A Guard For The General

Da MinxCoda

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A woman has been assigned a job, to work for the First Order, but most importantly work for General Armitage... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

396 13 13
Da MinxCoda

Amalia's Pov

Slowly, I began to wake up from what felt like a years worth of sleeping. Everything was blurry as I slowly opened my eyes, everything sounded muffled and distant. Just as my vision cleared up, so did my hearing, I could hear Hux's voice and a feminine voice arguing. It sure as hell didn't sound like Phasma at all, this voice had more of a sassy attitude with a bit of a small accent. I slowly sat up in the bed, wincing at the sudden pain in my head, quickly I put my hand on my head to realize I had a bandage on. My eyebrows squinted in confusion, but slowly remembered something hit my head before everything went dark. Great, that's probably why my head hurts.

I moved my hand from my head, taking a look at my surroundings. I was in a hospital bed, in a room similar to the infirmary. Wait, this IS the infirmary, oh gods how long have I been here?

"Oh thank goodness she's awake." I heard the feminine voice say as she noticed me waking up, walking to a computer facing the wall of the room. She sounded annoyed yet relieved as she typed on the computer, Hux immediately returning to my side, opposite of me. All I could see was her back and the computers screen, Hux however was right beside the bed I laid in, arms behind his back looking neatly as possible. Only noticeable difference was his facial expression, he looked concerned and worried. For me? Or maybe the fact that I'm his only guard to protect him personally worried him? I don't know, thinking about it gives me a bigger headache.

"Will she be alright? Has she sustained any other injuries? When will she get out?" Hux said in a concerned yet serious tone. Wow, never heard him sounding concerned before either, but I won't test the luck.

"As I told you already, no other injuries besides the concussion she sustained." Yet again, the woman repeated annoyed, I turned my attention to her to say something but I stopped. This woman was obviously shorter than me, darker skin, almost caramel toned with curly hair almost the color of dark chocolate past her shoulders. She turned around as a droid approached her, handing her a datapad then walked away. I got to see her eyes, they were the most beautiful brown color I've seen. I always thought brown eyes to be beautiful, however hers...they stuck out more to me. I started feeling this weird gut feeling, my nerves shot up a bit too. Am I anxious and nervous?? I've been nervous before but...this was a different kind of anxiety or nervousness that I've never felt before.

"Everything alright?" The lady asked, snapping me back to reality. I nodded, gently laying back against the bed with a smile.

"Everything seems to be in order, you'll be out here in a day or two Amalia. Do you remember anything that happened?" She asked as she walked over to be, checking my vitals and anything else she was supposed to do to make sure I was okay and in stable condition.

"Thank you, nurse...um...My apologies, what's your name?" Smooth, great way to get a girls name.

She let out a soft laugh, typing on the datapad. She looked at me with a gorgeous smile, I nearly died. "Julaney, Nurse Julaney." She said back to me, I didn't know if that was her first or last name but I didn't really care, I took it into my pained head and did my best to memorize it.

"Do you remember what happened before you woke up here?" Julaney asked, raising an eyebrow of curiosity as she began to type on her data pad.

"Uhh...I remember checking on the troops, then walking to stop for something? Thats when I heard someone yell, before I could do anything something came at me and I blacked out." I rubbed my pained head again, sighing.

"You were observing the Stormtroopers, you stopped when the person yelled look out. Then you fell backyards and blacked out." Hux said after being silent for a good minute, I looked at him as I listened, remembering that bit as I nodded.

"That's right, I remember that now...What even hit me?"

"It was a part to a electric work out machine they were putting together. A piece came off at high speed and unfortunately hit you in the head." Julaney said, looking at me then typed on her datapad for a minute or to. She then stopped, setting it down and leaned over me to take off the bandage.

"You sustained a concussion and might experience memory loss. As for that, you'll be staying in the infirmary until I feel you're properly stable enough to be released."

"WHAT?!" Hux shouted out, my head started ringing and I groaned. "You CANNOT keep her here! She is perfectly fine!"

"She seems perfectly fine General, however she sustained a CONCUSSION. In which she'll experience memory loss, as any other nurse or doctor would have let their patient go I am not them. She will stay here till further notice! That. Is. It!" She said as she replaced the bandage on my head with a brand new one.

"Do not talk to me in that tone! I can have you shipped off to another planet in seconds!" Hux said as he began to approach her, as much as the shouting worries me, I didn't want him to hurt her.


"Take that up with Kylo, I'm sure he'd agree that sending me off to a planet just because I feel it's better and safer for Amalia to stay here would go along smoothly with him. In fact! Go tell Snoke." Julaney said in a harsh attitude filled tone, honestly I liked that more than I should. Hux stood there in silence, arms now at his side, hands balled into fists.

"Hux, it's fine. I feel better being here. You can visit me if you want, i can handle my own." I said to Hux to reassure him, he looked at me with concern yet trust. A nursing droid walked through a door and approached Hux to lead him out the room.

"Come along sir, the patient needs rest." The droid said, gently pushing Hux along. With a grumble and groan, Hux willingly left the room and walked down the hall. I chuckled softly, relaxing against the bed.

                    Julaney's Pov

I sighed, grabbing my datapad then walked to the computer. I finished the medical report on the datapad then sent the medical report to be looked over by my boss. No, my boss isn't Hux or Kylo. A higher up medical professional is my boss, Kylo and Hux are beyond that several levels. Yet again, I sighed then set the datapad down as I began to type on the computer.

"Is there anything you might require of me, madam?"

"No, thank you G4-R9. I'll notify you if anything changes." I said to the droid, then heard her turning away and leaving the room. The room was completely silent now, I was more focused on my work I had to get done. Being a medical aid, I had tons and tons of work to do. Thankfully, not many injured come in every day, however when there is a huge battle, that's when I have the fun days.

"My apologies for General Hux." Amalia said. "He's a bit more hot headed today, he was most likely worried I had died or something." I simply rolled my eyes, couldn't help but crack a bit of a smile.

"Not to worry. I've dealt with him many times before. Just wished he'd get his head out his ass sometimes."

Amalia began to laugh a bit, I turned my head to her to see. She was laughing but her hand was over her mouth, trying to muffle the laughter. "Ya know," She said "You shouldn't talk like that about the General, he might hear you."

Yet again, I rolled my eyes then approached her right bedside which was her left. I threw my hands up in the air as I shrugged my soldiers. "I've said worse to his face. If he didn't like me talking that much he would have thrown me off long ago." I turned away, walking over to the wall on the other side of the room. I pressed the wall gently, two shelving racks popped out, one with towels and the other with clothes.

"You seem to have, almost a cocky attitude?"

I grabbed a big towel, pressing the wall again. The shelving racks went back into the wall and the wall closed, hearing Amalia's comment made me grin and chuckle. "Honey." I said as I walked back over to the computer, carrying the towel with me as I typed on the computer. "I see that man down here almost every day, asking me how many casualties of his officers or stormtroopers there are every time a big battle happens or Kylo throws a tantrum. I'm simply one medical aid, unfortunately the others don't know as much as I do when it comes to the casualties, I keep check on every little thing."

I finished typing on the computer, turning to Amalia with my hand on my hip and the towel over my shoulder. "It's not me being cocky, it's me being annoyed and practically done with Hux. However, this is my job and like it or not, I work here and do enjoy it sometimes." G4-R9 came back into the room, stopping a few feet in front of me, I turned my attention to her.

"You required my assistance madam?" She said in a cheery tone

I nodded "Yes, i need you to find clothes that fit the patient please, I sent you the sizing information and what to look for, do hurry please."

"Of course, right away madam!" She turned away then walked out the room through a door that opened in the wall. As she entered through the door, it slid shut.

"W-Woah, I didn't know the infirmary could do that." Amalia said excited.

I looked at her, raising an eyebrow chuckling. "She simply entered through a quick route, she'll be going to the storage units to get what I asked her."

"The clothes right? If I may ask, who are the clothes for?"

"You, of course. You've been unconscious for almost two days. You're awake now, which means you need fresh clothes."

"T-Two days?!" Her reaction wasn't a surprise to me, usually happens when patients find out they've been unconscious for longer than they felt or thought they were. I nodded to her, sighing.

"Yes, almost two days. But the good news is you're awake now, you need to wash up. We have some things to get done today." I said in a calming, reassuring voice. Amalia began to calm down but her face was struck with worry.

After a few minutes, G4-R9 came back into the room with the clothes. I checked the clothes as she handed it to me, it was the correct sizing. Perfecto. I thanked her then waved her off as I set the clothes and towel down on the bed, walking to Amalia's bedside and removed the covers gently. "Alrighty, lets help you out the bed to shower hmm?"

"Sounds like a plan." Amalia said with a node as she put out her hand, I took her hand gently pulling her to sit up at the edge of the bed.

"Okay, we're gonna take this slow. I don't want to rush you out the bed in case you get dizzy." I said to Amalia as I held her hand, Amalia getting out of the bed slowly with my guidance and just as I feared, she got a little dizzy and stumbled a bit, quickly, I caught her then helped her to the bathroom. The bathroom was large, completely white walls with square tiles that had black linings. Along the walls were shelves, on the shelves was new body soap, hair conditioner, hair shampoo and a brand new brush. On the wall was a rainfall shower and connected to it was a detachable shower head, no glass or anything to surround it but a moss green curtain which had a see through curtain at the top. The curtain was there to allow easy access to the patient in case they fell, we did have glass walling around the shower but one of the patients fell and broke through it a while ago. I suggested the curtains after the incident and it was approved thankfully.

I gently set Amalia against the wall, afraid she'd fall forward if I just let her stand. "Give me a moment." I said to her, then walked to the other side of the bathroom pulling out a brand new mechanical foldable chair. I unfolded it, setting it against the wall right next to the shower. I turned around to get Amalia but she was standing right behind me, I took a step back forgetting how tall this girl was, beautifully yet dangerously scary tall. "You can walk fine?"

"A little bit, not too dizzy. The brush on the shelf, has it been used before?" Amalia asked.

I shook my head in response. "No, I make sure every patient gets a new brush, new shampoo and conditioner and new body soap. So don't worry, you aren't using any reusables."

Amalia chuckled, walking to the chair I just set against the wall and pulled it back from the wall a bit, sitting in it gently. "This is odd but, can you brush my hair for me? I still don't have a lot of energy.."

"Of course." I said as I walked to the shelf with the brush on it, grabbing the hair brush then walking behind Amalia. I began to brush out her dark red hair that went past her shoulders, you'd think she and Hux have the same hair color, however hers was darker than Hux and wasn't the ginger color at all. I smiled, making sure I gently and carefully got out any knocks and tangles. Then, once I was done I placed the brush gently in her hand. "There ya go, all untangled. Do you know how to work the shower?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Need help with anything?"

"No, thank you Nurse Julaney. I'll let you know when I'm done." She said in a soft tone, with that I grabbed a shower cap and put her hair into it, then put it on her head to protect her head wound.

After that, I left the bathroom but stayed close by it in case she needed help. I wasn't just gonna leave her unoccupied alone, that'd make me a terrible nurse. Hopefully, she'll be okay though.

Hux Pov

Amalia has been in the infirmary for almost two days, I've been worried about her. I made sure the ones who caused her injury were reprimanded and dealt with, just incidents like this were rare but the First Order does not allow such incidents go without punishment.

With Amalia being gone, I've gotten work done. Not that I hadn't before, but it was back to my usual self, having someone around to help you with work and chat with did brighten my day, however I'm the General of The First Order, I won't let this get too much into my head.

I just hope Amalia is okay.

Later on, Amalia's Pov

Throughout the day, Julaney ran some small tests on me, mostly to check my brain waves and activity to detect a concussion. Unfortunately, I had one but it was minor, just a bit of dizziness and a tiny bit of memory loss which is a side effect of it. By the end of it, I was on bed rest eating my dinner and watched some galaxy news on my datapad. I tried to work, but Julaney forbid it, I can't really hide it either.

I laid upright in my bed, eating my delicious dinner. Julaney sat next to me, eating hers before she had to go attend to other patients. I looked at her, getting that weird feeling in my stomach again along with suddenly feeling nervous. I swallowed my food looking away, picking at the food on my plate gently as I sighed.

"So...Besides working, do you like to do anything for fun?" I asked her as I looked at her slightly.

Julaney looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "That's a random question." She smiled, chuckling. "But I'll answer it. I like to sing and read."

"Read? Digital or Paper? And what songs do you like to sing?" I asked eagerly, but toned it down a bit.

"Both, but I prefer books. I write my own songs sometimes, growing up my parents knew a opera singer, she used to baby sit me and softly sing me opera. I started taking lessons from her until I joined the First Order."

"Wow, that's amazing. Sing to me then!"

She chuckled, setting her food down as she stood up to stretch. "You want me to sing opera to you?"

"Yes, the soft opera. I'd love to hear you sing, I bet you have a beautiful voice." I said, realizing quickly then blushed hard. Julaney blushed too, she still smiled but quickly cleared her throat. Man, do I feel awkward.

"Alright, I'll sing to you."

She prepared herself, I was on edge with excitement to hear her sing. I could picture and hear her beautiful voice in my head already, all this excitement made my adrenaline rush.

Then, another nurse walked into the room interrupting us. I nearly threw my pillow at the nurse but I was more polite.

"Julaney, you're needed in room 24 immediately." The nurse left, leaving Julaney and me by ourselves.

Julaney sighed, looking at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Maybe next time." She grabbed my hand gently, caressing it softly with her thumb and a smile on her face. "I promise I'll sing to you once I'm free, okay?"

With that, she let go of my hand and left me to myself. I felt my face heat up more, a smile plastered on my face as I watched her leave. I sighed softly, leaning my head back against the pillows as I stared up at the ceiling. No matter what, I was gonna head Julaney sing, her voice I knew was as beautiful as she is. One of these days, I'll hear it and I know I'll be in awe, I never heard opera in person, and I'd be damned if I didn't get the chance to hear it from a beautiful woman.

One day, I'll hear her sing.

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