Reborn (Apollo x OC)

By lavishlife

222K 6.2K 1.6K

The oracle gripped her hair and slowly tore it open through its tangles. Her clouded eyes met Zeus's lighteni... More

Introduction and Characters
Chapter 2 "Glaciers."
Chapter 3 "The Titaness."
Chapter 4 "The Girl."
Chapter 5 "The Gods."
Chapter 6 "A Name..."
Chapter 7 "Preservation"
Chapter 8 "Blood and War."
Chapter 9 "The Sun see's all."
Chapter 10 "Plotting."
Chapter 11 "Seducing The God of War."
Chapter 12 "Love."
Chapter 13 "Camp what?!"
Chapter 14 "Punishment."
Chapter 15 "Titaness to Demi-Goddess"
Chapter 16 "Godly Errands"
Chapter 17 "The Gift"
Chapter 18 "Silver Arrow"
Chapter 19 "Rose Chariot"
Chapter 20 "An Ancient Love"
Chapter 21 "A Promise"
Chapter 22 "God of Whining"
Chapter 23 "Change of Plans"
Chapter 24 "A Terrible Promise."
Chapter 25 "Unresolved Feelings"
Chapter 26 "Prying Eyes"
Chapter 27 "forced into confession"
Chapter 28 "Golden Eyes, Frozen Tears."
Chapter 29 "The Imposter"
Chapter 30 "A Warm Touch"
I'm here?

Chapter 1 "Islands of Ice."

17.9K 414 167
By lavishlife

December 8th, 2015.

"What is this all about Apollon?" Zeus voice boomed with a tinge of irritation. Stood before him was the youthful looking god, a proud grin plastered on his face. It wasn't unusual for Apollo to present his father with new prophecies from his oracles, to Zeus it can even come across as irritating. However, Zeus didn't know just how substantial this prophecy would be.

"Father, I come bearing a new prophecy." Spoke Apollo, his head held high with admiration, not for his father but for himself.

"I assumed... and?" Zeus spoke with boredom, his mind assuming it was another prophecy about something minor.

Apollo nodded and stepped aside, allowing a young ratty looking girl to shuffle around him presenting herself to the god of lightening who sat prominently on a throne. She was extremely skinny with a dirty white gown wrapped around her trembling body, her long ratty blonde hair lay across her face covering her features.

The oracle gripped her hair and slowly tore it open through its tangles. Her clouded eyes met Zeus's lightening blue ones. She spoke In a rattled voice, "I've foreseen a future with the coming of not a god, but a new Titan hidden from the mortal and god's eyes. Preserved since the beginning, older than time. The Titan resides unawakened In a floating island of ice, touching the surface of the ocean. A frozen cavern of turns and daggers." Her voice carried through the room, slowly meeting Zeus.

Zeus sat at his throne unbothered but thinking. He raked through his mind if the prophecy was even possible. Of course it was worth considering, but he still felt doubt over such a bold statement, a bold prophecy.

Zeus sighed, annoyed by the vagueness of the oracle. One of the many things that irritated Zeus was vagueness. He didn't understand why Oracles couldn't just be straight forward and speak their truth without any riddles. "Is this being awakened yet?" Asked Zeus.

The oracle didn't speak, she simply stood still unmoving. Apollo swallowed hard and stepped forward, ready to answer his father. "Father, the oracle speaks in a way that implies the being hasn't woken yet." He explained, his eyes searching his father's for a sign of reassurance.

"But I assume it's close to awakening." Added Zeus.

Zeus took a deep sigh, unable to come up with a conclusion as to wether the oracle spoke truths or riddled words with different meanings. Zeus honestly couldn't be bothered, a large part of him rejected the idea of a new unawakened Titan still around, a Titan of his father's generation to say the least.

"It sounds like an issue for Poseidon." Groaned Zeus. He wasn't wrong, the oracle spoke of the island touching the surface of the ocean. That's Poseidon's business then. Until it's proven that there's an actual Titan, Zeus won't be concerned. He'll be aware but unbothered.

Apollo frowned and stepped forward once more, "This is a situation of great magnitude, father. We can't just shrug it off-this is a Titan we're speaking of-" Apollo cried but was interrupted by Zeus's fist slamming on the arm rest of his throne shaking the court with fury.

"I'm in no mood to deal with your antics Apollon!" Zeus boomed, "I will take care of it as needed when the time comes."

Apollo squeezed his lips into a thin line to keep anymore words of defiance from slipping out. He watched his father with bottled up anger, feeling unappreciated for his great assistance.

He didn't bother saying goodbye or dismiss himself from his father, he simply walked away not speaking a word. Zeus narrowed his eyes at his son, slightly irritated that his own son didn't treat him, the god of lightening, with more respect. But Zeus didn't bother pointing this out, too exhausted to express anymore anger. besides, he's likely to express substantial amounts of anger with his brother Poseidon about the whole matter.

Zeus let's out a final deep sigh and begins to summon his brother Poseidon.

Poseidon sat comfortably on his sail boat amongst mortal friends, his leg was propped up on the edge of the boat with a fishing pole in his hand and beer in the other. The sky was clear and the waves were soft, Poseidon was at his calmest and so was the ocean.

He took a deep breath, breathing in the salty clean air. However, his calmness wouldn't last as in an unnatural amount of time the once clear sky was enveloped with thick clouds. They quickly rolled in sending Poseidon into a fit of annoyance and the other mortal sailors in confusion.

"What in the hell-!?" One of the fishermen groaned, the other stood up and look towards the odd phenomenon before them. Poseidon on the other hand knew what this entailed. As his calmness fleeted the waves started rippling. The sky darkened and then a In a split second the sky illuminated with a flash of blue. A flash of lightening. As Poseidon stalled the strikes grew closer and louder.

The fishermen scurried, shoving their fishing poles in their compartments and folding their chairs, after all, its dangerous to stay on the ocean when lightning strikes. "We need to get out of here, Adam-" the fisherman started yelling, and called for Poseidon's alias but was shocked to find him nowhere to be found. "Adam?"

Then Poseidon was standing before Zeus, In full Olympian armor as if he never even left in the first place. His muscular arms were folded across his chest and he looked up at Zeus in irritation. Zeus glared at his brother, "You took your time." He said through gritted teeth.

I would've not come at all if you didn't scare all the damn fish with the scene you caused, thought Poseidon. But he kept it to himself, his brothers rage wasn't worth the insult. "What is it?" Huffed Poseidon,

If any other god treated Zeus with such disrespect and disregard he would've struck them right then and there, but this attitude wasn't unfamiliar from Poseidon. He dismissed it as his brothers antics.

"We've received a new prophecy, from one of Apollo's oracle's." Explained Zeus. With a wave of his hand, a rift appeared displaying a vision. A vision of the past. Poseidon stepped towards the rift and watched the image inside. It showed the oracle presenting the riddle word for word, and Apollo elaborating.

Unlike Zeus, Poseidon was taken aback by the prophecy. His widened eyes met Zeus's bored ones. "A Titan?!" He exclaimed.

"Supposedly, unless it's so deeply riddled that it means something else." Zeus waves his hand off, bored by the idea; tired of explaining himself.

Poseidon was bothered by his brothers disinterest. He saw the situation as catastrophic. A Titan could destroy everything, it was a high level threat to the world and Olympus. Kronos was sliced to bits and prevented from corrupting the earth. A sibling of Kronos couldn't equate to anything peaceful.

"And you plan on shoving something of this magnitude into my hands, brother?" Poseidon said with anger, his fists clenched at his sides. At this point the waves were gigantic. It would be surprising if those fishermen were still on board let alone alive.

"The oracle said it resides on an island of ice touching the ocean. For all we know it's not actually an island. All I ask I that you keep tabs and look out for this island." Elaborated Zeus.

Poseidon laughed to himself, highly angered and annoyed by his brother. "How do you expect me to find an island of ice?!" Grumbled Poseidon.

"You're the god of the sea, you should know what touches your waves and shores!" Zeus yelled, shaking the court. Poseidon glared at Zeus, his eyes filled with spite.

Before Poseidon could argue a soft feminine voice spoke from the entrance of the throne a room. "An island of Ice? You mean an Ice burg?" The woman's voice spoke.

Zeus and Poseidon's eyes met the woman standing in the doorway, Athena. She strode across the court towards the two angered men. Zeus's face softened as he realized just how helpful she'd be in solving this riddle.

"Athena-" started Poseidon, but she raised her hand interrupting him.

"Everyone could feel Zeus's rage, it causes Olympus to quake. Apollo told us what happened, I came offering my guidance." Explained Athena,

"You believe this island is an ice burg?" Asked Poseidon.

Athena nodded in response, "it would make sense. An island of ice floating on the ocean, an unawakened god preserved in ice."

Both the male gods agreed that it made sense, but the problem that stood before them was what they would do to solve or contain this problem... if it even existed.

"How do we know this riddle it accurate. What if it means something else?" Asked Zeus.

"We don't. But looking and containing whatever this might be won't hurt." Athena clasped her hands together firmly, her intelligent eyes watching Zeus's with assurance.

"Very well. I'll keep tabs on these 'ice burgs', and have the sea nymphs scan for any disruptions." Sighed Poseidon. He obviously didn't feel comfortable being put in charge of finding this thing, this mysterious possibly terrifying thing.

"If this does happen to be a Titan... like the oracle foreseen, what is our next step?" Asked Athena, her voice holding uneasiness. She too was afraid of what might happen if this being truly exists and what they might do to existence itself.

"It depends on how dangerous this thing might be, if it's another Kronos then we can't hesitate to destroy it." Zeus muttered.

Well, that's that. I hope you enjoyed it. Leave a comment, vote, and follow if you have any ideas of critiques. Or if you're all about sharing your kindness.
I truly hope I accurately portrayed everything, things will definitely start getting more serious as the chapters go on.

Thanks again! <3

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