Don't Let Go - Book 1- (Natsu...

By thisrandomgirly

7.6K 177 28

You were born into this world to fight, no other reason, well that's what you thought, but a boy with a heart... More

Part one: Caged
Part two: Laxus vs Y/N
Part three: Explain
Part four: Trouble
Part five: Destruction
Part six: Tear
Part eight: Men, typical
Part nine: A fathers hate
Part ten: We fight together
Part eleven: My beloved brother
Part twelve: Take care
Part thirteen: Choose
Part fourteen: Remember me
Part fifteen: Dragon

Part seven: Mission

406 7 1
By thisrandomgirly

Just a warning this chapter may be sensitive to some so please read with caution. Mention of rape is in this chapter. I don't mean to offend anyone. READ WITH CAUTION.


"Hey Y/N!!"

"Oh hey Wendy."

"You wanna go on a mission with me? You've been here for like two months and a couple weeks and you haven't done any missions." She sits down on the chair next to me.

"Sure-" I was cut off by a certain pink head running over to me.

"Hey guys! Wanna come on a mission with us??" Natsu says, overly excited.

"Who is us??" Wendy asks.

"Well it'll be Team Natsu, Gajeel, Sting, Rogue and you guys."

"Why are we bringing Sting and Rogue??" I asked.

"Eh. They just wanted to tag along." I nod.

"So what's the mission about?" Wendy asks getting off of the chair and standing.

"Well we have to go help the people in some village called the Kagori tribe."

"And do what?" I do the same Wendy did.

"Let's just go." He grabs my hand and drags me out of the guild.

"Come on Wendy! Let's go!" I grabbed her hand as well.

-at the train station-

"Come on Natsu!! Just! Get! On! The! Stupid! Train!!" I try dragging him.

"Nooooooo!!!! Don't do this to me Y/N!!" He resists.

"Oh come on!!! Even Gajeel and the others are on!! It's about to leave!!" I finally drag him on board.


-at the village-

"Come on Puke princesses! Erza and Lucy are already unpacking! Everyone is waiting for us!!!" I drag all of the dragon slayers out of the train.

"Uuuuuughhhhhhh...." They all say in sync.

"You know what?" I drop them all.

"I'm leaving." I start to walk away.

"Y/NnnNnnnnNnNn~." They all say groggily.

"Okay fine let's just go you barf heads." I help them all up and we start walking towards our rooms.

-at the rooms-

"Boys you're going in the room next to mine." I say giving them all a key to their room.

"Wait aren't you sharing a room with the other girls?" Gray steps out and asks.

"No. They're having a "slumber party" and said they're gonna be playing truth or dare and I don't mess with that." I say opening up my room.

"So you wanna chill with us tonight?" Sting asks, putting his hands behind his head.

"I can take that in many ways but sure." I walk into my room, closing the door behind me.

-1 hour later-

"Oi! Boys hurry your stupid butts up otherwise I'm gonna get Erza!!" They all immediately rush out of the room.

"Okay let's go." I start walking.

"So where are we going?" Rogue.

"We're meeting up with the tribe leader to explain what the mission is."

"So what did it say on the paper?" Sting.

"Well they said that a group of men have been terrorising the females in the area and there were some reports of rape. And supposedly they are all mages. Some say one of them used dragon slayer magic but I doubt that's real." I say, continuing to walk.

"Wait rape? Women? Oh no no no you are NOT doing this mission." Gajeel says standing in front of me.

"Oh come on Bolt brows. It's not that bad, besides I can defend myself." I say patting his shoulder and walking past him.

"No Y/N you aren't doing this." Gajeel.

"Okay look. Just listen to the plan first when we get there and THEN you can decide if you want me to do it or not. Plus you boys are gonna be on the side watching and making sure NOTHING happens to us." I turn around again.

"And trust me I'm only telling you a brief explanation of this mission. It shouldn't be complicated plus we all get equal pay. 900,000 jewel." I turn back around and continue walking.

"Uggghhhh finnneee." Gajeel.

"Stop being an overprotective cousin and hurry up ya slow poke." I start running.

"Y/N!!" They all yell.

-at the middle of the village-

"Guys come sit down." Erza motions for us to sit.

Once we do the Leader starts to talk.

"Hello, I am Raki and as you know a group of male wizards have been terrorising the women not only in our village but in the area. We contacted both guilds because we believe they are taking women sacrifices to try to summon a dragon. We wanted the strongest wizards to come help us because the summoning is almost complete."

"Wait how do you know all of this?" Lucy ask.

"Because we interrogated one of them and they explained everything."

"How did you get them to sit down?" Lucy asks again.

"Jeez you ask a lot of questions." The leader says making us all laugh.

"Well this is a map of the area. Feel free to use any of our supplies and we hope to hear good news from you guys." He says before leaving us there.

-later that night-

"Hey guys."

"What took you so long Y/N?" Happy whines.

"I had to help Lucy and Erza pick out an outfit which took forever and then they decided to pick an outfit for me but they told me to leave the room so they can decide so now I'm here." I say quickly.

"Y/N!!!!!" I hear them scream.

"And now I'm leaving." I walk back to the room.

-20 minutes later-

Happy's POV

Y/N came back and all of the boys faces were redder than Erzas hair.

"What are you all lookin' at??!" She screams at them.

"You look really pretty Y/N-san!!" Frosch yells and runs into her arms.

"Ummmm thanks?" Y/N hugs Frosch.

(This is what you wore)

"Natsu are you okay?" I say putting my hand over my mouth to prevent myself from laughing.

"SHUT UP HAPPY!" He yells at me.

"Oh no don't worry this isn't the outfit they picked for me. This is the outfit Carla picked for me." Y/N said sighing.

"Wow Carla really has a good taste in outfits hehe." I whisper in Natsus ear.

"Happy Shut your stupid fish mouth." He whispered back.

"Okay they just picked the ACTUAL outfit." She said before running off.

-40 minutes later-

"Guys I'm back!" Y/N walked out again.

Everyone: Holy-

To Be Continued....

This chapter is a bit random and kinda boring so don't judge.

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