Hello Hurricane {English Tran...

By zaara91

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(Domen Prevc x Daniel André Tande, Four Hills Tournament 2016/17) They are young, popular, celebrating one su... More

1. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day before qualification
2. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day before qualification
3. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
4. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
5. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of qualification
6. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
7. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
8. Daniel - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
9. Domen - Oberstdorf - Day of competition
10. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
11. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
12. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
13. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
14. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of qualification
15. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
16. Peter / Anders - Garmisch-Partenkirchen- Day of competition
17. Domen - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
18. Daniel - Garmisch-Partenkirchen - Day of competition
19. Domen - Innsbruck - Day off
20. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day off
21. Domen - Innsbruck - Day off
22. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day off
23. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
24. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
25. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
26. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of qualification
27. Domen - Innsbruck - Day of competition
28. Daniel - Innsbruck - Day of competition
29. Domen - Bischofshofen
30. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
31. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
32. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification
34. Peter / Anders - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
35. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
36. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
37. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of competition
38. Daniel - Bischofshofen - Day of competition

33. Domen - Bischofshofen - Day of qualification

110 7 0
By zaara91

The sound of a ukulele sounded through the room in a fast rhythm. Supported by a guitar and a xylophone, the typical Hawaiian sound turned sandy yellow hotel room walls into miles and miles of beaches, which, under the sound of the sea, would have almost invited for daydreaming on the dark blue carpet with its small pale blue triangles. Nearly. Because the almost romantic-looking atmosphere was destroyed by the intermingled of the Hawaiin sound with a gambling den. Provided with various engine noise as funky as the two players, who sat in front of the TV on the ground. Riveted by their game, they hecticly were swinging back and forth their controllers, which they were holding in their hands.

"Get away!" Domen shouted impatiently at the television as he rammed one of the race cars mercilessly to clear his way to the top.

"Maybe we should've better had played the agricultural imitator," commented Daniel Domens behavior amused. That's why the Norwegian noticed too late that he losed sight of his racing character, Koopa the Tortoise, because he was watching Domen too long. "What?! No no no no! Fuck! What's the curve doing there? "

Moody, drove Koopa against a beach promenade, because Daniel had slated the controller too much. Frantically tried the Norwegian to steer his character back on track, and he accidentally sunk his car in the sea, because the beach promenade suddenly but unexpectedly ended.

"Your giftedness knows no bounds, eh?" Domen grinned mischievously at Daniel, but he never lost sight of the screen. Daniel had won the last two races, now it was his turn again, if he was forced to play with that stupid figure that Daniel had chosen for him: Princess Peach. For that he had wanted to take revenge and in the absence of a snail he had chosen the turtle, which unfortunately proved to be faster than the Slovenian had been prefer.

"Crap! No! What? Hello? Traffic signs? "Daniel complained desperately next to him because he could no find the way back of the track, landing constantly in the sea and had to restart and was then almost immediately prompted by the game again to change the direction. Well, at least the sense of orientation of the turtle seemed to be as he liked it, thought Domen mischievously, the finish line already in sight. "Everywhere water! Can't anyone build a few signs here? Or- "

"Yes! Won! ", Seconds later, Domen triumphantly held his fist in the air. Amused, he watched Daniel, who was still trying to move from the spot until the game was over and the score appeared: Daniel was only very thin in front of Domen in the overall standings. "You realized, that the game is about being the first to finish, aren't you?" He quipped, leaning slightly to one side. Closer to Daniel.

"Maybe you should've told me that earlier, Butterprincess," he replied in a raucous voice, chasing goose bumps down Domen's back, as Daniel leaned against him and their noses touched. Timidly, Daniel began to nibble on Domen's lips, who groaned in frustration because he wanted more. More of the feeling of flying. More of the warmth that emanated from Daniel. More of not having to think.

Without noticing it, Domen let the controller slid to the ground and pulled Daniel with his hands eagerly closer to him, buried his hands in his blond hair. Deepened their kiss. He enjoyed the feeling of Daniel's hands, stroking his shoulder and back and his neck. They left burn marks where they touched his bare skin.

The whole evening, they had already spent like this together: Just playing this stupid racing game and barely able to keep their fingers off each other.

Only the knock on the door made them diverge. Sighing, Daniel stroked his cheek. "Food," he whispered regretfully, before straightening up and walking to the door.

Domen stared after him, still not quite back in the real world, when he registered how Daniel looked like. "Daniel!" Hissed Domen softly, as the Norwegian had already laid his hand on the doorknob. "Daniel! Psst! Your hair ... "Domen whispered nervously, pointing to the right half of his head. Daniel had ordered food for two, and if the hotel employee saw him like that ... One didn't have to be a Sherlock to solve this puzzle. What If he would saw him?

"What's wrong with that?", Daniel groped in what had once been his hairstyle and resembled a nest now.

"A bit ... um ... chaotic," Domen replied quietly, unable to prevent his cheeks from blushing.

With a teasing grin, Daniel blindly pulled and pressed his hair flat. Evidently it didn't bother him what Domen had done to him. "Yeah ... must have been a hurricane in here... better?"

"Yes," Domen only managed a slight nod and hurried to the window when the Norwegian calmly opened the door. Silently, Domen stared at the wooden door, behind which Daniel joked in the best of moods, while Domen waited, holding his breath, for him to finally close the door.

He didn't want to think about it today. He had at least decided that, when he finally decided to come here. He had been hellishly nervous. Daniel made him nervous. The time until their date had been a torture. The flutter and crawling of thousands of ants in his stomach had barely kept him in the chair while Goran had discussed the plan for tomorrow with them.

That was all he wanted to feel. The flickering and crawling. He didn't want to think that at the same time it meant that these little animals would settle down themselves. Sustainably and mercilessly they would change their environment. Not this evening. He wouldn't think about this not this evening. Everything was fine.

And so far, this had worked brilliantly. Daniel made it easy for him. He could just be ... when they were alone. Not confronted with the outside world and only concerned with itself and trivialities. With the impact they had on each other.

Relieved, Domen exhaled when he heard Daniel say goodbye and finally shut the door.

"I hope you're hungry," the Norwegian said to him as they sat down together at the small table.

"Mmmh," Domen replied monosyllabically, as his gaze caught on a small white bowl and something wrapped in kitchen paper. "What's this?"

"Dessert." -

Curious, Domen wanted to reach for it when Daniel unexpectedly gave him a pat on the hand. "Au!" - "First the salad!"

"You sound like my mother," Domen grumbled, but he reached out for his cutlery.

"Wise woman," Daniel stated and Domen snorted.

"You've never seen her in the kitchen before. She usually behaves like a madman, "Domen remarked, shoving the first bite of his salad into his mouth.

"Why? Does she always cook for whole armies, too? When we have home training, I am constantly busy with distributing and collecting Tupperware boxes. Seriously: That's how I imagine professional protection racket, "said the Norwegian carefree and Domen liked the way, how Daniel's eyes were sparkling.

"The Tupperware boxes mafia," Domen chuckled in amusement, and Daniel nodded, because he had his mouth full of lettuce. "I wished! An example: For Christmas there was cheesecake. She baked it with Gouda. Because she hadn't any cream cheese ", the young Slovenian shook his head at the memory of that memorable afternoon and grimaced. The originally creations of his mother were mostly inedible. That afternoon too, Peter had been the only one who had actually forced himself to eat a bit.

"Oh. OK. So, you often had frozen pizza or something like that? ", Daniel eagerly asked to learn more about Domen's life outside of ski jumping.

"Nah. My dad used to cook. That time, the furniture store wasn't working well. He loves that and unlike my mother, he is talented. When we were children, Dad always hired us as assistant cooks. Cene has always cut out weird shapes of vegetables and drove my dad to insanity because he never finished off at time with his star-shaped carrots or paprika triangles. Unlike Peter. A machine couldn't have cut more accurately and faster, "Domen continued, remembering how jealous he'd always been about Peter. Because he was allowed to use Dad's good kitchen knife and he wasn't.

"And you?" -

"I was responsible for the washing. After that, we magically had a lake landscape in the house, "Domen admitted sheepishly and Daniel laughed aloud.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?", The Norwegian grinned and reached across the table for Domens hand, to gently squeeze it and stroke the back of his hand.

"No idea," Domen replied dreamily. The intimacy that radiated this simple gesture made his breath stop.

"And what did your mom say about that? I suppose, she was certainly thrilled, that she was allowed to dry everything, "Daniel wanted to know and withdrew his hand again to continue to eat. Almost disappointed Domen also returned to his salad.

"Nothing. Peter helped me ", Surprised by this realization, Domen lowered his cutlery. He had completely forgotten that. Their little water battles. The common walks in the woods. The excursions by sailboat. Camping in the garden. All these memories suddenly appeared in his mind's eye, making him melancholy.

Lately, there had only been bitterness, because Domen had never felt good enough, although he wanted to be.

"In the end, all our clothes contained more water than the bucket, which we had to wring out the rags."

"Domen?" The Norwegian asked hesitantly, running his fingers over the edge of his glass.

"Mmh?" Domen replied, lost in thought, wishing really hard that Peter and he could return to that point. He hadn't known, how much he missed this.

"May ... I ask you something?"-

"Sure." -

"So ... Peter ... what did you tell him?"

It was like a bucket of cold water that Daniel used to get him out of his nostalgic memories. Domen began to slip uncomfortably on his chair: "Why?"

"Because ... Is it possible that he's mad at me lately? Or am I just imagining that? ", The Norwegian finally asked hesitantly after several attempts and Domen breathed out with relief, because he had feared worse. Peter hadn't necessarily acted this morning as if he would indulge. That's why he had avoided him.

To play out time, Domen stuffed a fork full of lettuce into his mouth and smiled at Daniel apologetically. He knew he owe Daniel an answer.

He had compared Daniel's confession with a violent crime. Surely, that was the reason why Peter thought the worse. But that wasn't necessarily what he wanted to tell Daniel. And also, his little um ... horror moments in which Peter had caught him. He was afraid of what Daniel would think if he knew. If he would know anything about what was going on in his head right now.

"I ...", Domen began with the intention of simply denying it, but after meeting Daniel's worried look, he just couldn't say it. "Probably not. Peter behaves like a mother hen, just because lately I may have been a bit off track. But he knows nothing and that won't change, "Domen tried to explain the whole thing without starting his thought carousel again.

"Okay," Daniel nodded vacuous and turned back to his meal, while Domen couldn't escape the feeling, that he was about to screw things up. Silently they ate the rest of their salad and Domen grew restless with every passing second. Feverishly, the Slovenian considered what he could say. What he could do to bring back the lightheartedness of the moment.

His gaze remained on the mysterious dessert that Daniel had brought. "Okay, so I would be ready for the mysterious dessert," the Slovenian pushed his plate to the side and smiled at Daniel expectantly.

"I-", the Norwegian hesitated, looking at Domen as if he needed to think about what he wanted to say. Until Daniel leaned back: "Since when so diffident?"

"Since I've noticed," Domen pulled the bowl toward him and began eagerly unpacking it, much too relieved that Daniel had responded to his not-so-smart topic change, "that I like to keep my hand. "

Stunned, Domen stared at the things, he had uncovered. Immediately, the shimmering and fluttering creatures began to chisel his bad consciense in his head, so that he would never forget it.

It was just grapes and honey. Nothing more. Nevertheless, these beasts suddenly blocked his respiratory system. His bloodstream. His brain.

"Butterprincess?" –

Startled, Domen looked up. Straight into bright green, captivating eyes that were able to fight temselves through his storm of thoughts and feelings and make him believe that everything was alright. Even if it was not.

"I was pretty shocked when I found out," Daniel threw contextless into the silence.

"What?" -

"That I'm gay. I felt like a kaleidoscope that was shaken for the first time in life, "Daniel described, leaning over the table and gently touching Domen's fingers with his fingertips. Like he's playing the piano with his long, narrow fingers.

Overwhelmed Domen remained in his rigidity. He wanted Daniel to shut his mouth because he didn't want to hear anything about it, although at the same time he held his breath so as not to miss a single word.

"I don't remember exactly what we laughed about. San and me. I want to say ... it was everything as always. We sat in the stable, among the hens in the straw and laughed. Nothing more. And suddenly ... suddenly I wanted to kiss San. For no reason. Out of nowhere. Because he sat next to me and gave me one of his contagious breathtaking smiles. It took me a few seconds to understand what I wanted to do. Afterwards I stumbled over a lot of chickens out of the stable. I talked about some urgent homework that didn't exist, "Daniel continued, and Domen noted with discomfort, that he thought, it was somehow familiar.

"What happened next?" asked Domen, because every normal being would ask. He didn't want to think further. He wasn't gay. He didn't want to listen to it. But he didn't want to hurt Daniel, either.

"Mmmh ... I think I behaved pretty weird afterwards. I avoided San. Locked up in my room, I was staring at the ceiling for hours. It took a while to accept, but actually ... I don't know, it all felt like me. As if the last piece of the puzzle had finally moved to the right place, "admitted Daniel, shrugging his shoulders and watching their hands.

It felt like me. But that didn't feel like him, Domen thought desperately. It felt strange. Threatening, as soon as he began to think about it. He wasn't gay. He just couldn't stop thinking about Daniel. That was ... everything. Had to be everything. Only Daniel everywhere in his head. "San ... that's the one with the chicken joke, isn't he?"

"Mmmhh," Daniel kept his eyes lowered, as if he was completely taken by the play of their hands.

"Did you tell him?" -

"I-" Daniel began before he fell silent and eyed him with one of his unfathomable glances. "Yes. Well, after that it was pretty weird between us. "

"I'm sorry." -

"It doesn't have to. I just ... It's okay to be out of it, "Daniel replied mournfully in a low voice and Domen didn't understand why he was looking at him so strangely. For one moment, Domen was afraid, that Daniel might know about his inner thoughts. How hurtful these thoughts were. How it regularly rolled over him and forced him to his knees, when for a moment he lost control over his thoughts. How he felt, because he allowed this.

"OK. I mean, no. I mean, I'm fine. Everything's okay, "Domen replied, not sure who he wanted to convince. He decidedly pushed away the part that needed answers. The one, who asked, where the whole thing was going to lead to. Had he really imagined his future like that? The part who just wanted to know who he was, didn't leave him alone. The part who wasn't content with just enjoying the moment.

Damn it! He had done that the last hour! He wanted it to be like Jay and the Christmasman. The two had been happy together. Had no ugly ants, but beautiful butterflies in the stomach.

"Stop looking at me like this," Domen urged Daniel, who apparently didn't seem particularly convinced of his words. He wanted to prevent that their carefree togetherness suffered a total loss. "Let's talk about your not-so-skillful attempt to cheat: honey grapes? Does anyone have scare to lose tomorrow?"

"You mean, the way you won against me at Mario Kart? Wait ... ", Daniel scratched his forehead and pretended to think hard. "Oh no. That was me. "

"Ohh, no! No, nothing is lost! We only took a break. And now I demand my due revenge, Slowcoach! "Domen jumped from his seat. Challenging, he grinned at Daniel, who rose slowly.

"And what makes you think that this time it will be better?", He stopped only a few inches from Domen and the air around them began to crackle.

Almost relieved, Domen let himself fall into the beguiling lightness, wrapped his arms around the hips of the Norwegian, pulled him even closer: "Because I think you've misunderstood something: With honey grapes, I'm unbeatable."

"Damn, so I should have taken the buttercereal," Daniel teased him amused.

"Haha, you're such an idiot," exclaimed Domen, who, when he thought of this encounter, would ave liked to sink into the ground again.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed." When Daniel then stroked over his fiery red cheeks, it was enough for Domen. Daniel clearly needed to be reminded of who had the upper hand here, he thought, poking Daniel into the side without warning. Daniel flinched violently because he was actually ticklish. Grinning, they stood facing each other while Domen slowly raised his hand threateningly once more. Ready to attack.

"No! Hey! Stop! This is - unffffffaiihhhhaiiiir ", the Norwegian dodged, staggering back a few steps and catched on the cable of the Playstation. In a last attempt to regain his balance, Daniel clung to Domen, who also stumbled. With a loud scream, they landed on the floor next to the bed.

Startled, they stared at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. Quite natural, Domen's hand stroked a strand of hair from Daniel's face, which had fallen over his eyes. They looked into each other's eyes, sucked in the moment and fell silent. Silence descended upon the space that held the world for a moment. Layed Protecting itself like a cocoon around the two and put all doubts and difficulties out of the way. The kind of silence that triggered pure exploding happiness.

Dreamy, Domen let wandered his hand. Over Daniel's neck, up to his cheeks, which he grazed briefly, then buried it again in Daniel's hair. Daniel didn't take his eyes from Domen. He watched with wide eyes that Domen bent over him. Their lips touched and they began to fly. It was one of those rare moments that felt like eternity.

Domen had no idea how long they had been lying on the floor. And he didn't care. It didn't matter that the ground was hard under them. It didn't matter that his arm was probably dead now because it was unfavorable lying on it. Never mind that the ugly lamp blinded him if he looked up at the ceiling.

Blissfull, he huddled against Daniel, crossed their legs and enjoyed Daniel's hand, which stroke his back. Wearily, Domen rested his head on Daniel's chest. And he found out that he liked to listen to the Norwegian's heartbeat. Which started even to vibrate.

Irritated, Domen looked up as Daniel began digging in his pockets. "Would have been too nice", sighed the Norwegian and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, which would give no peace.

"Just ignore it," Domen suggested sluggishly as Daniel briefly scanned the news, he had missed within the last two hours. "What?"

"Anders. He's coming in a few minutes. And I'm supposed to number my bones before ... Ohhhhh, "Daniel groaned horrified.

"What did you do?" Domen asked curiously.

"Nothing! Well ... almost nothing, "replied Daniel sheepishly and continued to speak in the face of Domens raised eyebrow," I made Anders a blind date with Silje. "

"Anders and Blondie? How did you come up with that idea? They hate each other's guts, "commented Domen in astonishment.

"Yes, now, I know that, too", the Norwegian dropped his head on the ground again. "I wish we could just stay here. Forever."

"Yes," Domen breathed, sinking back onto Daniel's chest. Staring wistfully into nothing, knowing that their togetherness would soon be over.

Sighing, Daniel pulled him a little closer to him and pressed him a kiss on his head.

One last moment, Domen allowed himself to enjoy Daniel's closeness before straightening up. Daniel began to protest. "No! What are you doing? ", He pulled the Slovenian back again. To himself. So that he could feel his breath on his cheek again. "You're driving me crazy, Butterprincess," he confessed before kissing Domen.

Until Daniel's phone began to vibrate again. "Daniel ...", mumbled Domen between two kisses.

"Mmmh ...", the Norwegian replied unmoved.

"We should ... really ... stop," Domen admonished, not even convinced of his own suggestion. He let his hand slowly move down Daniel's chest, before turning sideways, poking Daniel again.

"Ahhh! Butterprincess! "Daniel winced, glaring at him. "That was mean."

"I know," Domen grinned, giving Daniel a quick kiss on the lips, before he rose with a loud groan and shook his arm, which was maltreated with thousands of pinpricks. Only when his arm had calmed down did Domen realize that Daniel was watching him all the time. "What?"

"Nothing. I ... I just still can't believe this isn't a dream, "Daniel confessed with a shrug and caused Domen goosebumps.

Instead of an answer, Domen grabbed Daniel impetuously and involved him in another wild kiss. At the same time, he pushed the Norwegian back, until Daniel finally crashed with his back against the door and its door knob.

"Ahhhh!" Cursed Daniel, wincing in pain. Immediately Domen let go of him. "Shit! Ow! Remind me that in future I will only let Anders kill me ... Ow! I think he's more humane. "

"Says the guy who didn't even manage to fall into the bed," Domen countered, looking at Daniel worriedly. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah ..." Daniel stroked his back as Domen grabbed him and pulled up the Norwegian's T-shirt to get an overview. Carefully, he stroked above Daniel's soft skin in search of any injuries.

"So, you know," Daniel gasped as he felt Domen's fingers, which would surely lead them both into destruction if he wouldn't do anything now. "If you were so keen on ending up in my bed, seeing me naked, a word would have been enough and- AU! Hey! Is that how you deal with seriously injured people? "Daniel complained, grumbling about Domens knock with the fist on his head.

"That serves you right," Domen muttered, his cheeks burning. "This is going to be a bruise and now, I have to go so that Anders could kill you in peace more humane", Domen pushed past the door when Daniel grabbed him by the arm. Forced Domen to look him in the eye. Into a forest clearing interspersed with sparkling sunbeams. A forest clearing that was just too tempting to test how long eternity could be.

"I ... um ..." Daniel began as he studied Domen in front of him. "I ... so ... it ... that ... Chrm ... was a nice evening", the Norwegian finally managed to say.

Because Domen knew he should reciprocate something. Because every normal person would have wanted to say something. But Domen just couldn't. He just stood there. In front of Daniel wide-eyed and couldn't speak. Because there was something that blocked something inside of him while it took the air out of Domen. Or was it Daniel who took the air out of from him?

Anyway, Daniel did it with his kiss. The way he pressed him against the door with his body and held his face in his hands. His fingers brushed his cheeks. The way he made him feel alive. He could have told him, that he was able to live without oxygen and he would have believed him.

"Good night, Butterprincess," Daniel finally whispered, releasing their kiss. Lovingly he pushed his nose against Domens before he finally released the Slovenian.

"Night," Domen breathed, still paralyzed by their kiss as Daniel stretched out his hand in his direction. He almost protested as the arm passed under his arms to the door and opened it instead of grabbing him. Only the cold of the hotel lobby, let him halfway to his senses.

He turned involuntarily, staring out into the dark, deserted hall before finally moving. One last time he raised his hand in farewell, before he climbed the steps to his floor in the bright moonlight that shone through the large glass front of the stairwell.

Muzzy, Domen touched his lips, still believing that he had Daniels on his when he finally found himself in front of his and Anze's room as if by magic. He tried to get off the feeling of being high. Tried to get his facial features returned to normal as he blindly fumbled for his keys in his pocket. Because he hadn't found anything, he changed the side, but only found his cell phone. Then he pats down his jacket pockets and tried again in his trouser pockets, although the odds weren't very high that they suddenly had appeared there.

Shit. Softly, he knocked on the door, hoping that Anže was back from his date with Iva. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and wrote a message. Nothing. Maybe he was already asleep, thought Domen, and began to hammer louder against the wood as he dialed Anze's number.

"What the-", the door opposite opened, annoyed. Peter realized with surprise who he had in front of him. "Domen! Why are you trying to smash the door?"

"I'm not trying- I mean, I was just knocking ... forgetting my key. But Anže isn't there yet, "Domen pointed out, remembering how they had used to interact years ago. And How much he wanted that back.

"Where had you been?", Peter asked without the trace of a reproach in the voice, as if it was the most normal in the world.

"Um ... Playing table soccer?", Domen stared uncertainly at his brother. Could he be mind-reading?

"Do you want to wait at my room?" -

"Are you sick?", It finally burst out of Domen.

"Why?" -

"No sermon? No: 'can't you even get your thoughts together'? "Domen still unconvinced, wondering how probable it was that Peter's body had been taken over by a friendly alien.

"Too tired," Peter merely shrugged and stepped back from the door, "So what now? Are you coming in or do you want to wait in the corridor? "

"I'm coming in," Domen replied and slipped past Peter into the room, where the television light was flickering. Curious, Domen entered. "What? No! Seriously? ", Domen clapped his hands in high spirits.

"Somehow I felt like it," Peter confessed with the touch of a grin as Domen grabed for his nonexistent superhero cloak and pretended to hold it in front of his face.

Darkly, Domen looked around the room and lowered his voice: "I am the terror of the night fluttering. I am the Dutch manual for your Japanese video recorder. I'm Darkwing Duck! "

"Oh no! You're doing it totally wrong! Darkwing Duck isn't a chicken that shakes its wings anxiously, "Peter said seriously. "Besides, you've picked out the worst spell ever. Watch out and learn, "he challenged Domen, who stood speechless in front of him and watched as Peter gracefully moved his arms up and down, as if he were an eagle: " I am the terror that flutters through the night, I'm the battery that's not included in the purchase price ... "

Laughing, Domen watched his brother standing with one leg on the edge of the bed for the grand finale. Peter raised his hand in victory to the sky. "I'm ... Darkwing Duck!" Peter announced threateningly, dressed only in boxer shorts. "Chrm ... you see? That's how it works, "Peter cleared his throat and dropped onto his bed.

"I bow to Master," Domen snorted, sitting down next to Peter. Remembered rainy afternoons spent together in front of the TV and felt for the second time in a few hours backtracked in good old times. And apparently, he wasn't the only one today who relied on his nostalgic memories.

"Have seen it often enough" Peter growled beside him, embarrassed. Apart from his brothers, nobody knew of his weakness for this children's series. Not even his girlfriend.

"What Cene always liked to rub it in your face because he ... What did he always wanted to watch?" Domen tried to remember.

"The Care bears," replied Peter, who was shivering at the memory alone. Cene has always had a bad movie taste.

"Right. But we were a good team, both of us, "wistfully a smile crept into Domens face as he remembered how he and Peter had hid the remote control from Cene in the fanciest places. In the houseplants, in the laundry, even the cereal box had the remote control seen from the inside.

"Yes ..." Peter agreed. "Only the kettle ... that wasn't necessarily the best idea ..."

"Who could have guessed that Mum is making a tea in the middle of midsummer," Domen automatically said. The burnt kettle hadn't only earned them a sermon of epic proportions, but also a full week of house arrest.

"Its name was Cool Summer Breeze," Peter replied dryly, before both brothers snort with laughter.

And Domen suddenly fell silent, remembering their conversation in the morning. At everything, he had said to Peter in the past few weeks. At everything, he had apparently forgotten about. "I'm sorry, Pero."

Domen tensely watched his brother from the side, who had fallen silent, staring straight ahead. "I know. I am, too."

In unfamiliar closeness, both of them stared at the television as a small vibration sounds out of Domen's pocket.

"Anže?" Peter asked casually, when Domen unlocked his cell phone. He received four new messages. All of Daniel.

I miss you. I hate that you aren't with me.

Forget it. Wasn't meant like that.

That isn't true. You just shouldn't know it. Don't know why this was sent now ...

But ... actually I know it. Because I wanted you to know, I miss you. I can't stop thinking about you. I hate that you aren't with me.

Stunned, Domen stared at the brightly lit screen, aware of Peter's eyes.

"Chrm ... no ... just ... um ... school friend. A school friend. Homework, and um ... a bit of gossip, "Domen replied giddy. With the words of Daniel in his head. They frightened him because they implied a future. He hastily put his cell phone back in his pocket as if so, the news would disappear ths way from his memory.

"Gossip? Must be interesting gossip, "remarked Peter so emphatically disinterested, that he could have asked directly.

"I ... yes. Um ... "Domen stammered, feverishly searching for something to tell Peter. "Milan, Vito and Jaro have ... I mean ... er ..."

"Now stop stammering and spit it out! I promise: no sermon, "Peter interrupted his brother as another vibration sound through the room. "Must be really good gossip."

"I ... er ...", Domen nervously pulled the phone out of his pocket, because he could ignore it badly. Holding his breath, he stared at the green speech bubble and was almost relieved when he recognized Anže's profile picture, who joyfully announced that he was back in their room. "Anže", Domen said a trace too relieved. "Um ... I mean ... he's back."

"Fine, but I am serious: no moral sermon," insisted Peter. And Domen would like to had scream. Screaming, because tonight they had been the ones who they had been before the sport. Screaming, because he didn't want to lie to Peter but had to. Screaming, because Peter probably knew he was lying to him and still listening. Screaming, because his guilty conscience almost ruined him. Screaming, because of Daniel. Because of Peter.

"Okay ... they had ... a ... uh .... Pool party. Stolen the key from the janitor and- "Domen was interrupted by his cell phone again. Nervously, he unlocked it. Another message from Daniel:

I'll beat you tomorrow anyway. So, no false hopes: P

His eyes quickly flew over the message. Were almost relieved about the content, because he could answer it. Because he could handle taunts. Squeezed his cell phone into his small jacket pocket.

"Yeah ... um ... and have a pool party there. With alcohol and then emergency lights from police cars, "Domen added as he got up.

"Oha ... Well ... um ... one is ... only once ... young", commented Peter, visibly wrestling with himself to not start an argue with Domen again. And that was the point, Domen knew, he had to go now. He couldn't stand Peter any longer because he made an effort and Domen lied to him as a reward because his life was a mess.

"Yes, isn't it? You probably only really lived when you were led away with emergency lights once in your lifeteime, "Domen tried to joke, as he tied his shoes. "See you tomorrow, then!"

"Yes! See you tomorrow- Oh hey, wait! "Peter shouted from inside, as Domen already had his hand on the doorknob. "You've lost your cell ph-," Peter announced, when he suddenly fell silent. Panicked, Domen, handing his hand into his jacket pocket. But it was empty.

Looking up he saw Peter, who stood in front of him. Chalk-white, holding up the brightly lit mobile phone. With the messages of Daniel on the screen.

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