The Gang

By yellowchick45

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Theresa thought her life was going well until she found out about something terrible that could possibly ruin... More



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By yellowchick45

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"Mom I promise you it ain't nothing bad," I said as I laughed at her panicking.

"Baby just go ahead and tell me now. Jesus do you really want me to have a heart attack."

"I'm coming over there later on today, and I want you to have dad right there by you."

"He's not here, business trip."

My heart drop some, "I kinda wanted to tell them at the same time."

"Well I can wait," I said

"Hell no, I'm bored and lonely. Bring you butt and the tea."

She hung up the phone making me shake my head. So feisty. I look at my door once I heard knocking.

"Come in."

Ricky open the door sticking his head in first with his tongue out. Then he came in and started twerking making me laugh.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"This was the last room that I needed to twerk in,"

"Oh my god," I said stepping out of my bed and heading towards the kitchen with him.

I open the fridge and look around for my apple juice. I look up and saw it and smile at the sight. I love my apple juice so much.

"So when are you expecting me to have a job."

"Ricky I really don't want to make you get a job so soon, and I'm sorry I'm making you get one, but it don't matter just try and have one after a month."

He nodded his head, "Yes ma'am."

"Now, the rules. I just want to say so far you haven't put food into this fridge which means you don't just go eating shit. You will have to ask me first in order to eat it. I know that sound childish, but that just a way for preventing you from eating something that I really want. My apple juice is not to be fuck with at all. I don't care you is 10 seconds from dying from dehydration the sink is right here." I said pointing towards it.

"Damn bitch fuck my life," He said.

I waved him off, "Also if you want friends over they have to stay right in the living room. If they wanna pee please make sure they aren't up to any stupid shit. Your boyfriends can come by, but I'm the person that need to be heard fucking which means fuck when I'm not around. Help me keep the bathroom, kitchen, and living room clean. I don't really care about your room, as long as you're not bringing roaches and rats in."

"So now I'm a nasty bitch." He teased making me roll my eyes.

"Also at some time at night please be back. I know you're grown and do not need a curfew, but I want to make sure my door is lock right and I'm straight for the night. I don't want to fall asleep and you coming in scaring my ass. Your key should be ready I will bring it back when I come back from my mom. I love you Ricky, and I don't want our friendship to end because of our crazy ways. So just try and be mindful for me."

"I will boo, you know me."

"Yea, and the telephone is not to be answer by you at all because motherfuckers been doing too much. Only answer when it's a number you know."

"I gotcha," He said as he started dancing in his chair.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Don't know but you gon go through hell," He said as he took off towards his room.

I decided to go ahead and start my day off right. I wanted to go to my mom house around 2, and its 9 right now. I should cook breakfast for Ricky since it's his first morning with me.

"Ricky, what do you want for breakfast."


I threw my hands up because he already being crazy. I laughed as I started grabbing everything I needed. I might as well add waffles in there. I been thinking about that a lot lately.


"I swear Ricky do not play with me." I warned him as I walk off towards the car.

"Girl you known me for like three years and yo ass still don't trust me."

"Hell nawl," I said playfully

"Guh gon ahead and go to yo momma. I might just watch tv until I go to sleep."

I nodded my head getting into the car. This my first time leaving someone alone in my house other than Byron. I trust Ricky it's just that I'm not use to it. I check myself out in the mirror before pulling off.

Once I pulled up to my parents house my heart was beating fast. I felt so sick on the inside that it was starting to make me throw up. I turned the car off and stared at the house in front of me. I remember when I was a little girl, and how happy I was. I can picture myself running around in circles singing out loud. Now here I am older with a baby on the way. Someone will replace me doing that.

I smiled once I saw my mom step outside. I quickly got out the car and ran over to her.

"Hey mama."

"Hey baby, how you doing?"

"I'm good and I miss you."

"I miss you too, and so does your father. He is mad that he cant see you since he is gone."

"How long will he be gone."

"Another month or two, maybe even three."

"Dam-" I stop and covered my mouth. "My bad momma."

"Hmmm, you grown but not that grown."

We came into the house and I smiled at the smell of fruits. I went towards the kitchen and saw that mom had a big bowl of fruits mix together.

"I want some," I whined.

"Get it and come on so we can talk."

I got the fruits and went into the living room with her. She was sitting there peacefully waiting for me to speak, but I couldn't. At some point I forgot and was too focused on the food.

"Honey I thought you wanted to speak to me."

"Uhh yea."

"Well come on, I'm getting older by the minute."

"Mom I uh," I stop once I felt my eyes watered up.

She got up and came over to me, "Baby what's wrong?"

I shook my head once the tears came out more. I really feel like I will disappoint her. I been the good child all my life, and I just don't know how she would react knowing her baby is having a baby.

"Is it school, is it the majorette thing?" She questioned me but sat there shaking my head.

After a few minutes I was better, and she was still there holding me. I can't run from this and I don't want to hide it.

"Mom," I whispered.

She pulled back and stared into my eyes, "What is wrong Theresa?"

"I'm pregnant."

She pulled back soon looking at my face before looking back into my eyes. I waited for her reaction it's like I was dying to know what's next.

She smiled some before laughing, "I had a feeling you was pregnant. I just didn't think you would be pregnant."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Wait what."

"Girl a mother knows when something is going on with their child. I just was too stubborn and didn't want to believe it."

"You're not mad or sad?" I ask

"For what, I'm going to be a grandma. You always bring me happiness and I thank you so much. Thank you for this gift, and congratulations to you too. You're going to be such a wonderful mother."

I held her tighter feeling so much better, "Thank you momma."

She laughed as she pat my back, "You're welcome. Now, who is the father?"

"His name is Byron, the man that you met last year."

"Oh ok, how does he treat you? Do he love you? Is he ready to be a father because I don't want you in this alone."

"Relax mom, he loves me and he can't wait for the baby to come. He just wish we was more prepared and that he was able to propose first."

Mom leaned back shock, "Wow. Honey I didn't know you was in that type of relationship. I thought it was just a thing you had, but you guys are serious and ready. That's beautiful, and a lot of people wish they have what you have right now in college."

"Yea I know. What do you think dad will say?"

"He is going to be very happy for you too honey, I can't believe you would think anything else from us."

"I'm sorry I just thought that maybe you would be disappointed since it's so soon."

"If it's God's plan than I'm not disappointed. He know you is ready and that you can manage it."

I was happy by that comment and leaned back, "I can't wait to see dad face."

She shook her head, "He might have a heart attack, and he is going to be ready to see that young man so Byron needs to be ready."

"That's the hard part, he feels like y'all would think y'all better than him. It's like he always feel below everyone, and I be trying to tell him he is so much better than what he think he is."

"I wonder why he would think that. I'm glad you are in his life because everyone like that needs someone to turn too. Tell him he is welcome in our house and I can't wait to see him."

"Mom, I really love him."

"That's good right?"

"Yea, it's just scary that I'm now an adult. I have to care for someone else now. My childhood is gone, and I"m not your little baby."

She waved me off, "You forever my baby, and that's a promise. You should be happy because now you can go and explore and learn yourself. You having a mini me, and they're going to look up to you wondering what's next."

I sat there staring up at ceiling thinking about what she said, "How was dad reaction when you told him you was pregnant?"

Mom stuck her lips out some, "Uhh I don't remember."

"Well how did he act when I was born? I bet he was crying because he a big baby."

"Baby that was 21 years ago," She said laughing before getting up and leaving me there alone.

I turned my head towards the direction she went. Well that was weird. I look down at my phone and notice it was getting late, and Byron should be coming over. I refuse to have him and Ricky there alone. Ricky might run his ass off for good. I sent him a text telling him I will be there soon.

Sorry for mistakes. Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter.

Published: 1/25/2019

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