Opened Heart

By guessitright

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Taylor Howards is nearly finishing her high school years. She expects it to be easy and simple, but her life... More

Chapter 2- The REVALATION :)
Chapter 5 - The house up in the tree... Isn't that called a tree house???
Chapter Six- Way Back
Chapter 7- Ricky... My ex and the Carnival
Chapter 8-Fights.. and Ashley
Chapter 9- I am in deep Shiz...
Chapter 10- The Tree
Chapter 11: Music Store
Chapter 12- Cookie Slayer
Chapter 13: Sleepover
Chapter 14

Chapter 4- She's Gone

138 6 2
By guessitright

"Lily what now?!?", I am now completely outraged. By this time my Mom was also crying, but not as fierce as I am now. 

"Lily she got outside. The gate was open, I was cooking, and I didn't notice her go outsid. I think she got curious and pushed it open", Mom replied in between sobs. 

I just stood there frozen, I can't move a muscle from my body. It was a mystery to me on how I can still stand still and not faint. It was like I've grown roots, I stood still only because every part of me cannot move from the spot I'm in now. 

I can't believe that the only memory of my father. GONE!!!!!. All I know is a pregnant dog is out there, all alone, in the streets, a dog shelter, another person found her and decided that she is too cute to be just wasted and be put in a dog shelter or even just report It to the cops, or worse she maybe caught and now being sold. I hope the first two, cause if that happened to her at least she has a chance that a kind hearted person found her, right?!? I think that is better than the cold hearted ones. 

My head felt dizzy, my vision blurred, I was in a pool of darkness with a small amount of light entering the place, then every thought just disappeared and everything became black the small amount of light, fading. 


A strong amount of light, was greeting me the moment I sat from my position of the bed. Wait?!?!, how in the world did I get here?!? Even though I don't know how in the world I got in my bedroom, I just let it pass. Though I didn't say I don't want an explanation how I got here!!!!! 

I felt fine now. 

Just then, just at that moment all reality came back in, really can it not give me a break. Thoughts of Lily, thoughts of my my father. All of it came back in, like a tsunami wave hitting me right in the face. ( A/N: if that really happened to someone one day, I swear it'll leave a mark. Either physically or emotionally scarring) 

The next thing I knew I was seated my knees being pressed to my chest and my hands covering my now puffy red face, really if I will audition in a play looking like this I can pass as tomato head. 

I felt a hand rest on my leftside shoulder and somebody gently called out my name, after that he put a hand on top of the hands covering my face and gently removing it from my face, instead he rested my head on his chest instead. He started stroking my hair and said......... 

"Shh.....Shh........ I'm sure we'll find her." 

I looked up, at the face of James. It was full of pity, and symphaty, a.k.a. My most hated emotions in the world.I've had enough of it when my father left us out of the blue. I gave a small shake of my head, pointed at his face, the said....... 

"I don't like seeing it" I said, stuttering a little because of me and my crying. 

"What?, you don't wanna see me. Cause I can leave if you want me to." 

Okay, it like those were painted on his face right now, it's kind of annoying.  

He was about to leave, when I grabbed his hand, stopping him. Pulled him back to my bed and re-created our position a while ago, then I said................ 

"No, I don't want you to leave. I don't wanna see pity and swympathy on your face. I already had enough of it when I when our father left us." I said, which was really hard considering I was crying like a baby and not a mature 17 year old. But on the bright side it disappeared, instead change into a genuine smile, not the you-look-funny-kind one but a truthful one and the I'm-here-for-you one. He again put my face in his chest, which is very hard and I assume he was going to the gym. I wonder if he has six packs? What the hell?!?!, why was I thinking like this, my dog is missing and the fact that, that is the only memory of my still-not-here-father. 

I cried into James' shirt, and when I pulled up. His shirt was all crumpled and a little bit damp. 

"Sorry for that" I said while pointing my finger at his shirt. 

"For what?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. Sometimes he is so clueless!!!! 

So I swayed my finger from left to right to get him too look at it, and said...... if he needed more clearing up that is...... 

"For your shirt", it's weird his shirt isn't that wet but it is enough for hm to let it feel it. 

"Nah, it's fine", he stopped talking and had his thinking face on, which consists of both his eyebrows a little bit furrowed. I know you think it's weird for me to master a person in such a short period of time. I think it's weird too. I think it's just talent, which is why my college's course has something to do with it. Finally I asked him....... 

"What are you thinking?", I asked him. 

"Something" he said eyebrows still furowed then asked me, "How did you know that I was thinking of something. 

"It's written all over you face your like an open book"  

"No, most of the time when I do that, people think I'm annoyed by them or something" 

I shrugged, "Well then it's pure talent" I managed to smile at him, even though inside was almost 99% pain from losing my dog. 

" You've just known me or reunited with me like for days not mare than a week even, but you know me so well." he said looking down at me with a smile. I gave him one back. I don't know how he managed to make me smile even though I was such a mess inside. 

Suddenly I remembered something. I smiled up at James, from ear to ear making me look like a freak. Then I said........ 

"Maybe all is not gone after all"


A/N: I thought to just stop there but realized it emwas too short. So, yeah.  

Okay, I'm gonna stop now.  

Back to the Story :) 


(11 years ago)

"Honey, can you do me a favor and go down to the basement with me?", he asked peeking through the small gap on the door. I faced him and said......... 

"But, Dad, Spongebob is starting" 

"Oh, honey, just for 10 minutes" 

"But that's already halfway through the episode" I whined. Okay don't sue me but I'm a sucker for Spongebob when I was young. I think I'm a sucker for Spongebob even now I'm 17 and I'm already turning 18 in just a few weeks. 

"Please, baby T." 

"Don't call me baby. I'm a big girl now" 

"Ohh..... My small girl is already a grown up" 

"That's right, Dad" 

My dad chuckled at me. I don't know why. 

"Okay, my darling, can we go down now?" 

I looked from the TV then to dad, the TV then to dad, I just noticed the episode is my favorite one. 

I looked at my Dad, then sighed. 

"Fine, Dad. I'm coming"  

I turned of the TV, then approached my Dad at the door, I quickly took his hand and asked....... 

"Daddy, what will you do in the basement?" 

"It's a secret" that got me all anxious, even though I dislike surprises but if it's from my parents especially dad, I was okay with it. 

When we were at the trapdoor to the basement, my father opened it and we entered the basement. It was dim inside and I can only make out very few things. See?!?!?!?, this is why I don't want going down here it is so CREEPY!!!!!!! Don't get me started on the dust and cobwebs, making it look like a hunted basement.  

My Dad better have a nice reason bringing me down here. 

I realized my Dad wasn't beside me anymore. I started to panic, what if he left me here and a clown comes out of the box!!!!!!! 

I hate clown the all look creepy because of their make up and stuff. Thankfully my I heard my dad's voice coming from the recording room. That's right folks we have our very own recording studio. Which is very COOL!!!!!!!!! 

Once I entered, I found my dad sitting on a stool holding a guitar.

"Press the record button, Taylor and I'll show you something"

" 'kay, Dad"

I sat down on the chair, in front of me are the controls or whatever they are called. Gave my dad the signal to start, then pressed the record button. ( A/N: I seriously know nothing about those :P)

You may think that I am too young to operate such technology, right? Well, yes I am, but blame dad for having so much trust with me. He taught me the basics, like the recording and what not. I don't wanna explain right now cause I am now currently listening to my father play. His lovely, sweet voice  singing the song very well and perfect. I wish my father just became a singer or whatever that has to do with something he love. Wouldn't that make him happy?


When my Dad was done........

I can't believe I just heard and seen him do that. The song was full of passion, he was so not good at this, he is great at this. I stopped the record and launched myself like a walking cannon ball to my father.

"Dad, was that for us?", I asked my dad, looking into those blue depths, that I inherited and am sure that is what made my mother fall for him.

"Yes, it was baby. Did you like it?", he said looking hopeful. Ofcourse he already knew the answer to that question. It was so obvious, just look at my face and you know it, but I still answered him to make things clearer.

"Like it?, Dad", his face turned a bit down. Oh!, I think Dad got the wrong idea, stupid me.

"Dad, are even gonna ask me that?, Ofcourse I loved it", I said smiling like a goofball. I can't believe my father composed that and wrote that himself, how sweet is my father? Then, he spoke again........ almost all traces of happiness from my face gone.

"Sweetie, I'll have another business trip this week. I also made this so that you will always remember that I am always here in your heart." he said pointing a specific place in my chest where my heart is.

"You're leaving for another business trip, Dad?"

Just saying that brought tears in my eyes. He just recently came home from another business trip last Saturday, and today was just Friday, plus the fact that I barley even talk to him during school days!!!!! Can't they give Daddy a break?!? From what it looks like. NO!!!

"Uh-huh, but I'll be back in 2 weeks" he said trying to light up my mood, which is almost impossible. The only thing to make it possible if that trip would be canceled.

"But that's too long"

"I know, that's why I'm giving this to you now", just then I saw he is handing me a CD. I was too caught up on this conversation, that I didn't see it in his hands. Yup!, that's what happens when being seperated with a close family member does to you. I took the CD from his big hands and put it in my small ones.

"Dad, come on. I'll put this up in my room and later diner we tell them about it", I faked being happy and all cheery, just for my Dad. While inside I was silently wishing this to be a dream, all parts about him leaving just made this dream turn into a nightmare.

I ran up the stairs, revealing my bedroom door. I quickly opened the door and quickly put the CD in one of the racks, got my guitar. And looked for Dad, hoping he would teach me again. This guitar thing was more than only for fun, but also this is my passion.

When I finally found Dad........

"Dad, can you continue teaching me now?"

My Dad smiled and said...........

"Come here", he said while patting the seat next to him............



I opened the door to the basement......

"James, make it fast"

I was barreling down the stairs, towards the recording studio.

"Whoah, T., you have a recording studio here?" he asked. Amusement clear in his voice.

"Yeah, come on. You can check it out all you want after were done looking for the CD" I told him, while he was still checking it out.

"What CD?" he asked still not looking at me, how rude. This place was nowhere cool to his house.

"The CD my father gave me. Come on, James"

"Okay, what does it look like"

"Just a plain CD"

"Okay, where do I start looking?"

"Umm............ maybe you can look for it at the desk over there, where the controls are" I said already getting busy................


Five minutes later


"Found it"James said.


I breathed out. I don't count on it that much because for the last five minutes he had been saying that. And all he was giving me were CD's that had 80's written on them, but I clearly said that the CD was just a plain white and doesn’t have any designs on it.

" James, is it plain white?", I have been asking that question since awhile ago, I was really getting tired from asking it, all he was giving me were CD's that had designs on them. He was giving me those for like 30 times and 15 of those  I thought  it really was the CD, my father gave me.

"Yes, T."

"Oh. My. Gosh., James where????"

"Ofcourse, here" he said in a 'duh' tone.

"No, I mean where you found it"

"ohhh......... Should've been clearer and I found them at the controls"

"James, I love you"

I felt weird saying that but, whatever!!! He found it!!!!

" I Know" he said, smirking at me all because I am acting like a goofball. I launched myself at James and getting the CD from his hands. And yes it was official, It. Was. The. One. And. Only. CD. my father gave to me!!!!!

"I owe you so much" I said my head in his chest, giving him the tightest hug I could give away.

" You don't have to owe me, if you'll just give back the oxygen you pushed out of my lungs"

"Sorry, James" I smiled sheepishly at James "But I still owe you".

"No, you don't" he said back.

"Yes, I do" I argued back.





"Whatever, T. Can I just listen to the CD?"

"Yeah, come on"

We hurried up to my room.


"Wow, your father did that?" he asked, amazement clear in his voice, like the first time I heard my father sing it to me.

"Yeah" I said smiling proudly. Proud that I am a child of one of the nicest, sweetest, caring and loving that in the world. If only he could see me now.

"Where is he?"

Immediately that question made the smile from my lips disappear.

"I Don't Know"


" I don't want to talk about it, okay?" I snapped. Whoah that shocked James, even me. That girl who said that was totally not me. 

"Fine, then" he snapped back. And that is not the James I know.

"Sorry for snapping at you, James I seriously don't know what happened"

"Yeah, sorry too"

"Anyway, wanna go back to school now?"

"You still wanna go to school?" 

"Yeah?", I said but it sounded more like a question.

"You don't wanna skip?" James asked "Cause you know if I were you, I'd bail"

"No?" I answered but it, again, sounded like a question.

I never ever skipped school, except if I ever needed to, like when I am sick and stuff. Or any other reasonable reasons.

"Have you ever tried to skip?"


"You are a bad liar" 

"I know"

"Okay, now we're gonna skip school"

"For no reason?"  

"There is a reason, you need to relax your mind from all that is been going on"

"Maybe that's a good excuse" I said still thinking.

"It's the BEST" he smirked "Now you wanna bail?"

"Where we goin'? And you do know you are being a bad influence on me, right?"

"Carnival. And I am not a bad influence"

"Yes, you are"

"Whatever, T. Ready to go to the carnival?"

"Can I just wear your sisters clothes?"

"Yeah, and you're already wearing them"

"Now, I am ready"

"Okay, I need to go get something in my house, let's say 10 minutes?"

"Yeah, sure. Why do you need to go anyways?"

"It's a surprise" he said winking at me.

"I don't like surprises just tell me what it is!"

"Never" he smiled "Just wait here"

I am so killing, James later............


-When you talk and all and like, you let something slip out, that should not to be said. That would just make me crappy, cause you just ruined the surprise yourself. That leaves me all anxious.

Okay that was just one reason, but I swear that there are more reasons under that reason.

I've waited for James in my room, still listening to the CD my father gave me. Oh wait!!! Yeah the CD don't wanna make it hot, cause maybe it will ruin the whole song. I heard a vehicle park outside the house.

OH. MY. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There stood the death machine. No, no, no, James has gt to be kidding me.

"You have got to be kidding me!!!!!!" my eyes are super wide that, I swear you could just make it a little bit wider and my whole eye will leave it's socket. Ok, so that was just plain disgusting, creepy and weird.

I was now at the door heading to James' death machine. Hoping that bicycle was not his and he just so happen to want to sit there or just playing a so-not-hilarious joke on me right now. Yeah this is all just a joke.

"James, where's your car?"

"I don't have it, cause we are riding my trusty steve" he smiled at me, while patting the seat at his back.

How can he smile at a time like this?!?, SERIOUSLY?!? 

Hundreds of people die riding that death machine.

Hundreds dies to because of the accidents these were involved or caused.

We are face by a death machine and he smiles, SERIOUSLY?!? 

Why in the world would he want that?, SERIOUSLY?!? Like his car wasn't fast enough for him.

Okay, I gotta stop with the SERIOUSLY?!?'s ( A/N: I think I use that a lot, but I'm sure it won't stop there but a lot more would come :D)

"You do know that, that this is so not a horse, right?"


"So are we going?"

"Yeah, hope on" he said, while gesturing me to sit at his back.

"But I refuse to ride that. Again, I refuse to ride that. Got it?" I said hands on my hips and one eyebrow quirked up.

"Got it, But I disagree!" 

"Why are we in court or something? and why do you disagree?"

"No we are not in court, T. and It's the only means of transportation we have right now"

"My Mom's car" I said still holding my ground.

"Really?, your mom is home?"

"You just saw her awhile ago. How could you forget?"

"Oh, yeah" he said thinking. Tottaly even he is my bestfriend, he is just a dumb moron sometimes. He then continued.........

"Besides, it is not much fun their as it is here and as the saying goes 'You Only Live Once'. Plus the fact that you still owe me" he said smirking.

"Really?!? You're gonna use YOLO against me?!? I don't like that saying. And ever heard of 'life after death' and lastly you said I don't owe you, just awhile ago. I seriously think you have short term memory loss"

"Umm........ Hello?!? Zombies. Ofcourse I've heard of them"

I just rolled my eyes at him and his childishness, who thinks that zombies exists???? 7 year olds???!!!???

"Whatever, but I am not riding that"

"Oh yes, you will. Just wait and see" he said smirking. This is freaky, but that smirk is almost identical as the ones to........


Never mind, I'm sure it's just a coincidence........ or is it???.......................

He grabbed me by the waist, seatede me at his back and...................started the engine.............

"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted and as if an insticnt, I wrapped my arms around, until I reached my other hand, over his hard abs. 

WHOAH!!!!, It's like I'm holding a rock. I rested my head on his back, it was hard yet comfortable.................................

WHAT. THE. HELL. Here I am, thinking of a guy's muscles, instead of holding on to dear life and another problem on how to stay alive.

"Feeling comfortable back there?", If I think I know James as good as I think I do. Right at this moment, he had that smug smirk plastered across his face, I just wanna punch it off of him..... if that's even possible. Since he can overpower me, in strenght, and body size. But that's just a 'MAYBE'.

"No, actually I'm holding on to dear life and thinking of how long I'll stay alive in this situation", but My voice didn't sound that clear because of the strong winds, that are surrounding us, plus my face is on top of his shirt, which smells really good.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! What in the World am I thinking?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

"Why are you melting because of my hotness?" he asked, but it sounded more like a statement. Anyway, "No, you wish"

And just then, just then, I noticed he was facing me. My eyes went wide.....\

"James, are you trying to get us killed?!?. Face the road now. I'm too young to die!!!" I commanded, but he was still facing me. My eyes got wider, I don't now how, but I think my eyes awhile ago has already reached it's maximum capasity already. How did it got much bigger?!? Okay, now is not the time to think about the wonders of life!!!! Who am I talking to?!?!?!!!!!

"If you know what you are doing, face the road now!!!!"

"Yes, mom"

Last straw, James. I smacked his head with both my hands. Remembering that at that moment we were on a bike I put mthem back as quickly as I can back to his waist, as tightly as I could. Remembering awhile ago must have been my near death already!!!!

And you know what he did after that?!?!?!?!?

He was chuckilng at me!!!!!

I glared at his back, hoping that it would burn holes through it. But unfortunately it can't, unless you are somekind of a cyborg who can do that.


SORRY FOR LATE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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