Accepting the Alpha

By under_your_skin

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Do you know what it's like to have your life changed in a blink of an eye? Never would I have ever imagined m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Fixed a chapter
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 part 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 12

1.7K 34 8
By under_your_skin

Recap: "We're mates,  well, you can say something like soul mates.  It's a bond between us.  It's why you feel that way around me." I narrowed my eyes at that, how the hell did he know what I felt around him, "I can see it in your eyes.  Because I have the same pulls, except for me, it's way stronger.  Almost impossible to bare, but it's amazing.  It's like we're designed for each other.  And-" I shook my head, I was expecting the unexpected to be way different.

So everything I was feeling was just there because of a bond.  So what? I had no choice in this.

"I-I gotta go.  I can't stay here."  I stammered out of his room.  As I left him behind, I felt a hole crave itself into my heart. 

Chapter 12

"Scarlett, wait."  Every fiber of my being was screaming at me to go back and say it wasn't a big deal.  But that's the thing, it was a VERY big deal.  How does anyone react to this?

I didn't say anything but I also couldn't get myself to move, I just stood there.  Frozen.  The only thing I could feel at the moment was his body heat coming from behind.  I was once again torn in two.  My rational side telling me to run, to get as far away from him as possible; but the other part, the one that was driving me crazy and making me doubt everything but him, was pulling me towards him.  It was a magnetic force that I couldn't explain.

"Please sweetheart, just talk to me."  I still didn't say anything and I was begging my feet to move, and I was afraid they'd move in the wrong direction.  After eternal minutes of what felt like torment, he sighed breaking the still silence between us.  "Okay, if it's time and space you need, I'll give it. But please, don't, don't leave or take too long."

Those words broke my heart to hear, and it also gave me the push I needed to walk away.  I remembered that I was still in his clothes, so I went to his laundry room instead of the front door.  I changed there and put his clothes in the washer before I left.  I caught glimpse of his mom, Anna, on my way out, I saw her mouth move but I couldn't hear a single word coming out of it.

I hope the walk home won't be long.  I don't even know how much time it would take.  Oh well, guess I'll find out right now, huh?

I was walking out of the the driveway when I saw it.  His car, it was parked next to the curb in front of his house.  He was learning against the side of the car, waiting.  For me.  I was surprised.  I didn't want to be in the same car with him, but I certainly didn't want to walk that long, in the snow, with a skirt.

"You didn't think I'd let you walk, did you?"

I didn't answer, I just got in the car in silence.  He got in as well and his face was set in a hard expression.  All emotion was void in his face.  He drove in silence, I looked at the digital clock, it read 1:07.  Wow, time slipped by quick.  I subconsciously found myself leaning towards him, and suddenly jerked my body towards the window instead.  His head jolted to me, his mouth was open as if he was going to say something, or ask something.  His eyes full of concern and his eyebrows were shot up.  But when he saw how much distance I put between us, and how I was hugging myself protectively, all words died out, and his face turned into that hard expression again.  I saw a glimpse of both anger and hurt before that hard expression, it was only for a second, but I saw it.  I wasn't hugging myself to protect me from him, I was hugging myself so I would ensure that I stayed in place.  I knew 110% that he wouldn't hurt me.

The drive felt like ages, I was staring out the window to keep myself busy, but I couldn't help but look at his reflection in it.  I still hadn't fully grasped what he told me.  I just, I don't know.  I just don't understand how it could ever be true, I guess.  I read books about mythical creature, but I never imagined riding in a car with one.  Twilight made it seem like it wouldn't be a big deal to run into a werewolf, but how does one truly react?  It was nowhere near my realm of experience.  It was nowhere near anyone's realm of experience I guess.

I felt like I was in one of those prank shows, and I was hoping with all my will for the cameras to come out so everyone can have a good laugh at this.  

He looked and saw me staring at his reflection, our eyes connected and I felt trapped, I was glad he had to look away quick so he can see the road.  I pulled my knees towards my chest and just looked down at time so I wouldn't feel that again.

We finally got to the school after long agonizing minutes of torture.  The whole drive was 30 minutes.  Yeah, that was going to be a long walk.  I muttered a thanks and got out of the car.  I practically ran back to my car.  Should I go to work later?  Would I get fired if I didn't?  I don't know, but for now, I don't care.  I left, only an hour til school finishes.  I ended up at the park that Eddie and I went to.  I sat on the swing.  I didn't have enough heart to actually swing myself, so I was just swaying back and forth.  I was completely alone here, and it was nice to just think.  

Except, I didn't know what to think.  Okay, let me try to reason through this.  Mind over matter right?

He said he was a werewolf.  In other words, a shape shifter.  That's not too bad right? 

Who am I kidding?  This whole thing was just weird.

But, you should except people for who they are! My mind screamed at me.  Okay, that's true.  But that's only based on personality.

Was it really bad that he was a werewolf?  I mean, I was always fascinated with this as a child, shouldn't I be happy that they exist?  

Alright.  Forget the werewolf part, what about the mate part.  I read once in a book my dad gave me that werewolves, well wolves in general, are attracted to other females like that so they can have kids with them.  But it wouldn't make sense that I was his mate, because I'm not like him.  Meaning that baby werewolves wouldn't be produced.

"We're mates,  well, you can say something like soul mates.  It's a bond between us.  It's why you feel that way around me."  Okay, so maybe we're not talking about domestic mating.

A bond.  That's what this is.  

I always dreamed of finding prince charming, but I never expected him to a werewolf.

I need advice, and I need it now before I lose my mind.  I grabbed my phone and dialed the one person who knows everything about me.

"Hello?"  His voice was breathless and lustful.

"Eddie?  Wait, are you with a girl?"

"Uh, sort of."

"Ugh, you're such a whore. Okay never mind, I'll talk to you later."

"No, wait, is everything okay?"

"Sure, call me when you can talk. Bye."

"I can talk now Scar.  You sound horrible.  Have you been crying?  Are you okay?"  

I swallowed because I didn't even realize the tears falling down my face.  This was the second time I cried since Nora and uncle Laim's incident.  I didn't think anything could top that, but Kyle and my parents sure did.  "Yeah, I just really need you right now."

I heard mumbled talking in the background and he replied with something that sounded like 'I'm sorry baby.  I love you and you know it, but she's still my best friend.'  "Scar, look, where are you I'll come see you."

"No, you can't drive all the way from Jersey, I can't ask that.  Look, forget about it, I have to go now anyway.  I'll talk to you later."

"I'm close by, it won't be a big deal."

"No, Eddie.  I can't just ask you to leave whoever just for something stupid that I'm overreacting about.  You know me and my emotional self."

"Scar, you're not emotional.  Ever."

"Bye Eddie."  I hung up before he can protest.  I felt bad that I just interrupted his life because I was having a small glitch with mine.  Okay, maybe it's not that small, but still.  

I laughed half-heartly, "I can't believe I'm crying."  I said to the wind.

I have to get a grip.  I checked the time and it was now 2:47.  Enough time to get to the music shop.  I hope Melissa would be there today, instead of Kyle.

When I got there, the store was empty.  They were probably in the back.  I had perfect timing though, because a costumer walked in then.  It was a stoner-looking guy.  He looked about 19.  I could tell right off the back he was high.  His face was flushed and he had glass bloodshot eyes.  The guy was tall and slender with long brown hair and brown eyes.  He was actually cute, if it wasn't for the obvious reasons.  He grinned when he saw me.

"Hello beautiful."

I smiled, "Hi.  How can I help you today sir?"  I said trying to be professional.

"You can help a lot."  My smile tightened.

"Well, what are you looking for?"

"Do you guys have the new Bullet for my Valentine album?"  God, I swear, if he doesn't stop looking at my chest, I will poke his eyes out.

"Yeah, it's in the back."  I deliberately turned around and walked to the front, putting as much space between us as possible.

"Wait, maybe you can show me, cause I don't see it."  I sighed.  Kyle came out from the back when I was heading towards the new albums rack.  He looked at the guy behind me and anger filled his expression.  

"Hey, what the hell are you looking at?"

"Nothing, man.  Just enjoying the scenery." 

Kyle came and shoved me towards the front of the store.  I don't think he intended it to be hard but I tripped. "Go to the cash register.  I'll help this prick."

Normally I would argue with him, and probably shove him back because I wasn't his bitch, I never realized how ironic that was, but I really didn't like the way that guy was looking at me.

When, I got settled in the register, he came walking to the front smirking at me.  He put the CD on the counter pushing it towards me.  His eyes never left mine as he said, "Meet out the back in 5 minutes."

That's it, no more be nice to the costumer crap.  "In your dreams asshole."  I said, handing him his change. 

His eyes tightened and he left.

I looked up to see Kyle starring at me.  I swallowed and looked away.  This was going to be a long day.  

And it was.  Most of the time, I was trying to avoid him, and almost all the time, I would fail and start to look at him.  This felt like vaguely familiar to the first week of school.

"How can you be mates with a human?"


"I'm not gonna repeat myself."

He looked at me bewildered that I was speaking to him.  "Right.  Well, it's not unheard of, but it's not common.  You can't really choose who your mate is."  That actually hurt.  So he wouldn't have chosen me if he could.  I felt like I've been hit below the belt.  "No, I didn't mean it like that." He said, almost like he know what I was thinking.  And for all I know, he probably did.

"Yeah.  Uhm, I'm not feeling so good.  Can I leave now?"

He sighed, he seemed to be doing that a lot around me. "Sure."

I walked out the back to where my car was parked.  It was already dark out and while the snow looked beautiful, some of it had turn to ice, which made me cautious.

I felt someone watching me, so I scanned the whole area but I didn't see anyone.  I shrugged and got in the car.

I waited until the car heated and the whole time, I was freezing.

When it finally heated, I blasted the heater and drove home.  I couldn't have been going any slower.  Stupid snow.  It made the drive home a lot longer than usual.

"Mom!  Dad!"  I said as I opened the door. Nothing.  No one was home.  Okay well I might as well get some homework done and study for the test I have to make up for.  Okay, Oedipus first. Then calculus.  

I don't know how long it took for me to finish this, but when I was done and went downstairs, both my parents were home.  "Hey."

"Oh hi Scarlett, you were home all this time?" My dad looked back from the TV to talk to me.

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling too good, so I left work."

"Are you okay sweety?"

"Yeah mom.  Thanks."

"Did you get anything to eat?" 

"Uh, no, but I'm not hungry."

"Scarlett, you have to eat something.  It's not healthy to skip meals."

"Yeah, I know that.  But it's also not good to puke everything you eat out."

I took a seat on the couch opposite of my dad.  He was watching the news.  Typical.  This is so boring.  I'm gonna kill myself watching this.

"Reporting News, There was a woman murdered on the edge of Allentown.  Her body was found mutilated in the woods, it was reported as an animal attack until it became a pattern.  Police are looking for any suspects.  So far, they haven't been able to identified any DNA or links that can lead to capturing the suspect."

"Wow, that's sick."

"That's why I've been teaching you self-defense Scarlett.  Because there alot of psychos out there and not everyone can protect themselves.  So it's up to those who can protect themselves to do the job."

"Yeah,  I guess." I didn't want to elaborate on that and my mom glare was leaving no space for talk. "I'm going to bed.  Good night guys."

I walked upstairs and got changed into my shorts Pj's because the heater in the house was high.  I was just settling in my bed when there was a knocking on my window.

A knocking on my window? What the hell?

I rushed towards it, looking for God knows what.  Don't open the window Scar.  This is what happens to girls in every movie, they're stupid enough to open the window and then they die.

"Scar! Open up!"

What the hell?  I opened the window instantly.

"What are you doing here?"

"You needed me so I'm here."

"Eddie, You don't live down the street anymore.  You can't just drop everything and come."

"I told you I was close by.  Now tell me, what's going on?"

Was I allowed to tell him?  Would he think I was crazy if I did?






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