By iqrabhatti4

600 51 83

a guy named Samar accidently met a girl Samaira, they became friends and started meeting in chai breaks disco... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3


53 5 15
By iqrabhatti4

-The chai deal

After the class was over everyone went to their respective ways. Samaira had her next class in an hour, she decided to go to cafeteria and treat herself. she asked Hania if she is joining her but unfortunately she had her class. Sumaira went on her own. As she entered the cafeteria, she examine the whole place.She find the cafeteria very lively as the walls were painted in vibrant colours and the paintings of arts students were hanging on the walls.The ambience was friendly but crowded with students laughing, joking around, eating. She went to sit on a table.

All of a sudden someone poke on her shoulder and she turn around and found Samar standing with folded hands and a warm smile on his face,"want some company?"

Samaira smiles back with a nod.

Samar settle himself and turn his gaze to look around and says,"So?".

Samaira replies with confusion on her face,"Soooo?".

"you know how much confusion you carry on your face?" , Samar asked.

Samaira grimace, Samar immediately pointed towards her and cut her off "This...This is what i'm talking about... why is it there all the time".

Samaira went in a deep thought as if Samar's question bring back an old memory which she never wanted again in her head...

"Nani, why people are so confusing when it comes to show their feelings?" Samaira asked with all innocence in her face while her nani was brushing her hair...

nani smiled on her innocence and said,"Maira beta! sometimes people are not good at expressing or they just like the way they are or sometimes they are not comfortable in showing it"

"But nani why is ama always showing her love to me but not to abba, expressing your love and to let them know can make life less confusing... no?", she looked at her nani who went to a deep thought and stopped brushing her hair. "Nani what happened?" Samaira asked.

nani went quiet and a hint of worry on her face was visible to a 7 years Samaira. Nani knew that samaira's mom and dad were going apart and it was even obvious when a little girl can feel it. Nani even tried to control things by talking but it went all futile.

relations never comes with any warranty. we never know when a tornado can hit and the bonds can lost. lost in it's air ... in it's whirlwind.

Samaira's family was at risk and she was too young to understand this.

Samar shook her and she was back solemnly looking at Samar. "Are you alright?", he asked. Samaira nodded in response.

Samar was examining her. Samaira noticed that he was staring at her but in actual Samar was in deep thought and he didn't notice. which made Samaira uncomfortable! she felt like Samar was judging her in his head. Her hands started sweating and for a second she close her eyes,"Don't let them in, just don't".

"Samaira?", Samar said.

Samaira excused herself and went straight to washroom to control her emotions. she splash some water on her face and looked in the mirror for a second, she questioned herself "is it too hard to deal with all this? you get this samaira... stop worrying " she smiled to herself.

"i didn't knew what you will like to have so i ordered two cups of chai... is it ok?", Samar asked while she was sitting. She smiled at him ," Yes very much ok". rhetorically she responded about how she was feeling instead of replying about the chai.

"Tuesdays with Morrie, is it worth a read?" Samar asked to break the silence between them.

"Yeah, this book is very close to my heart. I've read this book for like so many times that i have lost count of it! it's like it will stay with me forever", Samaira chuckle.

"what is it about ?"

"The whole book is a true account of a wonderful professor giving out anecdotes of life as he walks towards his inevitable disease.In his last few months, he sits down with one of his favourite ex-students, Mitch Albom (who is also the writer of the book) and talks about everything that he has learnt about living life."

"What do you like about this book?"

"You know when i first started reading this one. i wasn't sure how it will go but when i read it , i get along with it slow.I read each chapter one at a time just to soak in everything that he says. It's like a little pill of life that you take everyday day-by-day."

Samar was impressed. He was curious to read the book himself now.He was happy to see the shine in her eyes. it felt so real like every word she said right now.

"What if i ask you to teach me the lessons the professor told his student? like one topic everyday and of course with chai? and we can have our own discussions and arguments?",Samar raised an eyebrow.

Samaira think for a while,"same chai on the same spot everyday?"

"Is this the only concern you have?", Samar chuckle

"hm... i will get bored of having the same chai everyday, i heard some amazing dhabas in the defence side! it will be fun tasting different kinds if chai everyday along with our discussions?",Samaira said with excitement.

"ok, Deal?"


Samar nodded.

They had their chai in silence. The slurping sound of Samar urged Samaira to ask ,"how do you like your chai? doodh patti or the normal one?"

"Normal but a bit strong because it's not easy for me to wake up early, ugh.. morning classes sucks"

"i like strong too because same. not a morning person at all".

"chai is a blessing"

"it sure is"

They both went out of words and started concentrating on chai again. The smiles shared in between sipping chai says a lot which only they can understand. The connection was there only if they figured out this easily. They were distracted by the students leaving their chairs and Samaira check her watch and it was her next class in 5 mins. She was about to leave but Samar asked if he can come with her as his class was beside her classroom. "After you ma'am".

Samaira waved at him and went to her but stopped and turn around to see Samar standing smiling. she went back to him," where's your class?".

"on the other side". his cheeks went red.

"but you...", she stopped for a second and shakes her head.

"go, you're getting late for your class", Samaira said

"take care".

she went to her classroom but she felt like someone was watching her. someone still have eyes on her and she turned to see Samar still staring at her and it felt so stupid of her to turn again in his direction. what he must be thinking, am i a hopeless romantic girl? she thought to herself while shaking her head


"No please, don't do this i will tell mom. It's not right", Samar was crying while pleading to someone.

"you will tell your mom? i will tell her that you were smoking with Asad then whom she will going to trust? me or you? , he said with anger in his eyes

Samar's eyes were bloodshed with all the crying. he screamed "LEAVE ME. HAVE MERCY ON ME".

Samar got up from his deep slumber with a heavy heart. He was sweating and he even hurt himself while he was again dreaming about his childhood tragedy. He was so in anger that he engraved his own nails in his skin and couldn't feel any pain. he was numb, his soul was numb....he wanted to shout his lungs out, he put a cushion on his mouth and started screaming and crying at the same time. His tears were still there, the cushion was damp but his heart was still heavy. It felt like a boundless shattered pieces of glass was cutting his soul. The memory was there, so he was but his soul wasn't....

There was a complete silence and his ears hit the sound of Azan. He didn't remember the last time he offered prayer and bow to his creator. He felt guilty, he knew only Allah will understand. Only he will hear him without judging him. He perform his ablution and started praying. When he went to sujood he took his time to get up. He wanted his sorrows to get out of his head. He raised his hands to make dua for his inner peace but nothing came from his mouth. He was sobbing but there were no tears. He was out of tears and his eyes were dried because of all the constant pain in his eyes.

"Oh Allah! Ease my pain". This is the only dua left from his heart and he felt better, better than ever.



I'm so happy that i'm done writing this chapter after so many struggles. i was in reading slump so, i couldn't come up with anything and i got lost. Then went busy with other stuff! so sorry for taking so much time but i am trying really hard and i have no idea how this chapter is going to satisfy you. need your reviews

p.s don't forget to vote :)


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