By LeoandRaphfan

1.2K 28 4

four sorcery ninjas: Lee, Ella, Donna, and Ellie befriend a teenage Boy, Nathan Myers after he and his scient... More

Rise of the Sisters Part One
Rise of the sisters Part two
New friends, old love

Female sorcery temper

185 6 2
By LeoandRaphfan

The night sets and the sisters were waiting on a roof to catch the Kraang before they can break into a lab. Ellie let out a desperate sigh and turned to Ella who was feeling emotionless. Out of boredom, she pokes Ella several times with a smile. But, because of her temper, Ella quickly got annoyed by her sister's playfulness and grabbed her by the neck.

"Girls, be quiet!" Lee whispered firmly

"Not until Ellie says it!" Ella said in anger.

"Rafaela is all wise and powerful!" Ellie cried.

"And?" Ella asked.

"And she's better than me in every step of the way!" Ellie added.

"And?" Ella asked again.

"And I'm a lonely worm who isn't fit to live on the same planet as him because he's so amazing and I'm a dirtclod!" Elle continued.

"And?" Ella asked again.

"And in the history of the universe there's never been..." Ellie spoke.

"Guys Enough!" Lee shouted.

Ella throws Ellie toward the door across them and walked her way straight to Lee.

"We're wasting our time! The Kraang aren't gonna show up!" Ella sighed in frustration.

"Just have a little amount of patience, will you?" Lee asked firmly. "For once in your life?"

"Trust me, girls." Donna smirked. "They're gonna break straight inside the lab tonight. I have reliable entail."

"Entailed?" Ella smiled mockingly. "You mean Nathan told you."

"You mean your boyfriend?" Asked Ellie joining Ella in the mockery.

"He's not my boyfriend, Ellie!" Donna shouted. "He's a boy who's a friend whose mom got kidnapped by the same aliens who's gonna break in that lab and we're gonna stop them!"

Ellie, Ella, and Lee gave each other sly smiles while Donna was trying to make an excuse about her and Nathan. Donna had a HUGE crush on Nathan, but she tries her best to keep it in a secret from her sisters. Not to mention, they were too aware about it and like to make fun of her about it.

"Or we could sit up here in a cold night for no reason!" Ella rolled her eyes.

"What's going on up here?" A male teenage voice demanded.

That voice caused the sisters to spin around in fear and surprise. It was Tony! He was the school bully and captain jock of the football team. He always picked up a fight with Ella and she always wins the fight. Now he just discover that she and her sisters are sorcery ninjas! The girls stood still and blinked at Tony shockingly.

"Lee! Donna! Ella! Ellie!" Tony gasped. "What are you doing here? And what are you? Some kind of female ninjas? Halloween is here for the next eight months!"

"No, Tony." Lee said calmly. "We're just..."

"Like if this was any of 'your' business!" Ella snapped.

"I don't know how are we gonna explain this to him." Donna said as she raised her eyebrow.

"Me either. But there's no other way." Ella shrugged.

Just before Ella's hands were about to engulf in flames, Lee stopped her just in time.

"It's not worth it." Lee whispered. "Let's go."

"That's right!" Tony mocked. "Walk off, you spineless girly ninjas! Listen to your sister, Ella."

Ella stopped her tracks and spun around to power up her flaming fists while giving Tony a fierce glare.

"Hey! Watch it, Tony!" Ella shouted in anger.

"Oh no, I didn't know you have flaming punching gloves." Tony mocked playfully.

"Punching gloves?!" Ella snarled.

Ella was about to charge until Lee, Donna, and Ellie were trying to restrain her.

"I'm not gonna take this from some idiotic skinny pain in the neck!" Ella shouted.

Once Ella and Tony continues to mock each other, the Kraang were too busy putting some unknown box into their truck. But thanks to Ella's yelling, it attracts the Kraang's attention. The Kraang followed the voice on the rooftop and begins to fire the girls with their alien tech guns.

"Kraang droids!" Lee gasped in alarm.

"Okay, now I'm seriously freak out." Tony admitted.

"Thanks for blowing our cover, Ella." Lee said as her hands were engulfed by water.

As the Kraang droids continues to fire, the sisters dodged out of the blast one by one and begin to attack them swiftly while Tony hides behind the door and took out his cell phone to record the fighting scene between the sisters and the droids. Lee jumped up and her feet were in the air to do a full split before then twirls herself upside-down with her legs spinning like helicopter blades engulfed in ice to attack repeatedly toward the first droid. Ellie spins herself in the air to deliver a series of four light-based somersaults to the second droid. Donna performs a upward, multi-hitting corkscrew-like spin with a slight windy vacuum effect at the third droid. Ella delivered a barrage of flaming spinning kicks while rising into the air and perform an ace kick that knocks the fourth droid down before she jammed it with her left foot and slammed it head-first onto the ground. After that, the sisters turned around to see Tony with his cell phone.

"Keep fighting, ladies!" Tony smiled. "This is pure gold!"

"Girls, he got us on video!" Lee gasped in shock.

"Not for long, he doesn't!" Ella growled fiercely.

Ella quickly ran to snatch Tony's cell phone away from him, but Tony slammed the door that cause Ella to crash her face directly at it and slowly landed on the ground. Her sisters let out an "That's gonna hurt" look while Ella got up, feeling dizzy.

"Ha, I'm gonna make some money out of this!" Tony chuckled out loud for the girls to hear.

"Girls!" Donna interrupted in alarm. "Fire trucks are on the thirty seconds!"

"Let's move." Lee ordered.

"Wait, we have to find Tony and break his cell phone and his face!" Ella reminded angrily.

Ella then noticed that her sisters are gone out of her sight. She let out a growl and dashed after them to the fortress.


Back at the fortress, the girls were in the dojo sitting in their mediated position to report their mission with Saldana.

"Not only did Ella alert the Kraang, but you get caught..." Saldana spoke calmly. She then gave a scary glare at them. "...on video!"

"Mother, he was the nastiest and dumbest jock I've ever met in high school!" Ella spoke.

"Except for you." Ellie smiled slyly as she leaned close to Ella.

With that, Ella punched her sister hardly in the face, causing Ellie to fall behind.

"Tony's insults on me are so stupid and annoying!" Ella recalled. "I mean, no wonder he became the football captain!"

"You're ninjas. You lurk in the shadows." Saldana reminded. "In secrets. But it's gonna be difficult if someone shows prove of your existence."

"Easy." Ella suggested. "We know where that jerk lives. So, we'll go there and convince him to delete that force!"

"And that's why cell phone used flash memory to..." Donna's smart lecture paused as she caught Ella's fierce growl.

"Anger is self-destructive." Saldana spoke.

"I always thought it was others-destructive." Ella rolled her eyes.

"Ella! Stand up!" Saldana spoke.

Scared, Ella slowly stand up with a frightening frown.

"I think somebody's in trouble." Ellie grinned childishly once she caught Ella's dead glare.

In the dojo, Ella was surrounded by her three sisters with bows and arrows as her own objective was to avoid the arrows, which should be too easy for to handle. Once her sisters started to shoot several arrows at Ella, she swiftly dodged them one by one and gave her mom a proud smile.

"Again. Only this time... Leona, Donnatella and Michelle, insult Rafaela." Saldana commanded.

"Wait, insult... her?" Donna asked in confusion, unaware of Ella rolling her eyes.

"Yes." Saldana nodded.

"And she can't fight back?" Donna asked again, unaware of Ella's eyes widened in confusion.

"No." Saldana nodded again.

"I'm feeling good about this plan." Donna smiled to Lee.

"Go!" Saldana ordered.

Lee, Donna, and Ellie held out their bow and arrows and walked around Elle carefully. Ella could hear Ellie laughing as she knows that she'll be the first one to insult her the most.

"You move like a water buffalo." Ellie smiled tauntingly as she shot out an arrow for Ella to dodge it with a full split.

"And you always whining." Lee taunted with a sly grin. "Poor me. Nobody understands me." She shot an arrow that landed on Ella's back for her to growl.

"And you're less smart on learning ancient Japanese battle skills." Donna mocked with a smile. She shot out an arrow that again landed on Ella's back to get her more angry. "And you're pathetically grouchy!" She laughed hardly as she shot another arrow at Ella.

"And bratty!" Ellie grinned as she shot another arrow at Ella.

"Stop it!" Ella shouted.

"Aww, you talk so tough, but inside you're a scared little girl." Lee mocked as she shot another arrow at Ella.

"Who needs a juicy juice?" Donna mocked as she shot another arrow at Ella.

"And a red teddy bear?" Ellie taunted as she shot another arrow at Ella.

Listening to her sisters' insults had made Ella even more angry. But since she can't fight back, she had reluctantly accepts her defeat.

"Oh, man. I with this day could last forever." Ellie sighed in happiness.

"You know what?" Ella said as she got up in extreme anger. "Forget this!" She then walked to Saldana. "This is stupid!"

"Now, you must bring that video with reason, not force." Saldana spoke.

Ella looked down with a frown, but cautiously looked side to side just check if her sisters didn't see it.


Later on, Tony was talking to his best friends about the video he recorded, but neither of them believe him because they found the girls super cool, especially Ella despite her temper. After he hung up his cell phone, the sisters suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Lay one finger on me or I'm calling the cops." Tony warned.

"We're not gonna hurt you." Ella spoke through her gritted teeth.

"Then, what do you want, hothead?" Tony asked.

"We gone off on the wrong foot last night." Ella replied, still gritting her teeth. "And, well, we just want that video back." She slightly smiled innocently. "Please."

"I'll do it if you could do something for me." Tony smiled slyly. "I want you to show me some respect."

"I can do that..." Ella fake grinned. Her temper rising to extreme and her body was covered in flames. "...before I'll take your head and burned it for the..."

"Okay, Ella." Lee said calmly. "I'll take it from here." She turned back to Tony. "So, what do you want anyway?"

"I want Ella to treat me with some respect for the rest of the school year or this video will be posted on the Internet." Tony replied.

"Why do you want Ella to do that?" Lee asked.

"Because I'm tired of her temper on me and it gets on my nerves." Tony responded. "Besides, my friends likes her more then they like me."

"That's because you're a jerk!" Ella snapped. She grabbed Tony by the left arm and slammed him on the road. "But I'm tried being nice! You better hand over that video or so help me, I'll kick your football butt all the way to New Jersey!"

Hearing Ella's scream caught the Kraang's attention again and they drove off but Lee caught them at her sight in a split second.

"Girls, the Kraang!" Lee cried.

Ella levitated a chuck of rock in the air and throws it at the truck, causing the Kraang to crash to the wall.

"Well, that was easy." Ella smirked as she crossed her arms proudly. But she spotted the Kraang coming out of the truck and blasted the girls with their alien tech guns. "Okay, spoke too soon!"

While the girls were battling the Kraang droids, Tony was running his way to the truck to observer the inside and was amazed by the alien tech. But Ella caught him at her sight.

"Oh no, you don't!" Ella cried.

"Ella, what are you doing? Get back here!"

Ignoring Lee, Ella angrily walked her way toward Tony as she cracked her knuckles hardly.

"We've got unfinished business!" Ella snarled as she moves closer to Tony, who was backing away from her in fear. "You better gave me that phone right now!"

Ella spun around to fight three Kraang droids with her fire punches and kicks while Tony stood there watching the whole fight.

"Let's get out of here!" Ella cried as she held out a hand towards Tony.

"Forget it!" Tony snapped. "You're been on my nerve for far too long and now I'm 'not' going anywhere with you!"

"Ella!" Donna called. "Get out of there!"

"Listen, Tony!" Ella shouted as she walked to grab Tony by his arm. "You have been an idiotic, selfish jerk ever since I was the new girl at school and I'm not gonna take insult from an dork like you!"

Suddenly, the Kraang droid grabbed Ella and throws her out of the truck as they drove off with Tony in it.

"So long, hothead!" Tony waved mockingly. He turned to the three Kraang droids. "Oh, I have a video for you."

Back to the girls, Donna and Ellie helped Ella get up off the ground while Lee walked in front of her with an frustrate look on her face.

"Nice going, Ella." Lee snapped.

"What did I do?" Ella asked fiercely.

"What do you think?" Lee replied angrily. "You left the three of us in the middle of the fight to yell at Tony! We could have stop them, but thanks to your fierce temper, Tony still has the cell phone that is in the hands of the Kraang! Now, how are we supposed to stop them?"

"Well, thanks for my trusted robotic dragonfly I've sent earlier, we can track them with my communicator from it." Donna smiled proudly as she shows her sisters an purple small compact-like communicator.

"Alight!" Lee smiled hopefully. "We can follow their trail to their hideout. Nice, Donna!"

""It's a gift!" Donna smiled back.

"And then we kick some butts." Ella grinned.

"Actually, 'we' are going to kick some butts." Lee rephrased as her eyes sneered. "'You' are going home."

"Are you kidding me?" Ella gasped angrily. She turned to Donna and Ellie for support. "Come on, girls. Are we really gonna let Lee lecture us like this?"

Donna and Ellie have each other exchanged looks before looking back at Ella. True, Lee's orders does get on their nerves. But this time, this situation is seriously personal.

"I think Lee's right." Donna spoke,

"You're gotta to control your temper on your own." Lee added. "Until then, we just can't trust you."

"Sorry, Ella." Ellie frowned.

Ella's eyes widened in surprise. After hearing what they said to her, she roared madly out loud and flew off to the sky while Lee, Donna, and Ellie flew after the truck.


Back to the fortress, Ella was in the kitchen as she was completely mad and angry. How could Donna and Ellie take on Lee's side even though they always question about her leadership on every mission? Sometimes she wished she herself was never related to them.

"Who does Lee thinks she is?" Ella said angrily to Samson. "So what if I've got a temper! I'm still the best fighter we've got! Also, my anger makes me a better fighter!" She turned to Samson softly. "You understand me, don't you, Samson?"

Samson licked Ella on the cheek for comfort.

"Yeah, I thought so." Ella sighed.

"I understand you, too." Saldana spoke as she suddenly appeared behind her.

"Seriously, you gotta knock or something!" Ella cried.

"Let me tell you a story." Saldana said calmly.

"Mother, I'm not really in the mood for a story right now." Ella sighed.

"Samson, lick Ella's cheek if you're in the mood for a story." Saldana ordered as she turned to the cat.

And Samson licked Ella's cheek again.

"Very well. When I was a young woman, I fell in love with a man." Saldana began.

"Oh! Is it that late already?" Ella said as she tries to leave the kitchen to avoid her mother's long past story.

"Sit." Saldana ordered firmly.

Ella quickly sits down on her chair once Saldana continues her story.

"His name was Caesar." Saldana continued. "I love him very much until the Shredder was his close friends and wanted his attention as close brothers. One day, he insulted me in front of him. He called me many things. I've felt my anger rising in my body and I lost my temper. And later on, our rivalry was changed into hatred. Until the Shredder continues to finish me. But in the process, I've lost my beloved Caesar."

"But it wasn't your fault." Ella spoke softly. "Shredder insulted you and you didn't have a choice."

"But I could have chose to ignore him." Saldana said calmly. "Instead, I let him anger me." She walked closer to Ella. "And that's the choice that 'I' made. What choice will 'you' make?"

Ella watched Saldana walked away out of the kitchen, leaving her into a single tear on her right eye as she lined exactly what to do.


Meanwhile, Lee and her two sisters arrived at the Kraang hideout, thanks to Donna's dragonfly, who flew its way back to Donna.

"We're here." Lee whispered.

"Are we really gonna do this without Ella?" Ellie questioned sadly.

"We can handle this." Lee replied.

"I don't know." Ellie shrugged. "It just feels that we're ready to become vulnerable."

With that, Ellie got slapped by the head thanks to Lee.

"Thanks." Ellie smiled a bit.

"Happy to help. Lets move." Lee nodded.

Lee, Donna, and Ellie sneakily went entered inside to see a room full with box crates and spiders, which Ellie creeped out while Donna was feeling careful about the crates. They followed behind Lee and stopped to see a massive tank full of mutagen inside. Plus, Tony was tied to a chair once they heard the Kraang are plotting to keep his video so they can learn move about the sisters.

"Ellie?" Lee whispered.

"I'm on it." Ellie winked as she creates a orange light energy chain to whirl around Tony and pulled him slowly to her. "Hey, Tony! We're here to save you."

"Forget it!" Tony yelled with a snap. "I'm 'not' leaving without my cell phone!"

Thanks to Tony's voice, the Kraang spun around.

"Stop the ones that news to be stop!" The Kraang ordered as they ran after the sisters.

"Now remind me why we have to rescue this guy?" Donna asked.

Lee, Donna, and Ellie swiftly battles the Kraang as Lee performs her somersaults forward with her left ice-covered legs outstretched to slam it into the ground to attack the droids as she lands on them. Donna approaches the incoming droids by hopping into the air and spinning them back around to them before whipping her windy fist a full 360 degrees. And Ellie dashed forward in a double backflipping light-based kicks. Unaware to them, Tony was too busy trying to get his phone back while being tied up into a chair. Just then, a spider walked its way on his shoulders. As he tried to get it off of him, a stray laser from the Kraang breaks the mutagen tank. Now, Tony was covered with mutagen, causing him to mutate into a slender spider humanoid and jumped out to attack the Kraang.

"I don't like the looks of that!" Ellie spoke.

"Look, at what did you did to me!" Tony hollered. "I'm now a mutant! Now you're gonna pay!"

"Don't worry, the four of us could handle him." Lee assured to her sisters.

"Okay, this must be a bad time to point this out." Donna reminded in worry. "But you sent 'Ella' home."

"And right now, I wish it was me!" Ellie added, feeling scared.

"This is your fault!" Tony cried. "I'm gonna rip your heads off!"

"Alight, girls." Lee spoke as if she was a legend warrior of justice. "Prepare to face out the wrath of justice!"

"Seriously, just yell 'Get Him'." Donna sighed as she rolled her eyes.

Lee, Donna, and Ellie tries to watch Tony with all of their moves, but Tony uses his tentacles to clock every incoming attacks they got. None of the girls' attacks could outmatched him.

"Is that all you got?" Ellie shouted.

Tony suddenly unleashes a giant triangular web to ensnare the girls and swings then around in overhead circles several times before finally slammed them into the ground, where they landed on a platform sealed with mutagen below.

"I totally did 'not' seen that coming!" Ellie gasped. "We're no match for Spider Fang!"

"Spider Fang?" Lee repeated in confusion.

"You know, because Tony is a spider with fang-like teeth." Ellie explained. "So..."

"We get it!" Lee interrupted.

"Spiders are pretty fast for..." Donna explained.

"Playtime's over, ladies." Tony interrupted loudly.

"Wow, I didn't think this guy couldn't get any uglier!" Ella mocked as she appeared on top of the opening platform.

"Ella!" Donna and Ellie smiled happily.

"Glad to see you, sis!" Lee grinned. "Come and join us!"

Ella jumped and landed in front of Tony/Spider Fang.

"Hey! It's the hotheaded tough girl with the nasty temper!" Spider Fang mocked.

"Hey! It's the stupid loudmouth jock who's about to get his butt kicked!" Ella mocked again.

Spider Fang ran to fight Ella, which left Lee and Ellie watching them as Donna gazed down in worry.

"Uh, let's not fall in this tank." Donna gulped.

Meanwhile, Spider Fang shoots out numerous web balls directly at Ella. But Ella dodged each one and unleashes a flame barrage against Spider Fang. Spider Fang began to insult Ella to make her very angry uncontrollably, but Ella took deep breath and remembers Saldana's advice in order to fight him effectively. Ella picks up the ground beneath her and ruptures it, sending a wave of violent earth rushing towards Spider Fang. Lee, Donna, and Ellie rushed after Spider Fang once Lee shoots a column of water from her palms, Donna sends out a high speed tornado, and Ellie fires a orange light energy beam. Finally, Ella smashed the ground and rocks come down to attack Spider Fang. At his defeat, Spider Fang watched Ella smashed the phone with her black combat boots.

"My phone!" Tony gasped as he got up. "You girls are going to regret this!" With that, he took his leave.

Then, the girls left the hideout before the police could spot them.


After that, the girls went back to the fortress where they were chilling on the coach in the living room.

"I guess I better cast a spell on the boys during their football practice." Donna smiled as she opened the white spellbook.

"Good work, Ella." Lee smiled to Ella. "I just want to say..."

"That I've learned my lesson about my temper?" Ella replied. "I did, but it still makes me a better and strong fighter."

"Yeah, Ella." Ellie giggled slyly. "Not bad for a hothead buffalo."

With that, Ella let out a sly grin and jumped on Ellie painfully for her to recite that Ella is the best fighter and powerful in every possible way, leaving Lee and Donna smiling.

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