making Tooru moan out in surprise and pleasure.

Izuku separates from the kiss, much to Tooru's disappointment, but the is quickly forgotten as Izuku starts eating her out. "Ooooo~~ don't stop~! That feels amazing~❤!" Tooru shouts as she forces Izuku to lick deeper. As she does so she cums all over his face, he licks some into his mouth and says: "Tastes sweet~" Before moving to on top of her and making out with her again. His cock rubs against her vagina causing her to moan loudly and wrap her legs around Izuku's waist, they separate once again and Tooru says: "I want you inside me but go slow, this is my first time~." "Of course my love~" Izuku coos before gently pushing his enormous dick inside Tooru's pussy.

"STOP!" She shouts and Izuku does so immediately, they start making out again to wait for the pain to go away and when it finally does she shouts: "Now fuck me hard! Make me yours!" Izuku smirks before shoving half of his cock in her, but this is more than enough to push into Tooru's cervix, all the while filling up every last crevasse inside of her. "I-It's so big~~!" She moans out in ecstasy. "This is only half of it~" Izuku says making Tooru pale and start soaking from her pussy much more. Izuku takes this as a good sign and slowly pulls out only leaving the tip in before ramming half of his cock back inside her and starting to thrust rapidly. As he keeps thrusting Tooru is moaning out extremely loudly while digging her nails into Izuku's back.

"I'M CUMMING~~!" Tooru shouts as her head flies back and her juices spray all over Izuku's lower body and the bed. "I guess it's time for you to take control~" Izuku says as he pulls out and lays on his back, Tooru struggles to get up due to her slightly numb legs. She crawls over so now she is over Izuku and moans as she feels his cock still prodding her vagina making her remember how big he truly is. "Are you just gonna sit there or shall I take control again~?" Izuku coos surprising Tooru and making her slip onto his cock forcing most of it into her, making her yell out in pleasure. Izuku also moans and watches as a big budge makes itself present in Tooru's stomach, signifying that his cock is making room for itself. "I-IT'S TOO BIG~~!" Tooru shouts as she places her hands on Izuku's torso and starts bouncing up and down rapidly while moaning out gibberish.

Twenty minutes go by and Tooru can't seem to talk or stop cumming, as shown by half of the bed being soaking wet in her sweet juices. She continues going up and down before Izuku's cock throbs becoming bigger inside her and making her cum harder and push his cock deeper inside her. "I-I'm gonna cum!" Izuku says and Tooru shouts: "YES MY LOVE! CUM INSIDE ME! FILL ME UP INSIDE MAKE ME YOURS!!" Her eyes roll back and her tongue sticks out as Izuku grabs her waist and forces the rest of his cock inside her. "I'm cumming!" Izuku shouts as Tooru moans out sexual words. He cums and Tooru does the same, Izuku watches as his sperm alone is enough to inflate Tooru's womb massively. He pulls out and Tooru falls on top of him. "Resht..." Tooru asks as cum is leaking out of her vagina. "Rest my love, for that was only round 1~" Izuku coos as Tooru gulps and rests. After resting Izuku and Tooru continue to have sex for hours until it reaches 3AM and he is still hard but decides to end it there for the night. "Goodnight Tooru." Izuku says as he kisses her forehead and cuddles with her.


The Next Day:

After their hot and sweaty love filled night, Izuku is the first to wake up while Tooru is still asleep. He gets up from the bed and yawns before looking back at Tooru. The sight that he sees makes him blush hysterically, he sees a massively inflated stomach and womb along with a face of pure happiness on Tooru's silky white skin. 'I think I came too much... but she seems happy, I'm glad... though I think I need to stock up on diapers... and soon.' Izuku thinks as he smiles kindly at the asleep teen. He writes a note and leaves it on her bedside table before kissing her on her forehead, putting on some casual clothes, and walking to his room to get Eri.

Once he walks into his room he sees Katsumi, Momo, Kyouka with slightly less inflated stomachs than Tooru. He also sees Ochako, Eiji, and Tsuyu on his bed in a tangled bunch of limbs with the other girls. Quietly he kisses each one of them on their foreheads, takes the sleeping Eri from her crib, grabs the baby harness from the side of his bed, and walks downstairs. After walking down the stairs Izuku looks at the time. "5:00 huh? Yeah I got enough time." Izuku says as he puts the baby harness on, puts the now waking up Eri inside of it, and gets his shoes on before grabbing his wallet that he on purposely left on top of the shoe case and walking out of the dorms and towards the gates of UA.

On the way to the store Eri fully wakes up and looks up to see Izuku who is now smiling down at her. "Hey my little snowball! Did you sleep well?" Izuku asks not knowing if Eri can understand him. The little baby just smiles happily and grabs onto Izuku's warm shirt while listening to his heartbeat. As Izuku walks into the store the store clerk says: "Wel- OMG you're Izuku!" As she shouts that Eri is jolted awake and everyone in the store turns to look at Izuku. "U-Um... hi?" Izuku asks as he calms down the now teary eyed Eri.

As Izuku is getting everything he needs he notices all of the women in the store are following him with blushes on their faces, but keeping their distance. He doesn't mind it and keeps shopping. When he reaches the cold isle Eri starts to whimper a little bit from the sudden cold. Izuku moves two of his tails to wrap around himself and by extension Eri keeping her warm and comfortable, then he starts to hum a calming tune and his four other tails start to sway side to side slowly as Eri dozes off once again. He keeps humming throughout the rest of the shopping trip before paying for everything and using his tails to hold most of the stuff. To keep others from taking the stuff he bought, Izuku summons Kohaku and Ysmir in their original forms, scaring off anyone who gets too close.

About an hour and a half later:

Right now Eri is awake and watching from her high chair as Izuku flips pancakes. Everytime he flips one in the air Eri watches it, and as it lands back in the pan she squeals adorably in happiness and excitement. As Izuku finishes the last of over a hundred pancakes, He then prepares several Pork roasts with various side dishes before preheating the ovens in the kitchen. Once the ovens are nice and preheated Izuku ties each pork roast tightly in butcher's twine and puts them in the ovens at 180 degrees Celsius. (A/N it's the Gotcha Pork Roast from Food Wars.)

Small Time Skip:

Shouya has decided to pay her son a visit seeing what his first night has been like in the dorms, as she arrives she is greeted with the intoxicating smell of Izuku's cooking. "*Drool* Izu? Are you cooking? Please tell me you're cooking!" Shouya says in a strangely lively manner as she walks into the kitchen to see Izuku prepping side dishes taste testing one of his sauces as Eri just watched with sparkles in her eyes from her high chair. Izuku turns his head towards the entrance to the kitchen and sees his mom looking a lot more lively than usual. "Hi Mom! Yes I'm cooking, could you call all of the other staff? I made plenty." Izuku says with a big smile on his face. 'My god your smile can end wars...' Shouya thinks and then says. "Yeah sure, how long have you been cooking for anyway?" "Hmm... around two hours, why?" Shouya was about to reply but then Izuku starts to glow. "W-What the?!" He says and then a big flash of green light occurs, waking up all of class 1-A and making Eri cry. As the light dies down Shouya doesn't see Izuku. "Izu? Izu where are you sweetie?!" She shouts about to run out of the kitchen. Before she can however she hears a childish sounding voice. "M-Mom... W-Why awe you sho big? And why am I sho shmall? Huh?! What's wiff my voice?!" Izuku says as he looks all over his body noticing his All Might shirt is now 6 sizes to big for him and his tails seem a lot larger. Shouya turns around and looks down to see a toddler Izuku in an All Might shirt that is way too big for him. "I-Is that you Izu? How are you a toddler?" She asks shocking Izuku. "I'm tiny?! How?! When?! Why?!" It is at this time Izuku starts mumbling about what could have happened to him.

As Izuku is mumbling trying to process what happened, some of his classmates (specifically: Momo, Mina, Ochako, Kataumi, Shoyu and Tsuyu) instantly notice the toddler version Izuku with tails as long as his body that was covered entirely by his All Might shirt. "KAWAII~!!!!" Mina and surprisingly Shoyu shout as they run towards Izuku and start cuddling him. "M-Mina?! W-What awe you doing?!" Izuku says while blushing. "You're just so cute Izu! I can't help it!" Mina shouts as she hugs Izuku into her boobs. "*Gasp* Momo! Make him an All Might Onesie!!!" Mina shouts once again as she starts petting Izuku's tails. "Why the All Might oneshie again?! Momma help me!" Izuku shouts as he reaches out for his mother. Almost immediately Izuku is wrapped in Shouya's capture gear and pulled towards her. Izuku lands gently in his mother's arms and she says: "Calm down everyone, I'm sure that this effect is only temporary but Izuku will still go to class, Momo can you make a toddler size UA uniform please? Don't forget the hole for his tails." "Momma? Can you put me dwown I need to take the food out of the ovens, I can shtill use my powas... I think." Izuku says and Shouya puts him down. He walks over to the ovens and uses telekinesis to put the food on a place for it to cool. 'My telekinesis is a lot weaker but still manageable, let me get the rest of the food served.' Izuku thinks and one by one he uses his telekinesis to move everything to where they are needed on the dining table.

"Okway! Bweakfast is weady!" Izuku says with a big smile on his face not even noticing the nosebleed he has. "Izu you're bleeding!" Momo shouts in worry. "Oh tis? Yeah thash one of my dwawbacks. *Cleans nose* Evewyone, even me sadly has some sort of dwawback to their powas. For now could you get evewyone up sho they can eat?" Izuku asks kindly. Momo rapidly nods her head before heading upstairs to start waking everyone up.

Soon mostly everyone is at the table wanting to snuggle with little Izuku but alas Katsumi is currently holding him and unless you want to die, you let her hold him until she lets go. "Where awe the others?" Izuku asks innocently as the girls think. "They're probably still asleep my smol Kitsune." Katsumi replies while petting Izuku's tails. "I'm not tat shmall!" Izuku says trying to defend himself while pouting. 'So adorable!' The girls think simultaneously.

As everyone starts eating the rest of the girls come downstairs. These girls are Tooru, Eiji, Mina, Yu, and Hinata. Everyone says hi to the now arriving girls but pause and blush at the state Tooru is in. From what they can tell from her clothes she is wearing one of Izuku's shirts and some booty shorts, but what stands out the most is the massively inflated stomach shown through the shirt and the wetness in the shorts, her legs also appear to be shaking vigorously as well telling by her shoes and how she's clinging to something to support her.

Tooru manages to reach the table with some telekinesis from Izuku and sits down before starting to eat. 'What did Izuku do to you?!' All of the girls think but one girl decides to express this thought. "So Tooru~... How was he?" Mina asks and Tooru seemingly chokes for a second before swallowing the food in her mouth. "*Gulp* H-Huh?" She asks. "How was Izuku in bed girl! Give me details!" Mina shouts and everyone stops eating. "I'm just going to leave with Eri, Kohaku, and Ysmir. If any of you touches my food you're expelled." Shouya says in her monotone voice as she takes said 3 out of the dorms.

After leaving Mina asks her question again. "Now... how was he?!" "U-um... *looks at Izuku* *Izuku nods with a blush on his face and leaves the room* O-ok... He was godly!" And so from then on Tooru starts telling everyone about the love filled night she had with Izuku prior to her passing out for half of it.

"There's no way he came that many times!" Yu says in disbelief. "It's true! He kept going for hours! When I woke up I couldn't even move my legs because they and my entire lower body were numb." Tooru says. "Wait... yesterday when we did the seven minutes of heaven, who made Izu-kun cum?" Momo asks as 17 out of 22 girls, including herself raise their hands. "Oh... well I guess he can do it that many times..." Yu says as she lowers her hand. "That's insane, yet hot at the same time..." Mina says as drool comes out of her mouth and she lowers her hand. "I call next!" Shoyu shouts surprising everyone. Thankfully Izuku can't hear them since he is in his room. "Aw, I wanted to go next!" Mina says. "No! I'm next! He's been all the way in my ass, I want him!" Momo shouts remembering how amazing she felt the moment Izuku thrusted into her ass. "Y'all bitches better not get pregnant before me!" Katsumi shouts and Tooru subconsciously places her hands on her belly. 'Too bad I took a morning after pill, next time Izu... I'm going to drain you of every ounce of your hot, thick, massive loads of cum.' Tooru thinks and then continues to eat.

"W-We need to go to Shchool shoon, we're g-gonna be late." Izuku says entering the dining room and tries to put on his uniform but is unable to because of his small hands. Momo and Katsumi help him get his uniform on while also petting his tails as they help. Momo then Picks Izuku up supporting his toddler body with her hip while Katsumi puts on the baby harness and puts Eri into it before they head to class. As they arrive, Momo makes a booster seat for Toddler Izuku and puts it in his desk before running her hand through the fur of his tails one last time and taking a seat behind him in her desk. The class start talking to each other but mostly Izuku until Shouya comes into the classroom to start the day. "Wow... I'm impressed that you all are quiet for once maybe you are finally maturing. Izuku can you try to fix the your age problem?" Shouya asks in her bored and dead tone. "I'll Twy." Izuku says as he begins to think about going back to his older self. Suddenly Izuku starts glowing green again, as the light dies down the class starts to hear the babbling of an infant, they turn to see Eri who was asleep in Katsumi's arms and then they turn to where Izuku was. In his chair is a five month old version of himself with 6 tails as long as he is. Shouya walks over to Izuku's desk and picks up the Baby Izuku before muttering: "Well Fuck..."

How about another one?! Yup! Three updates in 24 hours! I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote, also thank you so much for 2k and then 3k reads! You guys are freaking awesome! I hope you have a great day and remember....


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