Saving Emma: The Art Of Falli...

By VictoriaElizabeth04

374 171 83

Nothing is ever as it seems. Everything seems very plain on the surface, but in fact, you actually have to di... More

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13 5 4
By VictoriaElizabeth04

Drew POV

I drove Emma to my house in the pouring rain. She didn't want to be alone or be in that house. She lay her head against the window as I drove through the murky town that seems to become darker as the days go by. I hope some good comes from this. Because now we don't have to hide.

 But Em does, and It hurts me to see her this way.

We pulled up in the drive and walked up to my secluded home. The door opened with a creak and the sound of rain could be distinctively heard on the slabs outside. I followed her over to the window were the last parts of daylight came through like rays, creating a silhouette. 


"There's nothing holding us back now, Emma... No age limit, no boyfriend's or college... Its you... and me... and I don't want any more time to pass..."

 She stepped closer and i placed my hand under her hair and pulled her in close but gently, as our lips slowly grazed against one another's. All I could hear was the beat of the rain and the beat of our hearts in sync. She lifted up her arms and I slowly lifted off her dress. I did the same and she slowly pulled off my shirt, standing on her tiptoes to reach. 

I held her close as we continued a slow embrace...

"Drew... I've wanted for this for so long..." She said against her slow and gentle kiss.

I held her cheeks and kissed her lip and then up her jaw.

"Me too... There's no more hiding Emma..." I said softly as she looked up to me.

I was almost trembling with joy as I kissed her again, slowly as she pulled me with her to the floor.

"Drew...".she groaned between kisses.

"I want you...all...of you..." She Said close to my ear.

"I want all of you too... bedroom?"

"Bring it in here... I want to hear the rain..."

I nodded and kissed her again, getting a blanket and... Protection.

When I came in, she kissed me again, pulling the blanket around us as my hands glided down her body, her breath hitched and she kissed deeper as she unzipped my jeans.

And I'm pretty sure you can guess what happened next.

The most beautiful, romantic night of my Life.

Flynn POV

Oceane sat by the window watching the rain fall against the glass. I leant against the door frame and watched her.

I don't know what to do anymore. I just feel like there is something we're missing, so simple that's it's right in front of us but it would be devious to think it.

"You good?" I asked her.
"Yeah, yeah."

"I love you." She continued
"I love you too."

Oceane POV
Poor Emma. Her life came tumbling down around her. I just hope she's safe. Drew's with her. He would never let anything happen to her. He would rather die. And that's the truth.

I got up and walked over to my room, threw on some comfortable clothes and climbed into bed. It's up to Flynn if he joins me.

Drew POV
I stretched out and realized Emma was asleep, peacefully next to me.

On the floor.

That's why my back hurts.

I got worried for a minute. 24 and back pains. Ha.

I threw on my jeans and walked over to the kitchen. The holy grail. It's where dreams and miracles happen.

I pulled out the carton of milk and had a long, nice sip. I heard Emma stir and I turned to her.
"Morning.." she said
"Morning." I walked over to her and she sat herself up, propped by her elbows.

"I'm... Sorry."

"What for?"

"We probably shouldn't have... I mean it's not that I didn't want to but..." She knocked her head back

"It's fine em. We've both wanted this for a long time... It's ok.." i smiled as I held her cheek and she nodded

She looked at my dog tag and held it in her fingers.

"Anything special?"

"Yeah. I guess. March 19th 2006. The day I really... became a man, I guess you could say."

"You must have been what, 13 ?"

I nodded.

Behind every person is a story
It's either a happy one or a sad one.

She moved her hand up my neck until she was holding my face.

I kissed her once more. It's not wrong technically. Well okay, it kind of is. But we'll be fine.

We fell against the floor once more and I supported myself with my arms; I looked at her and said "you're the best thing that's happened to me, Emma."
her hand glided across my face and said "You're the best thing that's happened to me too Drew..."

Oceane POV
I woke up quite early, the first thing that caught my attention was the text on my phone from Christian.

MESSAGE RECEIVED: there's a club event downtown tonight, there's some stuff we gotta talk about, meetme there?

MESSAGE: a club event? What if someone we know sees us?

MESSAGE RECEIVED: they won't. It's my night off. They'll be working late.

MESSAGE: Okay. What time and where?

MESSAGE RECEIVED: 21:45 outside of the off license on the far side of town. Wear something scandalous ;)

I rolled my eyes at the last part. I slowly rolled over to see if Flynn was next to me...

He was.


"Flynn..." I said.
He stirred slightly. "Yeah?" He yawned
"Read this." I handed him over my phone and he winced at the brightness.

"So, we all go and watch you too make sure your okay. From the comforts of the car that is."

"Okay." I kissed his cheek and went over to the wardrobe.

"Um, not to be a pain, but what are you going to wear?" He asked as I flicked through the hangers.

"This?" I said

"Wow... How come I've never seen that one?"

"Um, last Christmas... I bought it for then." I said sadly.

"We have your birthday next week! I'll make up for it." I nodded with a strained smile and walked into the main quarters.

Flynn POV

We weren't planning on doing much. Just preparing for tonight, I tried calling Emma and Drew but no answer.

I'm not looking forward to seeing her with him but when we had the conversation about me getting caught by Danny's men, she said that if it was her I would tell her not to do it. So why is it any different for me? Something's you gotta do you

"Where's Drew and Emma?" Oceane asked

"No idea. Neither of them are picking up. Maybe I should check at their places "

Oceane POV
"No! I mean no... because they told me they would be here in...." I looked at the clock. "2 hours!" Flynn shrugged his shoulders. I have no idea what's happened between them but if they are both not picking up...

I smiled and shook my head. "Andrew Kingston and Emma Winters..." I giggled quietly to myself as I went to the bathroom.

Drew POV
I checked my phone to see three missed calls and one text.

MESSAGE RECEIVED: if you're doing what I think your doing, Flynn was going to bust you. He was going to check in because you weren't picking up. Be here by one. I saved your ass Kingston. You owe me ;)"

"Em?" I called out to her as she was in the shower. "Come in! I can't hear you!" She called back

I smirked and went into the bathroom. I could make out her perfect silhouette through the curtain.

"Oceane texted me. Neither of us picked up our phones so Flynn was going to go to our places and check on us. Luckily Oceane stopped him we have to be at hers by one."

She turned the water off and said "yeah... That's okay. What do we do about Flynn? Towel please."
I picked one up and handed it to her outstretched hand.
"He can't really kill me can he?"
She giggled and said "no silly. "

"He can't say much. He's with your best friend and he's your brother so...."
She stepped out with the towel only covering her front. Her wet hair was plastered to her. Grabbing the back, she wrapped the towel all the way round.

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