Miitopia:Darkness Awakening

By GlamrockMoon117

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My Miitopia adventure ^w^ Miitopia is a peaceful place where Miis lived in harmony and do not worry... Or so... More

Revising and rewriting this story
(edited)Prologue and Chapter 1
(edited)Chapter 2
(edited)Chapter 3
(edited)Chapter 4
(edited)Chapter 5
(edited)Chapter 6
(edited)Chapter 7
(edited)Chapter 8
(edited)Chapter 9
(edited)Chapter 10
(edited)Chapter 12 and Epilogue

(edited)Chapter 11

63 0 0
By GlamrockMoon117

We walk towards the doors

"Well, we've got all four jewels. Looks like this is it! Just pop the jewels into the holes, and..."I said as I put the jewels in

"YUSSSS!" I yelled

"Right, gang! In we go!" I said as we entered the Sky Scraper. Once we walked for awhile we heard laughing

"Mwaaa ha ha haaa!" Darker Lord Ben laughed as I look at the others

"That voice! It's Darker Lord Ben!" I said to the others

"Well, well. It's been a while. How kind of you to pay me a visit. And since you're come all this way... Allow me to test how strong you really are! Ah, yes. I think you'd like to know... I've summoned an old friend or two to this tower. I do hope you're looking forward to a joyful reunion! Mwaaa ha ha haaa!" He said before leaving

"He's... Gone. Come on, Let's go." I said to the others before we continue walking after awhile of walking we found a person without a face

"Do I know that person...?" I said

"!" He tried to say

"Is anything the matter?" I asked but then a Phantom of Evil appeared and face appeared

"Aaah! Help!" He said before it fused with it

"Don't worry we'll save you!" I said before we engaged it in a fight. After a tough fight we defeated it and saved ???'s face

"Thank you." He said before returning to his body

"It's back!" He said, The Ex-Dark Lord: Chara

"Argh... That was terrible... I don't suppose you remember me, do you?" He asked as I finally remembered who he is

"The... Dark Lord?" I asked

"Exactly! Except I'm just a regular human now. After you defeated the Dark Lord, I was released. From the Dark Curse, I mean. The Dark Lord did so many terrible things, but... I never wanted any of this. I really want you to believe that!" Chara said as I nod

"By the way... You're gonna be fighting this new Darker Lord, right?" He asked

"You bet." I said

"I... I want to make up for the trouble I caused as the Dark Lord. Will you let me come with you?" He asked as I nod

"Thank you! I won't let you down!" He said

"Let's do it!" I said as Nova smiled

*Ex-Dark Lord Chara joined your party!

We continue walking. After awhile of walking we headed noises

"What?" I said as we looked up only to see rocks coming down

"Eeeeek!" I said as we were separated.I was on the other side with Papyrus and Chara

"Where did everyone go...? Well, nothing for it but to keep going." I said to Papyrus and Chara as we returned to the Inn to see Alphys, Gmg and Galaxia left.

We left the Inn with Galaxia and Gmg as we continue our way to the top of the Sky Scraper

"I still can't believe it." Chara said

"What?" I asked him

"That I was the Dark Lord. And... I made so many people suffer." He said with a sad look

"I thought maybe you wouldn't remember." I said shocked

"Oh no, I remember everything. But I had no control over my own body. All I could do was watch the Dark Lord's evil doings." He said

"That must have been tough." I said before we continue walking.

If Chara can remember what happened those that mean Ben will remember too? After awhile of walking we saw Princess Toriel and King Asgore's faces appeared in front of us

"Couldn't this wait until after dinner?" Asgore said

"Oh,deary me." Toriel said as they fused with two monsters.

Asgore fused with a Strong Golem and Toriel fused with the Gold General

"Don't worry you two we'll save you guys!" I said to them before we engaged them in a fight, after we defeated the monsters we freed their faces

"Are we alive?" Asgore asked before returning to his body

"Thank you so much!" Toriel said to us before returning back to her body

"The royal countenance is restored again!" Asgore said

"Isn't it wonderful,Papa?" Toriel asked

"You've saved our royal bacon again!" He said

"You have our thanks!" She said

"Blast that infernal Dark Lord! Or should we say Darker Lord?" Asgore said

"The fight isn't over yet." Toriel said with encouragement

"But if anyone can do it, you can!" Asgore said to encourage me

"Good luck!" Toriel said

"Om nom nom...*Munch munch*" Asgore started eating

"Farewell!" Toriel said to me before they disappeared. We continue walking before stopping

"Hmm... I wonder how everyone's doing..." I said to Papyrus


"Well, we can't just hang around. Let's keep going." Frisk said to Asriel

they headed to back to the Inn to see only Moonlight, Undyne and Blooky left they left the inn with Moonlight and Undyne. After they walked for awhile they found Genie of the Lamp: Mettaton's face appeared in front of them

"Whar...har?" He said before fusing with Pharaoh 2

"Hang on Mettaton!" Undyne said because the others didn't know him.

After having to deal with a curse they saved Mettaton

"Wharharhar!" He said before returning back to his body

*With Sans and co.*

Sans gets a vision and sees Mettaton

"WAAHOOOO! How does this keep happening?! My poor face... Curse you, Darker Lord!!! You've gotta go and take that sucker out! Ahem. Not that I'm back to my evil ways or anything... You stay safe, now!" He said to Sans before the vision disappeared

"I will Mettaton" Sans said

*With Frisk and the others*

They continue walking but after awhile they found the others

"Wait! Look!" Frisk said

"Hey! Frisk! I'm so glad you're OK!" Sans said

*The Party was reunited!

We continue walking and getting a Golden Tablet.

"So, er, how did you end up becoming the Dark Lord?"I asked Chara

"That's not an easy story... I used to work in a banana factory. I made lots and lots of HP Bananas every day. I wondered whether I'd be making bananas forever... I wondered whether I'd be happy with that life. And when I thought about that... I heard a voice! 'I'll give you power,' it said. 'I'll turn you into a most powerful being!' I was so tempted by that voice. It led me to open a forbidden box.Something black flew out and took hold of me. It was really scary! It stole my body and turned me into... The evil Dark Lord!" he said

"...Zzzzz." I was a little sleepy

"Hey. Are you even listening?" He asked

"Oh, yeah, yeah! That sounds Terrible!" I said

"By the way... The person the curse has hold of now is...?" He asked\

"The Great Sage, Ben! My mentor!" I said before looking down in sadness

"And... Older brother to my friend Galaxia and cousin to Gmg" I said

"Oh no... Not the Great Sage!" He said before we continue walking. Until we came across some doors blocking our way

"A Dead end. Wait! There's a hole in the wall... We just found a tablet, didn't we? Let's try it!" I said before putting in the golden tablet which resulted I the door opening

"Woo-goo!" I said

Now we can go through now! We continue walking to the top of the Scraper.When we came across the Fab Fairies: Nep, Madoka and Leafa's faces

"Ugh, again?" Nep said

"That's just..." Madoka said

"M-m-meeep!" Leafa screamed before the fused with three monsters. Nep and Madoka's faces fused with two tadpoles and Leafa's face fused with a Red Frog

"Hang on guys we'll save you" I said as we engaged them in a fight. After the fight we freed their faces

"Oh, thank you!" Madoka said

"Cheers!" Leafa said

"Thanks, darlings!" Nep said before all three returned back to their bodies

"Ahahaha!" Nep laughed

"What a relief..." Madoka said with a sigh of relief

"Whew..." Leafa said with a sigh

"Looks like the Dark Lord's been given quite the leg up." Nep said

"'Darker Lord Ben'...? Oh gosh." Madoka said

"Whoever he is, he's getting to be a pain!" Leafa said angry

"We know you can do this, darling!" Nep said

"Please, take care! We'll be waiting in the Retreat." Madoka said

"Don't you dare lose, or you'll have me to deal with!" Leafa said before the vision disappeared and we walked to the Inn to rest. After a quick rest we continue our journey

"When I was the Dark Lord... "Chara stated

"Yes?" I asked

"I got to know a bit about how the Dark Lord thinks." He said making me shocked

"So what's the Dark Lord's goal?" I asked worried

"I think it's to make people suffer. The Dark Lord's heart... It's full of hatred, jealousy, and anger towards people. He's brimming with malice." He said

"Wow, then we really have to stop him." I said

"It's all my fault... Because I gave in to the temptation." He said sad

"It's OK. You can count on me! I'll take care of the Dark Lord!" I said

"Oh, thank you!" He said with a smile before we continue walking to the top of the Scraper. Once we got to the top we stopped and stared up in front of us

"The Dark Lord forced monsters to build this tower. He wanted a place in the sky from which to look down upon Miitopia." Chara said

"... A place in the sky?" I asked

"Yes. High, high up in a place called Otherworld. I believe you'll find the Darker Lord up there, in Otherworld. And this here is the way in." He said

"Let's get going then!" I said as we took a few steps forward then stop and turn around to see Chara not moving

"I... Can't go with you. The place is cursed. No normal person could survive there for long. You'll have to leave me behind, I'm afraid." He said as I smiled

"Oh... I see. Well take care then, and thank you." I said

"No, thank YOU. Please... You MUST defeat the Darker Lord." He said

*Ex-Dark Lord Chara left your party.

Before we continue walking and gets brought to the Otherworld

"What is this place?" Frisk asked Papyrus

"Ahhh! Eyes... Nose... Mouth... Glasses... Have these been... Stolen from someone's face?" Papyrus said

"The Darker Lord is truly despicable!" Frisk said

"We have to stop him!" Papyrus said with anger

"Grrrr!" Frisk and Papyrus said in anger at the same time before we continue walking in search of the Darker Lord

"...We'll be facing our last battle soon." I said to Asriel

"*Gulp*" Asriel gulped

"Any regrets? Or something you'd like to get off your chest?" I asked

"Sans... Actually..." He tried to speak while looking at me

"..." I stayed silent as I waited for his answered

"...No, I can't." He said

"But I need to know!" I said with wide eyes

"Well... When our little adventure's over... I'll tell you then." He said winking at me

"Asriel... OK! Then we'd better not lose our last battle!" I said

"Let's do it!" Asriel said

"Yeah!" We said at the same time before we continue walking

I really want to know what Asriel wants to tell me. After awhile of walking we finally found the Darker Lord in the Darker Lord's Domain with everyone with me

"Mwaaa ha ha haaa!" He laughs as he appears before

"So you finally made it up here.I thought I was going to die of boredom." He said with a smirk

"You leave Great Sage Ben Alone! Give our Great Sage back!" I yelled

"Give my Big Brother back!" Galaxia yelled

"Oh, you want your Great Sage back? Well then... Come and try your luck!" He said before he started to transform with faces he stole

"Uunhhh...HA!" He said as my friends stare in shock and I stare in horror as he became...

"Mwaaa ha ha ha haaa! Would you take a look at this fine new form of mine! Can you feel it? That raw, overwhelming power? Come, then. Let us end this." He said as I start shaking in fear

"... I have made a huge mistake." I said

"Halt!" Nova spoke

"Nova?" I said

"Darker Lord Ben's strength is far too great. You'll have to fight him with all 10 of your teammates!" Nova said

"Sans!" Gmg yelled as I turn my head to him

"Me, Moonlight and Blooky with fight the left hand!" He said

"Sans..." Galaxia said as I turned to her

"Me, Undyne and Alphys will fight the right hand!" She told me as I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned my head to face Asriel

"And me, Papyrus and Frisk will help you fight the body" He said as Papyrus and Frisk nods

"Guys... thank you... All of you" I said with some tears in my eye sockets. I turn to see Gmg, Moonlight and Blooky starting to fight the left hand

"We can do this, guys!" He said to Moonlight and Blooky

"Raaargh!" They said at the same time.

Blooky attacks normally, Moonlight uses love song before Ben's left hand attacked twice at them. Gmg and Moonlight used pincer on the left hand as Blooky and Moonlight attacked normally before the left hand attacks twice before Gmg fires three hot shots at the hand and Blooky uses Mega cure to heal Moonlight. Moonlight, Gmg and Blooky used pincer again then Gmg uses hot shots again before they were attacked twice, Blooky then attacks by hitting it. Moonlight and Blooky defeats the left hand by using pincer on it! Then I turn to Galaxia, Undyne and Alphys

"I'm so nervous..." Galaxia said to Undyne and Alphys, I felt bad for her as I wanted to tell her everything will be okay but Undyne beat me to it

"It'll be OK. Keep calm." Undyne said to Galaxia

"Here we go!" Alphys yelled before they engaged Ben's Right hand in a fight.

Alphys gets ready first as Galaxia tried to snag some food but was unsuccessful then Undyne and Alphys used pincer o the hand before the hand attacks them. Once Alphys finished getting ready her and Undyne used pincer and Alphys attacks again. Galaxia eats a HP Banana to restore her health, Undyne held her sword out when Alphys put some Ignite chemical on it. She slashed the hand and the chemical released a small explosion as the right hand attacked twice, Alphys ate a HP Banana and Galaxia attacked normally. Undyne and Alphys attacked the right hand together before the hand tried to attack Galaxia and Undyne if they had not used shield as Alphys used glitch on it and Galaxia used Double scratch too. Then Undyne used double slash. But the hand attacked twice but Galaxia and Alphys attacked then Undyne before Undyne attacked one last time which defeated the right Hand...

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