Hood Love 1

By NaeBbyXo

2.5M 56.6K 17.2K

Janiyah is young and wants to enjoy a carefree life. No worries at all. She's books, beauty, and brains. She... More

Hood Love 2


16.3K 360 27
By NaeBbyXo

The Final Chapter


I got up from our bed and slipped into a pair of  blue cotton shorts. It had be ten minutes and Tre had yet to come back. I was now curious  of who it could of been at the door.

I carefully made my way downstairs with no socks or shoes on my feet. The coolness of the floor brought a chill up my spine. I could hear deep raspy voice that I was not familiar with. I continued my stride but stopped in my tracks once I seen Trevan and some man sitting at the dining room table. I caught their attention immediately making them both look up at me.

"Uh," Trevan cleared his throat. "This my wife Janiyah, come here." He motioned me over. I followed instructions and came over to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I stood at his side.

"Hello Janiyah. You are really beautiful." The older man complimented me. Any other time I would have been blushing shyly because this man was extremely fine. You could tell he was much older then me but he was still very good looking. I was always shy when good looking men spoke to me, but I am happily engaged so it never meant anything more than a compliment to me.

"Thank you." I muttered still confused about who he is.

"This may sound weird Niyah but he's my father." My body tensed and I froze as soon as the words left Trevan's mouth.

His father. The one who's on the run. The one who the police came looking for. The man we were just talking about three weeks ago.

My thoughts roamed around in my head as I stood frozen. I tried to shake the feeling off to appear as normal as possible.

"Oh." Was all I could spit out. I could tell Trevan sensed something off about me as I felt him staring at me. I looked down at him, since he was sitting in a chair snd I was standing, and gave him a slight smile.

"I came by because um, I'm in alot of trouble with the law. I wanted you to know son, you the only kid I have in this world. I wanted to be there when you were younger, I really did but I did alot of shit when I was a kid. I left the state and established life somewhere else but I never stopped thinking about you and your mom."

I listened while he spoke and couldn't help but feel bad only because this was a man who really loved his son. You could by the emotion in his words that he meant everything he said.

"I plan on turning myself in because I can no longer run. I can't live my life like this anymore I'm too old. I'll be 55 next month and I don't wanna do this anymore, I can't. There hasn't been a day that passed that I haven't thought about you and your mom. I just wanna say that I'm sorry. I figured it'd be easier to raise you without all the drama that I would bring which is why I wanted her to believe I was dead." He ran a hand down his face.

You could tell that this was extremely hard for him to do. Here he was years later, staring at his son who he hadn't seen since he was a baby. Now he's a grown ass man with a wife and child. Being that I'm a mother I couldn't imagine going through this same thing with my own son. It would break my heart.

"I love you son. I cannot express that enough. I see that you're doing well and living well. I'm proud of you." He smiled at Trevan. I couldn't read his face and I didn't know what to say. There was an awkward silence before I spoke up.

"Um, I think he just needs time to register all of this. It's alot to take in."

"I understand." He stood up from the table, towering over us.

"What's your name?" I asked, remembering that he never mentioned it.

"Dennis." He smiled politely. I nodded my head and began walking towards the door where he followed me.

"I appreciate you stopping by. Um, Trevan probably just needs a minute."

"Yeah I know it's alot on him. I just wanted him to know that I care about him. I needed him to hear it from me before I went into prison."

There was nothing left that I could say or do but nod. I understood the situation but, it wasn't my situation to handle. The only thing I could do is support my husband to be.

After Dennis left I locked the front door and returned to the dining room. Trevan sat in his same spot with his head now in his hands. I walked over to him placing my hand on his back.

"Baby." I called out, soothingly rubbing his back to comfort him. He looked up at me and sat up, pulling my body into him. I moved so that I was between his legs as hr wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he rested his head against my stomach.

"He my dad. Like my actual father."

"I know." I sighed heavily.

"You know how much I wanted to know what he at least looked like when I was a kid? How many times I blamed myself because he wasn't in my life. Thinking that-." I had to stop him mid sentence.

"Baby look okay." I grabbed his face so I could look him in his eyes. I could see the sadness and hurt in them and it made me want to break down and cry. I had to be strong for him, so I sucked it up.

"Its gonna be okay. That's all in the past noe and you can't blame yourself at all. He came forward to let you know that he loves you." I smiled at him. "Its okay I know that this is new but just relax. Breathe."

He closed his eyes and blew out a breath. I gave him a very close hug, knowing that he was hurting inside. I wanted him to feel better but I knew that it would take time. I was going to be here for him every step of the way. We were going to get through this together.


"He didn't mention where he was staying or anything?" Mama Rica asked as she sat on the couch.

I shook my head. "Nope. Just that he was sorry and he kept explaining the situation."

"My poor son. I hate it when he's unhappy."

"He was fine when I left him but he did want me to hurry home. He misses his son." I got up from the couch and grabbed my purse.

"Come on Stink." I called out to Ayden. "I'm gonna call you mama."

"Alright please tell my son I love him." I made my way over to her and gave her a warm hug. I knew that this was tough on her as well.

"Love you guys. Bye GG baby." She tickled Ayden's tummy making him laugh.

"Love you too." I replied back before leaving. I walked over to my car putting Ayden in his carseat. I made sure he was strapped in before going to the driver's side and getting in. I started the car and took off towards the direction of home. I was eager to get back to Trevan because I didn't want him to be alone. Especially going through this.

It took all of six minutes for us to get home. I got out the car and took Ayden out as well.

"You miss your Dada?" I asked him as I pulled out my keys to unlock the door.

"Dada." Ayden repeated as he played with his toy phone. I stepped into the house and close the front door behind me.

"Dada!" Ayden screamed once I walked into our bedroom. He wiggled himself out of my arms and ran over to the bed.

"King." Trevan smiled as he picked him up. He kissed his face as Ayden immediately went to play with the chain around his neck.

"I missed you Dada." Tre smiled making my heart swell. The smile on his face was the biggest and brightest I had seen in the last couple of hours. It was amazing to me how Ayden brightened the gloomiest of days. Anytime Trevan and I were upset he always knew how to put a smile on our faces.

"Daddy." Ayden smiled at him before laying his head on Trevan's chest.

I sat down on the side of the bed and took off my shoes. "How you feeling?"

"I'm straight. I made some calls to afew people. I'm trying to figure out what exactly he's going to be convicted of."

I nodded. "So you wanna help him?"

"If I can. I mean I talked to my lawyer and he looked into his case and said it has alot of flaws. With the right legal help his case can be handled and he won't need to run anymore." I couldn't help but smile as I looked at him. He was taking the lead on the situation. I could tell that he wasn't sad anymore, and I was glad of that.

"I love you." He leaned over with Ayden still in his arms. I met him halfway for a kiss that left me breathless.

"I love you more Janiyah."

4 months later

"By the state of Illinois I declare Dennis Stevenson not guilty of the charged previously stated. He will serve six months of probation. This court is adjourned."

I couldn't hide the smile on my face and neither could the people around me. My child's grandfather was no longer a criminal. He didn't have to hide anymore, he could walk around as he pleased as a free man.

"Thank you son. I cannot thank you enough." He turned around to face Trevan. Tre smiled as the shook hands and brought eachother in for a hug. My hear swelled as I watched him interact with his father.

In these short four months I watched life change for the better. My son was now saying full sentences and speaking like he was grown. His walking is much better and he's able to get around on his own. It's much easier to take him different places which I enjoy. Ayden has so much personality it's ridiculous. He didn't like to be called anything but King now. Anytime I would call him Ayden he would say "no I King". That was all his daddy's fault.

My fiancé Trevan grew an unbelievable bond with his father. He worked hard day and night for this moment to become a reality. Trevan wanted his father to be a free man, and he made it possible.

They did everything together and I knew that it would only get better. Not only because he is a free man now but also because he and Mama Rica have been on eachother's heels. Mama Rica and her ex didn't work out so she kicked him to the curb. Ever since then Dennis slid in to take his place.

"I'm so happy for him he deserved this." My mom sighed happily. "I love seeing people happy."

"I know right. C'mon we can wait for them outside." I stood up grabbing my purse before I turned to grab King's hand.

"C'mon Stink." I said while pulling his hand. He was dressed so cute today for his grandpa's hearing. He wore a white long sleeved button down polo shirt, khaki pants, and blue and white Jordan's.

I braided the top of his hair to the back and put the braids into a little bun. The back and sides of his hair didn't grow as long as the top did so it appeared as if he had a haircut when he didn't.

I was dressed in a pretty light blue dress shirt with bell sleeves, a pair of white jeans, and sandals. I had gotten my hair done into a messy side part bob. Honestly, I was feeling myself today.

"I think we're supposed to be doing breakfast after this." My mom stated.

"Yeah. Don't forget we gotta meet with the planner tomorrow mama." I reminded her.

"I'm so glad you said that I almost forgot. Let me set a reminder." She spoke pulling out her phone.

My wedding was in exactly six months from today and I was both nervous and excited. I knew that we were going to be having a big wedding being that the both of us had big families. This meant that we had to have the wedding here in Chicago but I didn't mind. Trevan wanted to have the wedding in the Bahamas but it was going to be too much of a headache flying everyone out.

"I want this." Ayden spoke trying to pull me in the direction of the vending machines.

"No baby we about to go eat." I told him picking him up. "Where your juice?"

"Dada." He whined pointing at the courtroom we'd just left out. As if on cue Trevan, Mama Rica, Dennis, and my dad Jamie walked out.

My father had become close with Dennis as well. The whole family accepted Dennis in because of his situation. It was easy to understand why he had left. While his case was in the process of being looked at we were beginning to become close with him. He was a man of his word, genuine personality, and just very easy to get along with.

"Congratulations." I smiled at Dennis as he approached us.

"Thanks young lady. You and Trevan have helped me so much I appreciate it." He gave me a side hug.

"No problem. You're family."

"I'm glad to be back. Let me go so I can ride with Erica." He winked making me laugh.

"Look at you baby. You got your dad free." I said fixing the collar on his shirt as he stood in front of me. He had the same button down Ayden had on that he paired with dark wash jeans and blue and white Jordan's.

He kissed my lips tenderly. "I did what I could." He shrugged with a smile on his face.

"No baby you really took the time to do this. I'm so proud of you." I kissed him again. Ayden began reaching for him so he picked him up.

"I wanna eat." Ayden whined as his dad held him up.

"Okay King we bout to eat. C'mon bae you got everything?" Trevan asked me. I nodded and he grabbed my hand, walking us out of the building.


"I just want to thank my son really. Man, it makes me so proud to know that you come from me. You took the time to help me out when I've been missing for your whole life. Although it was out of my control you still forgave me and gave me the greatest gift I could ever ask for which was my freedom."

Dennis spoke as everyone at the table looked at him. We had just got done eating breakfast and were about to head out but he wanted to say this while everyone was all together.

"I also want to say thank you to his beautiful fiancé. You have been nothing but kind and accepting towards me. Also your mother and now a good friend of mine Jamie." He gestured towards them.

"Everybody thank you so much. All of you have kept me in your prayers and stayed consistent with me. I'm not gone cry or tear up like no bitch but-."

"Dennis." Mama Rica butted in, hitting him on his arm. 

"My fault. Um, just thank you." He laughed hugging onto Mama Rica as everyone clapped and cheered. Our family was so funny.

"Yanni sit down!" Mariah fussed at Trevan's little cousin Ayannah.

"Sister where y'all about to go?" I asked Kiera being that I didn't have any plans after this.

"Home probably. We need to have a lil' session whole time." She spoke looking up from her phone. I knew that she was talking about smoking.

"Yes please. Y'all want me to call dude we got it from last time?" Mariah asked. You could hear that she was getting excited from just talking about weed.

"Yeah do that." Trey nodded. He placed three $300 bills into the little book to pay for everyone's food.

We all left the restaurant and went our separate ways. My mom and Dad agreed to watch Ayden while I hung out with everyone else which meant that I was able to have as much fun as I wanted. Normally when I had Ayden with me I limited myself and I definitely wasn't going to be high or drunk around my son.

"I need to go home and change." I looked over at Trevan who was driving.

"Aight cool. I gotta grab something from the house anyway."

It took us 45 minutes to get home. I took my time going up the stairs and taking off my clothes.

"I'm so happy today went as planned." I smiled while I walked into the closet in my panties and bra.

"Yeah me too. Everybody happy everything cool. It's like life finally looking up and it's all good." Trevan said sounding relieved.

"Yup. We deserve it." I pulled out a pink Burberry t-shirt and a pair of black leggings. I walked out of the closet and began putting on my outfit.

"You not changing?" I asked Trevan. He was looking around the room for something.

"Hell yeah I'm just gone throw this shirt on." He said as he unbuttoned his button down.

"What you looking for?"

"Remember that lil' pen I bought?" He was referring to the small smoke pen he bought.

"Its in the top drawer under the first stack of tank tops." He went into the drawer and found it immediately. I slipped into a pair of pink Ferragamo slides and grabbed my purse. I was all ready to go now.

"Cool. You ready?" He asked as he walked into our closet. I sat down on the bed and saw my phone begin to light up and ring. I saw that it was my mom.

"Hey ma." I put her on speaker phone.

"Hey baby I just forgot I don't have a cup for Ayden. I would go get one but we just got home."

"That's okay I'm about to drop one off."

"Alright." I hung up the phone and went to my messages. There was a group chat with Kiera, Mariah, Mario, Tre, Trey, and I.

"Mario always saying he with his girlfriend but we ain't met her yet." I shook my head. I had just read all of the messages about having a smoke session today. Mario said he wouldn't be able to make it because he was hanging out with his girlfriend.

"I seen her the other day when I dropped off his charger." Trevan said after he laughed.

"Awe how she look?"

"I mean she alright. She not ugly or nothing like that." He shrugged. I was so nosey that I couldn't take Trevan's word for it, I had to see her myself.

I sent a text in the group chat telling Mario to bring her. He replied okay and that he would meet us in a minute. Trevan peeled off his shirt and changed into a plain white tee with a blue Jordan symbol.

We locked up the house and made our way to my moms house. I didn't wanna go inside so I called her and met her at the door with Ayden's sippy cup. If I had went in Ayden would have started crying and whining trying to go with us.

After we left my moms we traveled to Kiera and Trey's. It was only a 30 minute drive which we both didn't mind. We listened to music and had good vibes the whole ride.

"So I think we're going to have brunch with the wedding planner tomorrow around 12:30."

"That's cool."

"I think we should do royal blue." I smiled over at him. He rubbed his hand on my thigh as he drove with the other hand.

"Whatever makes you happy mamas."

I was so happy with my life right now. I sighed and sat back as Skrubs by Lil Durk played through the speakers. I couldn't help but to reflect on my life and past few years. It seemed like everything had went by in the blink of an eye. I had graduated high school, had a baby, and got engaged before my eyes.

I looked over at Trevan and remembered when I first met him at my auntie's party. He looked different now with his beard and hair grown out. He had matured into a totally different type of fine. This was a sexy grown man.

I thanked God that he was still with me and we were getting married. I was so appreciative that he had not lost his life to the streets and that he was finally away from that. The love of my life, we had been through so much together. Our love may not have been ideal but it was everything I could ask for and more.

It was every bit of Hood. Our story was definitely one for the books. The love I felt for this man was indescribable. He was everything I wanted in a man, father, and now a husband.

"I got a song for us bae hol' on." He grabbed his phone as we approached a red light. I saw him typing away and laughed when I heard the song begin to play. I knew what it was immediately.

"Lately you've been questioning if I still see you the same way." He grabbed my hand as he sang.

"Cause through these tryin' years we gonna both physically change now." I sang along with him. He turned the volume up more so now the song was playing loudly through the car.

"Don't you know you'll always be the most beautiful woman I know. So let me reassure you Janiyah" he added my name in it making me laugh and blush. "That my feelings are truly unconditional."

We laughed and sang together through a few more songs. I was so happy to have this type of love. It was special and couldn't compare to any other. I was proud to call mine and vice versa.

Hood Love ♥

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