Bakugo x Reader

Bởi seanthebookworm

1.1M 25.4K 27.3K

A high school boy with a lot of problems loves a you who also has a lot of problems Xem Thêm

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part -11
Part 12
Part -13
Part 16- the Fair 2/3
Part 17- The Fair 3/3
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21
Part 22
Part 25
Part 26- Halloween special (1/2)
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
❤️Happy new year ❤️

Part 40-The wedding Day

16.1K 371 528
Bởi seanthebookworm

🔝‼️(Don't play until I say so mkay)‼️🔝

The day you've been waiting for your whole life was here. fucking finally you snag a sexy ass man who loves you for you, all your flaws, and imperfections he saw past them and Vise versa. Of course your dress/Tux was a beautiful pure cotton white , silky to the touch. the top half of your outfit was a fly tuxedo with a yellow butterfly bow, your skirt was an Hombre of Snow White to Golden sun yellow. Thankfully You chose those colors. Kastuki wanted to do Army-Camo and white but you convinced him to go with yellow like his explosives which of course he loved.

Your bridesmaids were Deku,Mina,Momo,and Jiro  your besties since high school. You couldn't ask for a better friend group and you were especially proud to say that you probably wouldn't be here in this outfit without them. "You look great!" Deku said smiling giving you a hug the bridesmaids wore yellow dresses with cute frills , and your favorite flowers in hand. Everything was going great!

Bakugo's POV

Everything was not going great!!! The butterfly people said the Some of them fucking dyed,My fucking tux still hasn't showed, Tape arms and Pickachu  haven't called me back about the cake, and I swear I'll kill them if they ruin my damn wedding! My forehead pooped a vein as I grind my teeth in rage "Bakubro calm down everything will be fine! I'm sure they're phones just dyed "I TOLD ALL OF YOU SHITTY EXTRAS TO CHARGE THEM LAST NIGTH!!!" I yelled throwing my phone at Kiri "God Groom-Zilla much?" Kiri joked but I only frowned sitting on a couch in the waiting room Tux less, with no idea what I'm doing if this shit goes bad . Then everyone will know that Kastuki Bakugo has the most fucked up wedding in history of weddings, my egos to fucking big to get ruined like this! And Y/N what will they think!? they'll probably think if he can't even put together a wedding how can he put together our future! I start to hyperventilate I was having one of those panic attack's. But I was quickly calmed down by Kirishima giving me a pat on the back "Relax Bakubro nothing's gonna happen. Everything's gonnna be aye ok!" Kiri gave me a stupid thumbs up and smiled, I just scoffed trying to call those damn Butterfly people for the 50th time!

Deku's POV

The wedding was in an hour and nothing was happening. Kirishima told me he'd call me when everybody was there,and everything was set up but nothing! No one had gotten any signs!The limo driver was waiting outside and Y/N was starting to get suspicious.

I pulled Mina to the side "Uhhh Mina why isn't your boyfriend calling me!" I whispered shaking my phone "I don't know maybe it's because his phone died or something!" She yelled in a whispering tone as well "Wait what's going on is everything ok?" Momo chimed in to our little huddle "Kirishima hasn't called us to let us know if we should bring Y/N."I informed "I knew that Jack ass bailed on them." Jiro scoffed "Oh my god don't say that! Kacchan would never!" I whispered while yelling "Never what?" Y/N asked looking at us from the distance "Never......" I couldn't make up an excuse , their face turning suspicious and tenses "Never Curse at his wedding he'd want to keep it cordial! Right girls!!!?" Mina said smiling widely at us and we all shook our heads awkwardly "Come on Y/N let's get in this limo!" Mina cheered and everyone cheered along as they all rushed out the door into the long white car. I pulled Mina to the side "Aishido, Did Kiri call you!?" I asked ,worry in my face "No, were gonna just take a few U-Turns until he calls us!" She said "But the what will-" She shushed me with her finger "Everything will be ok Midoriya just breathe!" I took a deep breath before faking a smile and hoping in the car.

We all got in the white limousine with Mina in the front with the driver but then "Oooohhh noooo!!!! Todoroki's car broke down I've gotta go get him I'll see you all later ok!" Momo said as she made he way out of the car and into her Tesla driving off in max speed we all sighed in disappointment.....wait if Todoroki also has an expensive car how could it break down?Especially when their in such good condition, unless he got in a car accident but Tesla's rarely do that. So how would he- "Deku your mumbling." Jiro said laughing along with Y/N "Oh sorry!" I blush in embarrassment "You ready to go guys!" Mina yelled as we all said 'Yeah!' in excitement. I hope everything is going well.

Denki's POV

"Damnit! Sero can't you just pull the hood back!" I complained "Uhh then how the hell are we supposed to drive, shit might get in the cake!" Sero complained. Me and Sero were still trying to figure out how to get this damn cake in to the car. It was super tall! And there was no way we could let the hood of the car down without the cake getting stuff in it " We could put a blanket over it!" I said "No that might mess it up!" Sero clutched the middle of his brows in frustration "Uhhhh then why don't we just- No that's stupid too." My phone began to ring again I got scared. I tried not to answer Bakugo's phone calls , because I knew he'd yell at us.

I pulled out my phone and saw it was just Kirishima! My heart slowed down and I answered the phone "Hey Kirishima wassup!" I say cheerfully "YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKER WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CAKE!!!!" Bakugo yelled causing my ear to bleed. "We're Sorry Bakugo we just can't seem to fit it in the car." I explained. Was it weird I could here his teeth grinding in the background.

"You fucking idiots.....there are people who assemble the cake once they get TO THE FUCKING WEDDDING!!!!" Me and Sero both say "Oooooooohhhhhhh" in unison "Can you take apart the cake and put the layers in Boxes please!" I asked the Bakery lady kindly, and she shook her head in agreement taking the cake, putting the Layers in to difference sized boxes. Which made it much easier to fit into the car. "GOD you two can't even screw in a fucking light bulb!" Kastuki insults "But I can light one!" I joked "Be here with my cake in an hour or I swear to GOD I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Bakugo then hung up the phone. Well that wasn't very nice.

Bakugo POV

Those fucking idiots!!! I face palmed harshly and looked at Kirishima "Ok so cakes covered but what about the butterflies!" I looked at him glaring my ruby eyes "I got that covered too!" "KIRISHIMA IM HERE!" Momo yelled pulling her dress slightly as she ran up to us. Kiri ran into the kitchen and came out with a giant box of pizza and a towel. I glared in confusion what the fuck is happening????

"Why aren't you with Y/N?" I asked but she just placed the towel over her dress and began to roll the slice of pizza and proceeded to stuff the piece in her mouth whole "She's helping you get your tux!" Kiri smiled, Oooohhhh "whaat was iPh mahh ouf!" She muffled as she continued to stuff the pizza down her throat "Uh cotton!" I think? I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of my tux and the design of my tie. "Oh Kouda is out side!" Kirishima says and runs out side to get our old class mate Ooooohhhhh. Maybe my wedding will work out!

Your POV

Was the venue this far? You felt like it was taking hours to get to the wedding and once the energy of the car dimmed you started to notice...things. Like Deku fiddling with his fingers nervously and Jiro trying to be nice to you.

You shifted through the seat to go up to front of the car , forcefully knocking on the the small window to talk to Mina. The window slowly scrolled down and Mina gave you a big smile "Ummmm Mina are we all most there!?" You lifted an eyebrow at your friend "Of course we are!" She reassured you. You calmed down. The place must be really far, and big, and fancy! Yeah!And pretty,and amazing. You try to not to have a heart attack by looking out the window. You try to notice certain land marks like a stop sign, a coffee shop, and lamp post. Then you make a left and another left and then you focus on the next land marks. A stop sign .....A coffee shop....AND A LAMP POST???!!!?? " MINA!!!"

Mina's POV

Uhh ohhh Y/N was catching up! I slowly scroll down the window "Where the fuck are we?" Y/N said, pissed AF. "Uhhhh well we're just gonna do a few laps and-" "TAKE ME TO THE VENUE!" Y/N said slowly and I scrolled the window back up. Come on Kirishima text Deku already!

Kacchan's POV

Kouda yelled around the venue and Yellow butterflies started to appear around him. There were so many and they made the place really come to life! "Your the fucking man Kouda!" I complimented as I looked down at my phone checking the time.

Shit the guest are here and I still wasn't fucking Tux! I looked over at Momo who still wasn't done "Don't worry stay here with Momo I'll invite the guest!" Kirishima says leaving the room frantically. Ok everything will be fine Kastuki your family and friends are here, Y/N's family and friends are here. This is going to be just fi- "Ummm Kastuki I just got a message from Deku Y/N is on their way!" Well fuck.....

Your POV

You were furious why were they going in circles before? Was something bad happening that you didn't know about? And why the fuck is Jiro being so nice to you?!!! "Ummm Jiro you can stop faking nice!" She sighs before frowning her face back to her regular form "FINALLY! Thanks Y/N!" She gives you a lazy thumbs up, your attention turned to the other bridesmaid; Deku..... "Deku what the fuck is happening!" Deku sweats nervously looking away from you "Umm what do you mean t-the GPS just got messed up w-were back on track now!" He smiles nervously and you just glared "Deku..." you say sternly "Stay strong don't let them break you!" Jiro says you turn to her "Who side are you on it's my fucking wedding day!" You Yelled "In on the side of Love Y/N!" Jiro yells sarcastically you sit down huffing and puffing in your seat.

And finally you guys make a permanent stop "What's going on?" You question "Umm we're here!" Deku says but rushed to the door "Maybe we should wait for a bit!" Deku jumps in front of the door blocking your way out, you growl in annoyance.

"Deku I'm going to say this as nicely as possible............. fucking move!!!!"

Bakugo's POV

Momo was almost done, I already put on my top shirt and tie I just needed a belt and pants "Come on Momo just two more shits and then the wedding can start!" I cheered her on "I'm sorry it takes longer for more exquisite things and plus I'm running out of pizza power." Well that fucking fantastic! She just needed a couple more minutes and she'd be done and I can get to the wedding on time , and be United with the love of my fucking life.

(🎵🎵🎵Now play that song🎵🎵🎵🎵)

Shit! The ceremony was starting "Uh oh Y/N's coming!" She says reading a text on her phone from Deku . Fuck! I grabbed her phone a texted furiously "STALL HER‼️‼️‼️‼️" and then he texted  "Hey dis Jiro and Y/N using their quirk so we fucked👰➕🔮=👌👈" Fuck! "Momo hurry!"  She made the last bit of fabric and gave to me "I don't have enough for a belt so just GO!" I quickly ran and tried to pull up my pants not, trying to get them dirty. My shoes were by the stage so I ran through the people. My butt hanging out of my pants and everyone gasping mostly Y/N's side of course, my family used to ample amounts of chaos.

I made my way up the stairs and onto the stage clicking the last hinges of the pants and then the door crashed open presenting Y/N "KASTUKI WHAT THE FUCK IS-!" Y/N looked to their left, then to their right and quickly pulled themselves together before walking in slowly. I had to hold in my fucking laugh as they made their way to the alter.

Your POV

You let your bridesmaids out of your force field, as they ran around the side to get in their positions. You carried an awkward smile on your face as, your dad approached holding a bouquet of the flowers you were supposed to have. And you both shyly laughed before he gave you the flowers and he whispered in your ear "Why can't we have one normal outing." He softly groans and you smiled "I love you too." Your dad gives you a giant hug as you walk up the stairs ,to the stage , and up to Kastuki the man of your dreams~ while some lame ass priest was saying your vows, you looked around at how amazing everything looked there were yellow Butterflies flying everywhere , while ribbons of fabric decoratively hung from and around the ceiling, there were yellow roses presented on nearly every corner, the venue looked so amazing!

But not as amazing as your cuter husband Kastuki Bakugo and you are now Mrs/Mr Bakugo and you could say that proudly it's way better then whatever last name you used to have. And now you two were happy and United.

"Do you Y/N take Kastuki to have and to hold for the rest of your life." You respond "I do" "And do you Bakugo take Y/N to have and to hold for the rest of your life." He smiles before responding "of course I do" you both connected hands, the priest closed his book and happily pronounced "You May now kiss the.....Gender less person in front of you." The priest said. you looked at Kastuki, as Kastuki looked at you, smiling happily and you shared a passionate and embracive kiss. The crowd cheered as you made your way down the stairs jumping over the broom and began partying.

(🎵🎵You can turn of the song now🎵🎵)

You and Kastuki danced the night away, as your friends came along with you and gave their speeches. your mother gave a light hearted speech about how she's happy for you two and hopes your satisfied, Mina and Momo told embracing tales about you and Kastuki from high school.You'd personally wish they just let it go, and the three Musketeers Sero,Denki,and Kirishima boozing their asses off. They did a Karaoke song before Kastuki forced them to sit the fuck down and be humble. But your personal favorite was Kastuki's speech "Everyone I wanna thank you guys for coming out. I especially wanna thank Momo for the suit,Kouda for the butterflies, and Kirishima for helping me put all of this together for my newly wedded lover Y/N! And I really do lo-Care about you guys so...FUCKING CHEERS!!!!!" Everyone lifted their drinks celebrating with Kastuki . "Aww! You were gonna say you loved them huh?" You cooed "Yeah, Yeah, I know what a softy!" "Yeah But my softy!" You kissed Bakugo on the cheek and he just shoulders you lightly.

You and Bakugo crusade away in a roofless car with the license plate saying "Got Mother fucking hitched!" You faced foward lifting your bouquet, tossing ioto the air to turn around and seeing Jiro had caught it ! Denki smiled and laughed "Good job Jiro!" You yelled winking before riding off with Bakugo into the sunset.

You know usually you don't believe in these shitty fairytale weddings and cringe ass stories such as this, but you were happy to say that this was a happiest moment of your life....

                               The End

Rolls credit

Main character-You ❤️👰🌈

Lover boy- Bakubaby ❤️🔥☠️💥💥

Best bro-Kiri ❤️🏔(closet emoji they had to a rock)

Bestie 1-Mina💦🍑💘

Bestie 2- Deku💚🥺

Shitty ass extras-  Mom, Dad, Mistuki, and everyone else in to lazy to name

Director, editor, creator-Seanthebookworm ❤️🐛📖

I hope you guys enjoyed this story let me know if you want a sequel with their  honeymoon and kids involved and other shit thanks for reading this book and I love you bookworms ❤️🐛📖

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