By mamafiji_

49.8K 2.4K 315

Sequel to Crazy in Love More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 4

2.7K 134 17
By mamafiji_

•Moe POV•

"Monaeeee" My co-worker/friend Loriel happily spoke

"Not right now Lori" I tightened my hands on the trashcan puking

"What's wrong?" She asked holding my hair

"I-I think I'm pregnant"

"PREGNANT" Lori exclaimed loudly

"Shut the hell up"

"Sorry sorry" She apologized "Have you taken a test?"

"I have one but it's at home" I straightened myself walking to the sink to wash my hands

"How long has this been going on?"

"Like four weeks" I answered while wiping my hands on a paper towel

"Have you gotten your period?"

"No" I mumbled

"And you haven't token a test? Are you crazy" She dramatically tossed her hands up

"What if I'm not pregnant and its food poisoning or something I've eaten?" I made up an excuse.

I know I have pregnancy symptoms but I'm honestly scared for the results. I chickened out two days when I was going to take one at home.

"I have a test in my purse. You want it?"

"Why are you carrying around.... never mind. Give it to me" 

"I'll meet you in the restroom in ten minutes tops" Lori excitedly rushed out the break-room


"This is just wrong man"

"Stop being a baby"

"You aren't the one with piss on your hand!" I exclaimed while buckling my belt

"I have two kids. It's pee on me everyday"

I came out the stall sitting the test on the sink. I washed my hands until it was damn near red.

"How long does this take? It's been almost two minutes"

"Check and see"

I closed my eyes picking the rest up. Slowly opening my right eye I read the box


I admittedly opened my other to classify I wasn't seeing things

"Well what does it say"

Before I could tell Lori the news my co-worker who would get popped if I was seventeen again strolled in. Amanda and I have the same job: database administrators. I've heard from Loriel that one of us could be getting a raise. I've been working for Centorus for three years and her ten so of course we're in competition.

I would beat the living shit out of her but I'm not Detroit Moe anymore. I'm Monae unless you provoke me. Then that's another story.

"Good Afternoon ladies"

"How's your day been Amanda?" Lori questioned sliding the test into my pocket

"It's been amazing" Amanda's eyes roamed on me "Nice to see you today Monae"

"You too" I forced a smile "I'm going to call Jelani before break is over"

"Can I have your yogurt? Bailey ate mines this morning"

"Sure Lori"

I stepped outside the building making sure no one was coming before dialing Jelani number. It's going on 1:30 so she should be on break

Jelani💍👰🏽: Hello

: ......

Jelani💍👰🏽: Did you butt dial me again

: Ummmm no

Jelani💍👰🏽: Then why aren't you saying anything

: You think you could meet me at work

Jelani💍👰🏽: I can but it'll take a minute. I'm in line waiting for my food

:Okay I'm in the front waiting

Jelani 💍👰🏽: Alright love you

: Love you too

I looked at my home screen smiling. I know Lani is going to be ecstatic. A couple of minutes went by until she arrived.

"I got you a chocolate milk shake with two cherries instead of one"

"Thank you" I sat the drink in a cup holder

"Is there something you want to discuss. The call sounded urgent"

Words wouldn't form in mouth despite how hard I tried to speak. I took the test from my pocket sitting in her lap

"Oh my god! Oh my god! We're having a baby" Jelani cheered with tears streaming down her face "When did you take this?"

"Twenty minutes ago" I sniffed

I've been crying over the littlest stuff lately. I cried while watching Rampage and yesterday when Jelani ate my Lucky Charms and she won't buy me another fucking box. How is she going to eat my food without replacing it?

"I have to call mama and Bri and Kenzie"

"We aren't telling anyone yet" I took the phone from her. She frowned crossing her arms

"And why not?"

"I want it to be a surprise. Wait until I'm showing or when I have an ultrasound appointment" I insisted

"I like that" She kissed me all over my face "I can't wait for your little baby bump to come in"

"Hopefully I don't get big to the point where we'll be sharing clothes"

"Ever heard of maternity clothes?"

"I'm not wearing that ugly shit"

"Your eating habits prove differently"

Wow I can't believe she's body shaking me. This is a low blow even for her

"My break is over so I'll you later" I pecked her getting out the car with my milkshake. When she was around the corner I walked back into the building

Baby William is on the way! :) I'm so excited. #Teamgirl

I chuckled reading the purple sticky note on my computer. Can't help but have love for Lori

"Oh there you are. I've been looking for you" Amanda stepped into my office

"May I help you?" I sat the note in my middle draw

"Not to sound noisy but I saw you and your wife Jasmine ha-

"Jelani" I corrected her

"Are you and Jelani having marriage problems? You two were crying in her car"

"We good" I plainly said wishing she would leave already

"That's good tell the Mrs I said hello" She turned around "Oh and congratulations on the baby"

My eyes widened as a smirk grew on her face. I picked up the phone telling Thomas to send Lori to my office

"Why the fuck did you tell Amanda" I snapped at her

"I didn't tell Amanda anything. What are you even talking about?"

"She knows about me being pregnant. You the only one that knows Lori"

"Why would I tell Amanda your business Monae. Do you hear yourself right now" She replied angrily

"Then how she find out? I have the test- fuck" I shouted running my hands over my face

"What is it?"

"Amanda saw me and Lan talking. I gave her the test"

"If she tells anyone I'll get my baby daddy to ruff her up. Maybe even slap the bitch"

"No I don't want you to get fired. I'll figure it out"

"You know where I'm at if you change your mind"

I sat in my desk chair in deep thoughts. If anything Amanda will tell Mr.Raymond which means I have to beat her to it.

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