Abandoned Human Robot (Cyborg...

By MedafighterOK

82.7K 970 1.2K

20 Years ago, before Ruby joined Beacon or Penny was created. Atlas needed someone who was wanting to see if... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Keiti's Bio
Chapter 6
Which Girl to Date
Chapter 7
I Need Suggestions and Ideas
Chapter 8
Bad News

Chapter 5

5.9K 82 81
By MedafighterOK


-Slayer's POV-

I was panicking on the inside while I stood still like a statue in fear.

Ruby: Slayer...? Are you going to be okay?

I slowly backed up and sat down on my bed.

Slayer: No... I'm not.... My core is damaged, and I can't fix it.

I put my hands on my face.

Slayer: *Mumble* What am I going to do?

Ruby and Yang lifted the door back up and closed it, then came and sat down next to me.

Yang: Can't you buy a new one from Atlas?

I removed my hands from my face and looked down at my core.

Slayer: No, they don't sell them. Even if they did, they'd be expensive as hell. I could make one from scratch, but I doubt that it'll be any good since they're extremely hard to make.

We sat there thinking for a while when Ruby snapped her fingers.

Ruby: Oh! We could ask Professor Ozpin if he could have Atlas make you a new core.

Slayer: Won't work. They'll ask him why he needs a core for a robot and they might get suspicious.

We sat there thinking again for a while and no one was coming up with ideas. I put my hands together and gripped them.

Slayer: *Whisper* If only she was here, she could help....

Yang: She?

I looked at her in surprise. I forgot that they were in the room next to me. I shook my head and walked to my workbench and started to grab my tools to finish working on my armor.

Slayer: It's nothing. Forget about it.

Yang: Slayer, I heard you say, "If only she was here, she could help."

Ruby: Wait, you did? Well, if she can help, then we need to go to her immediately!

Slayer: You can't... no one can reach her...

I was starting to get irritated. They looked at me confused.

Yang: What do you mean?

My back was still facing towards them as I was working on the helmet of my armor. I stopped and sighed.

Slayer: She's dead.... And I don't want to talk about it.

I said and then went back to work.

Ruby: Oh.... Sorry for your loss.

I sighed.

Slayer: It's fine. It's just that.... *Sigh* Nevermind.

The room was silent for a few minutes went by and I was finally done with my armor. I pressed a on the helmet and all of the armor went inside of my warp pack.

Slayer: Armors done. Not that using it will be of any use.

I sighed looked down with a sad look on my face.

Yang: If you can repair and maintain your armor, how come you can't do the same for your core?

I turned around and looked at them.

Slayer: I can repair the core, but it's like trying to plug a leak that's underwater with only duck tape. Only reason why I can repair my armor and weapons is because they're simple compared to the core.

They looked down with sadness for a bit, then they looked at me.

Yang: So... how long until you... you know... kick the bucket?

Ruby: Yang! What the heck?

Yang: What? I'm serious!

Ruby: But you can't just-

Slayer: It's okay, Ruby.

I said, interrupting her. Ruby was silent and I sighed.

Slayer: As long as I don't put any stress on the core or let it get damaged any more damaged, then I should be fine. So, that means that I can't fight anymore.... This is going to suck.

I looked down and remembered that the slash mark was still on my chest.

Slayer: Oh yeah, I need to cover the slash mark.

I grabbed a spray can from my warp pack, ripped off what was left of my shirt, and sprayed it on my chest. The parts that showed metal started to look like skin again. Ruby was pointing at my chest with excitement.

Ruby: What did you use? Your body looks new again!

Slayer: It's called "Skin Spray." I got it from Atlas when I was with them in case my skin got damaged. Good thing I never needed to use it until now.

I looked at Yang and saw that she was staring at me.

Slayer: Is something wrong, Yang?

She snapped out of her trance and blush a bit.

Yang: No, it's just that you look good without a shirt on.

I looked at my chest and then back at her.

Slayer: You're staring at my abs, aren't you?

Yang: Hey, momma likes what momma sees.

Ruby: Eww, gross Yang.

I chuckled a blushed a bit.

Slayer: Thanks, but I think I should change out of these clothes, they're completely ruined.

Yang: I think they make you look good.

Ruby: Yang, you're joking right? He looks like a hobo.

Yang: Nah, I think he looks hot!

I smiled and grabbed my school uniform and went to the bathroom to wash up and change clothes as they argued. When I came out, I through my clothes away but kept my jacket and put it on the back of my workbench chair. Ruby and Yang saw this and looked confused.

Ruby: Aren't you going to throw that one away too?

Slayer: No, someone special gave this to me. I'm hoping to find someone who can repair it.

Ruby: Oh! I know someone! Let me go get her!

Ruby open the door and it fell on my workbench with a loud bang.

Ruby: Sorry!

She ran out as quickly as she could. I sighed then looked at Yang.

Slayer: Well, while she's getting her friend would you mind helping fix my door.

Yang: Why would I do that?

Slayer: You two broke it, remember?

A sweat drop went down the side of her face.

Yang: Oh yeah, that's right. Hehehe...

-Time skip-

Yang and I were able to fix the door quickly and just in time too because Ruby came back with her friend. She wore sunglasses, a brown long sleeve, and an ammo belt on her shoulder and half of her belt.

Ruby: This is Coco, leader of team CFVY! And she is also a fashion designer!

Slayer: Hey, how's it going?

I asked as we shook hands.

Coco: Good. I heard that you help Velvet when Cardin was picking on her.

Slayer: Yeah, I am.

Coco smiled and grabbed my jacket to inspect it.

Coco: Hmm... It looks like they were clean cuts. I should be able to make this look like new without a problem.

Slayer: Really!? You can? That's awesome! Thanks a lot, Coco!

I said excitedly with a smile.

Coco: Not a problem. Consider it as thanks for helping Velvet. Hmm?

She pushes down her sunglasses a bit and sees that I'm wearing my school uniform.

Coco: Why are you wearing your school uniform? You know today is Saturday, right?

I shrugged.

Slayer: What? I don't have any other clothes left. I needed to wear something as I go out to buy clooooothss... fuck.

They look at me confused as I suddenly realized something extremely important.

Yang: What wrong now?

Slayer: ...I don't have money.... So, I can't buy clothes.

Yang: Oh, if that's what's bothering you, then don't worry about it! We got you covered!

Slayer: Huh?

-Time skip-

Yang and Ruby dragged all over Vale, helping me purchase clothes. They spent a nice chunk of their money for me, but I decided to make it up to them by making her team a home cooked meal of hamburgers with grilled fish, which they all loved it, including Weiss if you can believe it. Though we didn't tell her that I made it until after she was done eating. The look on her face was priceless, even though it was the look of horror, it was still funny. At the end of the day, I had a great time hanging out with Ruby and Yang. Thanks to them, I've felt more alive than I have in a long time. And Coco was able to fix my jacket and make it look like brand new. I was so happy that I hugged her and picked her up. After that, we said goodnight to each other and went to bed.

-Time skip-

A few weeks later, I was in Vale, wearing my normal clothes, walking with team RWBY because Weiss wanted to come and welcome the team that will come from Vacuo by ship today. I went with them to spend some time with them so they won't be afraid of me, and to buy some parts to help rebuild my core. I know that I'm not good at making them, but I need to at least try since "she" was no longer here to help me. I wasn't listen to their conversation until we got to the docks.

Yang: Ugh, remind me why we're at the docks on a Friday afternoon?

Ruby: Ugh, it smells like fish.

She said as she covered her nose. I smiled and patted her head, she looked up at me with a smile and leaned against my chest and I began to rub her head. She would do this a lot and I find it cute. I've gotten to know team RWBY and JNPR so much that they feel like a second family to me. And thanks to them that I've begun to feel more like a human than a monster. But, I still need to work on my anger and Weiss still doesn't like me, but I think she's starting to get use to me... at a very slow pace.

Weiss: I heard that students from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And, as a representative of Beacon, I thought I would welcome them.

Slayer/Blake: You just want to spy on them so you can a upper hand in the tournament.

Weiss: You can't prove that!

Ruby: What happened over there?

We turned around and saw Ruby pointing at a dust store that has been robbed. We walked over there and saw two detectives there.

Blake: What happened?

Detective 1: Another robbery. This is the second dust shop hit this week.

Detective 2: They left all the cash again.

Detective 1: Why would they take the dust but not the cash.

Detective 2: It was probably the White Fang.

Detective 1: Yeah, probably. Man, we don't get paid enough to do this.

Weiss: *Hmph* The White Fang. What a bunch of degenerates.

Blake: What's your problem?

Weiss: My problem? I just don't care for the criminally insane.

Blake: The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They are just a collection of misguided faunus.

Weiss: Misguided!? They want to wipe humanity off the face of planet!

Slayer: Only because humanity is racist.

Weiss: And what's that suppose to mean?

Slayer: Humans are sometimes racist to others all because of how they look different, or have different skin color, and I absolutely HATE it when people are like that. And, I do mean 'hate'.

I glared at Weiss angrily. She took a step back and looked away from me. I stopped glaring at her and we all made our way back to the docks.

Slayer: Beside, faunus' are not bad. They're actually quite nice once you get to know them.

Weiss: And how would you know that?

Slayer: Aside from Velvet, there was one other faunus that I met, and his name is-

Random Guy: Hey, stop that faunus!

We looked at the boat that was parked at docks and saw a male monkey faunus with blond hair running away from two guards.

Faunus: Heh, thanks for the ride guys!

He then jumps off the boat, runs on the dock, jumps in the air, and wraps his tail around a lamppost.

Guard 1: Hey, get down from there!

The faunus throws banana peel at the guard's face and runs past us.

Yang: Well Weiss, you wanted to see the competition.

Weiss: After him!

We chase after him down a few streets and as we make a corner, Weiss bumps into someone and they both fall down.

Weiss: No, he got away!

Slayer: Uh, Weiss?

I pointed. Weiss turned around and sees that I was pointing at the girl who was still lying on the ground, but she had her eyes opened and was looking at us.

???: Salutatorians!

Ruby: Um, hello?

Slayer: [First time I've heard someone greet me or anyone with that word.]

Yang: Are you okay?

???: I'm wonderful! Thanks for asking!

The girls looked at her confused while I shrugged it off and walked up to her and extended my hand out.

Slayer: Here, lemme give you a hand.

???: Oh, thank you.

She took my hand and I pulled her up.

Penny: My name is Penny! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Slayer: Nice to meet you. I'm Slayer.

Ruby: I'm Ruby.

Weiss: I'm Weiss.

Blake: Blake.

Yang: Are you sure you didn't-

Blake hit Yang before she could finish her sentence.

Yang: Oh, I'm Yang.

Penny: It's a pleasure to meet you!

Weiss: You already said that.

Penny: So I did.

We stood there in silence for what felt like hours, but was only a minute.

Slayer: [Well... this is awkward.]

Finally, Yang breaks the ice.

Yang: Well, we shoul be going.

We walk the other way.

Weiss: Bye.

Ruby: See ya friend.

Yang: Well, she was weird.

Slayer: I agree.

Weiss: Well, never mind that, we still need to find where that faunus riffraff went off to.

We stopped as Penny somehow got in front of us. Weiss and I were both shocked and were pointing where Penny was and where she stood now.

Penny: What did you call me!?

Yang: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think you-

Penny: Not you.

She walks up to Ruby.

Penny: You!

Ruby: Me!? I-I-I-

Penny: You called me friend. Does that mean were friends?

Ruby: Uh...

Weiss, Blake, and Yang were shaking their heads to say no while I shrugged and gave a thumbs up.

Ruby: Yes.

Weiss, Blake, and Yang then fell down in shock while I smiled at her.

Penny: Wonderful! We can paint nails, try on clothes, and talk about cute boys!

I looked at Penny confused and crossed my arms.

Slayer: [She sounds like as if she was sheltered as a child or something.]

Ruby: Is this what I was like when you met me?

Weiss walks up next to Ruby.

Weiss: No, she's way more coordinated.

Yang: Sooo, what are you doing her in Vale?

Penny: I'm here to fight in the tournament.

Weiss: Wait... you're going to fight in the tournament?

Penny: Yep, I am combat ready!

I looked at her shocked and surprised.

Slayer: [Did she just say she was combat ready? The only ones that I know that say that are Atlas soldiers and robots. That means that she's from Atlas.]

I started to get angry when I suddenly remembered that her behavior was like as if she was sheltered. I calmed down and put my hands down to my side.

Slayer: [No, she couldn't of know about me. She looks to young and seems to be naive enough to trust anyone. But, she does act weird.... Hmm, I'll keep an eye on her for now. And I can't fight her in the condition that I'm in anyways.]

I got out of my thoughts and focused on conversation they were having.

Weiss: Wait, if you're here for the tournament, then do you know that monkey tailed... rapscallion?

Penny: The who?

Weiss: The filthy faunus from the boat!

Blake and I were got angry when she said that.

Blake: What do you keep saying that?

Weiss: Huh?

Blake: Stop calling him a rapscallion! Stop calling him a degenerate! He's a person!

Weiss: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to stop referring a trash can as a trash can? Or a lamppost as a lamppost?

My left eye started to twitch as Blake and I got angrier.

Blake: Stop it!

Weiss: Stop what? He broke the law. Give it some time and he will join the other faunus in the White Fang!

An internal train whistle went of in my head and I snapped.

Slayer: THAT'S IT!!!

I yelled, startling them and getting their attention. I walked up to Weiss, shoved her up against the wall to my left and pinned her against it with my left arm across her chest.

Slayer: YOU IGNORANT, SPOILED LITTLE BRAT!!! What the FUCK makes you think that you know anything about the White Fang, huh!? All you heard are rumors from people who tell nothing but lies for people like your father and his father before to exploit faunus for cheap labor! But not only did you JUST identify the White Fangs as scum, but you did it to ALL FAUNUS!!!

Weiss looked at me shocked and scared.

Weiss: How do you know my father?

Slayer: I had to work for THAT BASTARD more than ONCE as a FUCKING SECURITY GUARD to make sure that none of his "precious workers", that he "pays so well", would try to steal from him!

She stared at me in silence with the same look on her face.

Slayer: Have you EVER, ONCE IN YOUR WHOLE DAMN LIFE, ever think that maybe it's because of the way that HUMANS treat them is why they act like this? Huh!? And the same thing could go for me too! Ever since I told you about myself, you've been treating like as if I was nothing but a freak and a monster! And all you've heard were nothing but lies until I told you the truth! I opened up to you and your friends and you've treated me like shit! I would of gone berserk a long time ago if it wasn't for your friends being there for me and treating me like a normal person!

Weiss: I-I-I-I'm sorry... I-I d-d-didn't know that-

Slayer: NO! You KNEW, EXACTLY, WHAT you were doing!

She looked down with a sad look on her face, but I grabbed her chin and forced her to look at me.

Slayer: And do you want to know the reason why I hate Atlas so much? AND WHY I DID WHAT I DID ON THAT DAY!?

She looked at me with fear in her eyes. Ruby, Blake, Yang, and Penny were backing up.


???: Let her go!

I was interrupted with a rock hitting me in the head.

Slayer: Who did that!?

I quickly looked to my left right and saw a girl at the end of the street with long white hair, wearing a turquoise shirt and pant, brown boots, a orange and black sword on her back, and a orange and black knife on the side of her belt. She had another rock in her hand and she looked upset at me. Everyone stared at her with shock and confusion as she kept tossing the rock in he right hand.

Blake: Who is that?

All of my anger was gone within an instant and all that was left was confusion, and disbelief. I let go of Weiss and slowly walked halfway towards the girl and stared at her.

Slayer: It's you.... But... how?

RWBY and Penny came up behind me.

Yang: You know her?

I stayed silent. Yang looked at me saw that I was staring at the girl. Ruby nudged me and snapped me out of it and I looked at her.

Ruby: Slayer, do you know her?

I slowly raised my right hand a pointed at her.

Slayer: S-S-She's Keiti.... She's my sister....

They gasped and look my sister and I, shocked and surprised. Keiti smiled and threw the rock down.

Keiti: Yup, the one and only. It's good to see you again, Meda.

Ruby: You have a sister!? That's awesome! How come you never mentioned her before?

Keiti walked towards me as Ruby was about to go to her until I grabbed Ruby by the back of her hood and pulled her back with force that made her fall backwards. I got a serious look on my face and pulled out my shotgun and pumped it. The girls looked at me surprised as I looked at my "sister" pissed off. She stopped, put her hands up, and looked shocked.

Keiti: Whoa! Whoa! What the hell do you think you're doing, bro?

Yang: Yeah! What's going on?

Slayer: SHUT UP!!!

Everyone was quiet.

Slayer: How are you here? No.... How are you even alive? I saw you die back in Atlas!

She sighed and looked at me with sad look on her face.

Keiti: The wounds were serious, but not fatal. After you went on a rampage at Atlas, someone found me and was able to temporarily treat the wounds. A few days after your rampage, they took me to a hospital in Atlas and they were able to treat the wounds more effectively and heal them.

Slayer: If that's true, then why do you look the exact same 20 years ago?

Keiti: You went on a rampage, bro. You destroyed so much to the point that they barely had anything to keep me alive. So, they stuck me inside of a capsule and freezed it so that I would still be alive and would be able to treat me when they had what they needed.

I glared at her in silence with my gun still aimed at her and my finger still on the trigger.

Slayer: How do I know that you're not a robot sent by Atlas just to get me to lower my guard and kill me?

Keiti: Your favorite weapons are shotguns, machine guns, and swords. Your armor is named Shadow Core. You've loved robots and mechs since you were a kid. And, you're willing to risk everything to save your friends and family. Is that enough proof?

Slayer: No! Atlas could have programmed you to say that! You get one more chance!

She sighed.

Keiti: Fine. How about this?

She reaches into her shirt and pulls out a necklace that's around her neck. I was old and looked like it was made by hand. I was shocked when I saw it.

Slayer: That's-

Keiti: Remember, remember, the fifth of November...

I slowly, slightly lowered my gun.

Slayer: The gunpowder treason and plot.

Slayer/Keiti: I know no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

I lowered my gun completely and sent it back into the warp pack. Tears were running down eyes as was hers.

Slayer: It really is you.... SIIIIIS!!!

Keiti and I hugged each other and cried into each others arms.

Slayer: I've missed you so much, sis!

Keiti: I've missed you too, bro. I've missed you too.

RWBY and Penny were smiling while saying "Awww".

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