With All my Heart, All my Tim...

By shiveroth

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***IN EDITING PROCESS*** With All my Heart, All my Time, Everything Else, and All my Life is a sweet and hila... More

Chapter 1: Dirty Dylan
Chapter 2: Butterflies
Chapter 3: Cafés, Fist Fights, Skunks, and Tomato Juice
Chapter 4: Attacked...more than once
Chapter 5: Hand-holding Feels
Chapter 6: Am I going to get my First Kiss Tonight?
Chapter 7: "I love you!"
Chapter 8: Lucky Bet-Winning Ryan
Chapter 9: The Flower and The Bee
Chapter 10: Our Inevitable Future
Chapter 12: Our Significant Day
Chapter 13: A Happy Little Family
Chapter 14: Always
Chapter 15: Love Can Temporarily Take Away the Pain

Chapter 11: The Beach Party and The Moon

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By shiveroth

Ryan and I have been dating for two weeks, and everyday just got better than the last.

We hung out on the weekends, and after school. When I was done at work, he would pick me up and we would hang out then.

We would sometimes even eat at some fast food place together, too.

I thought that falling in love was the limit to the love feelings, but the feelings actually only get stronger.

I could tell what we looked like to strangers. We looked like some ridiculously in love couple, because we are. We are crazy about each other.

I miss him every second that he is gone. It sucks. Sometimes when I miss him, I shed a tear, but thinking of him also makes me really happy.

Everything about us is so sweet, and that is because we are the two cheesy people, who have always wanted a cheesy love story. We weren't just all love and rainbows, though. We bickered over little things a couple of times, but it's nothing. We always just remember that we love each other and laugh at the little things we bickered about. We had fun like there was no tomorrow, creating inside jokes every day.

I have also been acting different and doing things differently, because of my change in feelings. I was happy. My even wardrobe changed a little, I was always happier, and I'm starting to listen to different songs. I had no idea that being in love had such a positive effect on everything around me; food even tastes better.

Today I am lying on my couch with my eyes closed, listening to a play list that I made.

I called it 'Ryan'. Surprise, surprise. I'm just really crazy about him. I can't believe that we are together and that I finally have the romance I always have been waiting for.

As I listen to the songs, I start thinking of the words.

Catch Me by Demi Lovato: You're so hypnotizing, you got me laughing while I sing, you got me smiling in my sleep.

Red by Taylor Swift: Forgetting him was like trying to know someone you never met.

Missing him was like dark grey, all alone.

Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right in front of you.

Unconditional by Katy Perry: I will love you, unconditionally.

I do it all because I love you. I love you!

Pumping Blood by NONONO: It's the best of worlds, feeling like nothing can go wrong.

A Thousand Years by Christina Perry: I have died, everyday waiting for you. Darling don't, be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more.

Just the way you are by Bruno Mars: When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change, 'cause you're amazing, just the way you are.

And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while.

Stay With Me by Sam Smith: stay with me, because you're all I need.

You Smile by Justin Bieber: Your lips, my biggest weakness. (I know, ew, Justin Bieber. I'm in love ok I can't help it.)

And of course,

Kiss Me by Jason Walker: Out of the bearded barley. Nightly, beside the green, green grass. Swing, swing...


Holocene by Bon Iver.

The last two I feel like are Ryan and I's songs, but, like, what's up with all these songs? I think it's the lyrics, but I never listen to Justin Bieber. I don't know what's happening to me, other than the symptoms of being in love.

Everything seems better. I see the world better. Everything looks so happy, bright and fun. Who knew you could be this happy? How is this even a thing?

Being in love was worth listening to Justin Bieber, though. I have to tell you that.

I hear a knock on the door, and widen my eyes quickly and sprint at the door.

Ryan is supposed to pick me up today, for this school celebration we are having at this restaurant on the beach. We are allowed to bring someone with us if we wanted to, and obviously I chose Ryan to bring with me.

Not seeing him ever since yesterday was torturous. I know this sounds crazy, but I feel like I always have to be with him. I feel like I am starting to be too clingy, but that's how the both of us are. It's like we can't stay away from each other, but we know it's healthy to have space, so it's good we allow that. But I know we are always thinking of each other no matter what.

I throw the door open, to reveal a handsome and grinning Ryan. He looks freshly groomed, with a nice t-shirt on with shorts. I am wearing a summer dress, and I can already tell that we are going to have fun dancing tonight.

I throw myself a him to give him a big hug, and I feel his heart beating through him. Mine is too, and ours are beating really fast, like they know that their matches are near.

He smells good, as always.

We pull away from the hug, and give each other a kiss. My hands are wrapped around his neck, his on my waist. I pull away to give him a smile.

"I heard your music. What's up with those songs?" he asks, listening to another love song playing in the living room.

"I'm just so in love," I tell him.

"This ain't no 'skinny love' for sure. I love you," he says, I giggle and he gives me a kiss.

We hug and kiss and stuff a lot, like it's a need. We liked to show each other how much we love each other just a little more than how much we say it.

"You're looking good today," he says once we pull away from the kiss, eying me up and down.

"So do you," I say, doing the same.

"Now, go turn that music off. We have a party to get to," he tells me.

I run off to turn the music off, and run back to Ryan, holding the iPod.

I was asked to collect a bunch of music that people requested, for the party. I gladly accepted the responsibility, throwing in a couple songs of my own.

He holds my hand, and we walk off to his car that he got last week. I helped him pick it out. It was a nice silver car, that we both really like.

He opens my door for me like a gentlemen, and I happily jump in the car. The door closes and he walks over to his side.

Once he drives off we open our windows, and I stick my hand out it to feel the wind on my skin. It makes my hair fly which I liked, and I can see Ryan smiling at me from the corner of my eye.

He made my life so much better. Just moments like these, sitting beside him in a car as the wind runs through my hair, seeing him smile, makes me feel like the happiest person on the earth.


The restaurant was very pretty. It looked like a beach hut, with seats inside and outside. Outside, there were little lights hanging everywhere, and there was a rock wall that went up to my waist near the outside seats. It overlooked a beautiful beach.

There is a lot of people here, talking and drinking. Some people are even on the sand playing games.

Ryan and I hold hands walking towards the doors, then Al, the d.j of the night runs up to me.

"Hey, Krissy," he says to me and smiles at Ryan. "Did you bring your IPod?"

"Of course I did," I reply and give him the pink iPod.

"Thanks. Have fun you guys!" he says and runs off.

"He seems busy," Ryan tells me.

"Yeah. It's going to be a looong night for him."

Once we get through the doors, we see Hadley, Alyssa, Cade, and Cade's new girlfriend.

They already know that were together, and I remember their reactions. Alyssa was jumping up and down, Hadley was happy for us, and Cade's mouth was hung open. Danny yelled "I knew it!" and Noah was all "that's great!"

When Dylan found out, he was the most excited. He jumped up and down and was running around yelling "Yes! Finally! Krissy has a boyfriend!"

"Hi, guys!" Alyssa greets us when she sees us. "You two look great!"

"Thank you," Ryan and I say at the same time.

We all exchange greetings, then we find a place to sit down. We all order our food, and we start eating.

I feel like someone is staring at me, I can feel their eyes on me, so I look around. I don't see anyone until I look to the corner of the room, where I see the person that is staring at me.

Stupid Alice in Wonderland cat boy Colin is staring at me.

I tap Ryan's shoulder who is sitting beside me, and he looks at me with a smile. "Yes?"

"Colin's staring at me," I whisper.

"Where?" he asks, suddenly alert.

"The corner over there," I tell him, nodding my head at the corner.

Ryan looks at him, and Colin sees him, and it becomes a staring contest for about five seconds until he disappears. See. Cat boy.

"He's probably going to be spying on us the whole night. Stay with me," he whispers.

Luckily, the rest of the group that we are sitting with didn't notice our whispers, because they were too busy talking about some celebrity's fake butt.


The sun is setting by now, and the six of us are all dancing on the dance floor. I never really was the dancing type, but Ryan makes me look at everything in life as a good, happy thing. I push away the bad thoughts, that rarely occur. I decide to have fun, to break out of my shell, and dance the night away.

We are dancing to a remix of a song that I remember called Rvtchet Bitch by Brillz and Teddy Tuxedo, which sounds crazy, and we are jumping around with the lights flashing everywhere.

This was going to be one of the flashbacks that I would have before I die. Anything happy, anything with Ryan, would be a flashback. It would be one of the good memories I have whenever I'm at my thinking chair.

When this song is over, the others go to get some drinks and Ryan and I stay on the dance floor. The next song that plays is a sweet song that I never heard before that seemed to have a lot of meaning in it. In the middle of the dance floor, with people surrounding us, Ryan holds my chin and kisses me, and I put my hands on either side of his face.

The kiss gets deeper and deeper, and eventually Ryan stops kissing me. He has this look in his eyes and sucks in a sharp breath, then grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the restaurant. The music is blasting, and we can still hear it perfectly. He slowly leans into me and kisses me against the cool outside wall of the restaurant, and this is a rougher kiss than the one from inside.

Our tongues are everywhere, and he starts kissing my neck. We are making out on the wall of the building, and his hands start skimming down my back to my butt, sending tingles down my spine. My heart is jumping, and he lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around him. We are kissing more, and I feel his excitement.

Our kisses are very hard, and with my legs around him, he takes me to the sand. I am wearing a dress, so basically the only thing between us is his clothes and my underwear, which was thrilling to us both.

I see him pick up one of the folded beach towels with the restaurant logo on it from this little counter, and he puts me down for a moment. He lays the big towel down on the sand, and he starts kissing me again.

I end up lying on the beach towel with him on top of me, and we are making out really urgently, like we needed something we couldn't have, and we were finally getting it.

I take his t-shirt off, and he runs his hands up my dress. We seem to not be thinking, just letting our bodies do what they need to do.

He doesn't take my dress off, but he is feeling around under it.

My heart is pounding; it's so alive, and he moves down to kiss my belly, making me tingle more than ever. I start huffing air out, breathless, and arch my body, wanting him more. I make him flip over, and I start kissing his collarbone, which made him groan in pleasure. I have my hands everywhere, and I feel his moan as I kiss his throat. I go up to his face, and start kissing his lips.

He starts sitting up so that I'm sitting on his lap with my legs wrapped behind him, and he starts kissing my neck again.

After about half a minute of him kissing my neck, I kiss his, and he lifts my hand to his mouth to kiss it.

We end up taking our shoes off, then we stand up, and he carries me bridal style towards the water. He puts me down, and we get in the water just about under our clothes so that they don't get too wet, and we start kissing. This kiss is more romantic, with my hands wrapped around his neck and his hands softly squeezing my waist.

The sun is almost set, and we are kissing with the wind blowing my hair behind me. The water feels nice on my legs, and we eventually stop kissing. Our foreheads are pressed against each other, and I can see from the corner of my eye how beautiful the ocean looks with the sun sets reflection on it.

"Your eyes are twinkling. Its so beautiful," he tells me huskily and I get sweet butterflies.

"You're the most sweet and romantic boy ever," I tell him and give him one last kiss.


The six of us hang out for about two hours, then the other four decided that they wanted to leave.

On the other hand, Ryan and I wanted to stay longer.

We are dancing again, and we have so much fun. He twirled me at points, and it made me feel like a princess. I felt like I had the best boyfriend in the world, and when I say that, I actually mean the best boyfriend, as in he was the best at being a boyfriend. He's all that a girl could ever ask for, and he's extremely romantic.

The next song that comes on is a slow song, called Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri.

"May I have this dance, Ms.Brimson?" he asks me, with his hand held out for me. I take it and say "yes, you may."

We start dancing, stepping side to side, then I slowly bring my face to rest on his shoulder.

"You used very nice manners, Ryan," I mumble into his shoulder, referring to the way he asked me to dance.

"You deserve the best, Krissy."

"I lost my slow dancing virginity to you."

He chuckles "I'm glad that I'm the one that you lost it to. And, a lot of things that you haven't done yet that you did with me surprise me. You seem very experienced with all those things."

"I told you, I read books."

"Yeah. I'm glad you read them," he kissed the top of my head.

"Me too."

"Your hair smells good. It smells sweet."

"Thank you. You smell good, too. I love being in your room because it smells so much like you."

He chuckles. "You are extremely cute, you know that?"

"I didn't know until now."

We are silent for a moment.

"I love you, so much," I mumble into his shoulder.

"I love you, too," he whispers, only for me to hear.


After we finish slow dancing, we walk outside and sit on the short rock wall near the entrance to the outside eating area. The moon is big and bright, the reflection on the beautiful black night ocean. We can hear the waves crashing, and feel the slight breeze.

"It's so beautiful," I tell him. "I've never seen anything so amazing."

He wraps his arms around me, and I feel so safe. He kisses the top of my head. "Clearly, you haven't looked in the mirror."

I smile even if he can't see me.

"I know you're smiling," he tells me.

"And I know you're smirking."

"You know me too well."


He chuckles. "I like your choice of words."

"I don't have many, though."

"Well, there's many words I could use to describe you. Like... Pretty, sweet, beautiful, smart, clever, amazing..."

Every word he said made my smile get wider and wider. "I'm surprised that you haven't said sexy yet," tell him.

"Getting cocky, are we?"

"I'm stating the truth. And you are sexy, too, by the way."

He holds my hand and squeezes. "I can't believe that the list of things we have in common just keeps growing and growing."

"I know."

We don't say anything for a while, then I hear Kiss Me by Jason Walker start to play.

"Ryan," I say, tapping his shoulder and turning to him. "The song."

He listens to the song for a few seconds, then a smile creeps up his face. He looks down at me. "I guess this is our song?" he asks.

"Yes," I grin.

"So every time we hear this song, I have to kiss you," he tells me.

"Yeah, you do. It's like a tradition."

He smiles at me, grabs my chin and kisses me. It is like our first kiss, and I almost feel like I'm in the forest with him. I can almost hear and feel the rain.

We pull away, and that's when I realize that it is actually raining.

"Should we leave?" he asks me.

"Yeah. It might start to rain harder."

We get up, and he holds my hand as we walk towards his car. "I wonder, if every time that our song is playing and we are kissing, if it will start to rain."

"That's an interesting thing to wonder about."

We get in his car, and drive off in the dark night.


"Goodbye, Krissy I'm going to miss you. Every goodbye gets harder and harder. I never want to have to say goodbye to you again," Ryan tells me, as he says goodbye standing in front of my door.

"I know. I'm going to miss you, too. I think about you every second. I love you."

"I love you, too Krissy. Sweet dreams," he says and gives me a soft kiss on the lips.


I walk upstairs, and sit down at my desk for about fifteen minutes, smiling. I remember the events of the night, and my heart starts fluttering. I remember our kisses, I remember how his warm lips felt on my belly.

I remember how we kissed in the ocean, with the ocean water on our legs. It felt so magical, as the sun was setting, and my hair was flying behind me.

I then hear my phone ring Ryan's ring tone. I gave him a different ring tone than anyone else, so that I can do what I am about to do:

I dive onto my bed, and pick it up right at the second ring.

"Hello?" I quickly ask.

"That was fast."

"I'll always pick up the phone as soon as I can for you."

He chuckles. "I miss you." I smile.

"Don't you always?"

"Yeah. But I've never missed you so much. After everything that happened tonight, I couldn't miss you more."

"I know what you're saying. I was just thinking about you."


"Of course. Always."

He doesn't speak for a moment. "So, where are you?"

"I'm sitting on my bed."

He chuckles. "Oh, baby. That's hot. I'm doing the same thing. Wanna have phone sex? Describe your bra to me," he jokes.

I laugh, but still, it turns me on for some reason. "Ryan! You bad boy! Naughty!"

He laughs.

"And to answer your last question, lace and lavender purple," I say with pride.

"Ooh, sexy, sexy!" he jokes.

"As always."

We are silent.

"I miss you," I tell him again, serious compared to our previous conversation.

"I miss you, too," I could feel the longing burning in his voice.

"I wish I was with you."

"Me, too."

"I didn't think I could miss someone as much as this," I whispered.

"Me either. I wanna try something. I just thought of it," he had a little thought in his tone.

"Yeah? It better not be you being serious about phone sex."

He chuckles. "Darn. Just kidding. It's not. I swear."

"What is it, then?"

"Well, you have to go to your window or something. Look outside."


I hear him moving at the same time that I am, and I open my door to my balcony. It's a small balcony, one that only about five people can fit in, if huddled together like penguins.

"I'm at my balcony," I tell him.

"Okay. I'm sitting on the roof outside my bedroom window."

My eyes widen. "Be careful."

He laughs. "Don't worry, I've done this before."

"Alright. I'm trusting you."

We get off the whole him-sitting-on-the-roof subject, and he starts telling me what he wants to try.

"See the moon?" he asks.

I look up at the big full moon, and I smile. "Yeah."

"We're looking at the same moon. Isn't it crazy? Think about it. There's billions of people who have seen this moon. This one moon. Right now, we're looking at it together. It's the same moon. There's no doubt that we're looking at the same one. There's only one. We've been looking at the same moon for our whole lives, and we've wondered so many things as we look at it. When we were little, we probably wondered if there were aliens up there, or how far the moon is. The most recent things, were about finding each other. We never knew each other, and yet here we are, staring at the moon. We found what we have been looking for. We are looking at the same moon, at the same time. The one up there. I feel like we have the moon to thank for us finding each other. We have always thought about finding each other, and the moon was what helped us think. We always stare at it. It's so beautiful; gets us thinking. Generations of people have looks at this moon. I bet it has done wonders. I feel like you are with me, right beside me, because I know that we are looking at the same moon."

I smile at his words, and they make my eyes glassy. He was too sweet for this earth, and yes we were looking at the same moon, but I still missed him dearly.

I see something, and I realize that it's a shooting star. I make a wish quickly. "Ryan! Did you see that? Was that a shooting star, or was it a plane?"

He chuckles. "We saw the same star, my dear. Did you make a wish?"


"What was it? If we are each others halves, if we complete each other, than telling me isn't really like telling someone else. Your wish will come true, still. What was it?"

I smile. "I would have wished that I want to stay in love, and for us to be forever, but there's no need to make a wish for that. That is going to happen for sure; it has to happen. I won't let it not happen. What I wished for, is by the way corny, but what isn't? I wished for nothing to ever try to tear as apart, and if it does, I kinda quoted that part but in my own meaning from the Romeo and Juliet movie that we watched together a few days ago. Not that you'll die or anything, because that's a little extreme. I mean like if something tragic happened to us in general. So, I basically wished that if someone ever tries to tear us apart: 'Give me my Romeo, and when he shall die, cut him out in little stars. He will make the face of heaven so fine, that the world will fall in love with night'."


Hi guys! I hope you liked it! Wow, I really enjoy writing the cutsie couple chapters. And sorry for not posting for a few days! I was very busy, and I'm getting more busy, but here it is today! And I will keep posting chapters by the way.

Well, something really BLAH is going to happen soon if you know what I mean, and something so OH MY GOD EEK FANGIRL is going to happen, too, well I don't know if you would be like that but I would... so yeah.

Until the next chapter,


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