Where the Mind Wanders

By mysteriousmystery

93 8 8

Collection of Short Stories. Whenever I get an idea that isn't quite in-depth enough to become a full-fledge... More

Just Me
When the Heart Grows Cold
Time's Heretic
Grits and Video Games
[Some Random Poems]

The Chosen Death

6 0 0
By mysteriousmystery

I remember the day like it was yesterday.

Eitan had just learned how to ride a horse. He looked so majestic on the giant, elegant beast. He was so brave even though he was so far from the ground. I think the horse could feel Eitan's power for it obeyed his every command with just a tug here or there. It respected his authority, as everyone does.

After Eitan learned how to ride, he offered to take me beyond our property, into the thick mysteries of the woods. He was taller than me, even then. He knew that as long as I was in front, I would be safe and he would always protect me. Even though we're twins, he may as well be my older brother with how he was always protecting me from my fears.

I remember that during one of our rides he had hopped off the horse and offered me a bottle with a clear liquid inside.

"Here," he'd said. "This bottle contains all my courage. As long as this bottle is safe, you will be too." At the time, I believed him. Though I know now it's only water, I still keep it close to help give me a little more courage like he did that day.

Atop that tall horse, he helped show me that the forest is actually beautiful with the sun filtering through the leaves, the extensive plant life, and the lively animals. That day, the forest became my favorite place to go with my brother.

But that day wasn't yesterday. Yesterday was the day that broke my heart.

The Selection occurs on the same day every year. We all know it's coming and we dread the day. No one really knows the method the King uses to pick The Chosen One. There are some that say he pulls up the census and randomly chooses a name. There are others that say it comes to him in a dream from Trothar directly. And still, others say the King chooses those that are deserving of death either from breaking laws, not contributing to society, or because the King just wants to be rid of them.

None of those reasons justify why my brother was The Chosen One.

The chosen one to die.

The kingdom spared no expense in the farewell festivities. Even with the bold colors, the jovial music, and the decadent dishes, Eitan was the brightest thing in the room. With the number of guests in attendance and Eitan's boisterous laughter, it seemed more like the celebration that was held when he was called as Leader of The Guard than a farewell. The only sign of the bad news given earlier that day was when some of his fellow guardsmen dropped their manly guise as they embraced my brother with tears of sorrow.

In truth, it really was a celebration. The Chosen One would protect our kingdom for another year. These festivities were hosted as an opportunity to give melancholy thanks. Perhaps that's why my brother never cried. Perhaps he felt honor and duty in protecting the people as he had always done as the Leader of The Guard. He knew that with his sacrifice, our kingdom would survive another year, free from the carnage Trothar can bring.

~ ~ ~

I pull my coat closer into my chest as the mountain's cruel winds try to break through the cloth. The four of us have been walking up the mountain since daybreak.

I'm not sure why I was surprised that Eitan approached me yesterday and asked me to be part of his crew to journey up the mountain. I'm his only living relative so it makes sense, but there are so many others that have had a bigger impact on his life than I have.

Despite the impending doom, Eitan has been keeping pleasant conversations with those of his crew. As the only woman, I wasn't assigned to actually carry or push anything; Eitan said that he wanted me there as moral support and didn't want to burden me. He had even suggested that I ride in the wagon with the supplies, but I assured him I could walk at least.

The other two men that accompanied us are Eitan's two right-hand men, one of whom would be Eitan's successor as Leader of The Guard. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to get to know them much, but I can tell by the way they speak to him that they love him just like I do.

The three of them have no issues pushing the heavy cart up the steep incline of the mountain.

This cart carries a quarter of everything our kingdom has produced over the last year. It is the duty of The Chosen One to deliver these goods to the lair of Trothar, the dragon. Only after receiving our offering, would Trothar give our kingdom temporary peace. However, he is a jealous and mistrusting dragon. He only allows one to enter and that one never returns.

This is the burden that Eitan has to bear and he hasn't complained once. He's only offered comfort to anyone that has approached him with concerns. He's explained how strong, dependable, ambitious, and smart they are. He consoled them, letting them know that they would do great things with their lives. Not once has he given any indication that he's upset or scared of what's to come.

I have yet to receive this pep talk from him. He tried to give me comfort as soon as the announcement was revealed, but I explained that we would have plenty of time to talk when we were on the mountain so he could use this time to help others. He's spent the last several hours giving such profound, encouraging words to these two men that they have both reached the point where they've cried and begged him not to do this.

My own heart swells with sorrow and anger. Whatever the King's method, Eitan shouldn't have been chosen. Eitan has been one of the most loyal men since he became old enough to join The Guard. He has spent almost his whole life serving the King and the people of the kingdom. As Leader of The Guard, he raised boys into men, he built strong relationships with other kingdoms' leaders, and he even started training some of the common folk how to defend themselves if Trothar breaks our deal. He never married because he was always so busy working that he couldn't spend a moment to settle down.

Why is he The Chosen One?

The kingdom will feel such a heavy loss without his presence. I just wish there was a way that Trothar could be appeased and my brother could still make the world a better place.

We reach the top of the mountain as the sun begins to set. The wagon has been placed at the mouth of the cave and Eitan just needs to push it on his own and his task will be complete. But before he goes, there's still one more thing he needs to do.

I walk several paces from the group to get a better view of the sunset. The red, orange, and purple hues of the sun filter through the snow as the colors dance across the sky. We are above the clouds now. I can't even see the kingdom from here. All I can see is an endless blanket of clouds with the sun sinking lower behind them.

"It's breathtaking, isn't it?" Eitan asks from behind me.

I simply nod. I know the sunset is his favorite time of day. No matter where he was, he would always pause to take a moment to enjoy it, every day. Today is no exception. I know this will be the last sunset we watch together.


I turn at the sound of my name. I look into Eitan's deep brown eyes and I feel tears begin to well in my own. I've spent the last two days trying to build the courage to address him, but even as he stands there with his large stature and short-cut black hair, I still can't imagine a life without him.

"Thank you for coming here with me," he says softly, preparing to give me his encouraging words.

"Wait, Eitan," I interrupt.

My eyes break contact as I dig in my bag to find the same bottle he'd given me all those years ago. The contents have surprisingly not turned to ice, but it's still very cold as I hold it between my hands.

"You have been giving everyone else comfort so now it's your turn to receive it." I look back into his eyes and attempt a weak smile. "Everywhere you've gone, you've improved the world and those living in it. I know that people will live better lives because they've been touched by you and your kindness." I look back down at the liquid courage as the tears of anger finally spill from my eyes. This is wrong...he shouldn't be here...he doesn't deserve this...he didn't choose this... "Everyone loves you..." I look back up as my breath catches in my throat and my heart stops. "But they don't have to miss you." I get a strong grip on the neck of the bottle. "Only I'm going to miss you."

In a flash, the bottle whisks through the air as I smash it onto his head. The shattering glass echoes throughout the summit, carrying along the rocks and through the clouds.

Eitan falls unconscious into the snow.

I quickly dash behind a nearby boulder as the other two men come rushing to the source of the sound. As they tend to Eitan, I run to the wagon. I put all my weight and muscle into pushing the wood. It creaks and groans as it obeys.

Tears continue to fall down my cheeks as the sunset's brilliant colors fade into darkness.

No, the world will not miss anyone today. Eitan will continue to do what he's always done and so will I. He will bless the world with his life and I will simply sit in the darkness, letting his light shine. They will continue to love him as their memory of me fades away, dancing on the wind like snow in the sunset. 

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