ღℳasked ℑdentityღ {Itachi Uch...

By AllBeautyDestroyed

58.4K 2.8K 995

The night of your graduation changed your life drastically after your willful decision of leaving everything... More

♥20♡ TADA~!


2.1K 104 58
By AllBeautyDestroyed

And just like the terror of the outside, the inside sends shivers down your spine as you step into your old home. Old is right...

Your eyes dart around in shock at the horrifying conditions: the indoor plants, greeting you on each side of the entrance, were dried to a crisp; the carpets marked in dirt and dry oil—probably from your dad's work boots, which apparently stopped the habit of taking them off before stepping into the house—were the sole reason to the iffy smell fulfilling the room. You cringed as the smell suddenly became stronger and pressed your palm at your lower belly.

There wasn't much furniture anymore, except a couple of coffee tables and bookcases were left empty, covered in dust as if a feather duster never met this home. Even your hands twitched, instinctively needing to service your own home.

"This place is creepy," you muse out loud as Dana beckons for the main living room. Only one recliner chair, carrying a basket of tools, sat in the spacious living room. The walls were still decorated with the same décor, except a couple of family photos were removed to mark the wall with light shades of missing frames. Hearing a low crunch at your feet, you look down to realize many search fliers are scattered all over the floor, when suddenly a boot gets in your way.

Your stumbling yelp earns Dana's attention. "Watch your step with the traps, [Name]," she warned, glancing over her shoulder to find Itachi's arm draped around your waist after tripping. "Your clumsiness is hazardous, Sister."

"This environment is hazardous," you rephrase, rumbling incoherent curses after.

As you walk past the hallway, you look over to the kitchen island only to freeze in place, causing Itachi to bump into you. "[Name]?" Ignoring his hand at your shoulder, you focus at the many trash bags, containing soda cans, pizza boxes, and any type of takeout-stacked up against the walls. Scowling, you exhale in frustration and move forward.

Dad is such an excellent cook, and extremely organized, what's up with these changes? The softness on your expression morphed into a flustered grimace as you begin feeling sick to your stomach from all the confusion, until a flight of stairs banish your thoughts. Dana turns to look at you with a small smile gracing her lips. "He's upstairs in his room. As always."

"Th-This is..." Sniffing, your nose wrinkled in a tickle and shield your mouth in time when a sneeze sprays out the dust that you inhaled. "Ah geez. This is ridiculous, Dana!" you grouch quietly, scratching away another tickle from your stuffy nose. "Why would Dad still live here? It's a threat to his hygiene, and it's very depressing."

"Don't worry; his room is safe, and it's not that he wanted it like this-he actually hates it, too," she countered. "Dad has planned on selling or renting the house out. We actually got a lot of candidates throughout the years, but he refused offers until..." she clicks her tongue, and flashes a toothy smile as she rephrases, "He's been waiting for you to come back, [Name]."

"For...for me?"

She nods. "Dad had faith that someday you'd come back. But he was afraid that you'd come back to find no one at home; so he's been caged here ever since to greet you whenever you did."

"Oh no," you whisper behind your palm, and smack your forehead. That's an immense amount of guilt piercing through you.

"I've pestered Dad about moving out since I graduated beauty school," Dana adds, "Boy is he stubborn, but fortunately, today is his last day. Finally..."

Gazing down at the dusty carpet, your hands curl at your sides, suddenly angry with yourself. In between seven years, not only did you hurt Itachi, but your own father-forcing him to live in these conditions as he patiently waited for your return while you held a pointless grudge, and played housemaid while flirting with your lover.

"So... what are you waiting for, [Name]?" Dana wakes you out of your gloomy stare; giggling in a Cheshire grin as she pulls Itachi to her side. "We'll wait down here and catch up!"

Itachi nods in surrender. "Go on. And don't worry about me, it's best if he sees you alone anyway." His encouragement helps you take the first step up the stairs, while Dana drags Itachi out to the backyard, where the air is cleaner and soundproof against her dramatic reactions when the whole situation is explained.

Every step up the stairs became lighter, breathing in and out through parted lips to calm the racing of your heart. When you reach the top your eyes soothe instantly at the sight of his bedroom door, and dawn on the memories lurking at the back of your head as you walk closer.

The sloppy 'We love you Daddy' and 'Broccoli is evil' crayon scribbles (surrounded with crooked hearts, stars, flowers, and sad faces for the broccoli) still marked the door you and Dana doodled on as kids. Stopping at the door, you stared at the golden doorknob, your lips curved up upon seeing the crack next to it. On most rainy nights after lighting or thunder frightened you awake, you'd sprint out of your room and pounded his door with a terrified fist.

And no matter how old you'd get, he always opened the door to comfort you.

Grabbing onto the golden knob, you let out a deep sigh before turning it open; slowly, the gap widens, and peek your head in only to be swarmed with butterflies. Your dad is sitting in front of the balcony doors, busied with a thick, heavy book that spread out on the desk before him. Those reading glasses hinted that he studied for his next ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) test.

Gently you shut the door and steadily walk across the room. Dana was right: this room's condition was surprisingly the opposite—clean, fresh, bright and tidy. His low cough halts you a few feet away behind him. Inwardly sighing, you stared at your overly-focused father, who doesn't even spare a glance over his shoulder.

"H-hey...Dad," you finally speak up, rather low and weak as you fiddled with your fingers, but he doesn't even look—just nods once as a response.

"Dana, sweetie, has anyone called?" he asked, oblivious to who was in the room. Laughing under your breath, you bit the inside of your lower lip as you reach for his shoulder, patting him affectionately before going higher, stroking his almost-grey-covered hair, the crown of age.

"No," you answered to play along. "But that prank caller you got earlier is here in the flesh." The smile you wore widened into a grin, anxious to see his reaction.

"What prank caller?" He snorted, sets his pen down and grabbed the hand that played with his hair. "Don't tease me, Dana; I just know it was [Na..."

His voice muted once finally turning to look at you.

The sudden change in his expression brought tears to your eyes. His calm eyes widened and his tight-pressed lips loosened, slightly parting in shock. Slowly, he lifted from the computer chair, not saying a word as his stare lingered on you.

"Oh wow..." His lips curved higher into a smile, showing off his aging crow's feet as his eyes dash all over your matured facial features. "You're definitely not Dana."

You burst out a laugh, drying tears from the corners of your eyes with your sleeve. "Oh no, Dad; I'm way prettier than her."

"I'll be damned," he laughed silently in disbelief before welcoming you with a bear hug, pulling you dearly, and you bury into his chest with both pleading hands clutching at his shoulders. He held the back of your head, brushing through your hair as you freely sobbed, whimpering many apologies while he shushed at your ear. "I'm just thankful you're alive, [Name]." He kissed your hair, giving you one last assuring squeeze before pulling back. "It was you on the phone a few hours ago, huh?"

You nod quickly, unable to speak due to your continuous weeping.

"Cool. Dana owes me twenty bucks." His joke yanks yet another laugh from you, helping on lighting up the mood.

"I tried talking-I tried to say 'yes' b-but I was just...just..."


Your eyes dropped in shame. "...Yes."

"Nonsense!" He lifted your chin to plant a kiss at your warm forehead before staring a little longer. "I still can't believe you're here."

"Dad, I need to ask you something," you whispered, holding onto his wrists as he held your face.


"Where's... Josie?"

That question suddenly flipped his expression. Pursing his lips, his hands pull back to guide you towards the edge of the bed and sits you down before joining next to you.

"Dana was never the type to be the bearer of bad news, huh?"

Worried, turn your body all the way to face him when, in the background, you noticed the cleanliness of the bathroom -- which is usually bombarded with woman articles: bras, shoes and rows of make-up.

"Dad, did...?" She hesitated at first. "Did you and Josie get divorced?"

He said nothing but take your hand, gently squeezing in his. "Unfortunately, it was way more expensive than divorce..."

"Then...what happened? Dana told me very little, that you three were on the way to my graduation, and..." His pained grunt stops you. Now it's your dad who held back the sadness, causing you to rub his back in pity as his hand hid the scowl on his face.


"I despise drunk drivers."

Your eyes widened at those familiar words. The way those words were spat out as he scowled while staring at nothing, you knew right away what had happened... Because those were the same words that were said on the night of your birthmother's death.

"Josie, too?" you breathed out with a hand brushing through your hair.

"[Name], we were six minutes from the stadium," he begins, rubbing circles at the back of your hand. "Six fourteen PM and already there was so much traffic. We were waiting for the green arrow to turn left, and I was so excited that I remember counting forty-eight seconds before it finally turned green. And when I took my turn, out of nowhere Josie and Dana start screaming; we were shoved out of the road and into the sidewalk in seconds. A drunk driver drove past a red light at 65MPH on a 45MPH intersection."

Your hand covered your mouth, terrified, eyes fixed and ears tuning out any noise but your father's voice.

"Thankfully, your sister and I escaped the car safely since we were on the left side -- no scratches or bumps, only a major headache for me, and, Dana, probably trauma. But Josie..." He shook his head with a weak sigh. "Just like Mom, Josie was left unconscious after her head hit the passenger window hard enough that the glass shattered. She was trapped in her seat, so I couldn't help her -- I couldn't even remove the seatbelt! There was so much blood... and when the cops, firefighters and paramedics finally arrived at the scene, I remember hearing the sound of the cheering stadium when your ceremony started. I was torn, and until this day I still am to have missed your walk."

You scoffed; the guilt was inwardly beating you up. "Forget that, but... Josie?"

"Her injuries were so drastic, and she'd lost a lot of blood on the way to the hospital that she fell into a coma. Dana and I waited in the emergency room for what seemed an eternity...until 4:23AM. Josie was... announced dead-" he choked up but quickly clears his throat. "Dana went ahead to call and let you know since I fell in shock, but when she returned with the news on how you planned on running away, I panicked..."

"I-I didn't..." you stammered, burying your face in your hands. "Dad, I didn't know! I'm... so sorry." You were practically slapping yourself with self-scolding at this point, when his hand patted your head, causing you to get a glimpse of his weak smile.

"Of course you didn't know. [Name], you were a teenager. And even though I never expected you to run away, I knew very well how upset you'd be after finding out your own family didn't show up to an important event." He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear, allowing the view of your sullen expression, and tugs you into another embrace. "Please forget all that now. I'm just glad you're back home safe."

Sighing impatiently, you gave in to his undeserved kindness and hugged back. "Dammit, you're too soft... I already hate myself for my foolish decision."

"I'm your father; I can't stay mad at you. However..." He pulled away, holding your shoulders as he frowned at you. "I should lecture you on the state and reason you left."

"What now?"

"Don't play coy, [Name]. Avery told me why you really left."

You sneered at his tone. Oh God, not this. Not now.

"Dad, before you freak-

"Where is my grandchild anyway? Wait, you did keep it, right?"

"Shit, Dad...!" Your grumble turned into a nervous laugh and shook your head. "You seriously believed all that bull Avery brain-washed you with?"

"Brainwash? Hmph! With that Itachi kid after you, of course I beli-

"WELL SHE LIED!" you snapped, standing away from the bed, leaving him staring at your back in surprise. "Avery... She's a liar; a deceiver. She stopped being my friend since high-school, Dad."

"No longer friends?" he snorted. "You two were practically joined at the hip since Kinder!"

"Yeah well that bullshit is over," you announced bitterly. "Her jealousy rampaged; she ignored me, accused me of so much falsity and put us through hell! Starting with that rumor, of which disappoints me that you would even consider true about me..."

He stared at you in confusion, but as soon as his eyes lowered and crossed his arms with a huff, the mood flipped. "I've seen that ring before, [Name]."

And immediately your guard went up. Suddenly the tables turned against you.

"What, you think I didn't notice?" Standing away from the bed, he snatched your left hand up to his leering eyes and inspected the glistening white gold ring. "I know of only one who had the balls to show me this ring, asking my permission to marry you at such young age." His jaw tightened, flicking his weary eyes to you. "And by the looks of how clean it is, you just recently started wearing it."

"I never intended on hiding this from you," you protested, yet swallow thickly at his paternal, over-protective facade. "I love him, Daddy. He's not going anywhere without me."

You could hear his teeth grit; that unamused look in his eyes tells you he wasn't pleased—and already you pictured him holding a heavily armed shotgun at the middle of your fiancé's forehead. "Dad..."

"Where is he, Itachi?"

"Shit. Dad, Dad-hold on!" you pleaded, fighting to pull back your hand. "Before I tell you where he is, let me explain everything."

•:*:• •:*:•

Meanwhile down in the backyard, Dana is gaping before Itachi. "Excuse my language, but... FUCK!"

"That pretty much sums it up."

"And all this time I thought of Avery as a sister, too," Dana pouted whileas playing with her many bracelets. "I'm sorry you two went through all that; it must've caused a lot of misunderstandings. Especially against Dad-- ohhhh! He's been really pissed at you after Avery dropped the phony bomb on us."

"I'm sure [Name] is clarifying that as we speak." Itachi inwardly gulped, hoping so. Ever so. "About Josie, I'm really sorry to have you repeat that tragic incident."

"Ah it's fine telling you, Itachi. But to [Name], I would've definitely bawled pathetically. I know my sister didn't get along with Josie since their personalities clashed, but I personally looked up to that woman in my own ways. Although there were negative times, I'm thankful she was my second mother."

Itachi sat back on the chair, exhaling a cloud in the chilly air. "I also have a lot to thank Josie for."

"Heh, for what?" she inquired, giggling a she picked at her nails. "You hardly even knew her, Itachi."

"On the contrary, she's known me since I was born," he confessed, smiling, of which caught Dana's undivided attention. "Josie and my mom were close friends since they used to work together, which helped because Josie was the one who talked my parents out of forcing me into an arranged marriage with Avery."

Dana blinked. "Mind blown."

Itachi laughed softly. "I never told [Name], but Josie knew I liked her," he added. "I was too shy as a kid, so she gave me the idea of sending anonymous carnation grams every Valentine's Day to your sister."

"Holy shit that's adorable," Dana squeaked, mesmerized as she held her own cheeks.

"She also helped convince your dad to allow the best decision of my life."

"Oho?" Dana leaned in. "And what's that?"

Itachi chuckled under his breath. "You and [Name] happen to share the same oblivious quality... Have you not checked her left hand?"

"Why would I...?" A look of mere confusion forms her face, and it took a short moment before Itachi's hint sunk in completely. "Left hand?"

•:*:• •:*:•

Your dad's deep stare eased as he rubbed his chin in ponder, while you stood cross-armed and exhausted after explaining the whole story for the umpteenth time.

"Now do you understand, Dad? So don't kill him with your greasy hands, or so help me."

"Oh stop exaggerating!" He laughed, finally relaxing his expression. "That so much to take, I had no idea. Alright, fine. I understa-


That sudden squeal had you and your dad rushing to the window, but you end up laughing heartily. Seeing Dana hop in her heels as she clapped her hands at Itachi indicated that the engagement news has been shared.

"Excited Dana is so adorable," you giggled, while your dad leant against the window pane, narrowing his gaze at the target.

"Huh, so Itachi was here the whole time. Not much has changed, 'cept his height. Why didn't he come up here with you?"

Arching a brow, you sneered at his silly question. "Seriously? After Avery's ridiculous rumor, he'd be digging his own grave before you'd let me explain."

He shrugged. "True."

"So you agree," you deadpan, while he's sliding the window open. The sound of the pane hitting against metal causes Dana and Itachi to whirl around at your direction.

"YAY WEDDINGS~!" was Dana's way of breaking the tangible, awkward silence; resulting your palm to meet your face, groaning in embarrassment.

"You two get inside and meet up here," your dad commands in monotone, specifically staring at the Uchiha. "We need to talk."


"Oh lighten up, Dad," Dana started off the discussion when she and Itachi walked through the doorway. You smile at your fiancé to reassure his safety when the patriarch clears his throat to begin.

"Relax, I am 'lightened up'," he informs wearily, rubbing the back of his neck. All that studying must've gotten to him already.

"Then stop scowling," you grumble, sending him a side glare.

"I'm not scowling, [Name], this is just my face. I'm old."

"Aha, sure; that's what a scowling man would say," you mumble this time, pouting when your dad dismisses your comment with a heaving sigh. "Whatever. Okay enough stalling. Itachi..."

"Sir," Itachi nods as he stood a few inches taller from your glaring dad.

"We've had this engagement conversation before, so I don't need to repeat myself," he begins calmly, only to earn your curiosity as he continues. "After being clarified from every misunderstanding, I owe you an apology, because my behavior towards you has been truly unfair all these years. I never imagined Avery's intentions to be so vulgar, yet I thank you, Itachi, because your pride as a man was put to the test and proved me that you are willing to go so far for the safety of my daughter. Most importantly, making my daughter happy, nothing beats that. I'm fully convinced now, Josie was right about you --and for that..." he paused to hold out his hand. "Itachi, I will gladly give you my full blessing."

The world lifts off your shoulders when two of your most important, beloved men administer peace with a firm handshake, bringing uproar of cheers from Dana and your relieved sighs. After many hugs, overwhelmed with joy, you bring up the invitation to gather with the Uchiha's the next day, of which your dad gladly accepts although it shocked him to be invited after so many years.

"Dana, get Dad out of this dustbowl!" you shouted from the car, waving at your family before leaving the area.


Exhausted from jetlag, the emotional reunion, the loss news and sharing the unfortunate news with Mikoto; you and Itachi didn't even bother to unpack. Instead you two were settled into his old room, on his old bed, sighing out all the liberated stress into his neck as he cuddled you.

"Not what you expected?" Itachi whispered, shifting to hold you closer.

"It turned out way better than I expected, actually," you mumbled in reply and kiss his neck, only to make him chuckle. "[Name] if you keep doing that, I won't let you leave to help my mom."

"Oh?" You smirked and blew into the crook of his neck before propping up on your elbow to escape, "Then I should lea-GAH!" but you were tugged back down on top of him.

"Not after that," he cooed, pressing his hand at the small of your back to hold you down against him. That simple touch shudders your body, as his other hand angled your head closer, only to freeze mere inches away from his lips. Your lip is bitten down hard when the muscles in your belly clench deliciously from his intimate stare. Only a simple look!

"Make it quick," was your final plea. Suddenly, it's as if your body became desperate, vulnerable, as you easily melt into his passionate kiss and clench his shirt when his caressing hands roamed all over your shaky body. His tongue easily slipped past your lips and your body temperature instantly rises in a flame. Wincing, your thighs press together, moaning softly through the kiss as he played with the button of your jeans.

This felt indifferent, overly-sensitive, yet you craved it—you needed a dose of him. You let out a shaky gasp, when three gentle knocks on the door caused you to pull away, startled.

"[Name]?" Mikoto calls from the other side of the door, interrupting the heated session.

"Yeah?" You tried sitting up but Itachi had you pinned down, holding your wrists over your head as he continued swooning you with his lips.

"I'll wait for you downstairs in the kitchen whenever you're ready," Mikoto said. Struggling to escape his kiss, you decided to bite his greedy tongue—to which he smirked at as he pulled back—and quickly turn your head away. "Yeah, I'm ready; I'll be there soo-OON!" you extended the word when Itachi nipped the skin above your collarbone before kissing that spot apologetically. After Mikoto's steps fade away, you gawk at his lust-filled gaze. "Control that ego, will you?"

"You bit me, so I bit back."

"Is that your way of vengeance?"

"No, but when you smell this good, I can't help myself," he said huskily, caressing your flushed cheek. "Admit it—you're disappointed we have to stop."

"...of course I am."

Chuckling, he released your hands and leaned down to kiss your pouting lips tenderly. "We'll continue later. Go before my mother comes back."

Standing up, you fixed your shirt before reaching for the door, only to freeze with your hand on the knob when the calendar on the wall earned your attention. You inwardly gasped and looked over your shoulder, making sure that Itachi's back faced you when you bent down to snatch the bagged item from your coat pocket and rush out the room to the bathroom.

It's been a week too late.


Mikoto whirled around when the soles of your boots slap against the kitchen tile as you approach her. "[Name], sweetie, what's wrong?" she asks, concerned to see your teary eyes.

"Mikoto, you're a mother, right?"

"Um...Sasuke and Itachi explain a lot, yes."

"Right!" You nodded with a finger in the air while the other hand clenched onto the zip locked item. "Aside the wedding plans, I'm going to need much more help from you with something com-pletely new!"

"Well of course it's new; a wedding is no easy task to take on by yourself, [Name]. I'll be there for you every step of the way."

"No, no..." you chuckled out, pinching the bridge of your nose. "See, it's much more different—or complicated than a wedding, slightly. Though I'm happy, I don't really know exactly how this happened since we were careful, but I'm going to need your motherly instincts to figure this out and get a stable answer. Like appointments and whatnot—I don't like doctor offices—so I need a buddy system. Are you in or out?"

"You're not making sense, [Name]." Mikoto laughed, pressing your forehead with the back of her hand. "Are you feeling alright?"

You take a deep breath in, and breathe out. "Well, when I got here I peed a load after holding it in for a few hours, my sense of smell has been loosened like a wild tiger, and my hormones—oh GOD the cursed hormones! I'm sorry to share this unnecessary detail, but I go crazy at the simple thought of Itachi; I mean even a kiss, or that simple look your son gives me throws me over the edge and-and-and I just want to pounce at him!" Your hands shaped into claws, blinking at Mikoto. "You know what I mean?"

After seconds of clueless staring, she giggled. "Oho... my." She cupped her pink-tinted cheek with her free hand. "But, yes. Oddly enough, I do know what you mean...I think?"

"Ah-huh, and check this!" You held up the item, using your thumbs and forefingers to support each end through the Ziploc. "I'm going to need help with this."

Mikoto dropped the potato she was about to peel and clasped her hands together under her chin. "Oh goodness sake, [Name]! Why didn't you show me this in the first place? Well, that explains so much!"

"Yes, yes. Quite. It smells delicious in here, by the way," you laugh out nervously and drop your head, groaning as your arms fall at your sides. "I threw up this morning at the airport..."

Mikoto grabbed your shoulders in comfort. "I understand why you're acting strange now, but don't stress," she said quietly, "I'm sure the news will be overjoying~!"

"Don't tell anyone yet," you whispered, raising your head. "Especially Itachi; I want to surprise him."

Your future mother-in-law smiled kindly, gesturing a closing zipper across her lips and gently pulled you in a loving hug. "You're just like me when I first got pregnant."

I'm excited as to how far this story has reached—it's almost nearing its end, too! But I have a surprise at the end, so hopefully my readers stay with me to find out~ :3

Thank you all so much for the votes and comments; I appreciate every bit of support. ^w^

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