Den of the snake -

By RavenUchiha512

59.8K 3.1K 1.2K

"I am the sole survivor of the once feared Uchiha clan, and I am burdened with great purpose. I have brought... More

1: Revolution
4:Prying Eyes
5:Slithering Snakes
6:Majestic Flame Jutsu
13:A Crazy Little Thing
16:Accepting The Darkness
17:Embracing The Darkness
18:Mending Old Wounds
19:A Bargain To Be Made
20:Beyond The Thunder
21:Happy Days
22:A Day In The Life
24:Broken Bonds
25:United We Stand
26:Destroying The Lie
2 7 : Burying Ashes
2 8 : A New Dawn
2 9 : To Forever And Beyond


2.1K 123 28
By RavenUchiha512

"I wouldn't have chosen you to be the mother of my children, if I found you ugly, princess".

The words that came out of the Uchiha's mouth left Hinata with her mouth hanging, her eyes were shocked beyond her belief, even her being naked right now wasn't in her mind anywhere. All she could focus on was those few words that he just said. His haunting purple eye was staring right at her, and her lavender eye's were staring back, lost in his soulful gaze. His face remained the same, his stoic self didn't faze an inch, but for those few moments, Hinata believed that he had healed her. Her eyes slowly watered up, but for the first time in a long time, they weren't tears of sadness, but they also weren't tears of happiness, it was somewhere in between. And that was enough for Hinata right now. Sasuke slowly turns back and walks out of her room, closing the door after he leaves, leaving Hinata alone in her room. And in that moment, for the first time in her life, Hinata feels a warm feeling inside her, a warm feeling for the cold-hearted Sasuke Uchiha. Shortly a small smile forms on her face as she stares down at the ground, her mind still lost in his words. But from the bottom of her heart, she says only these three words.

"T-Thank you.............S-Sasuke-kun".

The next few days after that night, went really good for Hinata. She felt better about herself, she didn't hate seeing herself in the mirror as much as before. She felt lighter, she cried lesser now, and surprisingly, her desire to leave Konoha actually grew less. She realized that instead of crying and whining about things that would never happen, it would be better if she came to terms with her condition and tried to live as best as she could.

Even Kagura and Shinpachi had noticed that the Hyuga princess had gotten alot more active in the past couple of days. She started smiling a little more, and she started to come out of her room. Now, she was helping the Maids in the kitchen every day, making food, not only for herself but also for everyone in the slave quarters. Everyone treated her like she was royalty, but her comforting and friendly behavior allowed others to be comfortable with her.

Kagura was also helping her with her vocal problems, helping her to make her stuttering as less as possible. And in some part it was working, her stuttering had gotten alot less in front of the people she interacted with everyday, including, Kagura, Shinpachi and the maids and butlers. She communicated easily, her sentances becoming perfectly clear and sharp. But unfortunately, in front of strangers and people she wasn't used to, her stuttering still remained.

But all in all, Hinata Hyuga was adapting perfectly to her new life. She was determined to not cry and make herself feel less. Especially now that, she knew that there was someone in the world who valued her, that there were people in the world who gave her importance and most of all, she found someone who didn't look at her with hate-filled eyes.

But, today was a very important day for Hinata. Maybe the most important since the day she had been brought back into the Leaf village. Kagura already told her that Sasuke gave her free will to go anywhere in the village, wherever she desired, as long as it was within the village borders, it was perfectly fine with Sasuke. But she was nervous, and afraid, therefore she had not stepped out of the Hyuga household even once. Her day began and ended within the walls of the Hyuga residence.

However, that was going to change today, because today Hinata was going to visit her dear cousin, and the man who sacrificed himself trying to save her. The pride of the Hyuga, and a prodigy of the Hyuga, he was called a genius for his keen intellect and strength in battles.

Neji Hyuga.

He lost his life trying to save Naruto and Hinata from the Ten-Tails attack, during the 4th shinobi world War. He gave his life, protecting those he held precious to his heart. His friends, family and loved ones. And in his sacrifice, he saved Hinata.

And ever since coming back to the Leaf Village, Hinata felt like she had an obligation to visit him. It felt wrong to be in the same village after four years and not visit him once, even when she was so close to him. So today, since the sun was shining and the weather was perfect, all of her daily chores and practices had been completed, she decided it was time she went to see her beloved cousin.

She sat in her room, about to be dressed. Even though she hadn't seen Sasuke since that night, he had been making sure she was being given the best treatment and living conditions. Before her, layed a dark black Furisode, made from the finest silk in the entire land of fire. Hinata ran her hand over the luxurious outfit feeling the embroidery and the skill of the tailors who made this.
But, just seeing the dress made her smile again. And only because it reminded her of how Sasuke was making her feel important.

Putting on her dress, she stared at herself in the mirror and she actually thought she looked pretty. Even though the scar on her face was clearly visible, she still didn't feel bad about it. And that was clearly a step in the right direction for Hinata. She didn't put any make up on her face, she was naturally so beautiful that she didn't need anything else. Letting her hair fall, they were reaching her waist, and her bangs covered her forehead. She looked at herself one last time and with a deep breath she headed for the exit of the house.

"Don't be afraid Hinata. This is your home".

Telling herself this over and over, like a mantra, she opened the door to the exit and with bravery she took a step outside. As soon as she took a step outside, within a moments notice, she was surrounded by multiple samurai's who immediately got on their knees.

"Lady Hinata, are you going somewhere" One of them asks keeping his gaze on the ground. The people working under Sasuke, stuck close to their orders, one of them being, never to look The Hyuga princess in her eyes. Hinata was slightly overwhelmed by seeing how many men were on their knees before her, but she realized that, they must be doing their jobs of protecting her. And even though she had gotten her strength back in these past days, she had been restoring her Chakra, gradually ever since Sasuke brought her back and fortunately, for Hinata, she could feel like she didn't need any extra protection now. But Sasuke still kept an intense security detail on her, all the time.

"I am going to visit someone, and I'd like to be left alone for a little while" Hinata says to the samurai in a polite and soft tone. And the men immediately lay down their heads after hearing her order.

"As you wish, M'lady. But please, stay within the Village boundaries, oth--" The samurai is speaking but Hinata cuts him off.

"Please tell Uchiha-Sama that I'm not going to try and run away. I just want to visit someone very dear to me" Hinata says with a small smile on her face, not stuttering even a little bit.

"Very well. Please, be careful" The samurai says heeding her words, and in the blink of an eye they all immediately disappear from her eyes.

Hinata slowly starts to walk in the direction of the Leaf Village graveyard. She was a little nervous walking through the village, wondering what the villagers will think of her. But then again, she remembered the words Sasuke said to her. To not worry about anything anyone says about her or her looks. Just thinking about his reassuring words make her feel better.

The cool summer breeze flowing through the village, hits Hinata, creating a soothing sensation inside her. Hinata looks around her, observing the buildings and the wooden structures. A few people crossed her, and she noticed the way they were looking at her. And what surprised her most was that they weren't looking at her the way she expected them too. She noticed that everyone who looked at her, smiled warmly at her and bowed slightly.

But once she entered the market district, she was overwhelmed by the amount of people looking at her. It's like everyone stopped whatever they were doing, just to stare at the woman who was going to be leading the Uchiha along with Sasuke. And in a second, loud noises erupted from the people, all wanting to just see her up close and to say hello to her.





Hinata was overwhelmed by the compliments and gifts she was receiving at the moment. Everyone wanted to get close to her, but they intentionally kept their distance because they knew that she wasn't a commoner. So they all tried their best to get her attention from a distance. Shortly, Hinata's eyes started to water up from the sight before her. She was finally being acknowledged, she was being given importance. With tears in her eyes, Hinata smiled brightly at everyone around her. She kept her composure and stayed calm and collected. She bowed a little in response to everyone's response and with her head lowered she started to walk forward.


Somebody from the crowd shouted at all the people, and they immediately did as they were told. They quickly formed a single path that allowed Hinata to walk without any hindrance or hurdle. Walking through the path, she noticed how everyone was smiling brightly at her, how everyone was waving. Maybe it was her warm aura, and her kind heart, that people of the Leaf fell so much in love with The Hyuga princess.

But one thing was clear in Hinata's mind. Everything that Kakashi and Naruto and the sand ninjas thought would happen to the leaf was wrong. They had believed that Sasuke would be the downfall of the Hidden Leaf, but they were completely wrong.

The Leaf was flourishing, thriving more then ever. The colors of the village may have gotten dark, but the spirit of the village and the warmth that the people radiated was brighter then ever before. Sasuke wasn't the ruler outsiders believed, he was leading the village on the right track. These thoughts led Hinata to feel more warmer towards the Uchiha.

She quickly walks through the crowds, leaving the hordes of people back in the market district. She reaches the quiet and peaceful area of the Village, where laid to rest all the heroes of the Hidden Leaf. The environment of the graveyard was so quiet and peaceful, with the grass slowly waving from the wind, the only sound coming from the birds chirping. Hinata holds a small flower in her hand as she walks through the graveyard. She noticed that there were alot more graveyards then before. Reading the names on the tombstones as she walked, she remembered all the fallen heroes.

"Kushina Uzumaki".


"Obito Uchiha".

"Madara Uchiha".

"Fugaku Uchiha".

"Rin Nohara".

"Minato Namikaze".

"Sarutobi Hiruzen".

"Asuma Sarutobi".

"Shikaku Nara".

"Inoichi Yamanaka".

"Choza Akimichi".

"Hashirama Senju".

"Tobirama Senju".

"Tsunade Senju".

And finally, she stopped in front of the one she was looking for.

"Neji Hyuga".

She stood quietly in front of the grave. Her tears had already started trickling down her face. But she tried to smile, she didn't want her Neji-neesan to know that she was crying while standing before her grave. Holding the flower close to her heart, she smiled while crying.

"Neji-neesan. I-it's been awhile, h-hasn't it......I-I missed s-seeing you. I-I don't know I-if you know what h-has been going on...b-but, Sasuke Uchiha, took over K-Konoha.......a-and everyone left to the Sand village..........thats why I-I couldn't see you for s-such a long time........b-but I'm here now, S-Sasuke-kun brought me back............a-and, I know you are going to be angry b-but, S-Sasuke-kun wants to marry me.........I-I know, it's quite shocking......I-I didn't believe it as well.......but, I-it's the truth........a-and, I've come to a-accept my fate....if that is what my destiny hold for me, then I will accept it.......I-I just wish you were here, there are so many more thing I want to tell you.......b-but I don't want you worrying about me........ I-I have to go now, Neji-neesan........b-but now that I am back in the village, I promise, I will visit as much as I make up for the last four years" Hinata says with a smile on her face, her eyes still wet with tears. Bending down on her knees, she slowly places the flower on his tombstone, next to his name.

"Sayonara, Neji-neesan" Hinata says her goodbye and turns around to leave. But just as she does, her eyes land on a figure standing far away from her in front of a grave. It didn't take her long to figure out who it was, from his posture to his strong back and his unique hairstyle. It could only be one person.

"S-Sasuke-kun" Hinata mutters slowly. She wonders what he was doing here, was he also visiting someone close to him. She never knew that much about Sasuke's personal life, so she wasn't aware of his intentions. But, the most surprising thing happened when Hinata noticed that she had started walking towards him. Normally, she would've immediately tried to get as far away from him as she can, but today, her feet had started moving on their own. She felt like he wouldn't hurt her, especially since she showed him, her naked body and he didn't do anything to her.

Sasuke felt her presence, but he didn't react to her and remained stiff, his eyes fixed on the tombstone before him. Hinata slowly walked, taking small and cautious steps towards him. She stopped when she was right next to him, by his side. She glanced a little at him, and noticed that his gaze didn't waver a little bit, but stayed at the tombstone. As she followed his gaze, her eyes landed on the name written on the tombstone.

'Itachi Uchiha'
'The Hero of the Hidden Leaf'.

Immediately Hinata's eyes widened when she recognized that name. Itachi Uchiha. The man responsible for the Uchiha massacre, and the older brother of Sasuke. Even though it wasn't so open, but the story and the truth about Itachi was known by only a handful of people, Hinata being among them. She knew the hardships and cruelty Itachi went through to protect his beloved village and his younger brother. He allowed Sasuke to exact his revenge on him, so that he could take the blame for everything. And even the moment he was about to die at the hands of his own brother, he died with a smile on his face. Like a true hero.

"A-Are you sad" Slowly Hinata spoke a little bit, stuttering slightly. Sasuke snapped out of his thoughts after hearing her voice.

"About what" He asks in a sharp and cold voice, keeping his eyes fixed on the tombstone of his brother. Hinata didn't waver as much as before from his voice.

"About y-your b-brother........h-how the v-village e-elders treated him" Hinata asks in a cautious tone, glancing slowly towards him. Sasuke felt a little irritated at first because of how she was trying to know him, but he realized that, in order to make her feel comfortable, he should let her in. He closes his eyes and sighs a little.

"Not as much as I used to. I killed those who were responsible for making Itachi their scapegoat. I don't hold any sort of feelings anymore. I don't come to his grave, to grieve or mourn him, not anymore" Sasuke says, his voice wasn't as cold and soulless. And Hinata felt much better, she felt like he was starting to trust her, since he was slowly opening up to her. But she noticed the sad tone in his voice, the hint of sadness caused by loneliness and solitude. She knew that tone because it was similar to what she went through.

"D-Don't you g-get t-tired of being alone, U-Uchiha-Sama" Hinata asks looking intently at his face. Sasuke remains quiet for awhile, before speaking up.

"No. Because it's the only thing I have ever known. Loneliness and solitude, I have grown to find comfort and peace in both those things from the start. Besides, it's not like I could've gotten rid of this loneliness. Not alot of people want to be close to me, not after the things I have done. All I have in this world are enemies, and even those who work under me, would jump at the chance to kill me" Sasuke says with his deep voice and Hinata feels sympathy and sadness for him. She was in a situation similar to him.

"And it's better that way , the villages and the kage's remain in good terms because I exist. My threat is what's keeping them from fighting each other. I don't care how many people hate me, I don't care even if every single person in the world hates me, as long as there is peace then I am satisfied. That is my revolution, my idea of a perfect Hokage. Someone who can bear the hatred of the entire shinobi world" Sasuke's words, they were true. Hinata was surprised when she realized how right Sasuke was. Since the fourth shinobi world War ended, not once had any village tried to attack the other, they were always focused on how to take down Sasuke. Sasuke was the one who was keeping them unified. But she also felt her heart feeling heavy, when she realized how hard it must be for Sasuke. She felt hurt and broken because the people of a single village hated her, whereas Sasuke was hated by everyone around the world. And yet, he never shed a single tear, he never showed a single emotion. Her eyes slowly lowered towards the ground, Sasuke glances a little at her and notices how quiet she was. And slowly her soft voice reaches his ears.

"W-Well, like y-you said to me..........y-you're not alone a-anymore, S-Sasuke-kun..........I-I've made m-my decision" Sasuke was genuinely surprised to hear her words, so much so that he couldn't fight back the small smirk that made it's way onto his face, but he quickly got back to his normal resting face. But he couldn't help but feel warm and happy after hearing her voice, especially the way she said his name. He slowly closes his eyes and turns around and smiles a little.

"I'm glad to hear that, Hime" Hinata giggled a little when she heard him address her by calling her a princess, it felt so foreign and strange coming from Sasuke. But, she liked it. Sasuke started to walk away, while Hinata stayed at Itachi's grave. The feeling of being happy felt so new to Hinata, she had almost forgotten how good it feels.

But another feeling that was growing in Hinata, was her wanting to get closer to Sasuke. She wanted to know him more, she wanted to know the real Sasuke Uchiha, not the one everyone else knew.
She gently plucked out another small sunflower from the ground, and placed it next to Itachi's grave and started to walk back to the household.

"My Lord, our recon squad, have returned with new reports from the Sand Village" Gintoki stood before Sasuke in the Hokage's office. Sasuke knew that he held a responsibility to the village. He sat on his seat, with his arms resting on the desk before him.

"Continue" Sasuke says giving Gintoki permission to speak. It had been more 3 weeks since he attacked the Sand Village and took Hinata, he had sent his recon team to report what happened to the Sand after the meteor hit.

"No bodies were found my lord. And the major part of the village is still intact, although the buildings that were caught in the amaterasu are completely gone. But, in conclusion, someone saved the villagers before the meteor hit and as for the meteor, it was either destroyed or warped" Sasuke's eyes grew a little wider upon hearing Gintoki. The Hidden Sand still intact? How was that possible? The meteor should've wiped out them all. And there wasn't anyone in the village who could possibly destroy or deflect the meteor. The only one who stood a chance at stopping the meteor was Gaara, and he was unconscious when Sasuke left. Gintoki notices the anguish and confusion on his master's face and he calmly continues.

"That's not all, my Lord. I think you will find it interesting to know that, one of our spies in the Sound village also reported that Orochimaru has been quite active lately. Although we don't know anything for sure, but one of our sensory ninja reported that he sensed massive chakra radiating from lots of different shinobi's from Orochimaru's base of operation. We are still looking into this, to get more clarity" Gintoki says as he closes the report he was reading and stands with his hands behind his back. Sasuke's confusion immediately clears up after hearing about his former teacher.

"Pull all the spies back for now. We already know that it was Orochimaru who saved Naruto and the others. We don't need more clarity. Karin is with Orochimaru, if she senses our spies, it could get ugly for them" Sasuke says as he gets up from his chair and walks towards the large windows of the office, overlooking the village. Gintoki nods in approval of his master's orders.

"What do you think Orochimaru is upto" Gintoki asks Sasuke. Sasuke remains quiet, wondering about the snake. Sasuke knew better then anyone that it was a bad move to ever underestimate Orochimaru, he always had something up his sleeve. And if he was housing the Sand Ninjas, then it means he had something big planned. But he also knew that Orochimaru better not underestimate him, he wasn't the Sasuke who seeked him out for power.

"A plot to kill me. To take the village back.............I don't care what he is upto. I don't care if the Sand shinobi are with him. If any one of them steps inside the village's walls, they will burn" Sasuke says to Gintoki with a scowl on his face, picking up his cloak he walks towards the door, he stops when he is about to leave.

"And tell Kagura, that the Hyuga is to eat dinner with me tonight" He says with his back facing Gintoki.

"As you wish, Uchiha-Sama" Gintoki says smirking a little, and Sasuke immediately storms out of the room. Leaving Gintoki chuckling a little.

'Looks like the Uchiha actually has a heart' Gintoki thinks to himself grinning a little bit.

Please please vote on this story guys and comment. It would really mean alot to me. Help me make this story more popular.

And I'm hoping you are enjoying the plot. And tell me if there any errors in Grammer or any other thing.

Anyway, I will update as quickly as I possibly can.

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