You'll Be Near

By Adertily-Blue

183K 9.8K 1.5K


The Suprise
The Inquisition
A Misunderstanding
The Anniversary
A Trip To The Vets
Two Pink Lines
The Talk
Arslan Meets The Cats
The Check-Up
A Mother's Touch
Red Wolf
There It Is
Fingers and Toes
Grey Haze
Once A Street Cat ...
The Reveal
Flowers and Teddies
Seashells, Windchimes, and Baby Bumps
Campfires and Marshmallows
Seni Seviyorum
Butterflies and Baby Showers
Falih Rıfkı Atay
Summer Dresses and Sunshine
Olive Branches and White Flags
Cicada's Song
Broken Families
Little Lamb
Welcome Home
Scrapbooks and Sandcastles

A New Puppy

4K 217 16
By Adertily-Blue

Can returned home at 3:45 pm. He left work early, knowing they would need time to drive to the adoption center, which was an hour away. He found his wife sat at the desk in the kitten nursery. The cats were curled up asleep in their tent, in-between the desk and tall, weeping fig plant that was potted in the left-hand corner of the room. The desk was made of pastel-blue stained wood and was positioned just in front of the window, which gave a view down one side of the property.

Sanem heard him enter. Then turned around as he pulled her into his arms.

"I missed you at work today." He whispered into the skin of her neck.

"I missed you too."

Sanem updated him on the trip to the vets, and about her call to the rescue center, while Can sat holding Ihsan. The little kitten mewed and attempted to snuggle into Can's t-shirt. Sanem thought it was one of the cutest things she had ever seen. Her husband was rapidly falling in love with the little, light-ginger tabby. He definitely had a favourite.

They both sat watching the little family for a moment. Eventually, Sanem noticed the time and jumped to her feet.

"We have to go! We have to go, Arslan is waiting." She squealed. Can tucked the kitten back beside his mother and let Sanem pull him to his feet.


The drive only took them 50 minutes; Can rushed. When they arrived Eylül was already waiting in the front room with Arslan. She smiled at them as they entered, both with giddy expressions on their faces. They signed the last few pieces of paperwork and were given a few information packets. Then they completed the ceremonial swapping of leads. Sanem hooked the lead they had brought with them, onto Arslan's harness. He was still too small to be attached by the collar. Eylül unclipped hers, and suddenly they had a new dog. Eylül congratulated them and wished them luck.

Sanem picked Arslan up to take him out to the car. He wriggled in her arms. Attempting to lick her face, which made her giggle. The travel cage had already been installed in Can's car. Sanem placed him inside, giving a last kiss to his forehead.


Soon they returned, pulling into the driveway. They released Arslan into the house. His feet pattered on the wooden floorboards as he rushed around, becoming acquainted with his new home. Can called him over to the corner of the lounge, near the sliding glass door that led to the garden. They had set up a bed for him here. A chequered brown dog bed, with a soft, faux fur interior. Sanem had placed one of the cat's blankets over the top, to help him become acquainted with their scent. It was positioned inside another large dog cage. Sanem hoped they wouldn't have to keep him locked up for long. It would only be until he was potty trained and through the worst of his teething phase. They didn't want him eating the sofa's while they slept.

They spent all evening playing, and then cuddling with him when he got tired. Can brought out the selection of toys they had bought for him. Arslan was overwhelmed with the choice. Eventually, he collapsed in Can's arms. They moved onto the sofa, a movie playing in the background. Sanem leaned against Can's side, running a hand over the puppy's ears. The sight of Arslan's head resting on Can's lap stirred something inside her. All four of their new family members were going to be so much work. She wondered if they had gotten in over their heads. She voices this to Can.

"Perhaps. But it will be alright. I think we were fated to find them all." He smiled, stroking Arslan's fur. "But we should defiantly stop now. The house is getting a bit full." He chuckled. Sanem hummed in response.


They tried going to sleep, leaving Arslan downstairs. They really did try. But in the end, after 40 minutes of howling and crying, he found his way to the foot of their bed. Curled up on top of the duvet.


The next morning, Sanem woke early to a strange feeling rising in her chest. Something didn't feel right. She dashed to the bathroom. Arslan, suddenly awake, chased after her, jumping down from the bed. Sanem doubled over the toilet bowl, the contents of her stomach emptying into it. Arslan watched her carefully. When the spasms finally stopped, Sanem groaned and leaned back against the wall.

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