Bakudeku! One-shots!

By _Eijiro__Kirishima_

8.8K 193 164

"Shut up, you asshole." "Hehe, you wish, Kachan!" This is a compilation of every Bakudeku one-shot I've writ... More

Skip This If You Want Idc
2 One-shot; My Savior
Ack! (Not a One-shot)
Bonus! (Because i didnt finish the chapter)
3 One-shot; What is this?
Bonus! Todobaku CMV!
4 Valentines One-shot! Mended
5 One-shot; Dare
Sooo : Part 2 : Tododeku CMV
6 One-shot! Mr. Idol
Sooo... | akrcos edition
Announcement from Kirishima!!!
7 To Kill a Curse Pt. 1
8 He can be a Yandere...
Announcement: And I oop-
Final 2k anouncment
New cover!

1 One-Shot; Why Even Ask?

1.5K 45 34
By _Eijiro__Kirishima_

Kirishima: First chapter, fully edited! Enjoy!

Bakugou: *Shouts from the other room* Your still a wimp!

Author-chan: Who's still talking?

Don't copy or base off of without asking!


It's been two years. Two years since All Might retired, and two years since Deku disappeared.

"Damn it." I whispered, smashing my fist into the wall. They'd called off the search parties yesterday, and I was pissed. Inko was shattered and rarely ate, All Might was always worrying about his poor student, and there was a grim atmosphere everywhere. Everyone felt like utter shit. A few people assumed he was dead, and tried to push on, but I knew that nerd, and he wouldn't die that easily. He just... wouldn't. Or would he?

I growled in frustration and laid my head against the battered wall. I had been smashing it all night, and my knuckles bled relentlessly. It was just so... frustrating.

I stood for a while, recalling old memories long forgotten, some painful, some good, and some sad. I felt a single tear slip out of my eye and I froze. I swiped at the miniscule drop, staring at it with utter confusion. Was I... crying? But why? Deku is just a good punching bag. He's an object to surpass, not a friend. And why was I assuming I was crying over that damn nerd? Maybe it was because of the lack of food. I hadn't eaten in a while. A few days, maybe? Yeah, that must be why I feel so down. I need food.

I nodded to myself, pushing away from the wall to go downstairs and grab something to eat.

School had been canceled for class 1-A in the beginning, but it started back up after a few weeks. We had to catch up to the other students in the hero course, but nobody was really up to it. Everyone had deep bags under their eyes when they came into school the first day, Uraraka being the worst of them all. She looked like she'd been crying for several days straight and you'd catch her sniffling in class sometimes.

Her and Deku had been pretty close. I think she even liked him. I could only wonder what she saw in him. Even Mr. Aizawa looked a little more tired than usual.

Since then, things have improved slightly, but everyone still looks totally defeated. I'm fine, of course. I mean, why should that idiot matter to me? I almost felt bad though, about my last words to him before he disappeared. "You're not my friend. Your just a damn kid who can be thrown around. At this rate, you'll never surpass me."

My words rang in me head as I grabbed a piece of cake and a fork, stabbing it roughly and eating it while I headed to the shelf to find some All Might O's. I frowned when I noticed we were out, so I finished my cake, got on some kinda-decent clothes, and grabbed my wallet, heading for the door.

Criminal activity kept increasing, especially since a year ago, when the league of villains got a new member that put everyone else to shame. He's only been spotted once by a very lucky survivor, who described him as a suited masked figure wearing gloves and a nice dress shirt. She said she couldn't see his face or any real detail, but she knew it was him. He's called the Shadow Child, since the woman described him as younger looking and is never seen.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, entering the convenience store down the street from my house. I grabbed the cereal and some orange juice, since we're also out of that. I headed to the counter in time to see a Todoroki buying some ice cream and some extra spicy takitos. The irony was all I could see as he held the takitos in his left hand and his ice cream in his right.

"Hey, half and half!" He turned to me, the apparent bags under his eyes making him seem a few ages older.

"Any news? Not that I care." Why was I even asking?

"No, nothing yet. I'm starting to fear for the worst..." He got his change and headed for the door. I nodded as he left, checking out my items and heading home.

My mom looked up as I entered with wide eyes, scanning my profile. I held up the bag of food to show her and she nodded, leaving the room to probably head to Inko's house and comfort her. She was always there, since she was the only one who could talk her into eating and sleeping.

I ate in silence, scrolling through Yeah Tube and watching a few things I found interesting. Nothing seemed to be keeping me busy recently. It's like everything lost its purpose in my life.

I threw my bowl in the sink and headed upstairs, preparing for another sleepless night.

I couldn't figure out why I couldn't sleep. Something inside me just felt broken. Either way, I had to try to at least rest, so I changed, turned the lights off, and got under the covers, for some reason able to drift off a little. Eventually I fell asleep to the sound of the night wind through my window. Hadn't I closed that?

-Time skip brought to you by the question of whether or not you're even still reading my crap XD-

I awoke to the best rest I'd had in a while. I held something warm close, my face buried in cloth as it rose and fell. Breathing. It was so... soothing. Wait... breathing?

I quickly but carefully pulled away, my eyes wide and teary as I looked at the precious boy lying peacefully in a deep sleep.

My body acted on it own and moved close again, holding tight to the frail figure in its arms.

He felt like he hadn't eaten in weeks, and he looked just as tired. His soft green hair was dirty and had blood in some places. I realized with a pained shiver that he had bruises, scratches, chain rubs, and whip marks covering his body.

I held him tightly but gently. He was safe, and that's what mattered most. His breathing started to turn less deep after about an hour passed, but I continued to hold him to my chest, my face pressed to his shirt just as I had woken up.

He seemed almost confused for a moment, then he stiffened, trying to scramble away. I frowned, but allowed him to jump off the bed and press himself into the corner as his breathes quickened, his eyes squeezed shut tightly.

"Please! Don't hurt me! I'll do what you want! I can't take it anymore!" He cried, shaking as he pulled himself tightly into the corner, tears streaming down his face.

I got up slowly as to not startle him more and walked over, trying not to scare him further.

He tried to shove himself into the corner, not looking at me. I squatted in front of him and he looked terrified. I reached out, scared of his reaction.

I lightly caressed his cheek and he winced but didn't seem to resist.

"Deku..." He froze.

"What's wrong? How did you get here? What happened?" I whispered, more to myself than him.

I cautiously pressed my other hand to his shoulder, careful not to hurt him.

"K...Kachan?" He asked tentatively, not opening his eyes. I nodded, then realizing he wouldn't see the small gesture.

"Yeah, it's me. Your safe, Dek--" I was cut off by him suddenly yanking me into a tight hug, crying on my shoulder. I was shocked for a moment, but soon returned the gesture gingerly.

"Is it really you? How did you get here? Are you okay? Did they hurt you, too? Am I just hugging Toga right now? Please tell me I'm not, I want this to be real..." I stopped his rambling questions with a hush.

"No. I'm not hurt. You're at my house. Just look around. I promise I'm not this Toga person." He was shaking again. Hesitating.

"I..." he paused for a moment, more tears wetting my shoulder. "I can't..." he whispered.

I pulled away, confused. His eyes were open, but they were faded and shattered. They stared at my chest, unseeing.

My breath hitched and I pulled him close again, but he whimpered as I pressed on one of his wounds. I quickly apologized and gently moved my hand away.

His face creased with confused worry by my apology, which made me realize; I don't ever apologize.

We sat for a little before he fell asleep, still too tired to stay awake for long. I sighed, partially in relief and partially in exhaustion.

I carefully picked him up, one hand around his back and one under his legs. He was so light. I frowned as I carried him to the bed, covering him up with the sheets after placing him in a comfortable position.

Double checking that he was fully out cold, I got up and jogged down the stairs to the kitchen, filling a bowl with water and grabbing a small hand rag, heading back to my room quickly.

I removed his shirt with a slight blush. Since when did I blush? Well... I mean there was that one time before he disappeared...

I shook my head at myself and started to wash off his wounds gently, trying not to wake him. He frowned and squirm a little, but he was too far deep into his sleep to fully awaken.

Despite his horrible state, he looked angelic in the light of dawn filtering through my window onto his small figure.

Ignoring my weird thoughts, I washed the mixture of dirt and blood off of his face and did what I could to help his hair, but he really needed a shower.

There were many more wounds than I originally thought, the most of them on his back. I felt his forehead and, as I assumed, he was running on a fever. It wasn't anything serious, but it still called attention.

Even though it meant leaving his side again, which I didn't want to do because I wasn't sure that he was stable, I grabbed a clean cloth from the kitchen and soaked it a little in the freshwater of the bowl I had just changed, softly laying the cloth across his forehead, his cheeks tinged pink from the fever. I wondered how I hadn't noticed it before.

I checked him over again for anything I may have missed but only found an old scar on his left shoulder. It was usually hidden by his clothes, so I'd never seen it before. Not that I look at him often I fumble in my thoughts.

I sat on my knees, head on my arms on top of the sheets beside him. I fell into a light sleep, being awoken only as Deku sturred.

He groaned as he tried to move or hold his head, but I gently pushed him back down, hushing him when he tried to protest.

He was sweating a little and I hadn't noticed, so I silently removed one of the blankets, re-soaking the cloth on his forehead. I was about to go get him some medicine now that he was awake, but as I moved for the door his hand weakly clasped my wrist before I even left the bedside.

"Please..." he mumbled. "Stay..." I knew what he meant. "Don't leave me." is what he was saying.

Understanding, I sighed, ot quite in annoyance, and sat back down on the floor by the bed. His hand continued to hold my wrist, but I slid it down to my hand, lacing my fingers in his, definitely not blushing.

A small, weak smile adorned his face as he slowly drifted off again.

It was on and off from there, the time consisting of me re-dressing his wounds, re-applying the cloth, and him sleeping or sitting slightly awake, silence heavy as he continued to rest in his waking ours, only eating small amounts from a bowl of oatmeal if he could.

It continued like that for a couple days, my mom coming home two days after he showed up. She burst into silent tears when she saw him resting and me sleeping lightly by his side. I was aware, but tired after taking care of him.

She had immediately told everyone, but had made sure they wouldn't come to meet him yet. I couldn't figure out why, so I just shrugged it off. He really didn't need the company, either. He was still recovering, and it would only stress him out.

By that time, his minor wounds had healed and he was able to sit up for a few minutes while he was awake, which was much better than his previous amount of a few seconds before falling asleep again. I assumed the only reason he was able to run to the corner in the first place was because of his fear of more pain.

My brow furrowed in fury at the ones who had caused him such pain. I had asked him when he seemed a little more aware than usual, but all he managed to say was one name: Tomura. The name he spoke softly boiled my blood, but as not to stress him further, I attempted to calm myself as much as possible, but it was quite hard.

He had slept soundly most of the time, but sometimes he would start hyperventilating in a nightmare, causing me to have to shake him awake and soothe him while he cried and trembled, fear taking over every nerve in his body. Nothing I did helped for long, though. He'd have the nightmares at least once every two days and it scared him so bad he couldn't fall asleep for a little while after, whether he needed it or not. I felt his pain myself as his tears fell. It was like a punch to the gut. It stung, but it was all I could do not to show how much his pain hurt me. Why did I feel this way? It was so hard to comprehend. I'd never felt like this before, not towards him, nor anyone else. It was strange and painful, but I had to bare it. For Deku's sake.

No... I thought for a moment. For Izuku's sake. I wouldn't disrespect him anymore. He didn't deserve me doing that to him. I didn't care if he had taken the name to himself, it was still a horrible thing to do.

Said boy pulled me out of my thoughts as he started squirming in his sleep again, his face covered in agony as he tried not to scream. I quickly shook him, trying to wake him up from his horrible dream. After a few seconds he came to and curled into himself, whimpering and shivering in fear. I soothed him with calm words as I gently rubbed his back. He took his time, but eventually calmed down again to silent tears. I rested my arms on him and laid my head there.

"I'm so sorry, Izuku. I wish I could help you but..." he stiffened and I looked up. He hadn't moved otherwise. "What's wrong?" I asked, slightly nervous. He hadn't acted like this before... "You... you said... my name..." he managed. I hesitated, but lay my head down again, noding against him.

An awkward silence fell upon us, and it stayed that way until he fell asleep again, just in time for me to check his wounds and replace the cloth on his forehead. Eventually, after another few days, I awoke to check on him and he was sitting up against the headboard, looking around a little. He could see.

"Izuku! Can you see me? Are your eyes better?" My question sounded eager and happy. Two feelings never put in his direction.

He nodded a little but then said, "Kind of... it's all... blurry..." his words were still dripping with his need for more rest, so I forced him to do so despite his protests of rather being awake. It didn't take much persuading before he finally laid his head down, sleep coming to him in seconds.

The next day when I got out of a quick shower, something didn't feel right. Not even bothering with a shirt since Deku- no, Izuku, was probably still asleep, I headed to my room a little briskly. I walked in to see he wasn't there and I started to panic. Did they get him again? Where did he go?!

The bedsheets we're tossed to the side carelessly and the cloth from his forehead lay in the bowl. I looked around frantically and rushed down the stairs, only to freeze when I saw him sat on the ground in the hallway against the wall, panting heavily.

I moved towards him quickly and crouched beside him, feeling his forehead as my other hand helped bring him to a more upright position.

"Izuku! Are you okay? You shouldn't have left the bed! You're still weak! You scared the shit out of me, you freaking idiot!" When he nodded that he was okay, I pulled him to me, hugging him tightly.

"Um... Ka... chan." I pulled away, looking at his blushing face. He poked my chest and whispered. "No shirt..."

It took me a moment to realize what he was saying, then my eyes widened as I started to blush madly.

"Well... I guess I have to get you back to the bed first..." He shook his head.

"I want to... be somewhere... else..." he managed, wincing with each word. I knew his ribs were badly bruised and a few broken, so it made sense. I hesitated, but nodded, resting an arm around his waist, my face slightly red from the contact, while putting his over my shoulders.

Stupid bodily reactions! Why do you react to this?! Stop! Blushing!

Izuku trembled slightly as I slowly pulled him up to a standing position. I walked him down the hall to the living room, having him rest on the couch. It looked like he had gotten his shirt on by himself, but I knew it must have been painful. I got him comfortable then stood up.

"Stay here. Don't try to move again. I'm going to go grab a shirt. If it wasn't for you, I would've already had one." I teased lightly. He seemed to be getting used to me being nice to him now, but still seemed slightly uncomfortable and confused by it. I felt terrible about how I had treated him so I just wanted to make up for it... I grumbled to myself about how rude I was still being as I marched up the stairs to my room. It was hard to change after taking the easy road all your life.

I grabbed a shirt and pulled it over my head, making my way back downstairs. I poked my head in the living room to see him lying with his eyes closed exactly where I had left him.

I gave him a small smile and asked, "Hey, you think you're up for some dinosaur chicken nuggets? I know they're your favorite." I remembered how much he loved them when we were kids, so it was just a leap of faith by assuming he still did.

He thought for only a moment before giving a slight nod. He'd only been allowed to eat oatmeal so far, so of course he would accept.

"Okay, I'll be back after I get them in the toaster." He didn't acknowledge that I had spoke, but I knew he heard me.

I went to the kitchen and dug through the freezer for the ones I had bought a few days ago just in case he was feeling up to it.

I put some in the toaster and chuckled at how cute he was, having what I assume was his favorite food as dinosaur checked nuggets. Then I stopped. I thought he was cute. There was no use denying it. It was plain as day. This is why I had been in such a good mood when he was here. But why? Why did I feel this way towards him?

Am I really... gay? I think I am... and have been...

I decided to see what happens and just let fate take its course. The nuggets would take a little while, so I decided to head back to Izuku. * The dork of course had gotten up and was staring wobbly out the window with tears in his eyes.

I walked over silently and hugged him from behind, placing my chin on his head. With two years without proper care, he hadn't grown much, unlike me.

He stiffened for a moment only, soon accepting the gesture and melting into my chest. I smiled softly as I held him.

"It's snowing..." he whispered. "I haven't... seen it in... a long time..." A tear dripped onto one of my arms.

I hugged him tiny bit tighter and he smiled slightly.

"Well, now you get to see it every year, because I'm not letting them take you back." I said, strength in my voice. He nodded slightly, trusting me.

It felt good for him to trust me and accept me, even after all I'd done to him. I had to do it. I, Bakugou Katsuki, will now apologize.

I turned him around and put him at arm's length, looking him in his questioning eyes.

"Look, Izuku. I'm so sorry for how I treated you before. I know now that I was wrong to do that, and I regret it every time I see you. Taking care of you makes me think of all of the pain I'd caused you myself, and when you disappeared I regretted everything I had ever said to you. I--" he cut me off.

"Shut up, Kacahn." And then he pressed himself closer, his soft lips connecting with mine and sending shockwaves throughout my body.

I was shocked for less than a second, then immediately accepted it and he smiled into the soft kiss. The feelings I was having were new to me, but I knew that right here, right now, it didn't matter if I understood them. All that mattered was Izuku's arms around my neck and the feeling of his lips on mine. Yes... that's all that matters.

I pulled him closer, deepening the sweet kiss. He whimpered and shrank and I immediately released him, a look of hurt on my face.

He hates me, doesn't he? But HE was the one who kissed ME. Did he just want to shut me up? Was that all that meant to him?

My thoughts spun, but upon further inspection, I had accidentally pressed on one of his wounds a little too hard. He held it gingerly, looking at my expression with regret. Did he regret kissing me? No, that didn't need to be in my head right now. Back to reality.

"Im sorry Izuku, I shouldn't have done that. I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise I won't--"

"Stop... apologizing. I'm fine... Kachan." He was still tripped over his words a little, and I felt worse than before. I even kissed him while he was still unwell. Is this considered taking advantage of someone? Since when did I think so much?

I felt him press a hand to the side of my face, and I brought my eyes back to his. The color wasn't so faded. It was even better than yesterday, which was good. It meant it wasn't permanent, and I would soon see his beautiful green eyes again as they were before.

"I'm okay, really." he said it more steadily now. I still wanted proof, though.

"Turn around." I commanded. He widened his eyes but did. I pulled his shirt off and he screeched, trying to stop me.

"Calm down, Izuku. I'm just checking your wounds." At that, he nervously let me pull his shirt off of his body, holding himself a little in his shyness. His muscled back and tentative expressions were really making me want to kiss him again... but there were more important things at hand.

"Where is it."

He nodded at his left shoulder, and I saw that a blood stain was slowly getting bigger.

"Dammit." I mumbled, running to grab the towel from upstairs. I came back down to see him attempting to put his shirt back on but I stopped him with a stern look. He frowned but let me take the shirt away and hang it on the back of the couch.

I motioned for him to sit on the table and he sighed but moved to it, hopping up with a small, sharp intake of breath as he held his shoulder.

I had him turn around so his back was towards me and he sat criss crossed on the table. I tried my best not to hurt him while I removed the stained bandages, but he ended up flinching every now and then while I slowly pulled it away from his skin. I apologized quietly and he gave me a weird look.

I raised a brow at him in question, but he just blushed and looked away. How cute.

I smirked at his reaction and gave him his shirt.

"Bite on that. This may hurt. I stitched up the rest of your wounds while you were asleep thanks to the first aid training from school when you were gone, but it's messed up now, and I have to redo them." He nodded hesitantly, biting the sleeve of the cloth.

"Alright," I started, "I'm going to stitch you up now."

I pressed the needle into the flesh around the wound and he stiffened, biting the shirt a little tighter. I frowned sadly, not wanting to hurt him, but the sacrifice of comfort was needed to make sure he was okay later.

I stitched the wound back together and removed the previous ones, which was much less tortuous. He relaxed when I put the needle down on a towel, slumping over in relief.

All of his minor cuts and bruises were gone now, but it was taking some of the wounds a lot longer to heal then they should have. It was probably someone's quirk.

I washed my hands and came back to see him still sitting there but turned around, his feet dangling off the table. He was looking out the window, but turned to me when I walked towards him. I stopped a few feet away and drank in the sight of his bare-chested figure while he flushed crimson, twitching anxiously while he tried to hide himself.

I took the last few steps to him and stepped in between his dangling legs, placing my hands on either side of him and leaned close to him, our breaths mingling as his redness increased.

"The way you blush when I get close to you is quite cute, Izuku." I said suddenly, even to my surprise, with a slight smirk. If possible, his face darkened further.

I placed a hand on his cheek where a light bruise still resided.

"Does this still hurt?" He shook his head, looking me in the eye with innocence. I wanted to kiss him. Continue where we left off, but I knew I may hurt him again, and I wouldn't do that.

I frowned to myself and resisted the urge, pulling away and taking a step back. I ran a hand through my hair as I turned away.

"Kachan?" He asked with curious sadness.

"Look. I don't get what's going on with me. I thought you were just another person, but now I feel like your so important. It's confusing. When I saw you asleep in my bed the day you appeared, I felt so happy. I don't know why, and--"

"Kachan..." I turned to him, confused and honestly, a little scared. I couldn't look at his reaction. It was so frightening to think about. What if he hated me? I deserved it, after all. It's been going through my head a lot.

Then, the "what if"s seemed to fall away as I felt him pull me to him and hug me with all the might his frail body could manage.

"Kachan... I understand..." His voice was soft and sweet. His words were music to my ears. That was all I needed to hear. I smiled and returned the hug fiercely, but gently.

He was so... fragile. I felt he would shatter if I did anything more than be near him. But as he hugged me, He reminded me how strong he was. How he could beat me almost as bad as I could him. He wouldn't break. He was even tougher than me.

I separate us a bit and he gave a questioning look.

Please don't reject me...

Those were my only thoughts as I leaned closer again, gently placing my lips against his soft ones.

"Hmphf?" He widened his eyes in surprise at my sudden advance, but leaned into me, arms around my neck.

We kissed for a long time, his hands in my hair and mine around his waist. I touched his bare chest gently, avoiding all of his stitches while I traced every muscle. His smooth, buttery skin slid softly against my fingers and he sighed into the kiss, tugging at my blonde spikes.

I gripped his hips a little tightly, giving him a gentle yank towards me, urging more out of him as I deepened the kiss.

He let out a small noise and I smirked against his lips, but I knew that I shouldn't take this too far in his state. I'd definitely continue when he's well, though.

I continued our heated kiss for a while, but we eventually pulled away to catch our breaths.

Still concerned about where we stood beside that little makeout session, I asked, "Will you reject me?" The laugh that I had missed hearing so much filled my ears like the joyful jingle of a small bell.

"Why would you even ask, you idiot?" *


Kirishima: Hope you liked the improved version!!! Yeeeee!!!!

Deku: Don't forget to smash that Star, Comment, and Follow! Thanks!

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