☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ Jack...

By HatterReloaded

7K 87 9

A woman begins Resident Evil 4 and is quickly sucked into it before learning much of anything important. And... More

☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 1
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 3
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 4
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 5
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 6
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 7
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 8
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 9
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 10
☣ BEWARE: Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 11
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 12
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 13
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 14
☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 15

☣ BEWARE Zombies Ahead ☣ | Jack Krauser | 2

619 8 0
By HatterReloaded

Their footsteps sounded out through the forest as they moved, with the blond leading the way. He had said his name was Krauser, though he hadn't given his first name to her - probably in a petty "take that" for not revealing her real name to him. Aw, well, no skin off her nose. In her hands he had shoved a handgun before they had begun moving to wherever they were headed, though she wasn't sure of its make or model at all.

So far they hadn't run into anything that attempted to take their lives, but at this point it was better to be safe than sorry. "¡Muérete!" came a sudden cry from the left, startling Werewolf into action and aiming the gun hesitantly - still unsure of her aim. Krauser merely turned and watched, wanting to see if this girl could even hold her own or if her survival on her own had been a fluke.

The Blacktail he had handed her was aimed at the Ganado as it slowly walked forward from around the many trees brandishing an axe in hand. She was still hesitant to shoot, as she wasn't sure of her aim by the sights on the gun - having only fired a .22 rifle only once before this... Yes, she had manage to hit the target teach time - but that was when her life wasn't threatened....

Several shots rang out suddenly as the enemy reared back his arm to throw the axe at one of them (from the looks of things, it would've been thrown at the girl) one shot hitting the man's arm and causing him to drop his weapon to the ground. The other two shots, however, weren't as close to the first as Krauser would have hoped - one of them missing entirely and lobbing into a tree just over the infected man's shoulder and the other hitting into his shoulder opposite the arm she had originally shot.

Well, at least she wasn't completely hopeless. He had seen some who had picked up a gun for the first time and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn two feet in front of them.... with a shotgun...

Werewolf breathed in and out slowly as the Ganado turned his gaze angrily at the woman with a grunt, leaning down to pick up his axe and brandish it at her again as he moved closer. Before she could squeeze off another round a sigh from her left sounded out and Krauser nudged her aim in the right direction before she squeezed another one off to get a head shot. She blinked a few times, a blank stare on her face before turning her gaze to Krauser's blue one and staring for several seconds, gun still aimed at nothing.

As they stared each other down the Ganado's body was quickly dissolved by the Plagas within it releasing its fast-acting toxins upon it's own death and leaving behind no body for evidence.

"I could have done that..." she snorted, finally lowering the gun to her side. Krauser scoffed as he turned and began leading the way again with a sarcastic "Sure you could, kid."

It didn't take long after that to get to their destination; any enemy that ran into them was quickly taken down (though Krauser did most of the work, as he saw her aiming as something of a liability) as they had moved on without no further mishap. He was now, however, pinching the bridge of his nose in an attempt to ward off the oncoming headache as she just stared and blinked at him as if he were an idiot.

"Just get in the helicopter, kid." he snarled, eyes still closed in irritation.

Werewolf stayed silent for several moments, still blinking up at the helicopter almost nonchalantly and fiddling with her necklace in thought; "But why should I? You haven't told me a single thing that helps me out and for all I know you could be some creeper."

'Creeper?' he echoed in his head as he snapped his blue eyes open to glare at her for that one. "I could have just left you there to die, you know. Now get a move on!"

There was that look again, the one that screamed "idiot" at him and his irritation rose as he just knew she was going to argue back. "Okay, listen here you beret-wearing moron," she started, "You just pop up all creeper-horror-movie-like from the woods playing with a knife and you give me no real answers other than 'someone wants to see you' and - hey, what are you doing...?"

Somewhere around her "creeper-horror-movie" spiel he had hopped out of the helicopter once again and had been advancing towards her; before she had a chance to move away, he picked her up and slung her easily over his shoulder, listening as she let out a little 'oof' of air.

"Okay, yeah; I deserved that..." she sighed laxly, though no struggle was induced, which surprised the man. He figured she'd be the type to kick, bite, punch and scream to be put down.

"We all ready to go now?" chuckled the helicopter pilot as Krauser finally threw 'Werewolf' down into her seat none-too-gently. He threw the man a glare for that one.


"Stay here and don't touch anything," Krauser snaps pointing down at the floor to further indicate this point as he gave a stern glare - she seemed like the type of person who would just wander off on her own, after all. In fact, she wasn't even looking at him, instead gazing around the room as she idly waved a hand at him;

"Yeah, yeah..." she mumbled. She didn't catch the irritation she caused once again as he turned and left, the door slamming closed behind him harder than it probably should have. She waited several minutes to make sure the blond was really gone before moving to the counters nearby to get a closer look. 'What is this place? A lab?' she mused, picking up a syringe full of something before blinking at it more from every angle as if that would help to determine just what it really was.


The one and only Albert Wesker made his way down the hallways of his 'base' having left his usual spot in front of the many monitors that were connected to the satellite of his to keep an eye on his operatives. He had just been informed by a very irate Jack Krauser that the woman he had caught on the satellite's feed was here and waiting in one of the labs before the man had gone off for a bit of training to blow off some steam.

Apparently the woman had a bit of an attitude... Not that that would be a problem to him. You either obeyed him or were taken out if you were in the way; it was as simple as that.

It didn't take him long to reach the lab that Krauser had left the woman in. He raised an amused brow as the woman was tapping at a cylinder that contained one of the viral samples he needed for Umbrella's uprising. The T-virus to be exact. Her back was to him, so she continued to poke at the T-virus container before moving on to the computer screen nearby.

"Pleasure to meet you...." he let the greeting hang in the air as she spun around blinking in shock at having been caught rooting around things that did not belong to her.

"Uuuuh, hi..." she stated with a lax attempt at a half smile - though it didn't reach her eyes as she trailed off herself as if waiting for his introduction before giving her own name. Neither one of them spoke, Werewolf waiting for the man to continue and Wesker waiting to see just what the woman would do. "So, why am I here, exactly?" she finally spoke up after several minutes of this stand off having passed.

"Why I merely had Mr. Krauser bring you here for a job opportunity, Miss...?" Wesker answers easily, a false smile on his face as he gestured around the lab idly. He watched as vague disbelief took over her gaze;

"... Werewolf." she answered as she had to Krauser. If she really had been sucked into this game than no previous record of her existence would be in this world; no birth certificate, no medical history, no schooling history, nothing. It would be better to piss off the people by giving a nickname instead of giving her real name and having this fact become known and have more questions arise. "You can call me Werewolf."

His brow rose at this, and though he was irritated he was also somewhat 'happy' about the way she was approaching this. Unlike Ada Wong, this one would be smart enough not to get caught by using her birth name. He still had to question why he had hired a woman who's idea of proper outfitting for a mission with a possibility of high activity and fighting included formal party dresses... She had even worn a dress back in Raccoon City when she was sent to retrieve a sample of the G-virus for him.

Mentally shaking away that thought he continued on; "That's quite an unusual name for someone like you." he pointed out, prying, to see if she would stick to it or not. Many people he had went to employ had started out strong only to have fallen with the proper methods and thus were disposed of.

"My parents were unusual people." she answered defiantly, a hand on her hip now. "Now what's with this job...?" Werewolf gestured at him, in a silent bid for him to provide his own name and he chuckled slightly.

"Albert Wesker." he inclined his head slightly with his hands now clasped behind his back professionally. "What have you heard about Umbrella, Miss... Werewolf?" He watched as her eyes narrowed in thought and she glanced away and back at him quickly during the minutes she stayed silent and he had to wonder just what she was up to...

"What about Umbrella...?" she finally inquired slowly, keeping her brown gaze on his shaded ones. He watched behind the lens of his dark sunglasses as she leaned against the counter nearest to her, a hand pressing down on its top and he had to suppress a smirk at this.

"You see, Miss Werewolf, it is my goal to bring about Umbrella's resurrection." he begins with a new type of vigor that he usually had when he began talking about his vision. "We'll bring about a new world... One where the strong are not bothered by the weak - where the weak shall be weeded out..." He was watching her expression as he spoke, trying to catch any form of disgust that would mean a 'no' or a future betrayal.

"I see..." she stated noncommittally. "And how do you plan on going about this?" Werewolf's mind was overworking itself, attempting to figure out this guy's motives without giving herself away. All her time she had put into video games in her life was screaming that this was the villain.... Then again, she usually did like the villains over the protagonists in games, anyways...

"With what you see around you, of course." he answered with a sweep of his hand at the viral samples around the lab. She glanced at them vaguely, a curiosity burning in her. 'Are these viruses or something...? Isn't this supposed to be a.... realm... filled with infected beings?' she mused before turning her gaze back to Albert Wesker.

With a sigh, the brunette gave her answer; "You don't give much useful information, but I suppose it sounds interesting enough to keep me from being bored. Why not?"

A genuine smirk spread across his face at that and she had to fight not to raise a brow in questioning at it. He gave her a vague "follow the signs on the walls to the training area to Mr. Krauser" and further orders to begin her training with him right away before watching her leave the lab. The smirk widened further as he eyed the spot on the counter she had leaned her hand against.

True, she had not given her name - thus he could not search her up that way in the world's databases; but fingerprints would work even better...


"Boss cat's orders," she grinned at him after several seconds of Krauser glaring at her passed when she had made her way into the training room. "And I get the feeling that Boss cat isn't someone to be trifled with~"

"You better not be hopeless, kid," he snaps finally, tapping her skull with his fisted hand several times as a silent warning. He enjoyed the fact that she flinched each time he did this.

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