A Love Like No Other

By LilyRose278

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{COMPLETED} Amalie James adopted by the Anderson family has it all or so it seems. Never judge a book by its... More

Chapter 1 Gone Cuckoo
Chapter 2 Past Revealed Part 1
Chapter 3 Past Revealed Part 2
Chapter 4 Reflect, and you're a jerk!
Chapter 5 Nothing beats Ice-cream
Chapter 6 Real Mature
Chapter 7 Friends & Dinner
Chapter 9 Break Down
Chapter 10 I'm Definitely Bipolar
Chapter 11 Please Tell Me Your Kidding?!
Chapter 12 Perfect Couple
Chapter 13 Please Stay Safe
Chapter 14 Looks Like A Hurricane Went Through My Hair
Chapter 15 Ice Cold Water
Chapter 16 We're Not Taking This Deal
Chapter 17 Well You Get Used To It
Chapter 18 Memories Start to Come Back
Chapter 19 Questions & Memories!
Chapter 20 Missing Family Reunion
Chapter 21 Amusement Park
Chapter 22 Old Friends Reunite.
Chapter 23 Reminiscing, & He Never Learns
Chapter 24 Hurled At Brian
Chapter 25 Daniel's Anger, Another Threat
Chapter 26 Mystery Person...
Chapter 27 I'm Afraid Of Heights
Chapter 28 Y-You Flew?
Chapter 29 Ridiculous Heels
Chapter 30 Did You Escape Mental Asylum?
Chapter 31 Act My Age
Chapter 32 Date
Chapter 33 You're Perfect
Chapter 34 Ryan's Love
Chapter 35 Shopping Havoc
Chapter 36 There Are Only 2 Ways
Chapter 37 Breakfast
Chapter 38 They Want To Meet You
Chapter 39 My Family
Chapter 40 Do You Know This Man?
Chapter 41 You're Gonna Have A Ball.
Chapter 42 Hopeless Man
Chapter 43 Things Start To Add Up
Chapter 44 When You Put It That Way
Chapter 45 You're Really Strong, Mommy.
Chapter 46 I Would Never Lie
Chapter 47 Darkness, A Friend
Chapter 48 Even If I Have To Wait Forever
Chapter 49 I'm Not Hallucinating, am I?
Chapter 50 No Porcelain Doll
Chapter 51 Will You Let Me Love You Forever?
Chapter 52 Coolest Grandparents
Chapter 53 Preparations
Chapter 54 Arriving At Rouen
Chapter 55 Can't Live Without Her
Chapter 56 I Know You Better
Chapter 57 Wife or Wife-To-Be
Chapter 58 Congratulations, Sis.
Chapter 59 Engagement Part I
Chapter 60 He's On Stage
Chapter 61 Engagement Part II
Chapter 62 I'd Marry You Now
Chapter 63 So Jealous
Chapter 64 Perfect Daughter
Chapter 65 Trying To Make Me Cry
Chapter 66 I Do.

Chapter 8 Fight, & Break down

5.1K 151 1
By LilyRose278

Hello lovelies!
Hmm..... This is interesting readers are attracted to save my story to their libraries but are you guys reading?

If you are please do leave a comment! I would very much appreciate it.

Also the first person to vote for any of my previous or current chapter will get the chapter dedicated to them!

Song Name: Fly To Your Heart

Singer Name: Selena Gomez

So without a further a do let's start this chapter!*************************

Amalie's POV:

It's been 3 weeks, since Serena got in our college, and she really is enjoying herself. Though, I'm not often there but Lil is there with her. So today I'm at the studio to oversee the auditions for the side character of the normal human girl. I am working on a drama series whose recording would be starting next week so today the cast has to be finalized today. Of course, my friend the one who ditched me the other day got the male leading role for the drama.

We got off the set with our scripts in our hands. Thank goodness I have a few day memorize it otherwise I would collapse, by the amount of sheets, "Hey M, wanna grab a coffee and a bite to eat? Then we can rehearse our lines together."

I glared at him, with my deadliest glare possible, "Hey, didn't I apologize? I thought you'd forgiven me."

"Yeah, you apologized, but I didn't forgive you!" I said.

"Because of you that shit of an excuse host tried his best to flirt with me! It took everything in me not to punch him in the face. And the worse thing was that you weren't even there!"

"Look I told you didn't I really had an important meeting and it came up suddenly as Dad was ill. Please understand..." He sighed.

"Only if you treat me to ice-cream!"

He chuckled, "Are you sure 20 years old cause it seems to me that your 5 year old trapped in a 20 years body."

"Nope I am perfectly normal, and besides what's wrong in loving ice-cream?"

He raised his hands in mock surrender, "Alright, alright I am sorry. Now let's go. I assume you want to go to the regular place?"

"Absolutely! Wait since it's your treat I am calling my friends as well." Before he could object, I called Lil and Serena and asked them to come to our regular spot.

"Why don't I have a say in this?" he sighed.

"Because you brought this on yourself." I laughed.

We went to the café but today I was driving my own car, I am not taking chances at least not a second time, besides the deal is still is on with Scar. I got the message that Lil was available and so was Serena so I first went over to the college and picked up Lil, "Hey where's Serena?"

"No idea, I think she's nearby I think she went to submit her assignments. Seriously I have no idea how that girl disappears in just a minute." Lil, sighed.

"It's okay, I'll get her I have my own assignments to submit, go and wait by the car." She nodded and left and I headed for the office and saw the professor there, I handed him the assignments but no sign of Serena which was weird but I shrugged it off as if it's nothing and was walking through the hallway when I saw that Serena was being corned by the asshole and it made my blood boil just seeing his face.

I literally jumped the flight of stairs because he wasn't alone he had backup all of whom were useless excuse for players. The only reason I let him approach my best friend was because he seemed sincere and Lillian was head over heels for him. But of course not everyone can change their player ways. I reached the place which was the back of the college but it made me smile that Serena wasn't taking his shit and actually slapped him and mind you very hard. Ooh that was gonna hurt him, but I was more worried about Serena since she was no violence type girl meaning no training so that was gonna hurt her as well.

"You little bitch! You'll regret doing that and I mean it." He laughed maniacally.

She was scared of course anyone would be in her position but I had enough the moment one of them lunged for her I grabbed her arm pulled her back. She was surprised so almost lost her balance, "Serena, get the hell out here and call the police as soon as you can." I whispered hurriedly.

"Look, guys what the cat dragged in. Don't tell me that she's related to you as well." Rio said, yes, the bastard's name is Rio.

"Even if she wasn't related to me I would still help innocent girls escape the nightmares you and your group would give!" I spat on his face. Serena took that moment and ran away.

Though, Lil could never help me but she always somehow had my back it made me a bit disappointed none the less she was safe that's all that mattered. I looked at Rio as he laughed evilly, "Looks like your all alone. I'm gonna have so much fun torturing you."

Well he didn't know that I had learned many forms of martial arts due to the threat lingered around me being a James daughter and the threat became far too real when I became an Anderson as well. I let guard down on purpose so I could fool him and it worked perfectly and I used it against him. I threw him hard on the ground, face on the ground, by crack sound I think I might've broke his nose but he had it coming I pulled both his hands back and applied too much pressure making him grunt in pain, "What the hell are you guys looking at get her off me!" he shouted to his friends.

I stayed in the same position till the last moment when they lunged for me I got off him and instead they fell on top of Rio making him shout in pain. What I wasn't expecting for him to have two more for back up and they had weapons in their hands meaning metal rods and they used it to try to hit me. Key word 'try', the moment they got close I dodged them. I made a run for it as this was getting out of hand. My bad luck I was cut off, my eyes fell on the metal rod that was on the side. I picked it up. At least I stood a chance now if nothing else. But again I was surrounded no matter how I looked at it I was out numbered, it was 7 against 1. One with the rod lunged for me first but I hit him first and full force on his head making him scream in agony he dropped the rod and fell on the ground bleeding, clutching his head. But the others were the least fazed and this time three went for me and somehow one got behind and I was almost tackled that is until someone familiar punched the one behind me right in the face. I turned around only to have my arm yanked and pulled behind a body, "Man, you really get into the worst of situations." Ryan said defending me.

"Am I glad to see you or what?!" I exclaimed.

"The feelings mutual, glad to see your alive and have that attitude of yours." He chuckled another one headed for him but he easily faced him.

Yeah, so if you're wondering Ryan, was a student at the martial arts as well and that's how I first met him when he said and I quote, 'Do you really think you can take me on?' he quickly found out that I wasn't a piece of cake. But anyways back to the point, I saw that bastard heading for Ryan and with something in hand. A syringe? What the hell? Before he could attack Ryan with it I came in front of him and it hit my arm. And the worst part that idiot injected it. Whatever was in it made me scream in pain. That was enough for Ryan to react he turned his body towards me and caught before I could fall to the ground. After that everything was blurry, I heard a gunshot but I was too weak to respond. I heard multiple people calling my name at the same but I started to shut the voices out. I kept my eyes open, afraid if I closed them I wouldn't be able to open them. I then felt someone lifting me in their arms it felt warm almost lulling me to a wonderful sleep, but the person was pleading me, at least that's what it sounded to me. After that I completely blacked out.

After sometime, my head really heavy, I tried my utmost to open my eyes but it was like someone put instant glue because they really were shut tight. I felt someone holding my hand, "Open your eyes Amalie. It's been 2 days already. Have you any idea how much you've worried us... Serena is blaming herself for this. If you really love her please wake up, for her, for me. I'm so sorry I was late. If I was only a bit earlier then you could've avoided so much pain." The person said.

Wait why was Serena blaming herself? Actually what happened? Where am I? Who is this person? I searched my brain for answers, and finally it clicked all of a sudden Serena, Rio, gang, Ryan and the syringe. The voice I am 100% sure belonged to Austin. I felt another squeeze to my hand, "Please, if possible for me." he whispered but I heard it.

Even though, I was tired and would do anything to go back to sleep but his pleas made me want to open my eyes more than anything. I heard another voice, "Austin, it's really late you should head home I and my sister will look after Amalie." It was Dan's.

"I- I guess so." Austin replied, but I didn't want him to go not just yet.

I used all my energy and as Austin was about to leave my hand I tightened my grip around his hand, "A-Amalie? You can hear me? If you can then come on try! I'm right here." Austin said.

His voice gave me the strength I needed, and even though it hurt I opened my eyes and immediately to close them due to so much light, I groaned annoyed and said, "Can anyone dim the lights a bit?" I heard gasps.

"You're awake?" Dan questioned.

"No I'm sleep talking, you idiot." I replied sarcastically.

I opened my eyes again it took me a little while to get everything back the way should but with concentration I was okay. Ugh, it felt I was ran over by a bulldozer. My body ached all over. I wanted to sit up and seeing my futile attempts Dan and Austin helped sit up. I felt really thirsty I wanted to reach for the glass of water that was on the side table beside my bed but it was like I was tied to the bed, finally having no choice I looked towards Austin who was the closest to the glass, "Can you get that glass of water, I can't do it no matter how much I try."

He quickly nodded and got the glass for me and helped me drink water, even swallowing water seemed like an impossible task. Meanwhile Dan went to get Scar and the doctor who treated me.

"What happened after that maniac injected me with that syringe?" I asked.

I saw Austin's stormy eyes considerably darken, "Well at least now he won't ever be able to hurt you or anyone else for that matter, Brian shot him in the heart instantly killing him. Rest of his members were arrested and are going to rot in jail where they belong."

I gasped hearing that Brian shot him, to which Austin said, "Don't worry the police work for him, he has a very vast network of things going on. But they're all legal and he's with the government."

I calmed down, then spoke more like whispered, "I heard what you said, it was because of you I got the strength to open my eyes."

I didn't face him, I don't know why but I just couldn't. His eyes widened but before he could ask me anything Scarlett opened the door more and came in more like barged inside and hugged me, "God, you scared the hell out of me!"

"Sorry, about that. But I'm fine now, I think."

"Mom and Dad are on their way now so is everyone else. I don't what would've happened if Austin didn't rush you to the hospital fast enough." Scar sighed.

"Her position might have been quite fatal, Dr. Scarlett." A doctor said entering the room with I think my files in his hand.

"Hello, Amalie, my name is Dr. Jones. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling like I was run over by something. If you want the exact answer." I sighed.

"And that is my sarcastic sister, even in situations as dire as hers she knows how to make some humor." Dan chuckled.

I chuckled with him, "But on a serious note, I feel better though I do feel dizzy. Is that okay?"

"Yes, it is. I prescribed some medicines you will need to take for a few weeks. The poison has been completely removed from your body. You will be discharged till tomorrow afternoon."

With a few words with Scar Dr. Jones took his leave, "What the hell were you thinking going up against 7 people at once?" Scar more or less shouted at me.

"Look they were five at the time also if I didn't do something, Serena might've been raped! I would never let that happen no matter what!" I shouted back.

"Sis calm down, we were just really worried, when we got Lillian's call that you were being taken to the hospital by Austin. Do you have the slightest idea what toll it took over us?" Dan said calmly and rubbed my back.

"I can imagine but I didn't want for that to happen, I was searching Serena when everything happened in seconds I couldn't call anyone even if I wanted to. I just wanted to protect her." At the last sentence my voice started cracking, that was something I had never expected to happen... I always had assumed Rio just bluffed turns out he wasn't bluffing.

I wasn't the type of person to cry because that was a sign of weakness which I didn't want to show no matter what. Austin was the one who hugged me, and cooed soothing words in my ears, I never cry only once that was in front of my adoptive father but his words made me finally break and started crying hysterically not holding back anymore. Scarlett and Daniel for the first time in their lives were shocked to see me break down like this. I might've held back if Austin didn't hug me suddenly. After what felt like hours Austin was finally able to calm me down and I didn't notice everyone else had already gathered in the room. Great everyone just saw my break down. I started hiccupping unable to cry anymore, my mom gave me water but it didn't do the trick though it considerably slowed my hiccups.

"That was the first time, Amalie you actually let out your emotions. You would always smile and at most you would be sad bit nothing more than that." Scar said and everyone agreed with her.

Austin was holding me by my waist, and looked at me in question along with Brian, Jason, Ryan and Serena, Dad explained, "Even though I told her many times but she always has thought of tears as a hindrance and giving the enemy the satisfaction that they desire, so no matter how awful or horrifying the situation might be she never once cried other than when she was 4. But that was in my arms and as soon and Maria and my wife entered her room she quietened her tears. She only cried then after that never. That's the reason everyone is so surprised."

I felt pathetic and weak crying like that. Even though, everyone tried their best to cheer me up but it was no use I just felt more devastated. Finally everyone except for Austin and Scarlett left and said they'd come in the morning or visit me at my house. I just nodded and hugged them all.

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