Confessions of an Orchid Flow...

By MAHunter_

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A custody battle of a little girl sets things in motion. Dark secrets of the past start emerging, mysterious... More

Chapter 1: Lily is Mine
Chapters 2: Letters from Hell
Chapter 3: The Trial
Chapter 4: A Date with Destiny
Chapter 6: Dark Revelations
Chapter 7: The Orchid Flower
Chapter 8: Mind Control
Chapter 9: Lilian's Wrath
Chapter 10: A Happy Beginning

Chapter 5: Sinister Vibes

100 6 13
By MAHunter_

"There's so much you still don't know Katie," Matthew said, reaching out for her hands. "Everything I did was for us."

"But you mu-murdered all those people," Katie said.

"But I did it for us baby," Matthew said, embracing her. "All we need now is the passcode to your father's safe and then we're off with the money to Paris, just like you always wanted."

"I can't do that to my parents babe," Katie said. "I..."

"But if you don't, you know I'll go to jail, right?" Matthew said, his voice breaking. He started pacing back and forth. "Goddamn it Katie, do you want to see me behind bars?"

"O-of course not! Baby, please calm down."

"Calm down?" Matthew said, walking up to her and raising his voice. "CALM DOWN? I murdered them so we can be together!"

"But I never asked you to do that!" Katie said, tearing up.

"It's been done! Now give me the damn passcode."

"I can't do that to my family, I just can't. And I'm sorry. I really am."

"Then you've made your choice," Matthew said, drawing a gun from his pocket and aiming it at Katie.

But before he could pull the trigger, the door burst wide open.


Three armed policemen entered the room and pointed their gun at Matthew.


"You double-crossed me?" Matthew said, looking at Katie with disbelief as he carefully lowered the gun to the floor.

"I'm s-sorry," Katie wailed.

"Hands over your head where I could see them!", the police officer said.

"You ungrateful bitch!" Matthew said, as two officers handcuffed him.

"I'm so sorry!" Katie cried, sinking to her knees.

"I'll never forgive you for this Katie!" Matthew said, as the police officers dragged him out of the room.

"CUT!", someone called.

"That was beautiful," the director said, blowing his nose. "Kudos June. Kudos Jack. You both nailed the part."

June walked out of the set, removing her long black wig.

"Over here June!" I waved, Alex right beside me. "But she didn't hear me as a tall red-haired man walked across the set to her, holding a bouquet of flowers. Huh. I wonder who's that.

"Psst, Maxxie, check out the dork with the flowers. Probably a fan," Alex said, giggling.

The dork walked up to June and presented her with the flowers.

"Hey Alex, ten bucks says she's gonna toss it right back in his face, I said." And she would. June's feisty like that.

Alex sniggered. But we were wrong. Very wrong. June's face lit up as she kissed him. On the lips. My jaw dropped.

Wait what?

She walked up to us, hand-in-hand with the ginger dork.

"Guys, meet Christopher. Christopher, this is Max and Alex."

My jaw dropped wider.

This was Dr. Chris? I mean he wasn't ugly or anything. Maybe even attractive behind those thick-rimmed glasses and scruffy ginger beard. But I always pictured June with someone muscular, ripped, etc. Oh well, as long as he makes her happy I guess.

"Max and Alex I believe?" Chris said. "I heard all about you two."

"Good things I hope," I said, extending my hands but still in shock.

"Definitely good," he said, turning to shake Alex's hands now. Alex drew his hand back quickly.

I turned to scrutinize Alex. He was actually shooting Dr. Chris icicle daggers that would cut someone easily. Oh my God, why haven't I noticed this earlier? Yes, it all makes sense. Alex liked June. But the question is, for how long?

"I'm starving," June said, pulling at Chris's arms and oblivious to the brewing tension. "By the way guys, Chris is joining us at Pop's Diner for lunch," she said.

"Perfect," Alex said, his tone dry. "Something came up June and I can't make it, you guys enjoy though."

"Aww boo!" June said hugging Alex.

"Later dude," I said, patting his back.

"Nice meeting you man," Dr. Chris said.

Alex merely nodded at him and walked off.

Wow, I've never seen Alex like this before. He must seem really bummed out about this. I'll definitely talk to him about it later.

"Shall we?" June said, bringing me back to reality.

"We shall," I said, following her and her man lover right behind.


"But he's not even her type," Alex said.

I was driving home back from lunch with June and Dr. Chris and the first thing I did was call Alex up.

"What do you mean not her type?" I said.

"You know, he's like too nerdy."

I Iaughed. "Seriously Al? Nerdy? That's all you could come up with?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Oh come on, it's pretty obvious man."

"What's obvious?"

"You and June. Duh."


There was a long pause on the other end of the line. He was red and embarrassed for sure. Did I mention how much I loved teasing Alex?

"So cute," I said.

"Shut up," Alex said, his voice coming out in a low murmur. I could only imagine how red his ears were.

"I'm serious," I said.


"It's cute," I repeated. "You and June. I don't know why I didn't see it before but it makes so much sense now. But I'm just wondering, when did you realize this?"

"I think I always did Maxxie," Alex said.

"But what about Daisy? You seemed to be serious about her."

"Daisy's just a crush. I guess it took seeing June with another guy to realize how much I actually liked her."

"Why didn't you tell her all these years then?" I said.

"It's complicated Max. She's my best friend. I don't want to risk our friendship. What if she says no?"

"What if she says yes?"

"Maaaaaax, don't, my heart is too weak to handle this. I love her."

"You love her? Wow Al, that's serious then."

"It is Maxxie, and I want to tell her but I'm scared."

"Don't be," I said. "I'll help you."

"None of it matters now anyway since she's with doctor what's his face."

"Come on Al, don't be like that. They just started going out. You still stand a chance. I'll help you."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise," I said.

And folks, I meant it. I was on a mention on making my two best friends get together. What can I say, I must have been Cupid in another life.


Over the next few weeks, life moved on; everyone was going on about their busy schedule. Amanda and I, well, we became more than just acquainted; we were in love. Pretty darn cute isn't it? And speaking of love, June was falling for Dr. Chris more and more, and Alex refused to do anything about it. I mean I tried everything but Alex was one fragile feline. So I gave him some tough love, either confess everything and tell June he loves her or watch her end up marrying someone else. You have to put effort for love. Otherwise, you'll live a life filled with regrets. As for Lily, well she got to spend more time with her biological mother (under June's supervision of course), and in the process, the two sisters began forming a more civilized relationship; I wouldn't say they were back to normal, but at least Delilah and June were on good terms and there was a mutual understanding between the two. All was good. For now.

I was currently snuggled up on the sofa with Amanda. We were watching a horror movie (this girl loves horror movies) and I was actually hiding behind her during those scary jumping scenes. Quite embarrassing I know. But Amanda found it adorable. Just then, my phone began to rang. It was a blocked number. Not again.

I sighed.


"Maximus, how I've missed you."

"Aren't you getting bored of this game?" I said.

"I assure you this isn't a game Maximus," the voice said.

"Quite calling me that you freak!"

"Who's on the line?" Amanda said, pausing the movie and looking at me intently.

"Some loser who's been prank calling me for over a month now," I said, loud enough for the person on the other side of the call to hear.

"Loser ey? Trying to impress the girlfriend?"

"Shut up."

"Tell Amanda I say hi."

My blood froze. "H-how do you Amanda?"

"I know everything Maximus," the voice said. "Like how you two were watching Nightmare on Elm Street just now.

"What the actual fuck?" I said. I got up suddenly and turned the lights on. "Get behind me Amanda," I said.

The voice started laughing. "I'm not inside your house if that's what you're wondering."

"I gave you more than a week's warning. I told you to confess about the Orchid Flower but you didn't listen. So I took something precious from you."

"What did you do?" I snarled.

CLICK! The line hung up.

Seconds later, June called me, her voice piercing my ears.


My heart sank. "What is it June?"

June was crying one whole minute on the phone.

"Please June. Tell me, what happened," I said, fearing the worst.

"It's L-Lily. She's-she's g-gone!"

"Gone? What do you mean gone?"

"She's been kidnapped. The person left a note."

My heart sank deeper in my chest. All this time, I barely paid attention to the voice calling me. I thought it was a prank call from one of my friends. I never imagined the possibility of the voice being dangerous.

I sank back on the sofa, the phone falling from my hands.

"What is it babe?" Amanda said, sitting next to me and holding my hands.

"It's Lily," I said, my voice low. "She's been kidnapped."


Dear papa,

They say vengeance is sweet. But I like to think of it as extra sweet. You see, when you dedicate yourself to a cause your whole life and you finally begin seeing results, well, it feels pretty amazing. I accomplished step one of my plan. You might disprove but trust me, it's the only way of ever finding you. It might seem silly writing all these letters and then storing them in my safe, but it helps me stay focused on my goal. I'm this close to everything I ever wanted. We'll talk soon.

Yours truly,


The woman called Lillian sealed the envelope shut and placed it in her drawer with the remaining of the letters.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Yes?" Lilian said, getting up. She was a woman in her mid-thirties.

A hooded figure greeted her at the door. I did as you asked, he said. "It's done. She's in the basement. I brought her in an hour ago when you were out."

"Very good," Lilian said. "But just so you know, the others, they'll never forgive you for this, you know that right?"

"I don't care, you're all I care about," the hooded figure replied.

"Okay ew, your work is done for today. I'll call you if I need anything else. Bye."

And with that, she slammed the door in his face. She walked towards the basement, her heart pounding with excitement. She was close to her goal and that's all that mattered.

A little girl was tied up on a chair, a tape sealing her mouth shut. Lilian almost felt sorry for the girl. But she didn't really care.

"There's no need to be scared little girl," Lilian said. "I will remove this tape but help me God you utter one scream, I'll shut your mouth for good."

She removed the duct tape and Lily snarled.

"I'm not a little girl," Lily said, gritting her teeth. "I'm eight."

"Feisty aren't you? You remind me of myself.'

"Who are you?" Lily asked.

"That doesn't matter now."

"I said, who are you. Tell me or I'll scream."

"First of all, you're in no position to make any threats," Lilian said. "And secondly, wrap your head around this sweetheart. You want to know who I am? Fine. But first, let me tell you a little story.

"I'm not interested in your little story," Lily said. "My mother will find you and when she does, you will be sorry."

"Ooooh is that so? Mommy to the rescue? Which one? Your actual mother or the fake one raising you those past few years?"

"How do you know about that?" Lily said.

Lilian laughed. "Oh you poor child, I know everything."

"I don't want to hear your story."

"But you shall," Lilian said, ignoring her, barely paying attention to Lily now. She turned her back to her and paced the room.

"Picture this. Thirty two years ago. A hospital wing. A lady giving birth to a sweet baby girl. She's all alone because her no good for nothing husband was having another one of his many affairs. The poor woman was all alone. But once she held her daughter in her arms, she didn't care. Looking into her daughter's baby blue eyes assured her that she was never going to be alone again. Her husband could be damned for all she cared. All she cared about was her perfectly healthy baby girl. And she had picked out the perfect name for her. Lily."

"Wait what?" Lily said.

"Hush child," Lilian said, "I'm not done. You see, after the mother came back home, her no good for nothing husband didn't even help with his supposed baby girl. But the joke was on him. He wasn't the biological father. You see, the mother grew tired and sick of her husband cheating on her; in her eyes, it was no longer a marriage; he hasn't even touched her for two years. She wanted a divorce but he didn't permit it. He cared about his reputation since he was this so called esteemed businessman and didn't want a divorce to tarnish his hot shot reputation. And his wife, bless her, too scared to fight him for a divorce. So she started going to the bar, and that's when she met this handsome man, Erik, and fell in love. Shortly after, she got pregnant, but knowing the predicament she was in, she couldn't possibly tell her husband. She would be shunned in society, called a slut, a whore, and bring shame to her whole family. So she kept it to herself, and didn't even tell Erik. She broke things off with him, as much as it pained her heart to do so. And she quickly hatched a plan. She seduced her husband and slept with him. A few weeks later, she announced her pregnancy so that he wouldn't suspect it wasn't his child. The pregnancy news didn't seem to excite him at all. He merely shrugged when she told him she was pregnant. And he went on about his affairs with countless other women. Meanwhile, the mother cried herself to sleep every night over Erik, the love of her life. In the process, she and her husband grew even more distant."

"I'm really confused," Lily said.

"The best part is yet to come," Lilian said, ignoring her. "So nine months later, Lily was born. Everyone thought that the mother became depressed because she caught her husband in bed with another woman; that was the story she had told people anyway. But the real reason was because she missed Erik. She wanted to tell him about his beautiful baby daughter, but she couldn't because her life would be over. So she kept it a secret for several months, her heart aching in the process. One fateful day, she decided to reclaim her life and hatched a dark plan: she would get rid of her husband once and for all and make it look like a suicide. Then she would find Erik and tell him everything. So one night, she mixed rat poison in her husband's tea and watched as he chocked to death."

"That's awful!" Lily said, crying. "What you're saying, the story, it sounds..."

"Familiar?" Lilian cut her off.

"Yes, but it can't be."

"Oh it can, little one. You see, once Tom, the husband died, his wife, Delilah forged a note saying that he took his own life because he couldn't live with the guilt of cheating on her and taking care of her and her daughter. Which is utter garbage and bullshit since he obviously never gave a shit anyway. And pretty soon, Delilah had to play the part of a grieving wife. But first, she had to find Erik. His phone was off but she didn't give up. She called him for weeks in hopes of reuniting with him. Oh cruel fate, she finally lost hope and Erik was gone forever. Delilah couldn't handle it, and that's when she started taking pills. It helped her escape her pain, to not think about him. In the process, she began neglecting her daughter. Fearing for her daughter's life, she phoned her sister June, asking her to take care of her daughter because she couldn't do it anymore. But June was a bitch and shunned her sister, thinking of her own life instead. That selfish bitch."

Lily was crying now. "No, it can't be. What you're telling me, it doesn't make any sense."

"It does child, think about it. Your mother did everything in her power to keep you safe, and this Aunt of yours that you call a mother did nothing to help. So that's when Delilah overdosed one night. The police found you but your Aunt didn't do anything to adopt you even. She let child services take you in and that's when your life went into shambles, from one foster house to another, you never experienced safety, security, or actual happiness."

Lilian's voice broke off. "And you grew up all these years all alone in the world, with no one to take care of you."

"What are you saying?" Lily said, in tears. "You're not making any sense! All these years? I'm only eight years old!"

Lilian walked back to Lily and knelt down, staring in her eyes. "Think Lily. Think. You asked me who I was. Now I'm asking you. Who am I?"

Lily stared into Lilian's eyes, blue into blue, neither one blinking. The similarly, it was strikingly alarming. But it couldn't be. There was no way.

"Who am I Lily?" Lilian repeated.

"No, it's impossible," Lily breathed.

"Say it," Lilian whispered.

"You're me," Lily said.

"I'm you," Lilian said. "Clever girl."

"H-how's this even possible?"

"The one thing I learned in this wretched world, it's that anything's possible."

"But my mother, June, she did take me in."

"Not in my reality she didn't," Lillian replied.

"Your reality? I don't understand, how is this possible?"

"I'm not from your world kid," Lilian said, standing up. "There are countless worlds, all parallel to each another. But I found a way to travel through time, to an alternative universe. But something went wrong that altered the events and deprived me from a normal and happy upbringing. So that's why I'm here. To set things right."

"And how will you do that?" Lily said.

"I'm still trying to figure it out, but at least I know what the first step is."

"What is it?" Lily asked.

"To kill you of course." Lilian's voice was cold and solemn.

"You're crazy!" Lily said. "Killing me won't change the events."

"No, but it will help me figure out the glitch in all of this," Lilian replied. "Relax, I've done it before."

"You what?"

"Oh right, there's something else I haven't told you. I've been to other alternative universes, and that's when I exacted my revenge on our Aunt June by killing you in front of her. Oh and I also seduced her boyfriend, Alex or whatever his name was. And I found actual love, this pretty amazing guy called Max."

"You're delusional," Lily said, struggling to free herself from the ropes. "Uncle Alex isn't dating my mom. She's dating someone else. And Uncle Max has a girlfriend."

"Not for long," Lillian smiled. "This time, I'll get everything I want. I'll find our father, get revenge on Aunt June, reunite my parents together, and make Max fall in love with me all over again. Everyone's gonna love me, because after all, I'm such a delicate Orchid flower.

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