Another Basic Teenage Love St...

By kaleigh152

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About me
The Mix Up
Oh No
The Journal


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By kaleigh152

Aaron P.O.V
I was at the football game with Dylan, Tyler and Hunter. Hunter said hey let's go check out the cheerleaders. I said okay. We went to the fence in front of the cheerleaders. Hunter said hey check out Miss Bethany. I said I don't see how y'all think she's hot. Tyler said are you blind or something? I said no I just don't see why y'all find her attractive. Now Kylie is the hot one. Dylan said speaking of Kylie. Kylie walked over to her bag. That was in front of us. Tyler said hey Kylie. Kylie said hey. She took a drink of her water and said hey Aaron. Tyler said you 2 know each other. Kylie said yeah we live beside each other. I said yeah. So Kylie can I take you out on a date? Kylie said I'm not into future criminals. I said I'm not a future criminal. Kylie said yes you are when was the last time you were in a actual classroom? I said last month. Kylie said tell me where have you been for the past month? I said ISS. Kylie said I rest my case. A girl said Kylie flying time. Kylie ran over and said don't drop me. Dylan said hold up you live next to one of the hottest and most popular girls in school? I said yeah. Hunter said and you've never told us. I said yeah because it's not important. Not like any of us have a shot with her. Tyler said you never know. She could secretly like one of us. I looked at him and said really? Tyler said no. A girl that hot ain't gonna like guys who stay in detention. Hunter said yeah. I said hey imma go get something to eat. Hunter said alright. I went to the concession stand and got a piece of pizza. I leaned against the wall and ate my pizza....

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