Kid(s)?! [Sequel to Emily] ✔️

By LastnameUnknown

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He is dead, or so they thought. 16 years, they had gone 16 years with Claire and without him.... Will they ev... More

Kid(s)?! (Sequel to Emily).
Chapter 1: what? (sneak peek)
Chapter 1: what?
Chapter 2: reality.
Chapter 3: Nathan.
Chapter 4: blame me.
Authours Note
Chapter 5: moving forward
Chapter 6: the letter.
Chapter 7: school.
Chapter 8: X Factor.
Chapter 9: shocked.
Chapter 10: songs.
Chapter 12: party or not?
Chapter 13: waking up?
Chapter 14: surprises
Chapter 15: getting old. [Last Chapter]

Chapter 11: losing.

151 10 2
By LastnameUnknown

Third Persons POV

The finals of the x factor had never been this tense, and exciting at once. Of course it always was tense but now they only had three judges to vote. Mika couldnt vote in the final since his own daughter was one of the contestants. Claire was more nervous about what her family thought about her performances than that she was about what the people watching did.

Right now Claire is standing on stage with her coach Nicole and Matt is right next to her with Simon by his side. The moment they have been waiting for for the last year orso is finally here and nobody could have been more nervius. Because what if the judges took side with their now good friend Mika and voted Claire and the audience did too? What if she lost, then maybe Mika would sue the program? All the press and the media was full of it and now the the moement was finally here eveyone was watching with anticipation.

“And the winner of the X-Factor season 21 is….Matt!” The host said and a lot of people were suprised. They were so sure that Claire had won. But that didnt mean they werent happy for Matt. He deserved it just as much as Claire did. Claire went over to him and hugged him. Although she lost she was more than happy for him, she knew what this would mean to him.

Claire’s POV

The second i heard his name i couldnt help but feel happy for him. Over the last few weeks i got to know him better and he really deserves this. Of course the dissapointing feeling of losing is there but i cant change it and i wouldnt even want to. After i hugged Matt and congratulated him at least 4 times i saw the other judges entering stage too. First they all hugged Matt and called out their congratulations then they came to me. When Louis hugged me he whispered in my ear, “ i voted for you. I think you are gonna make it. Dont worry.” I smiled grateful at him and went to hug my dad. He smiled down at me and pulled me closer to him.

The after party was pretty amazing. I was already there when my family walked in. “Claire! Omg! How on earth did you do that? You know who you stood on stage with!? Westlife!!” was the first thing i heard before i even saw him; Aiden. When he finally reached me he was still rambling about the boyband i performed with and i listened to every word, happy to see him this happy. “Did you see Shane? Omfg! He is so adorable!” An amused grin made his way onto my face when i noticed the four boys who we once called Westlife standing behind them. I saw Shane chuckle before he said, “Why thank you. Im glad youre so happy with our music.” Then i saw Aiden tense up and his mouth stood agape when he turned around. “I…what?…i….omg” Aidden stood there stammering and the boys just looked amused. Mark turned to me and pulled me in for a hug. “You did great. You have an amazing voice. Im glad we agreed to do this.” I heard the others utter an agreement and smiled.

Out of the corner of my eye i saw mum talking to someone i reconigized from somewhere. Probably a celebrity, this place was filled with celebrities. I excused myself by the five boys, who were now having a conversation like they had known each other for years, and made my way to my mother. “Heey mum! Who’s this?” i said while wraping my arm around my mums waist and gesturing to the man opposite her. She blushed crimson and whispered to me, “You remember that band i told you about?” i thought for a minute and whispered back, “With the cute gay couple?” after i said that she slapped me and i heard the man chuckle, indicating that my whisper didnt really work. Suddenly another man appeared, with curly hair and green eyes, and wrapped his arms around the other man. My man hit the ground when i realised who it were. “Louis and Harry?! As in like Larry!” They both laughed and smiled at me. “Thats right. Btw you were great tonight. No doubt you have the talent of your father.” Louis told me and i blushed. “Thank you.”

My dad appeared not late after i got there and smiled. “You two just as cute as that you were on your wedding day.” Harry said to him and he smiled at my mum. “I knew i saw them somewhere that wasnt One Direction related.” I suddenly blurred out. Everyone laughed and i blushed.

I think Aiden and Blaine were having the time of their lives. Although Aiden had taken part of this whole show he looked like a kid ina cand store. Blaine would never admit it but he liked music just as much as me and Aiden did. He always had a bit of a crush on Nicole, which he now is talking with, and of course i knew i had nothing to fear. She knew he was my boyfriend, she had met him already. Suddenly Aiden was by my side again and he, not so subtly, whisper squealed to me, “I just saw Niam! And i was talking to Westlife, you saw that? Best day of my life.” “Really? Where did you see them? They are here?” Louis asked Aiden and he answered without even looking in their direction. “Yes i did, over with the dj. Do you think the other are here too? Omg, what if Larry is here together?” Behind Aiden i saw Louis and Harry share an amused look. I smiled at them and then at Aiden. I wanted to turn him around but before i could another couple mixed with our little group. My jaw hit the floor and squealed, and thats not something im proud of. Aiden turned around becasue of that and i saw he wa about to faint. When he was over his shock he whisper/shouted to me, “Its 4/5 of One Direction.”


The next morning i woke up with a smile on my face. The fact that i lost one of the biggest talent shows on earth was of course in my mind but i didnt really care. i still had my family, and my amazing boyfriend, and that was enough. Last night had been so much fun with all those celebrities. Of course i got a picture of everyone in the room, including all of the judges.

When i got out of bed and walked into the kitchen i was greeted with the happy smile of my dad and the smell of pancakes. “Morning sweetheart. How did you sleep?” i gladdly took the glass of orange juice he offered me and smiled, “i slept great, thanks. You?” he hummen as answer and i took that as a sign that he, too, slept good. “You dont seem sad. You okay?” he asked me, curious as to why i was in such a good mood. “Im more than okay. Of course im sad i lost but i mean Matt deserved  it just as much as i did, if not more.” He smiled at that and hugged me, “Youre growing up. I dont know if i like that.” I laughed at his serious face and told him, “I will always be your little girl. Even if i move out or get married or whatnot. I will always be here.”

We both heard the click of a lock and then the front door opening. Aiden and Blaine walked in with smiles on their faces. “Pancakes!” was the only thig i heard before they both attacked the stack of pancakes on the counter. My dad shook his head laughing and told them to safe some for the others. They smiled a big and happy smile at him and then he left the kitchen. Blaine came up to me and gave me a peck on my life. “Morning baby.” I hugged him in response and smiled. My life was perfect right now, at least if you cut the part of losing the x factor out of it. 

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