From Another World

By ArcaneFury

103K 3.1K 484

SLOW UPDATES. I'M SORRY. You live, and you die; it's as simple as that, right? Then why did I find myself liv... More

1. Reborn
2. Realization
3. Heirs
4. Involved
5. Chrome
6. Mukuro
7. Clouds
8. Vacation
9. Secrets
10. Alone
11. Future
12. Strength
13. Preparations
14. Battles
16. Intermission
17. Breather
18. Truth
20. Stronger
20.5 - Kyoya
21. All This Preparation...
22. Truth and Decisions
23. Choice Finally Begins
24. A Bright Smile Within the Dark
25. No Rest for the Wicked
26. Final Future Battle (part 1)
27. Final Future Battle (part 2)
28. First Date?
29. A New Chapter, Maybe
30. Making Friends
31. Business Meetings
32. The Ceremony
33. Cool Upgrades
34. Pursuit
An unexpected hiatus...
35. Slowly Fading Away
36. Deep Pain
37. Being Protected By...?
38. Protect Those Dear to You
A/N: Life Update
39. A Show of Their Pride
40. The Pain of Forgetting
Thank You For 100k Reads!!!

15. Switched

2.4K 70 2
By ArcaneFury

I blanch, seeing that I wasn't replaced at the time and place I was told. I sat beside the unconscious Yamamoto and spotted Hibari on top of a pile of rubble, visibly annoyed. I also spot the mist swordsman, Genkishi standing in front of him. Hibari yawned and stood up, Hibird flying onto his finger. I quickly look down and see a belt with a gun and a sword attached I grab it and silently escape as Hibari and Genkishi start fighting.

I slipped through a hidden door in the room and ran to the time travel research room. It was dark, but when I stepped in, a hologram activated and Shoichi appeared. I quickly attach the belt onto my waist, spotting a small bag and box weapon attached. I look into the small bag and see the two rings that were mentioned in the papers. I glance at them to see that they have the Vongola and Cavallone crests on them before slipping them onto my fingers.

"Hi, Satsuki-chan." Hologram Shoichi said, nodding while staring straight ahead. "I apologize if there were any complications in your arrival here in the future."

I scoff. "You have no idea."

He continued. "Your only mission here is to light up the rings that future Satsuki left. That is all I need you to do for you to finish your side of training."

"That's it? I came all the way here for this? I'm not even sure if I'm strong enough to help you guys in battle." I groan quietly.

Holo-Shoichi paused, probably listening to someone from the background talk. "So future Satsuki told me to tell you this: 'You're stronger than you think.'"

I blink and look down at the rings on my fingers. They fit perfectly and were warm as well. I look down at my belt to see the purple-blue box hanging from a chain and wondered for a second what was in it. I didn't see anything about having a box weapon, but I guess in this time, it would be logical that I would have one as well.

"You should know how to light them up."

I have been going back and forth with deciding whether or not I should interfere with the set time line everyone has been going through but recently, I noticed that everything still goes the way it's supposed to, even with my interference. I don't give a damn about the storyline anymore, if I live in this story, then I should create my own destiny and not flow with it. To hell with canon, if I'm involved, then I'm involved.

I sigh and close my eyes, concentrating. I try to imagine energy flowing through my body. Back and forth, around my torso, arms and legs and I direct that energy to my fingers. Then, I think of my determination, my reason for fighting. I know that it's similar to Tsuna's. My friends' faces flashed through my head and I imagined the battle to come.

I want to protect everyone. With my own power.

I felt huge blast of warm air and opened my eyes. Two flames, one blue on the Vongola ring and a purple flame on the Cavallone ring. I stare at the flames, watching them dance on the rings and look up at Holo-Shoichi. After a few more seconds of silence, he continued.

"I'm sure you have noticed the box weapon on the belt the Satsuki of this time left you. She said to use it when you think the time is right..." He paused, probably listening to future me talk. "'It can be now, or it can be later. Silvine is sassy but Koko is kind.'"

I raise my eyebrows and look down at the box weapon once more, curious. Before I could open it up, Holo-Shoichi continued talking. I sigh and let it hang from its chain, listening.

"To not raise any suspicion, please walk into the containment unit and say 'ready' once you're in a comfortable position. I will activate the screen here and you will be able to watch the battle from the sidelines."

I huff and follow his orders, sliding down to the floor and crossing my legs. "Ready."

The system beeped at my voice command and Shoichi nodded. "You will watch the battle until a certain point, I'm sure you'll know when. After the battle is done - and I apologize in advance for this; I got permission from your future self - a sleeping gas will be pumped into the container and you will fall unconscious and wake up with the others in the unit with you." I glare and huff. "I think that's it... good luck."


I yawn, seeing Spanner throw the completed contacts at Tsuna. An explosion appeared on-screen but Tsuna emerged, unscathed.

"If you want to sleep, it's too early, Spanner. I will now show you the beautiful and completed X Burner!"

Ginger Bread took the initiative to attack Tsuna before he could do anything but Tsuna dodged, testing the lenses. He flew around, dodging the blasts and muttered to himself.

"Operation X..." A huge orange flame exploded from his right hand aiming at the area behind him.

"Ginger! Iris! Can you hear me?!" Shoichi called from the communication device Iris was wearing. "Taking him from the front will be dangerous!! Dodge! Dodge now!!"

Iris smirked. "Muscles! Combine!!"

Stupidly, the muscle men combined into one gross entity, muscles bulging. Tsuna charged the huge flame he was going to release on his left hand and released it. The camera died right then and there and I whistled lowly, impressed.

The camera switched to Shoichi and the Cervello, who stood there in shock. A second later, Tsuna's voice came on the speaker, coming through Iris' communication device.

"Is this Irie Shoichi? I know it was you who sent us to this era."

Shoichi exclaimed, putting on a good show of his shock. "Sawada Tsunayoshi?!"

Tsuna's flames flared. "Where is it?! Where is the research lab and the round machine?!"

I look around for a second, finally spotting the round machine behind the screen, wondering why I didn't see it before. It shone brightly and I could almost feel a sort of pulse come from within.

Tsuna had crushed the communication device, leaving Shoichi in a buzzing static. I watched as they started to worry.

"I think their objective is Irie-sama's research lab; the purpose of their infiltration is probably to destroy the research room."

Shoichi clenched his teeth, scowling. "That's why Hibari made his way straight to the research room... but why would they say that I was the cause of their time travel?"

"Irie-sama," the Cervello suggested. "If we defeat the Vongola, we will know the truth, just give the order."

The camera switched to Hibari and Genkishi's battle. I sat up a bit, leaning forward and watching as Hibari was confused at the box weapon Genkishi was holding in his hand. Satisfied that Hibari had no knowledge on how to fight in this era, Genkishi opened the box and hundreds of missiles appeared out of thin air, their noses pointed at Cloud guardian. They disappeared as quickly as they appeared and I clenched my hands, utterly worried. The stoic expression Hibari always wore quickly slipped into panic as the sounds of the invisible missiles flew to him. His eyes widened and the explosion filled the screen.

Through the dust, I could make out bits of Gokudera's Sistema C.A.I. shield. Kusakabe appeared through the hold in the wall, holding up Gokudera and Ryohei who were heavily injured; on his back were Lambo and I-Pin. Chrome walked up next to Kusakabe, clutching her trident, Mukurowl flying right above her.

"Kyo-san!!" Kusakabe yelled, stopping himself when he realized that it was the younger Hibari standing in the middle of the battle field. Gokudera decided then to give in to the pain and his legs buckled underneath him, bringing Kusakabe along for the ride down.

Hibari frowned. "Kusakabe Tetsuya... for grouping, you are hereby fired from the Disciplinary Committee."

I sputter into my hand, laughing but trying my best to keep my laughs as quiet as I can. Hibari can be so funny at times without even batting an eyelash. Shaking with remaining giggles, I turn my attention back to the screen with Kusakabe telling Hibari how to use the box weapons. Hibari held his fist up and lit the ring. I watch in fascination as the flames flared and danced.

The purple flames surrounded Hibari and I was once again caught in the same trance while looking at his face from when we were alone in the Committee office, just about an hour ago. I suddenly wondered what this feeling was but my attention was snatched by another huge explosion of Cloud flames as Hibari's... resolve, increased.

"Just like what the Bucking Bronco said; to increase the flame of the ring is..." I prepared myself this time, my hand already over my mouth. "To be pissed off."

I couldn't help it, I bursted out laughing, my laughter echoing around the empty room. I quickly silenced myself, half expecting Byakuran to show up on screen, wondering what all the noise was about. Luckily, nothing happened and I grin, continuing to watch the battle. This part was always funny to me because of how true it was. Resolve and anger were one in the same for Hibari; no anger from him equals no resolve to fight.

Hibari picked the box weapon up from the ground and jammed the intense flame into it. My hands were at my cheeks as I cooed at Roll, drunk on flames. Roll was perfect for Hibari, who loves small animals. He smiled a little and kneeled, holding his hand out. Roll perked up at the sight of its owner and stood up but its spikes ended up piercing into Hibari's hand.

Hibari didn't flinch and watched the blood drip down. Roll was frozen for a few moments before it started to tremble and cry; the shock of injuring Hibari and the amount of flames inserted caused its propagation speed to intensify. I watched as the camera got destroyed and it flickered back to Shoichi who tried to move the location of the research lab, but it was no use. Too many blocks surrounding the lab were destroyed by Tsuna and his guardians. Shoichi clicked his tongue and lit his ring up, manipulating the boxes that everyone was in, trying to trap them.

Hibari simple coated his tonfa's with his Cloud flame, creating a sort of armor for the weapon and swung it at the wall. The camera died and switched to Tsuna flying through the big halls as they became cornered. I heard the door beep and my heart pounded as I flop down onto the ground, acting like I was unconscious with my back turned to them.

It was Byakuran's henchmen, bringing everyone into the container. I closed my eyes and tried to slow my breathing.

"Hey, who the hell is this?" One of them asked, opening the container and dumping someone inside. "I didn't hear anything about picking this one up."

"Who cares," another one grumbled. "I just want this to be over with so we can leave. The Vongola is making a mess of the whole base, I don't want to be here when it explodes."

"You're right," they finished bringing everyone in. "Let's go; our job is done."

After the guards placed everyone into the container, I listened for any other indication of someone in the room. No sounds reached my ears and I slowly opened my eyes, swing everyone lay unconscious around me. Gokudera's face was screwed up in pain, even while unconscious. I search my belt for any medical supplies and come up with gauze and ointment. I smile and get to work, doing my best to cover his wounds. Yamamoto was already patched up and I assumed that it was my future-self since I had arrived in this era right beside him.

I turn to Hibari, bringing a hand up to brush the hair off his face and took a moment to marvel at how soft his hair was. I suddenly had the urge to bury my face in his hair but restrained myself; that would just be too weird. But I imagined Hibari smelling like the sun.

I watch as Tsuna blasted through each other defenses that Shoichi laid out for him, He sent a wave of missiles in Tsuna's direction but Spanner shot them all down with a cannon he had stored in his backpack. Shoichi was probably seething in false anger and irritation but he pushed Tsuna to the last line of his defense; Genkishi.

I wasn't worried at all. Mostly. Tsuna wouldn't come out of this battle unscathed, but he will be the victor. Genkishi was still feeling mildly... mildly guilty about betraying Yuni, even though she saw through his heart the whole time he was a spy. Tsuna's unwavering gaze didn't help Genkishi and the swordsman kept on getting distracted.

Tsuna was preparing to fire the X Burner but Genkishi attacked before Tsuna could completely charge the flames, knocking him back. Genkishi continued his onslaught of attacks but Tsuna flew away and Genkishi slashed through him. Tsuna's body blurred and disappeared, simply being a hologram. Genkishi looked behind him to see Tsuna once again charging up his flames for the X Burner and flew to intercept it. Tsuna fired but the temperature was too low, the attack too weak and the swordsman cut through the flame. Tsuna gritted his teeth and took the attack head on, his hands taking on the pose of Zero Point Breakthrough: Custom, absorbing the flames of Genkishi's armor, leaving the swordsman exhausted. Tsuna, on the other hand, replenished his flames, turning Genkishi's Mist flames into his own Sky flames.

The next few seconds were a blur, Tsuna's speed was back and he was using it to his advantage, not giving Genkishi any time to recover. But Genkishi was distracted by Tsuna's expression that was oh so similar to someone else he knew. Genkishi had a ring that emitted dark energy and I frowned, not enjoying Genkishi turn into a skeleton in dark armor, his mind taken over by the hell ring he had with him.

Now that I'm looking at him... He looks like what I imagine Lord Vile from the Skulduggery Pleasant series to look like. Cool.

I hear a faint hissing sound and look around to see smoke emerge from the corners of the container.

"Awh hell."

I awoke a few minutes later with the others, suddenly wondering why they put me to sleep when I would just be woken up after a few minutes. I scowl; it was probably my future-self's sick way of messing with me... although it really is something I would do.

I catch Shoichi's eyes and glare. The glare turned into a smirk when I saw him pause a bit in his rant about the Tri Ni Sette. He avoided my gaze the rest of the time and cleared his throat when he was done.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi, hand over the Sky Ring. If not, we will poison your guardians."

"We're not done talking yet, Irie," Reborn ordered. "There's one thing that I can't agree on."

"We're not negotiating," the Cervello held up guns to threaten Tsuna, the remote controlling the container in one of their hands.

Shoichi had turned away, walking back to stand behind the Cervello. Everyone in the container started shouting at Tsuna to attack the Cervello as they were counting down, but Tsuna was burnt out of his dying will mode and a bumbling mess at the confrontation.

After one, a gunshot sounded and the two Cervello collapsed, unconscious.

"Don't think badly of me," Shoichi muttered, holding a smoking gun. "It'll just make you a little sleepy."

Gasps of surprise and confusion carried around the room. Shoichi sighed in relief, unzipping his White Spell uniform top and throwing it on the ground. "It's hot... I'm all worn out... I thought it'd be fun to be the bad guy for once... Sawada Tsunayoshi, Fujimiya Satsuki and everyone from the family... ah, I'm so nervous, my knees aren't working..." He sat on the ground, thoroughly worn out and exhausted. "You all did well to get this far. I was waiting for you. I'm your ally."


Annddd here's another (kind of) late update! It's still Saturday where I'm at, so I'm basically on time. Came back from vacation on Sunday and rested. I wrote a lot during the time I was on vacation~ But my schedule of a chapter bi-weekly (aka every other week) will continue!

Thank you all for patiently waiting. And a HUGE thank you to everyone that is voting on the chapters, commenting, and adding this story to your reading lists. I never thought that this story would get the love that it is currently getting, but I guess that KHR reincarnation fics are really famous in the Wattpad community. Thank you all so much.

Until next time!

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