Being The Only Girl

By DreamySha

51.2K 1.5K 151

Taylor grew up without knowing her mother ever since her mother died after giving birth to her. Taylor had to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 10

1.3K 38 1
By DreamySha

Jared POV

She left.

Just like that.

I groaned and rubbed my face. I felt someone sat beside me. I look up only to met with the similar hazel blue eyes that I've grown to love. I stare wide eyes before stood up and put my hands up on surrender.

He laugh, "Relax man. I'm here to have a chat with you." he said as he shook his head and pat the space beside him.

I sigh and sit back making sure I keep a distance away from him. "I know you like her." he stated. "Taylor I mean."

Dude, I already know you're talking about her.

I sigh, "I'm staying away from her only when she ask me to." I said firmly.

He chuckled, "Funny. Only you who actually dare to ho against our words." he mumbled. "I know your intention. Its a good one. I'm thankful for that. Don't break her heart man. She's the only sister that I have. I don't want see her hurting." he said.

I look at him weirdly, "I won't. She's different from the others. She's amazing." I mutter.

"Well, you have my approval. And all you left with is our father and our very protective brother, Chad." he told me as he pat and stood up, "Oh and I'll be watching you Jared McCrory." he called out.

I laugh and shook my head at his weirdness. That guy is scary and weird the same time. I shook my head and got up and make my way to my room.

"Its going to be so awkward in there." I mumbled.

I sigh and walk in the room. Iggy and Taylor is already fast asleep. I smile slightly at Taylor's sleeping face. I went over to her and bend down to kiss her forehead. Her lips tug up to a small smile as she snuggle closer to her pillow.

I sigh and took off my shirt and went over to my bed, staring out of the window. My phone beep.

I groaned and reach out for it, 'Dude Kayla is moving to New York soon.'

Darrel text me. Kayla is my ex who still can't get over the fact that we're no longer together. 'Why?' I hit send and waited for his reply.

'Because she convince her mum that moving to New York City is a good idea.'

I groaned and ran my finger through my hair, feeling very frustrated.

Taylor POV

"It's annoying!" Iggy exclaimed as we ran around the basketball court.

I laugh, "He's your cousin!" I pointed out. She rolled her eyes, "He doesn't have to rub it in my face about how good his team's were." she whined.

Coach blow his whistle, "Okay go change. The game will start in two hours." he said. We walk out to our assign locker room and take a quick shower before changing to our school's basketball jersey.

We hang around the locker, eating some snacks. Yes, we do take snacks before the game Just because we want it.

Few hours has gone by. I'm sweating like hell as I run around the court trying to get the ball. The score is a tie at the moment.

"Taylor!" Christina called out and throw the ball at me.

I caught it and dribble it across the court before passing it over to Iggy. She bounce the ball three times before throwing it over the hoops. The ball get in.

The crowd cheered.

The score is 35-34.

Yeah, they're one good challenge. Kill me now. After another few minutes, the referee blow his whistle signalling us that the game was over already.

"And the Cambridge won the game!" he announced.

We cheered and we did a little dance before giving us a group hug. I spot Jared at the edge of the bleachers. I ran over to him and jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He stumble back a little before holding me in place. I grinned and kiss him on the lips.

He tensed.

I just smile and kiss him. Soon, he relax and kiss me back. His warm fingers thread in my hair while the other hands rest on my butt, holding me in place.

I grinned and pull away. "I like you."

His lips stretch to a smile, "I like you more."


"No! That's unfair! Come on!" I whined as I tried to pull Iggy to the field where the soccer game will be held.

She groaned, "Fine. Lets grabbed some corndogs and nachos first." she stated firmly. I rolled my eyes and we walk over to the food stall. She ordered a few food before we walk over to the seats.

"So are you and Jared a thing yet?" she asked.

I laugh and shrug, "I don't know. He didn't say anything." I answered. I open my packet of chips and eat it. "You guys look so cute together." she gushed.

I rolled my eyes, "Stop it Iggy." I warned. She laugh and put her hands up, "Alright Alright."

We start to cheered as the both teams walk out to the field. I stood up and whistle, "Jeez Taylor. You're such a sports freak." Iggy said as she stood up as well.

I chuckled and shook my head, "No it's called cheering our school on." I joked.

She rolled her eyes. We didn't say anything after that. We just watch the soccer and would scream when our team score.

When half the game is gone, we're leading with 3-1. "Do you think they will win?" Iggy asked.

I look at her like she's crazy, "Of course they'll win!" I exclaimed dramatically. She rolled her eyes. "I'm just asking psh."

I grinned sheepishly.

Few minutes later the buzz went off. And the second half is starting.


I groaned and cover my face. "What?! We made it to the finals and your reaction is 'ugh'?" Iggy exclaimed as she mimicked my reaction.

"No but the Jackson's high! They're always play cheat." I whined.

Jared chuckled as he walk out the bathroom with only his trousers and no shirt. His defined chest and abs is totally on display. Iggy whistled, "I would totally do you anyday."

Jared look amused while I look at her, scrunched up my nose in disgust. "You are such a perv." I stated.

"Well excuse me for just admiring and thanking god's one fine creation." she scoff.

I laugh, "You really need to stop Iggy." I told her and look back at amused Jared. "Go put a shirt on!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled, "Why? Can't handle this?" he said as he gesturing himself. I rolled my eyes and snort, "Oh no. I can but I'm afraid my friend here is so horny." I retorted.

Iggy smack my arm, "Hey! That's offensive! I'm just admiring, really." She cried out dramatically.

I snort, "Sure you were. Nothing's going on in your mind. Yeah, totally." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

Jared laugh, "You girls always amused me." He mutter and put on a shirt. Iggy sigh, "How can someone putting on a shirt and look attractive doing that?" she exclaimed.

I groaned, "Then how can a guy taking his shirt off can be so sensual?" she said frustrated.

Jared quirk his eyebrows before shaking his head and get in his bed. "Iggy." I called out. She turn to me, "Control your Damon hormones!" I exclaimed as I smack her head.

"Ow!" she cried out and rubbed the back of her head. Jared just laugh at us and grabbed his phone when it beeps.


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