His One

By Chocolate_Angel24

10.9K 296 45

I was born with one purpose and one purpose only to protect Michael Langdon. More

Chapter 1 (Visions )
Chapter 2 (Those Eyes)
Chapter 3( The Three)
Chapter 4 (Help)
Chapter 5 (Safe Hands)
Chapter 6 (I Can Protect You)
Chapter 7 ( Heaven)
Chapter 8 (Mead)
Chapter 9 (Lie)
Chapter 10 (Don't Go)
Chapter 11 (Temptation)
Chapter 13 ( Number 3)

Chapter 12 (I'm Sorry)

544 17 0
By Chocolate_Angel24

I could feel her, she was nearing the apartment. I felt her walk up the walkway, I lowered the heart slightly looking to the door. She was about to make her entrance.

With a loud thud she kicked open the door open and stood at the entrance of the apartment. She made direct contact with me and my heart began to pound at an accelerated rate.  She wore tight black leather pants, combat boots and a black low cut tank top. Her hair was pulled into a neat tight bun at the top of her head. She was ready for war.

Mead lunged first throwing the butcher knife straight for Angels chest. With quick speed she ducked and rolled out of the knifes way. With a lunging kick, she kicked Ms.Mead straight in the chest knocking her to the ground. Mead turns on her hands n knees and scrambles into the kitchen grabbing another knife. She begins slashing at Angel, but she dodges every attempt. Mead jabs the knife towards her belly and Angel catches her wrist. She holds the hand of the knife with her right hand and elbows Mead right in the nose.

She retreats holding onto her nose that is now gushing blood.

"She broke my nose,Michael kill her!" I look in Angels direction and she watched me with pleading eyes. Mead is now standing beside me pushing me in Angels direction. "Kill her Michael, she is trying to ruin you." She spits blood and salvia. I make my way to Angel with hands clasped behind my back, we are both tall but I still tower over her. I unclasp my hands and reach for her face holding it in my hands. Beautiful.

"I'm sorry," I stretched out my right hand tossing Ms.Mead and pinning her to the wall. I turned away from Angel making my way to Mead.

Angel POV

I watched as Michael pinned Mead to the wall, the look on her face was priceless, she really thought she had won.

"What are you doing boy! You must fulfill your destiny," She spat, her nose was leaning to the right and a part of her bone was sticking out at the top. She looked like a deranged woman.

"You weren't going to win Mead. Michael is for the light and he will not become the monster you want him to become." I spat at her feet. I just wanted to get this over with so we could all move on.

"Michael how could you do this to me, your grandmother" He pinned her closer to the wall, pressing her harder up against it.

"You are not my grandmother, my grandmother is dead and so is the rest of my family, I was never going to join you."


"I made you a promise Michael and I plan on keeping it," I moved out from his embrace and I walked into the bedroom and grabbed my keys. I handed them to Michael, "If you really want to go then go, I won't stop you but I will always be with you. I made a promise to always protect you and I will."

He didn't take the keys but simply moved to the table and sat down with his head in his hands. I needed to tell him and show him everything so he could understand what I was protecting him from. I went to my bedroom and pulled out a large box from underneath my dresser. Inside contained all the evidence I had collected about Mead and her 2 other followers, a written journal entry of the vision I had of Michael becoming the ultimate evil. I walked back to the table with the box in hand and placed it in front of Michael. I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Here is everything you need to know Michael, I will be waiting outside, when your ready come find me." I moved away and made my way to the front door and sat on the ground outside.

After about an hour, Michael opened the door and offered me his hand. He lift me up and we walked back inside and sat across from each other at the table. I reached out and grabbed his hand.

"I want to be good Angel, and good is how I want to stay. " He stood up and walked to my side, taking my face in his hands and kissing me softly on the lips.

We then formulated a plan to trick Mead, Michael would drop me off two blocks away from her apartment at a local bar and I would wait for the moment to make my way to them. The signal, Michael would send out a magic signal to me that would make me fee like I had been zapped by lighting. We would then proceed to eliminate her.

Eliminate her we shall.

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