My dangerous gang life

By Rowan678

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Addison doesn't know what to expect when she joins her city's all girl gang. All she knows is they're like a... More

My dangerous gang life
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

229 7 0
By Rowan678

"Addie, get up." Melanie said shaking me. "No." I mumbled pulling the covers over my head. "Come on hoe." Lyla said jumping onto the bed. "You guys are hoes. Leave me alone." I muttered pulling the covers higher over my head. Lyla grabbed the covers and jerked them off the bed. I curled into a ball, still refusing to wake up. "Fine. You leave us no choice." Melanie sighed. Suddenly my oversized Tshirt was ripped off. Now I was lying in bed in just my boy shorts.

"If you wanna keep the underwear on I suggest you get up." Lyla warned. I sighed and climbed out of bed. I used one arm to cover my  chest while I grabbed a bra and put it on. "You better not be busy tonight because we're going to the club." Melanie told me. "I'm not busy." I said. I put on a tanktop and headed downstairs with Melanie and Lyla behind me.

Jasmine was the only one downstairs. She was sitting on the couch eating cereal.  I went into the kitchen, made myself I bowl of fruity pebbles, and went into the living room to eat. I slumped in the arm chair next to the couch and watched MTV with Jasmine while I ate. There was a music video countdown on.

I was putting my bowl in the sink when Vivian ran over to me. "Come with me." She grabbed my arm and lead me to the front door. There were four boys standing in the doorway. They were all wearing sagging pants and all but one were wearing Tshirts. The other was shirtless. He had to be the cutest out of all of them. His jet black hair was sticking up in small spikes and his abs looked perfect!

"These are the unofficial members of our gang." Vivian explained. "Unofficial?" I asked.

"Since this is an all girl gang they can't join but they still help us out and stuff."

The tallest, and oldest looking, of the boys stepped forward and looked me over. Then he looked at Vivian and smiled. "You guys always find the hottest girls to join L. Femelles." He winked at her and she slightly blushed. Well I don't know what that was about but I got the weird vibe there may be something going on between them.

I shrugged it off and turned to the shirtless boy. "Like what you see?" He asked catching me staring at his abs. "Maybe." I answered blushing. "We'll meet you guys at the club later." The oldest one said then they all left.

"They're gonne be at the club with us?" I asked. "Yup." Vivian answered.

For the rest of the day we lounged around the house, watching tv and eating. Finally it was almost time to go to the club.

I was in my room, changing into a black tank top and purple shorts, when my phone started rining. "Hello?" I said answering it. "Addie!" It was Macey.

"Hey." I said.

"Don't hey me! Where the hell are you?!"

"With some friends. Why?"

"I've called you ten times! You're sister's been trying to find you all day! Last I checked she was getting ready to call the cops!"


"Yes, really! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Nothing. I'm sorry I worried you."

She sighed, "Just go home so your sister knows you're ok." She hung up.

I finished getting dressed and went downstairs to meet the rest of the girls. "You ready?" Jasmine asked. "Yeah," I answered, "But can we stop by my house first?"


Me, her, and Lyla climbed into her car. She drove to my house and pulled into the driveway. "We'll wait for you out here." She said. I got out of the car and walked to the front door. Dad's car wasn't in the driveway so he wasn't home, but Sam was. Hopefully she won't be to mad.

"Sam?" I called walking through the front door. "Addie?" She asked walking down the hall. For a split second I thought she looked relieved and happy but it was replaced with her looking pissed beyond belief.

She grabbed onto my ear and started dragging me to her room. "Sam, i'm sorry. Please don't." I begged. "Don't even fucking try it." She hissed. She sat on her bed and bent me over her knees. Before I could say anything she grabbed a belt and started to spank me. She started yelling but kept spanking me.

"What! The! Fuck! Is! Wrong! With! You! Do! You! Know! How! Worried! Me! And! Your! Friends! Have! Been! I! Warned! You! What! Would! Happen! If! You! Did! Anything! Like! That! Again! What! Makes! You! Think! It's! Ok! To! Be! Gone! For! Almost! Two! Days!"

Usually I could keep myself from crying but I couldn't help it. Tears began to roll down my cheeks. Thank god my shorts offered some protection. "Sam, please?!" I begged. "Don't! Even! Think! Begging! Will! Work! I! Thought! You! Learned! Your! Lesson! Last! Time! But! Obviously! I! Was! Wrong!"

She's never spanked me this long or hard before. I was almost certain my butt was bleeding. And it didn't seem like she was going to stop any time soon. I was able to pull myself off her knees and stood up. I began to run out of the house. "Addie, get back here!" Sam yelled. I ran out the front door and toward Jasmine's car. Her and Lyla were leaning against the side of it talking.

The looked up once I got there. "Addie, what's wrong?" Jasmine asked. They must have seen I was crying. "Did your dad hurt you?" Lyla asked. I shook my head, "M-my s-sister did." I answered. "What did she do?" Jasmine asked. "Addie, there's some blood on the back of your shorts."

I looked over the back of my shoulder and saw she was shining the light from her phone on my butt. There were small blood spots on the butt of my shorts. "You sister did that?" Jasmine asked. I nodded. Just then Sam stormed out of the house and over to us. "Addie, get your ass back in the house!" She yelled. Jasmine and Lyla pushed me behind them protectively.

"Who are you guys?" She asked them. "We're Addie's friends," Jasmine answered. "I really don't care," Sam said, "Addie, get back in the house."

"We're not going to let her go back in there with you." Lyla told her. Sam stepped forward so she was in Lyla's face, "Excuse me?" Jasmine stood between Lyla and Sam. "Listen, we don't care if you're Addie's sister or not. We're not letting her go back in there so you can go at her with a belt again."

Sam stepped back some, "Don't think that i'm going to let her go some where with you two."

Lyla draped her arm over my shoulder and started walking me to the house. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Don't worry about it." She answered. She led me into the house and up to my room with Jasmine following.

She had me sit on the bed and her and Jasmine stood in my doorway. Sam came up and stopped in front of them. "Get out of my house." She told them. "Ok, we'll leave," Jasmine said, "But if you touch her again we're going to come back and kick your ass." Same stepped back, looking shocked by the threat.

Jasmine and Lyla came over to me. "We'll see you tomorrow." Jasmine said hugging me. Lyla kissed the top of my head and then they left, closing the door behind them.  The sound of footsteps going down the stairs told me Sam wasn't coming after me.

A few minutes later I got a text from Jasmine. It said, Sorry you couldn't come to the club tonight. But we'll make it up to you tomorrow ;)

I put my phone down and crawled under the covers.

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