Saving Emma: The Art Of Falli...

By VictoriaElizabeth04

374 171 83

Nothing is ever as it seems. Everything seems very plain on the surface, but in fact, you actually have to di... More

Coming Soon


6 4 1
By VictoriaElizabeth04

Emma POV

We walked arm in arm out of the hospital grounds back to Drews car.

"A new lead hm?" I said to him as we came closer.

"Yeah, after some sleuthing I think I have some new information." He said, leaning up against the car door.

"Sleuthing? In a hospital?" I said

"Okay, I used the dark web. Don't be too disappointed in me."

"I know you very well Kingston, there are far worst things that you could have done in that hospital." I said as he took my hand.

"Oh yeah? Like what? Raid the whole kitchen? been there done that. Emptied out the vending machine? Done that too." I giggled and stepped closer to him.

"You sure know how to make me grin like an idiot..." I said

"It's a talent." He said. Getting up, he opened the door for me and I climbed in.

Drew POV

"What's the lead then inspector Clouseau?" Em asked.

"I searched up Christian Turner. I'm not exactly sure how far I trust him. Danny's mom told Ocean and Flynn that she was the first on the sight of Micheals death, actually seeing John leave the apartment complex. But according to the official police report, it was Tonie and Christian that actually walked in on Micheal at the bottom of the stairs and found Vanessa upstairs, hiding with a gun. Obviously leading me to believe that the events didn't happen the way we were originally led to believe."

"How does this actually affect how we end this whole ordeal?"

"It questions why Vanessa would of lied. It's making me ask if she's covering up for someone and why. It also makes me ask how Tonie and Christian know eachother."

"They would have been about 16, 17 right?"

"Yeah, they were all born around that time. Well apart from Tonie whos born in 91, Christian and Danny would have been born in 93."

"Oh sh*t." I continued, having a sudden realization.

"What?" Em asked.

"Danny's active career started at that age... what if he..."

"No... I mean it's possible..." She said as we pulled into my drive.

"That's why she lied about how the events happened. But what motive? As for as we know he had a great relationship with his Dad. It was Tonie that didn't." I turned off the engine.

"Lets so what new information we can find out," Emma said as she got out the car.

Flynn POV

"Everything alright?" Asked Nick Price as he came through the hospital doors.

"Yeah, yeah. Shes stable but needs her rest." I said to him.

"Good, good. Here are those papers you wanted." He handed me over a cream paper folder.

"Is this being dealt with... carefully?" I asked.

"Very. Only the most specially trained people are on the case. Did you ever tell Oceane?"

"No. I haven't told anyone yet. The least people know, the better." I said.

"Right.I suppose that is for the best. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to contact me. I would like a chance to speak to Oceane if that's alright. Once her memory is restored that is."

I nodded and shook his hand.

"Thanks, Price. I'll contact you soon as I can. Thanks for these." I lifted up the folder.

He nodded and left without another word.

It'll all make sense eventually.

2 days later.

Drew POV

I woke up surrounded by tons of paper. I rubbed my head and looked around the room. I haven't left for two whole days. No contact with Flynn, only through Emma. Who will be coming through the door in 3...2...1...

"Drew?" I heard her say.

"Here." I tiredly answered, raising my hand above the stacks of paper.

"Oh sweetie!" I smelt her lovely perfume before I heard her panicked voice.

She moved the stacks of paper to one side and revealed herself. I looked up to meet her eyes and she looked down at me.

"Hey baby." I weakly smiled.

"Drew! You've been working too hard..." She said, rubbing my head.

"Things need to get done... Hows Oceane?" I yawned.

"Still asleep. Flynn is going to see our... My dad today in a few hours so I'll be staying with her."

"Did he go home?"

"Yeah but only to sleep. He's back there in the morning."

I nodded.

"You're a girl, you can check this." I handed her Oceane's Phone.

"How did you..."

I tapped the side of my nose and she took it from me.

"About 6 missed calls from Christian and 2 messages."

"What do they say?" I asked.

"What happened to you last night? where are you? are you okay?"

"Hm, asshole. He's probably the reason she's in the hospital right now."


"How are you anyway?" I asked

"Scared. Danny comes back tomorrow morning and I'm worried I'll be noticeably off." She said as she paced the room.

"You'll be alright. Just pretend you know absolutely nothing. It's easier said than done and I totally get it. But just act the same around him. You're at work most of the time so just focus on that." I got up and headed over to the fridge for some water.

"You're right. I can do this. It's all good."

"Too damn right you can." I smiled at her as I took a sip.

Flynn POV

"So I'm going to see John soon. Well, I have to leave in a few moments and Emma will be here with you. I will try to get as much information as possible, for both our sakes. Just so you know, every fight I get into on your behalf is always worth it. No matter what." I kissed Oceanes head and rubbed her hand.

"You'll be up soon and that's all that matters. See you later." I placed her ring on the side table and left the room.

I need to get this damn boot off now. The nurses are insisting I keep it on for longer but I don't think so. I'll be fine.

I headed up to where my appointment was scheduled at and left Oceane in the capable have of Emma.

Emma POV

"We... Really... Must go." I giggled as Drew kissed me.

"Really?" He said placing is head again mine and separating our lips.

"No...." I pulled him in once more.

Flynn POV

Unless she's with Drew.
Then there's absolutely no hope. She'll be there when I come back, right?

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