Light a Way ~ Supernatural Fa...

By XxSasMasterxX

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[Book 7 of 14] Castiel is Dead. Alayna made her choice. Catherine is human. And now the oldest creatures ever... More

The Van Allens vs The New Boss
The Van Allen's vs Castiel
The Van Allen's vs A Cruel World
The Van Allen's vs A Leviathan
Sam Winchester vs The Girl Next Door
Sam Winchester vs Catherine Pierce
The Van Allens vs Guilt
The Van Allen's vs Osiris
The Van Allen's vs Witches
The Van Allens vs Dangerous Affairs
The Van Allen's vs Slash Fiction
The Van Allen's vs Seeing Double
The Van Allen's vs Catherine Pierce... Again
Catherine Pierce vs Alayna Van Allen
The Van Allens vs A Wedding
The Van Allens vs The Enterprise
The Van Allens vs Disaster
The Van Allens vs Death's Door
The Van Allens vs Catherine Pierce... One Last Time
The Van Allens vs 1944
The Van Allens vs Chronos

The Van Allens vs A Love Potion

483 11 13
By XxSasMasterxX

Catherine walked up to the front door of the house with a look of disgust - Becky Rosen? if she had already secured Alayna's body permanently she'd have no problem snapping this girls neck. But, she couldn't risk exposing herself before she had permanently taken over Alayna's body. So, she'd let Karoline and Dean worry about figuring out this case and breaking whatever spell she had Sam under.

She knocked carefully before returning her grip to the potted plant - Aurora told she needed a ruse as to why she was suddenly showing up at Sam's door after being MIA for the past half week.

The door flew open to reveal Sam himself and she smiled, "I hear a congrats are in order." She held out the potted plant and Sam came over his shock at seeing her to accept the gift.

"Uh, thanks..." he stepped farther into the house to set it on the counter and Catherine stayed on the outside of the threshold. She'd avoid any run in's with this Becky girl for as long as she could. "What're you doing here?"

"I figured we'd talk," she jerked her chin out and took a few steps back. Sam looked her over unconvincingly, like he could tell something was off so Catherine quickly changed the subject. "Karoline and Dean think there's something wrong."

He rolled his eyes at that, "there's nothing wrong. I'm happy. I've moved on with my life."

"I believe you," she raised her hands in surrender and Sam frowned at her, like he hadn't been expecting that. She shrugged, "I just... I figured I'd come check up on you. I mean, this all happened kind of suddenly and after everything with Catherine... the whole dying thing."

Sam frowned, leaning in against the archway, "I'm fine."

"Sam, you don't have to hide your feelings."

"No, honestly... I'm fine," he shrugged and Catherine felt her anger swell up in her chest at how flippant he was about the whole thing. She did her best to push it back down. "You know, we had a thing, it ended and she died and I'm fine."

"You knew her for like ten years," she reminded him. How could he just be fine. "You're not even a little heartbroken? I mean, even I feel a little bad. Maybe we should give her like, a funeral, or something?"

"A funeral?" Sam echoed, his eyebrows shooting up.

She nodded surely, "where is she buried? I should at least drop off flowers, or something?"

"I have no idea," Sam shrugged, crossing his arms. "Dean said he put her where she belongs."

"Classic Dean," Catherine muttered, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. What the Hell could that possibly mean? "Well, good luck with your... marriage and stuff, I'll see you around." She waved and Sam gave a small wave back.

"See ya around."

She hurried back down the driveway to where Aurora was leaning up against the drivers door of the car she hot wired. She pushed off and straightened when she noticed Catherine. "So... did you find out where your body is, or not?"

Catherine shook her head, "Sam said, Dean put me somewhere he thought I belonged."

"A riddle?" Aurora mumbled, her finely done eyebrows furrowing together.

"There used to be this tomb that Azazel kept Blair locked away in," the doppelganger spoke up, a thoughtful look pulling at her features. "Dean was the one to help me track it down."

"Well, let's hope it's you whose there this time," Aurora pushed off the car and popped open the door to climb inside.


The next day found Karoline walking through the halls of the Mutual Freedom Insurance corporate building. Dean and Garth had gone upstairs to the CEO office five minutes ago, and she was currently patrolling near the lobby, carefully watching everyone who came in and out.

She circled around to the back and hurried up the stairs before making her way across the third floor. Familiar voices sounded in the stairwell behind her and she turned, pushing open the door to peer up. Dean and Garth were talking to a woman clad all in white. "—trying to save you from a really bad accident," Dean was insisting, voice deep and quiet.

The woman glared up at the Winchester. "Are you threatening me?"

"No." Dean pulled his hand off of her shoulder, looking over at Garth in confusion. "No. I-I-I'm pointing out a pattern. Why do people keep thinking I'm threatening them?"

Garth shrugged. "Because it sounded exactly like a threat, dude." Karoline chuckled in agreement, stepping out into the stairwell.

Dean shook his head before turning back to the woman. "Look, for your own good, what did you do to get him promoted."

The woman held her head high. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Now leave me alone. Or do I have to call security?"

Dean hesitated, then stepped back, and the woman stalked down the stairs, passing Karoline with an upturned nose. Karoline waited until Dean and Garth had caught up to her. "Who was that?" she huffed.

"Marsha. CEO's wife. It's not the CEO. He's planning on resigning at the end of the week. Her, however," Dean pointed after the snobbish woman, "well, all her dream's have come true." He led the way down the stairs. "She's next."

With a shrug, Karoline and Garth followed Dean down the stairs and towards the lobby. Suddenly Dean rushed forward and Karoline broke into a run as the chandelier from above creaked and swayed before plummeting towards the ground. The Winchester got there first, arms wrapping around Marsha's white suit jacket and tackling her to the ground. The chandelier crashed to the ground where they had been only seconds before.

Karoline slid to a stop in front of the Winchester, helping the snobbish woman to her feet. "You okay?"

Marsha was staring up at Dean, face blank with shock. "How did you know?"

"Cause you're not the first. Come on." Dean led her away from the broken glass as Garth caught up to them.

"You want to tell us what's up here?" the scrawny hunter asked, shoving his hands into his pocket.

Marsha looked between Dean and Garth before finally shaking her head. "I was having lunch with friends. This guy heard me bitching. Next thing I know, he's making me an offer."

Karoline shook her head at the story. "Let me guess. He offered you your husband's job for your soul. You took it." She turned to Dean. "Someone's collecting payment early."

"Those are ten year contracts," Garth agreed. "Why's the bill coming due so fast?"

Dean shook his head. "I don't know. But I have a bad feeling about who's next. We need to get to Sam pronto."

They went to Becky's apartment first, but ended up finding nothing. Garth was the one to check her twitter account and figure out they went on a 'romantic trip', but it was Dean who found the picture of Becky and her parents in front of a small cabin not far from here. So, that's where they went.

Dean pulled the car up alongside a small cabin and shut off the engine. The three of them climbed out and up the three steps to the door. Karoline knelt down by the door and unlocked it skillfully with her lock pick. The sky was already growing dark as she slipped inside after Garth and Dean. The main room was empty, and they silently walked into the bedroom where a simple overhead light was on.

Dean paused in the doorway, stunned while Karoline busted out laughing - having to grip the wall nearby so she wouldn't fall over.

Sam stared up at them, tied spread-eagle to the bed, eyes wide and a dish towel in his mouth. He made an indistinct grunting sound, and Dean chuckled at the turn of events.

"You look comfy," he joked. "Gag's a nice touch - It's always the innocent looking ones that are the freakiest, right Kare." Karoline smirked. Sam snapped out a string of what could only be curses, but it was unintelligible through the thick cloth.

Karoline shook her head, "I can't understand a word you just said you should just..." she made a zipping motion with her finger. "Until we untie you."

Sam grunted, nodding, but just at that instant, the roaring of an engine could be heard outside the cabin. Dean immediately pulled out his gun and aimed it at the door while Garth and Karoline made quick work of untying Sam.

It was Becky who came walking in and she immediately froze at the gun pointed at her face. Her hands shot up in surrender and she pushed up on her tip toes to peer around him at Sam. She sighed almost inaudibly at the fact that he had gotten free.

"How did you get in here?" Becky asked, a little frustration showing in her eyes, but not really surprised that they finally caught up to her.

"That doesn't matter," Karoline was the one to speak up. "What does important, is that we know what's doing this."

"Crossroads demon." Becky's face fell. "I know."

Sam flicked out his tongue before he spoke, rubbing his wrists. "You dosed me up with love potion," he snapped. "Your dealer's the one icing those people."

"I thought he was just a Wiccan," Becky defended. "Like a good witch." Her voice fell when she added, "I went back when I ran out for another vial. That's when he offered me the deal." She quickly added, "He says those people just had 'unfortunate accidents.' "

Dean nodded. "Ten year contracts are unbreakable," he explained. "Can't collect early. Then again, sometimes people die."

"It's a loophole," Sam realized.

Garth looked over at Becky. "You have any idea how to find this guy?"

"Yeah. I said I'd be back tonight with my decision." Becky looked confused for a second before her eyes lit up.

"We should set a trap."

"You guys do that," Karoline spoke up already pulling out her phone and heading for the door. "I've got somewhere to be.


Catherine's eyes wandered around the tomb that she hadn't been in, in almost a year. it was dark, except for the soft hue given off  by the lanterns that Aurora had set up. Then her eyes fell down to her corpse, laid out on a table in front of them and she grimaced slightly.

"Can we hurry this along," Catherine rushed, crossing her arms uncomfortably.

"In order to seal your spirit inside Alayna's body, I'll need some of your blood." Catherine sighed at the request, holding her hand out and letting the Angel slice her palm to drip some of the dark blood on the body. "And then..." Catherine startled when Aurora rammed the knife into her body's chest and forced it down through her ribcage.

"You mutilate my body... lovely," she muttered sarcastically.

"Hush," Aurora narrowed her eyes at the doppelganger before letting her eyes closed as she hovered her glowing hands over the corpse. "I have to concentrate." She let a soft incantation slip passed her plush lips seamlessly.

Catherine's vision started to blur and her head started to pound like someone was literally kicking her in the back of her skull. Her eyes glazed over a soft white before Alayna's doe eyes broke free. Her eyes darted around the tomb in panic, where the Hell was she?

She pushed her panic down when she saw Aurora - she didn't want this to end up like last time.

She cleared her throat, "so, what's happening now?"

"Catherine, if you want to say goodbye to Alayna forever, I need silence." aurora muttered frustratedly without opening her eyes once. Alayna could feel her own heart pound against her ribcage in panic... forever?


Karoline was leaning up against the car - she split up with the boys and Becky and was currently standing outside their motel room while she waited for him to show up. If anyone could help with this... it was him.

"Hello, Kitten," his deep voice filled her ears and she immediately straightened to see Crowley standing a few feet away from her. "Long time."

Karoline quirked an eyebrow, "right, I think the last time I saw you, you pawned me off to Raphael."

"Hm, fond memories," Crowley smirked and Karoline rolled her eyes. "Is this important or did you just miss me."

"I'm working a case," Karoline explained simply, not giving in to his teasing. "A crossroads demon is cutting deals short... I thought you had a little more integrity than that Crowley."

Crowley looked comically offended, "I do. I've been looking for the Tosser for weeks, but I see you beat me to it. So, what's with the meeting?" He gestured between the two of them.

"I figured if anyone could help with this it'd be you," she shrugged, flipping her blonde curls out of her face. "Anything to wrap this up faster - I've got a missing sister to go find." Crowley smirked, reaching up a hand to rubbed at his mouth. Karoline frowned at the reaction, "what?"

"Nothing, you'll figure it out soon enough," his lips twitched one last time before he put on a business face. "We should get going then."

Karoline stumbled as she was suddenly in doors - the crossroads demon in a devils trap and Sam, Dean, and Becky on the other side of him. She could also see Garth knocked out across the room, but she didn't have time to question what happened there.

"Hello, boys."

Dean froze from where he was facing a dark-skinned demon. "Oh crap." He lunged behind the demon, knife coming up to rest against its throat.

Karoline met Dean's gaze - seeing him looking at her like she was crazy as Crowley strolled forward. "Sam," he acknowledged. "mazel tov. Who's the lucky lady?"

"You're Crowley!" Becky realized, green eyes wide in awe.

Crowley paused only briefly to run his eyes up and down the young lady. "And you're — well, I'm sure you have a wonderful personality, dear." Karoline raised a hand to smother the laugh that threatened to fall loose.

Crowley moved towards Dean, who shifted, tightening his grip on the demon. "Ah," he warned the King of Hell, "another step, and I'll Columbian necktie your little friend here."

Crowley stopped. "Please. Don't let him get off that easy." Karoline didn't miss the flash of fear in the demon's eyes, nor the confusion in Dean's.

"Sir," the demon began, "I don't think you —"

"I know exactly what you've been doing. A little birdie named Jackson sold you out, e-mailed all the juicy deets to my suggestion box." The King of Hell looked down at the dead body that lay to their left, and Karoline followed his gaze. "I assume that's my whistle-blower. Shame, he had a future." Crowley turned back to the cross-roads demon. "Unfortunately, you don't."

"I was just —"

"There's only one rule; make a deal, keep it."

"Well, technically I didn't —"

"There's a reason we don't call our chips early — consumer confidence." Crowley's voice rose in frustration. "This isn't Wall Street! This is Hell! We have a little something called integrity. This gets out, who'll deal with us? Nobody! Then where are we?" Karoline smirked slightly at his use of her own words - obviously that comment had gotten to him.

The demon hesitated, then shook his head. "I don't know," he said in a quiet voice.

"That's right. You don't. Because you're a stupid, shortsighted, little prat." He turned his attention to Dean. "Now. Hand the jackass over. I'll cancel ever deal he's made."

"What are you gonna do with him?"

The demon's voice grew sharp. "Make an example of him. Fair trade, right? We'll all go our separate ways." He watched as Sam and Dean exchanged looks. "No harm done."

"What?" Sam scoffed, "Out of the goodness of your heart?"

Crowley swung his gaze over to him. "Years of demons nipping at your heels, haven't seen one for months. Wonder why?"

"We've been a little busy," Dean quipped.

"Hunting Leviathan — yes, I know. That's why I told my lads to stay clear of you meatheads."

"So what do you know about —"

"Too much. You met the dick yet? Smuggest tub of goo since Mussolini. I hate the bastards. Squash them all. Please. I'll stay clear."

Dean looked over at Karoline to see what she thought - she nodded, he had no reason to lie to them. "Rip up the contracts first."

Crowley raised his hands and snapped both of his fingers. "Done... and done. Your turn."

The demon's eyes went wide. "No no no no," he pleaded. "Let —" He cut off when Dean shoved him towards the King of Hell.

"Pleasure, gentlemen." Then the two demons were simply gone.

Karoline stepped forward, opening her mouth to speak before movement out of the corner of her eye had her turning. Garth pulled himself to his feet, looking about. "What'd I miss?" She grinned in amusement, looking over at Dean and Sam.


Alayna's yes darted around the tomb, looking for anything that could help her in this situation. Aurora was an archangel - the only leverage she had was surprise.

"Just a few more seconds and then I'm done." Aurora announced and Alayna felt her panic rise even more. Without thinking she yanked the Angel blade out of Catherine's body and stabbed it into Aurora's shoulder blindly before taking off.

As soon as she broke through the threshold and outside she pulled out her phone - she had to call someone. Her heart dropped when her old pin didn't work. "No, no, no. You've gotta be kidding me."

She gave up after about the third time and she shoved her phone into her back pocket and climbed into the car - she had to find someone. She could vaguely remember Catherine going to some cabin and like she was in auto pilot she made her way there.

Flashes of Catherine's memories danced through her head - Aurora must've started the spell back up again before her vision was filled with the image of Catherine's father ripping her new born out of her arms.

"Oh my god. No!" She came to a screeching halt just at the end of the long dirt path that led up to the small cabin and practically fell out of it.

"Katerina, may I introduce to you, the lord Elijah"

She gasped, grabbing at her head as she stumbled up the dirt path. They had to be here... she needed them to be here.

"So, which is it going to be Dean? Kiss me or kill me?"

"Catherine, GET OUT OF MY HEAD." She gripped at her hair.

She could see Sam's face in her memories - much younger and he pulled back to gaze down lovingly. "I will love you forever, Catherine."

"At least I fooled one of you."

"No. NO!" It was like Alayna could literally feel Catherine clawing at her subconscious. It was like a weight lifted off her shoulders when she saw Dean leaning against a car as some guy she didn't care to recognize headed to a different car.

"Dean!" She called out and his eyes found hers immediately. "Thank God..." She practically fell into his arms, gripping him tight.

"What's wrong?" His voice was rough with concern. She had been missing for days and now here she was and she was acting like this... he couldn't even begin to think about what happened.

Before she could say a word, her eyes glazed over white and then a sharp Hazel. Catherine narrowed her eyes in confusion, seeing Karoline and Sam coming out of the door to the cabin - both looking startled and confused at the girls arrival.

She slowly pulled out of Dean's embrace to see him gaze down at her in concern, "what's wrong? Say something..."

She cleared her throat, "I've been looking everywhere for you. We need to talk."

"Yeah, we do," Dean took a slight step forward, his hands still holding her upper arms. "I thought you said you were hunting with Bobby."

"I lied," she admitted - no point in lying now. "I needed to clear my head... think about a few things."

"Like, what?" Now he was really confused.

"Like, us..." she told him just like she'd been planning since she first decided to take over Alayna's body. That was the first thing on her list... "I think we should take some space."

The whole world seemed to freeze for Dean in that moment - at first he thought he didn't hear her right. That his mind was somehow playing tricks on him, because Alayna couldn't possibly be saying that to him right now. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before he could finally make the words racing through his mind become a reality.

"What?" he whispered.

"You... you killed Amy, Dean, a girl who was only trying to save her son," she shook her head at him and Dean felt his heart drop. This was real. "And- and what you did to Catherine. She was weak and dying and you still tortured her."

Dean shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around this. "How is this about Catherine."

"It's not, okay?" Catherine gave him her best impression of Alayna's doe eyes, shaking her head sadly. "It's about you. It's about the person I can't change... the person you really are. That's the person I can't be with. I'm sorry, Dean, but it's over. We're over."

Dean looked down at his feat as Catherine walked away - as soon as her back was turned she let her sly smile break through.

Sam cleared his throat, "Dean..."

Dean turned halfway to look back at his brother, a steely look in his eyes to hide how he was really feeling. "Come on... deep down, you gotta be enjoying this a little bit." He grumbled, running a hand through his short hair and heading over to his car.

Once Catherine was far enough away, she heard a flutter of wings and she turned to see Aurora standing a few feet in front of her. Catherine cocked her head to the side, "so, that's it?"

"Don't sound so impressed," Aurora drew out sarcastically and Catherine rolled her eyes. "But, yes, you now have permanent control over Alayna Van Allen's body." Catherine smirked at that... oh, the things she could do now... it was endless. "What's your plans."

"I think I'm gonna play hunter for a little bit longer..." she admitted and Aurora frowned curiously. "For the first time in 500 years, I'm in the clear. There's no one coming after me. Hell, most of the people here would slit the wrong throats just to protect Alayna. I want it all... I want a real life, I want power... I want Sam Winchester."

Aurora snorted at that, "well, good luck with that and... don't contact me again."

She disappeared with a flutter of wings, leaving Catherine with all her thoughts.

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