Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

((Sorry this is so much longer than the last chapter, I had more ideas for this chapter))

I walked onto the bridge of the Finalizer, i seen General Hux and Kylo Ren talking once I stepped on, I could tell they were arguing, anyone who knew better knew not to get in the middle of them unless you wanted death. I was already informed about Kylo's temper, and Hux always standing his ground or insulting and angering Kylo, and that's where I worried.

I watched them from a distance, they both seemed pretty steamed, but luckily no one got hurt. Kylo stomped away, and towards my direction which didn't scare me. As he walked past me he glanced up at me, I looked at him and gave him a node then walked forward and towards General Hux.

I stood by his side, he was typing something on his datapad, I didn't want to interrupt him so I waited. Once he was done I cleared my throat and spoke.

"Hello General Hux, pleasure meeting you. I'm your new guard, my name is Amalia." I said with a slight smile as I looked down at him, I was taller than him, by five inches.

General Hux's pov

"Greetings, glad you already know my name, don't have to waste precious time introducing myself. It took you long enough t-" I looked to my side to see a tall woman, I had almost mistaken her for Phasma. Phasma was the only other female aboard that was taller than me by a few inches, but I had grown used to that. This woman was close to Phasma's height, had she worn any armor I would have truly mistaken her for Phasma. I stared at her for a few minutes, until she said my name and brought me back to reality.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to get distracted. Hopefully you've made yourself comfortable, we have things to do." I said and turned away from her, and for a second I could have sworn I seen her smirk, or widely smile. I ignored it, and walked away from her and began to give orders, Amalia still by my side, acting casual and not saying a word the rest of time she spent with me, but stayed close by my side.

Later that evening

I was in my office, typing, filling out orders to fix damages Kylo caused to my ship. I was looking at documents, and information on the Resistance. I was focused, extremely focused, I had to finish this work and then the dozens of other work I had to do. I rubbed my temples, sighing a bit, I was stressed to the max but this was normal for me, I was a General and needed to be in top of anything and everything, along with informing Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke of any news about the Resistance, and Luke Skywalker.

My headache started to get worse the more I thought about Kylo and stressed over his actions, and worrying about Supreme Leader Snoke's reactions to anything that could go wrong. However, Kylo was not someone I could care to think of right now nor worry about. I adjusted myself into my chair, staring at my computer screens with my elbows on my desk and my hands crossed in front of my mouth. I tried to focus back on my work but the headache was causing me to lose focus. I sighed, placing my hands on my desk and got up, I picked up a glass of water that sat on top of a coaster on my desk and took a drink from it, as I did I looked over to Amalia, who sat on a couch, one leg crossed over the other reading a book, being completely quiet and still.

I set my cup down on the coaster, walking out from the desk and pushing my chair in. I crossed my arms behind my back as I walked out from behind the desk, taking in a deep breath then exhaling as I walked over to a small little kitchen that was installed into the right side of my office. It had a medium sized mini fridge, perfect sized counters with cabinets, a sink and a stove. I worked around in the kitchen, preparing tea.

A few minutes went by, I finished preparing the tea and was pouring the tea into two cups, one for myself and Amalia. It was strange for me to do this, I rarely did this with anyone, in fact I barely did it. I trusted no one, I never offered nor did any acts of kindness to anyone I knew or didn't. But for some reason I wanted to get to know Amalia, I never usually wanted to get to know anyone, but some of my commanders had told me she was new, never had been seen around the ship, and that she was only here for a few days and no one was sent any of her information, especially me. Of course we had new people joining the First Order, I always kept track but somehow I didn't find out about her, and I was NEVER assigned someone who I didn't know, at least only to my knowledge.

"Amalia. I made tea, I poured you a cup. Here you go." I didn't wait for her to respond, I placed the cup on a small plate, picked it up and walked over to her, placing it down gently on the small table next to her. She seemed surprised by my actions, but rather cheerful and happy. I turned away and grabbed my tea from the counter, walking back over to her and sitting on the small couch across from her, I sipped my tea and glanced over to her, now my head filling with questions. "I usually know everyone who is aboard this ship, every new member, commander, stormtrooper, Captain, everyone. But somehow you slipped through without me being notified. Care to tell me how?"

Her face changed, she adjusted in the chair uneasily but sipped her tea, giving a slight gentle smile. "I was told very little about who you were, I was only told I was being assigned as a bodyguard, well uh...More of a guard to the General of the First Order. They wouldn't tell me the name of the General, and I didn't ask questions."

"Hmm." I took in this information, though finding it suspicious and strange she wasn't informed of who I was, but only the title of my rank. I sat back gently in the couch, still sipping my tea, though I enjoyed whoever sent her called me 'The' General. "What is your training?"

She took a minute to respond, I assumed she tried to remember what her training was, which was disappointing to me. I expected her to automatically respond, and I wasn't patient enough to wait but I forced myself too. Within a few seconds, she answered. "I am trained both with weapons and hand to hand combat, along with a few other military skills. I won't say I'm a expert and some powerful fighting machine, but I was trained enough to protect myself and others, and to know what I'm doing."

"Who trained you?" I asked as soon as she finished speaking. Her face immediately changed emotions from happy to a bit worried.

"E-Excuse me? You want to know who trained me..?" She sounded worried, she wasn't sure if she even wanted to answer my question.

"You heard me. I won't repeat myself, and I don't expect an empty answer either." I said sternly and seriously, she sighed and placed her tea down and adjusted herself in the couch.

"My father trained me. He..." She choked on her words a bit, but continued to talk. "He was brought up in a military family, he was and still is a very respected military man. He trained me and taught me everything I know." She smiled after she was done talking, however I could tell she was uncomfortable talking about her father, I knew there was more to it and I wanted to know. Her smile only hid her pain she didn't want to spew out into words. I was about to speak, but my computer started to beep, along with my datapad. I sighed loudly and set my tea down, getting up and walked to my computer to check it. I typed something into the computer and stopped the beeping, then I quickly walked over to my datapad and picked it up, checking to see why it beeped.

I had two messages, one notifying me that Kylo had a temper tantrum and destroyed something, again. The other was Kylo himself, requesting to speak to me about information on The Resistance. I sighed and set my datapad into my pocket, turning to Amalia. "Ren is requesting to speak with me, we can continue this conversation later when I return." I didn't give her time to respond, i turned away and walked out the room, the door shutting behind me.

Amalia's pov

Before I could even speak Hux walked out, i took off my gloves setting them on the table, picking up the cups of tea and tiny plates. I walked over to the sink and cleaned them, along with the rest of the kitchen.

After I was done, I sat back on the couch, looking at the floor as I zoned out, thinking about the conversation with Hux. I sighed heavily rubbing my face, I took off my shoes and set them perfectly by the couch then laid down on the couch. I crossed my arms on my chest and stared at the ceiling, my thoughts running wild. I yawned then slowly drifted off to sleep, my thoughts still running wild, but now remembering and thinking of my father, the brutal training he put me through to make sure I was a perfect soldier to his tastes, to his satisfaction and perfection.

I tried not to think too much about it as I slept, but that wasn't going to work very well, I already knew it wouldn't. I just hoped I wouldn't get a nightmare, and hoping that I would be able to wake myself up if I did have one.

((That's the end of chapter 2! I had a lot I wrote down for this chapter. Hopefully you guys like it!!))

A Guard For The General Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora