
By fallenxstarsx

566 51 1

Shaylee, a young woman with a pre-decided future that can't be fulfilled. Her whole life has been leading up... More



13 1 0
By fallenxstarsx


Shay adjusted the legs to her pantsuit once more as she fidgeted on the sofa, sitting between both Ty and her mother. "Shaylee," Tana whispered sharply, casting a glance at her daughter. Shay mumbled an apology as the Xantho royals entered the room. The three stood at once, the movement in unison. "Nerida, Elvin. Thank you for meeting us, however it may not be best for young Durin to be here."

"I'm not young, I'm nearly eighteen!"

Nerida placed a hand on his shoulder, silencing his outburst. "It's quite alright, Tana. You may speak in front of him. What is this about?"

Shay fought the urge to stare at the ground and instead lifted her chin, hardening her gaze as she locked onto Avery. Disgustingly, he wore a proud smirk on his face, but she hadn't missed his moment of hesitation when he saw Ty standing beside her. "It's my doing, Nerida. I need to speak to you about your son, and it is our wish that you will react with appropriate repercussions."

Nerida raised an eyebrow. "Go on," Elvin spoke stiffly, narrowing his eyes in Rin's direction.

Shay shook her head. "No, it wasn't Rin. He's been a wonderful guest. It was Avery."

"Avery?" Nerida whipped her head to glare at her son and Shay had a sudden feeling that this wasn't the first time he'd been in trouble with the queen and king. "What have you done now, boy?"

Tana cleared her throat. "If I may, Shaylee?" Shay motioned with her hand, allowing her mother to continue. "Your son attacked my daughter. Yesterday afternoon, he offered her his ear to relieve some of the thoughts weighing her down. They went for a walk and they were in an isolated area of the grounds, and he forced himself on her. He raped my daughter!" Her voice escalated as she spoke, her tone and volume the only signs of her anger.

Avery scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Honestly, this is what we're doing Shaylee? You're telling lies?"

"They aren't lies." Shay's voice was even, as hard as the look in her eyes. "You claimed to love me and demanded my body. When I didn't give it to you, you threatened me with a knife." She stepped towards him, the act more impulsive than deliberate. "I begged you to stop and when I tried to run, you had a chance to let it drop. And you still pursued me, and you forced yourself into me!" She was shouting now and it only made her angrier. Angry at the fact he'd gotten a reaction out of her, angry because this was the fight she had wanted yesterday, and angry that he still looked so smug. "You took something from me that you never earned, that you never deserved!"

"Oh, fuck off it, won't you?" He sneered. "You wanted it; you were so wet for me."

"That's biology, you fucking idiot." Ty's voiced boomed over her heavy breathing, making Avery look to him in shock. Quickly, Shay assessed the two. Ty looked ready to attack Avery, a man whose muscles were nearly twice the size of Ty's. She shuddered as she remembered the force of them holding her in place. Before Shay could stop him, Ty was walking past her and throwing his fist in Avery's face, landing a hit so hard, she could hear the crack of the bones in his nose. "Touch her again, and your nose won't be the only thing broken," Ty threatened, his voice cold. No one moved as Ty made his way back to Shay's side, his hand slipping into hers. She hadn't realized she'd been shaking until he pulled her closer, choosing to wrap his arm around her waist.

"Mother, Father! Are you really going to let that peasant hit me?!"

"Get up, Avery." Elvin demanded, his voice tired. "He's no peasant. Consider yourself lucky to have been hit by the missing prince of Naida."

Avery stood, staring at Ty before breaking out into a fit of laughter bordering nearly maniacal. "Of course you're the prince. It's no wonder Shaylee couldn't keep her slutty little hands off of you!"

"Enough!" Nerida shrieked, the sound ringing out through the room. Avery looked to his mother, his eyes wide. Rin had a pleased look on his face; his mother was finally seeing Avery for the monster he truly was. "Avery, I have spent the last three years denying all the claims that have been brought to me by countless women that you have been hurting them. I could never believe that my son would do such a thing. My son?!"

"Mother, I wouldn't. You can't believe her, she did something and now regrets it that her sweet promised prince is back!" He spat sarcastically, holding a handkerchief to his bleeding nose.

"I said enough!" She roared. "I have known Shaylee since she was a child, and I've known you since birth. I knew I should have had you blessed more, or maybe even taken away. You are the monster they promised me you'd become."

"Darling," Elvin warned quietly.

"No, Elvin. Tana, Shaylee, I am so sorry. Had I known, had I believed, I assure you, I would have never brought Avery here. When Avery was born, I had an Elder come to see his light. His was dark. I asked if there was any hope for him to find the light, and was assured with enough blessings and corrections, anyone could find the light. I should have kept at it for at least fifteen years, I know, but Shaylee, after he met you, he seemed to have turned around... I thought he'd found the light on his own and he didn't need the blessings anymore."

"Mother, what are you talking about?" Avery asked, horrified.

"You're a dark soul, Avery, and I should have let the Elders take you. I tried to change you, but I know now that you were just dark through and through. I thought Shaylee had been good for you, but your brother tells me you were obsessed with her. Stalking her every move, just happening to be where she is. It was no coincidence, Shaylee. I really do apologize, but I thought it was harmless. I thought he was a young boy in love. After you left, it took about a year or two for the reports to start filing in and I couldn't believe it. I wouldn't believe it. He had been such an angel at home with us that I just couldn't see it." Nerida was crying now, the act looking oddly heavenly on the woman.

"It's just as much my fault, my darling. We should have taken action much sooner than now."

"What action? Mother, you can't be serious. What is the meaning of this?"

Nerida blew out a breath, steadying herself as her tears settled. "I'm saying that I cannot continue on with you in my home, in my kingdom, knowing what I know. I refuse."

Mouth agape, he turned to Elvin. "Father?!"

He nodded curtly, anger etched in his features. "You've made a mockery of this family, our kingdom, our people, and worse yet, our hosts and longtime friends. You will not be returning to our home. As of today, Avery, you are stripped of your title as prince. If you so much as step foot into our castle, you will be removed immediately."

"And who are you going to leave the kingdom to, this little shit?!" He shouted, enraged, pointing to Rin. "You traitor! You big-mouthed, disloyal, bastard!"

Rin smiled sweetly at Avery, crossing his arms against his chest. "To you, yes. To my family and my people, never."

"And what will I do?!"

"With your parents' permission, your punishment will be handled by this kingdom. We will treat you as a commoner, Avery." Tana spoke, stepping forward.

"Do as you see fit, Tana. We deeply apologize once more, Shaylee, and do hope that you'll invite us into your home in the future." Elvin begged somberly, turning towards the young queen.

She smiled tearfully, taking turns to wrap each Alvar, save Avery, in her arms tightly. "Thank you for believing me," she whispered in Nerida's ear. "Once I am settled in Naida, old traditions will be restored. I will have a formal ball to celebrate." They smiled at her in thanks and nodded towards Tana and Ty before they left with Rin following quickly behind them.

"Just look at what you've fucking done now," Avery gritted. Ty stepped towards him menacingly and he involuntarily took a step back. "You're just a fucking orphan. No one will respect you!"

Ty shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. You won't be around to see it."

"Jacob," Tana called quietly, her eyes not leaving Shay's face. "I want him banished from both Nyx and Naida. Let the word of his actions be spread as far as you can before you exile him."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Two guards came into the room to collect a raging Avery, his eyes wild as he threatened to make them all pay.

As soon as he was gone, Shay's confident demeanor fell as her shoulders slumped and she exhaled loudly. "Thank you."

Tana hugged her, squeezing a little too tight. "I will always be here for you, Shaylee. That will never change, no matter how far from me you may be. I love you, my darling."

"I love you, Mother. This has meant the world to me." With a kiss to her cheek, Tana left the Hall, leaving Ty and Shay alone. Shay took a seat back on the sofa again, her thoughts racing. Ty had said he was coming to say goodbye, and she knew she absolutely was not ready to say goodbye.

"We need to talk, Shay." Ty sat down beside her, wasting no time. "I've already told Tana, and the search is now top priority to find Melia and Melora."

"What? Why, what happened? Is everything okay?"

Ty grimaced as he struggled to find the right words. "I know as much as you do, Shay, but they're part of the Rogue. I don't know how much, but it's not a new development. Melora played a hand in taking down my kingdom, my parents, and tried to blackmail me into marrying Melia. The plan was to marry me, get rid of you, and while Tana was grieving, take over the kingdoms. Melia wanted me to give her a child; she said while her love spell didn't work, the lust part did, and that's all she needed."

"How'd you get away?" She asked quietly, concern in her voice. "Did she touch you?"

Ty shrugged, touching his face. "Melora packs one hell of a punch, but it was nothing like the first time with Melia. How I escaped was a long story, but Jacob was able to track down an Elder Gifted who was present for my birth."

"What will happen to your family?"

"Tana said she will handle it. She's sent for Dre, my mom, and even Sammy to stay at her home in the human world until we can get a handle on things."

Shay nodded, considering this. "How did Jacob know there was an Elder there?"

Ty hesitated before explaining. "When we were at my parent's castle, he had found a piece of paper with some information about a prophecy on it and it was signed Elder Gifted Bei. The Elders have kept an eye on me through the years, and when he saw the message that Jacob sent, he came to my rescue."

"A prophecy?"

Ty nodded, resting his elbows on his knees. "Yeah. It was predicted that the first born from my parents would be the fulfiller of their prophecy. Everything, even my parents' death, had a play in me fulfilling their prophecy of joining the two worlds together. They want fairies and humans to coexist."

Shay raised an eyebrow at this. "Romantically?"

Ty nodded. "Bei didn't tell me why, but it's in my prophecy."

Shay chewed on her lip. "How will you do that?"

"I have no idea."

She shook her head, resisting the urge to put a hand on his shoulder. "No, I mean how will you do that if you've come to say goodbye?"

Ty looked at Shay as though she'd grown a second head. "Shay, I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to my family. I'm picking this world, I'm choosing you."

Her head snapped to him, a hopeful, small smile on her face. "You're staying?"

He chuckled, pulling her into him as he leaned against the back of the sofa. "Yes, Shay. I'm staying. We have a world of things to discuss and flesh out, but right now, today, I just want to enjoy being here with you for a little bit. Is that okay?"

"Enjoy being with me elsewhere. I don't want to stay in this room." She looked to the spot Avery had been standing in, a few drips of blood the only evidence of him being there. Ty agreed and together they made their way to Shay's room once more. This time, less focused on Shay's well-being, Ty was able to notice that there were boxes and garment bags littered in the space in front of her closet. She noticed him seeing this and explained she was preparing to move her life from one castle to another.

"Shay," he murmured, taking her into his arms. "I have so many questions for you, and I'm sure you have some for me, too, but right now I want nothing more than to curl up in bed with you and forget everything except each other."

Shay felt a panic rise inside her that hadn't been there before with Ty; she felt too constricted and was reminded of Avery. The panic flustered her, making her panic more. Her breaths quickened and soon, she was hyperventilating. She broke away from Ty, fanning at her face with her hands. "Oh, goddess," she choked out.

Ty led her to the bed, forcing her to sit. He rubbed her back, waiting for her to catch her breath, murmuring quietly to her. "What happened?" He asked when her breathing began to even out.

She shook her head, pressing her hand to her chest. "I don't know. You were holding me so closely and I just... I could only think of Avery holding me down with his body and then I just seized up and panicked. I'm so sorry, Ty. I'm sorry, I don't know why I thought of it. It's not you, I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I promise. I'm sorry."

Ty sighed, pulling Shay's head to his shoulder, shushing her. He was careful not to wrap his arms around her, giving her the space Shay very clearly needed. "It's a reaction to a traumatic experience, Shay. I'm not angry, and you don't have to apologize. I'm not going anywhere even if it happens again." Ty had watched enough TV and read enough survivor articles to know that what Shay was experiencing wasn't out of the ordinary. He was out of his depth, though, and it would be a journey for both to her recovery. "I will do my best to be what you need."

Shay fell back to the bed, taking Ty with her. She buried her face in his neck, her fingers grasping at his shirt. "He took something from me, Ty. How do I get that back? I didn't know it was something that could be taken from me, but it was and now I feel...broken."

Ty trailed his fingers up and down her bare arms gently, careful to not have a heavy hand and force Shay to shut down again. "I don't know, baby. I don't know how you can get it back, but I will be here for you every step of the way."

She lifted her head from his shoulder, her innocent, wet eyes meeting his. She was floored by the intensity of his green eyes boring into hers. "Why did you come back, Tyro?" She whispered, her breath tickling his face. It reminded him that he hadn't shaved in weeks.

"My mom and Dre helped me realize that I couldn't handle never seeing you, kissing you, holding you again. The thought of you with another man is enough to make me..."

"Break someone's nose?" She teased lightly, though the joke didn't reach her eyes.

Ty laughed without humor. "Yes, to say the least. I realized that I can learn everything there is to be a king and a fairy, but I'd never be able to learn to live without you. I can call my mom and my brother to talk to them and be okay, never see them again and be relatively okay, but without you..."

Shay shifted to rest her chin on her hands which were now folded onto his chest. "You came here even though you believed you could never see your family again?"

Ty nodded, his face serious. "I did, Shay."

"What are you saying?" She asked, her voice so quiet he could barely hear her, but he didn't need to. He knew what he was asking, and he knew what he needed to say.

"I'm saying that I choose you, Shay. I'm saying that I love you. I really, really love you. I finally got out of my own way and I was able to admit to myself, and now you, that I love you. I have fallen in love with you and I'm ready for you, for us."

Tears pooled in her eyes again as she pushed herself forward, pressing her lips firmly to his, swallowing down the sensation of panic. "I love you, Tyro. Oh, my goddess, I love you." She murmured in between kisses.

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