Saving Emma: The Art Of Falli...

By VictoriaElizabeth04

374 171 83

Nothing is ever as it seems. Everything seems very plain on the surface, but in fact, you actually have to di... More

Coming Soon


5 4 0
By VictoriaElizabeth04

Drew POV

Mine and Emma's heads bolted straight up to see


Emma's hands gripped the side of the chair and her knuckles turned white.

She plastered on a smile and said "Danny!" She walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"I heard about Oceane. Is she alright?"
Not like the bastard cares.

"She will be. How come you're back early?"

"My flight was cancelled and they had a slightly earlier one, so I took it." He smiled.

"Drew right?" He continued.

"Yeah." I had my arms folded across my chest.

"I haven't seen you since Christmas. Doing well?"

"Mm. Emma I'm going to find Flynn. See you later." I said as I walked passed them with my arms still crossed.

I do need to find Flynn though, and a burger. With fries. And a milkshake.

Flynn POV

"Mr Winters we highly recommend you keep the boot on for a little longer. Your leg has not finished healing."

"But it's still better than it was?"

"Yes but..."

"Ah, ah, ah. As long as it's somewhat better, I'll be fine." The nurse nodded and reluctantly gave me the papers to sign.

Why is everyone giving me that look today

"Well done Winters junior. You upset Emma." I heard Drew and say with a dramatic, sarcastic clap.

"Morning Flynn, how are you? How's everything going? The weather's nice today isn't it?" I mimicked.

"Yeah yeah. Well, you need to be careful, Emma is very fragile. Even worse, Danny just turned up."

"He did?"

"To everyone's disappointment."

"Keep me away from him else I'll be starting a boxing match with him."

He scoffed and said "I'll try my best Flynn." With that, he turned around and left

Oceane POV
Buzzing flooded my ears and my eyes wearily started to open. But everything was a blur. Apart from a figure... Sitting Infront of me.
I tried to speak but I found difficulty in doing so...
"Don't try to fight it." I heard a voice say. An all too familiar voice.


"Always a fighter Oceane. Even so close to death." He stood up and walked to my side.


"She reluctantly left. Should be back  any minute."

I gulped and croaked "what the hell do you want you bastard."

"Such harsh words for such a delicate creature. I'm here to make... A proposition. You see I know you kids are hot on my tail and I have no intention of Getting caught. The police are currently looking for me under my new name so I need to... Either get this whole thing over with and get my revenge or..."

"Oceane!" Emma said as she came through the door.

"What happened to you?" She hugged me and looked at Danny.

"Lost sight of you so I came back here."

"Right... Danny, can you find Drew for me?"

"Of course sweetheart." He kissed her cheek and left.
A shiver went down my whole spine.

Emma opened the door and called out from the door frame "nurse!"

A lady hurried inside as Danny walked out.

Flynn POV

I walked out of outpatients with a limp completely drugged up.
I feel high as a kite.
I've never really dealt well with medicines. Even when I was a kid unless it was a million per cent necessary, I never had tablets because I got so delirious.

"Drew!" I laughed as I saw him sitting down.
"Oh no..." I heard him murmur.
"How... are you?" I slurred and put an arm around his shoulder.
"Great dude. They gave you pain meds didn't they?"
I grinned and nodded.
"Oh boy..."
I laughed and was suddenly interupted by
"Dumber and Dumber."
Drew didn't look up from his phone and said "what do you want Danny?"

"Winters, your girls up."

Both me and Drew looked at him and quickly got up to follow him to the room.

Drews POV

We tailed along behind Danny and came to Oceane's room. "You go first." I nodded to Flynn. He smiled and walked in while Danny and I followed behind
"Hi guys." Oceane weakly smiled.
"Oceane!" Flynn said still very delirious.
"What's wrong with him?" Emma mouthed to me.
"Meds." I mouthed back as I nodded to his leg.
I walked over to Oceane and gave her a hug. Flynn leaned and gave her one too.
"You okay kid?" I asked her.
"Yeah... Now." She smiled.

"What did the nurse say?" I stood in the corner with Em.

"She needs a lot of rest. They said that her brain has fully recovered but if another episode they will have to look into the possibility of something else being wrong." She said.

"Did they say what could be wrong if that is the case?"

"They would have to run more tests. But until that happens, they don't want to be worrying her by keeping her in. It could weaken her if her blood pressure rockets." I nodded and we walked back to Oceane.

I sat next to Oceane on the bed with one leg hanging off the side and one arm around her.

"How many did they give  him?" Oceane whispered to me while nodding her head towards Flynn.

I looked over to see him playing with a pen in the corner.

"I have no idea. It will wear off soon." I said to her.

Oceane POV

"So! What do you want to do for your birthday?" Emma said as she came over.

"Oh... My birthday..."

I'm not a birthday person. Never have been, never will be. Something me and Flynn have in common.

"Yes your birthday! It's in two days but there's enough time to sort something out!"

A doctor came into the room at that exact moment and said "visiting hours are over now."

"That's my queue. " Said drew as he got up.

"I wish none of you had to go..." I said

"We'll be back tomorrow." Drew ruffled my hair and walked towards the door. He nodded to Flynn And soon it was just us two.

"I'm... really high on meds at the minute so I'm just permanently happy, which you know isn't me. But there's some genuine happiness deep within me. I'm glad your awake Oceane." He said sitting next to me.

"I know we had our problems but..."
I placed my hand up to his cheek and leant in and kissed him. Just softly but longingly.

"I love you, Flynn." I said.
"I love you too." He said, placing his hand on my cheek.

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