A Small Change [Hollywood Und...

By scenesterwiener

1.3K 94 27

What if you woke up in a world that wasn't yours anymore? That was a question Jordon Terrell never asked but... More

A Grandiose Headache
A Strong Scent
A Different World
A Tongue Piercing
A Stupid Question
A Fantasmagical Journey
A Fucking Baby
A Million Years
A Lotta Stuff
A Hopeful Song
A Haunting Chill
A Winky Face
A Second Time

A Second Thought

77 6 1
By scenesterwiener

"-and where'dya put Mikey?" Arina raised her eyebrow.

"Uhh, she's with the staff." Aron kept his head down.


God, the tension between the two siblings made Jordon wince. He didn't really know what was going on between the two, but he knew that it was never that bad, right?

Jordon accidentally bumped into a pedestrian. "What the fuck, dude? Can'tcha see I'm walking?" The man said.

"Oh, sorry." Jordon responded in a monotone voice. "I was jus' thinkin'."

"Think about where you're goin' next time, will you?" The man barked.

"Hey," George's raspy voice bit. "leave him be, he's havin' an off day, okay? Now scram." He firmly held Jordon my the shoulders.

George's terrifying scowl and his extremely-but-not-too-extreme build was enough to turn the stranger white.

Shadows that casted by George's face made him look far more terrifying than he should be. "Let me rephrase," He coughed. "fuck off." George growled with utmost terror.

The stranger squeaked and ran off in an instant, leavinng George gave a satisfied grin. "You alright, sweetheart?"

Jordon let out a weak cough. "Ah, yeah, you?"

"Perfectly fine." He nodded.

"Yo, what the fuck?" Jordon cussed appropriately. What the fuck, indeed. Piecing together some instances the past couple hours, there seems to be some things Jordon can do without a second thought, like his phone's password or navigating his way to the restroom- er, bathroom. "Damn, I'm good at this analysis shit." He thought to himself, truth be told he really isn't, he just watches too much movies. Shh, don't tell him that.

In the front of Mcmenamins Crystal Ballroom, there were a large group of people waiting in front, they cheered at the sight of the four walking.

"Shh, just ignore them." George whispered.

"Why?" Jordon tilted his head.

Arina squeezed Jordon closer to George. "Why not? It makes us look cooler." She shrugged.

"By ignoring our fans?" The rapper squinted his eyes.

George huffed. "Dude, what's your problem?"

Jordon let out a small squeak, similar to how the stranger from a while ago squeaked.

Meanwhile, Aron was waving to the camping fans, small "hello's" and whatnot. The usual things a less-than-mediocre celebrity would do when meeting fans outside. Arina shook her head in apparent disappointment.

"Charlie! Johnny!" A young lady in the crowd called out. "Can I have your picture! Please?!" She beckoned.

Jordon lightly shouldered George. "C'mon, just for once? Not for me, but for the fans."

George gritted his teeth slightly. "I thought you were a bit camera shy?"

"Anything for the fans." The smaller man cracked a nervous smile, in hopes of changing the strikingly brawny man's mind.

"Fiiiiine," George sighed, rolling his eyes. "but I'm doing this for you, okay?"

"For the fans." Jordon corrected, sneering smugly.

George shook his head, a slight grin plastered on his face. "Don't push it."

"Hey, guys." George greeted, the crowd of fans cheering on for that simple action. "Hey, how're ya doin'? Oh, that's cool. Nice to meet you." George kept an albeit non sequential conversation with the fans. "Hey, nice jacket. Hi. Hey. What's up? I'm doin' good, you? That's great." He nodded along.

Arina nudged Jordon's shoulder. "Ya really know how'ta get to him, huh?" She smirked.

"It takes just a little bit of persuasion," He put the tips of his index finger and thumb close but not touching each other. "And a lot of good looks." He winked.

"Gross." Arina playfully shoved Jordon. "Fuck outta here, dude." She snickered.

"I could say the same about you." Jordon pushed Arina back.

"No, you." Arina shoved.

"No, you." Jordon pushed.

"No, you!"

"No, you!"

"No, you!"

"No, you!"

After some time of pushing each other, Jordon looked over to George, who was enjoying the attention the fans were giving him.

"Y'all wanna see a muscle?" He hyped up the crowd, some of them had their phones up, presumably, maybe obviously recording George.

"Aight, here you go." George indeed flexed a muscle causing the majority of ladies and the not-so-gentlemen to squeal and howl.

Arina jokingly shook her head. "How does that guy not have a girlfriend yet?" She sniggered. "Or even a boyfriend!"

"He doesn't have a girlfriend?" Jordon looked over to Arina. "Or a boyfriend?" He added.

"Uhh, duh?" She made a stupid face. "I mean, neither do I, or Dilly, but George? He's on another level, yo." Arina sneered. "The guy is too afraid of commitment; he's a total pussy when it comes to relationships!" She gestured to George, who was still flexing in front of the fans.

"He does nothin' but watch romcoms and fantasize about relationships, but when it comes to the actual thing, he pussies out like a total pussy!" She motioned her hands. "God, he could pick up any chick at a bar for a quick fuck, but does he do the same when it comes to picking up the slack and get his shit together to get a chick to be in a committed relationship with someone? No!" She raised her voice.

Arina was left in a frustrated, out-of-breath mess. "Are you okay?" Jordon reached his hand out, but Arina smacked it.

"Yeah," Arina stood up straight. "Just needed to get that off my chest." She sighed. "Y'know, you're actually a good listener if you're not bein' an asshole so much."

"Thanks." Jordon nodded, slowly becoming more aware of what kind of person he is in this different world he's in.

"Okay, guys, I- I mean, we gotta go now, we'll see you all later though, bye!" George waved the fans goodbye. But the fans only "aww'd" in sadness.

"We'll see y'all later! We promise!" George jogged away, Arina and Jordon followed.

While Jordon was brisk walking, he heard a series of huffing and puffing behind him. It was Aron.

"Yo, where were you?" Jordon asked.

"Sorry, just- just said hi to some fans." Aron caught up to Jordon.

"Well, damn, dude." Jordon slumped his arm over Aron's sweaty shoulders, to which he internally regretted but can't back out from. "Are you gonna have an asthma attack? You sound like the big bad wolf." He joked.

"I'm f-fine."

"Hm?" Jordon noticed that they walked past the venue. "Hey, guys. Isn't the Crystal Ballroom that way?" He pointed to the building with his thumb.

"Yeah, but like, we gotta run some errands first." Arina reasoned out.

"What kind of errands?" Jordon tilted his head, his question ignored.

The rapper looked at Aron, then looked down on his hands which are carrying the two cup carriers. "Need any help?" Jordon offered.

Aron was unresponsive for a moment, but only for a moment. "Huh? Oh. Uhh, nah, it's cool. I can handle it."

"You sure? It looks like you're struggling a bit." Jordon furrowed his eyes.

"It's fine, don't worry about me." Aron gave a sad smile laced with pain, making Jordon's chest ache slightly.

"No, you know what? Give me one, c'mon." Jordon reached out his hand.

Aron pursed his lips for a second and gave him a carrier. "Here, jus' don't tell 'em I gave one to ya, aight?"

Jordon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "God, please don't tell me they won't even let people help him..." He shook his head.

The four entered a 7 Eleven. "Y'all get whatever y'all want." Arina waved her hand around.

George immediately went for the booze, and Aron rushed to the chips and sweets, Arina grabbed several bags of doggy diapers and packs of instant noodles and other reheatables.

Jordon felt out of place seeing the three looking so busy getting consumables and- is George getting disposable underwear? Gross.

"See anythin' ya want?" Arina carried a shopping basket full of random shit.

"Uhh, I dunno." Jordon shrugged. "I'll go look around." He walked around the convenience store to search for anything that would pique his interest. Normally, this is the part where Jordon would be too distracted and focus on why he's been randomly teleported into another realm of sorts. But, he decided to ignore those thoughts and got two cans of cheddar Easy Cheese, wet wipes, dry shampoo, and some breath mints all while carrying the Starbucks cup carrier.

"What's with the shampoo?" George raised an eyebrow, he was carrying four six-packs of beer and two bottles of vodka.

"Felt a little dirty." Jordon shrugged, looking at the can of dry shampoo.

"Well, you're gonna feel a lot more dirtier in a while~" The taller man winked, walking towards the cash register.

Jordon shook his head furiously, what did George mean by that? Are they gonna- but that's- they could never. They would never, would they? No, impossible. George is just flirting, right?

By now you'd know what's about to go down, but let's wait for that, shall we?

Arina crudely pushed Jordon to the side. "Oh, sorry. Didn't see ya there." She winked. The blonde looked at the amount of items Jordon was holding. "What's with all that shit?" She sneered.

"None of your business?" He phrased his statement like a question. "What's with all the noodles?" He asked a question back.

"Uhh, 'cause I'm hungry?" Arina's eyed narrowed. "What kind of dumbass question is that?" She tilted her head, lightly shaking the 

Before Jordon could say anything, his phone buzzed in his pants' pocket. He couldn't reach it since his hands were full of disposables and a coffee carrier.

"Here," Arina took Jordon's phone out, successfully opening his phone's password. "Dylan said, 'Where y'all at?' With an emoji of a man shruggin' and a shaka sign." She imitated the shaka sign. "'We need y'all for sound check' with an emoji of a microphone and three music notes." She continued.

Jordon didn't really know how to respond to the message. "Tell him we're at 7 Eleven."

"'We out at the store, y'all want anything??' Two question marks and three dollar signs." She stated out loud. "Aaaand send."

A moment passed and another notification came by.

"'I need your asses here, stat!' with an angry dude emoji." She pouted. "Now what?"

"Tell him we'll get there as soon as possible." Jordon dictated, giving his desired items to the registrar. Wait, that sounded wrong, nevermind. I'm sorry.

"'Be there in a sec, homie' with a shaka sign." She smirked. "You can thank me later." She shoved Jordon's Iphone back into his pocket.

The two of them walked out of the store. "Whatever..." Jordon shook his head, rolling his eyes, knowing he can't stand to be around any of the newly changed band members.

"Hey!" Aron called out.

"C'mon, baby!" George beckoned. "We're gonna go to Taco Bell!"

"Hey, loser!" Arina came up from behind Jordon, dragging him to the other two. "What're ya cunts waitin' for?" She laughed. "First two to shit their pants onstage'll get pantsed!"

On second thought, maybe he could stand them. Just a little bit.

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