The Secret Life of Elijah Mik...

By heythereelejah

248K 3.1K 1.4K

A collection of unrelated, sinfully delicious one-shots featuring Elijah Mikaelson of The Originals. Warning:... More

Frisk Me, Officer - Soulmate AU
Sex Marks the Spot
Can You Hear Me Now? Good.
Netflix and Spill
Birthday Cake
Oh, Honey
Working Up A Sweat
Darling Brother
Patience is a Virtue
Oh, Baby. // [part one]
The Red Room* // Elijah x Reader 18+
The Red Room - Pt 2* / Elijah x Reader x Kol & Klaus
Under Covers* / Elijah x Reader
Professor Mikaelson* / Elijah x Reader
Something's Missing* | Elijah x Reader x Katherine

Oh, Baby. // [part two]

9.3K 153 88
By heythereelejah

Prompt: From tumblr, courtesy of the lovely @evyiione -

When the noble Original gave his word, he never broke the promises he made.

But when he gave his heart, he never thought she would be the one to break it.

[part two]

"How could you leave me after the
night we spent together?" Elijah's voice was barely a whisper, the anger mixing with sorrow inside his chest to form the perfect storm of heartbreak.

Y/N had no words for him, no answers to his desperate question that would satisfy him, so she said nothing. She turned her body away from him in one last attempt to stay strong.

"Do you know how devastated I was when you left?" His eyes were filled with tears that he would not permit himself to shed.

But when she reminded herself of the way things played out the day she left, the flames in her heart roared angrily back to life.

"It's not like you were devastated alone," she countered, spinning around to face him.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He was trying his best to keep calm, knowing his daughter was likely asleep upstairs, but his emotions were getting the best of him.

She straightened her spine, as she prepared herself to tell him everything.

"When you left for work the next morning, you forgot your wallet on my nightstand. I brought it by your apartment on my way to work, and Hayley answered the door."

He stared at her, unblinking, as he processed her words.


"And? And?! Why was your ex at your place, mere hours after we made love for the first time?"

"I don't know! It was more than four years ago, Y/N! But I can assure you it was nothing nefarious. You were the only woman who has ever meant anything to me, and I would have never thrown away a chance with you for that tawdry woman."

"Hayley told me that you two were back on. She said you were in the shower and that she was getting ready to join you, Elijah! What was I supposed to think?"

His mouth dropped in shock, before a look of realization crossed his face.

"Her shower had broken. She asked if she could use mine since she lived just across the hall. I never thought.." his eyes were filled with regret.

He took a moment, swallowing hard, before he shook his head, his jaw tightening again.

"But you could have just asked me! Did I not deserve that?"

She allowed her heart to soften just a little, and all the hurt and pain she had been suppressing for more than four years rose to the surface, tearing her apart from the inside.

"Oh, I tried to ask, Elijah! One night, about three weeks after that, I realized I was pregnant. After a lot of soul searching, I decided you had the right to know, so I came back to New Orleans to look for you."

His eyes widened, listening with rapt attention.

"Kol told me I'd find you at Rousseau's, and he was right - you were there with a pretty blonde woman. I was too afraid to approach you, so I called your phone first."

Tears pricked at her eyes as she replayed the painful memory.

Elijah knocked back the amber liquid, which coated his tongue and throat with a fire that was not entirely unpleasant.

"Hit me again," he told Cami, who sighed as she refilled his whiskey glass.

"Drinking won't bring Y/N back, Elijah," she warned him, but he ignored her. He drank it quickly and asked for another, before she was forced to cut him off for the third time that week.

"I'll just finish closing out the register, and then I'll drive you home.. again," she told him, pocketing his car keys.

His phone began to buzz, the sound of the vibration against the wood of the bar reminding him of a honeybee. A honeybee.. like the one on Y/N's necklace, which had rested against her collarbone after they'd pledged their love to one another.

God, he missed her so much.

The buzzing became irritating, bringing back the memories he was specifically drinking to ignore, so he swiped at his phone to make it stop. He hadn't realized he had answered it.

"Elijah, it's going to be alright," Cami said when she caught the expression on his face, as she placed a hand over his on the bar.

But he didn't see Cami. He saw his beloved Y/N, with her honeybee necklace and swollen lips. Her hair tousled gently against her pillow, her eyes filled with love, only for him.

"You're so beautiful, you know that? I am so in love with you."

Cami knew it was the whiskey talking and ignored him, but Y/N didn't.

She had heard him tell another woman he loved her through the phone, when she was calling to tell him she was pregnant with his baby.

"And that, as they say, was that," she shrugged, the sobs hiding at the back of her throat where she prayed they'd stay. "You had clearly regretted our night together, and moved on.. with Hayley first, and then some cute blonde bartender. I wasn't about to come in and wreck your life with a child you resented, just because you accidentally knocked up her mother."

He shook his head.

"Regret? You think I regret what happened between us? I replay that night with you in my mind hundreds of times a day. It was the best fucking night of my life, and it just became a million times better, because I found out we made a baby that night. A baby Y/N! You and me." He sniffled, his hand coming up to cover his mouth as a tear finally escaped, glistening as it ran down his cheek.

"I have never moved on from you, and despite your betrayal, it's unlikely that I ever will," he said quietly, his eyes not meeting hers.

"Betrayal? I did what I thought I had to do, for you and our daughter."

He shook his head, finally meeting her gaze. "You know that I treasure my family above everything," he scolded. "How could I feel any less about my own child?"

She'd had her doubts over the years, wondering if running away and hiding Ava from Elijah was truly the best thing for everyone, and not just a way to punish him for breaking her heart.

But it was in that moment that she realized what a horrible mistake she had made. She reached out to him, to comfort him, to apologize.. but he pulled away.

"You know, I don't even know where you live," he said quietly, more to himself than to her.

"I live in Chicago," she answered quietly. "We live in Chicago."

She didn't offer any more, and he didn't ask.

"I'd like to meet my daughter," he whispered, unsure where to even start.

She nodded. "We are here until the end of next week, visiting my parents. My parents will be out all day tomorrow, but you could come over.."

"I'd like that," he said quickly, with a curt nod. "How about noon?"

"Noon would be fine."

"I'll see you then," he said, opening the front door and letting himself out. She hadn't noticed that it had begun to rain at some point during the evening.

She sat back in the armchair, unable to get comfortable, feeling a sense of foreboding as she imagined what tomorrow would bring.


"Why do I have to wear this dress, Mommy? It's itchy," Ava fussed, wiggling against the canary yellow wool.

"Because it's beautiful on you, baby," Y/N said, fastening the last button and slipping a matching ribbon in Ava's dark curls. "We want to look extra nice today."

She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror across the room and smoothed her hands self-consciously down her own clothing - a rose pink pencil skirt and mint green silk blouse. She knew it was a little dressy, but it was a special day - the day Ava and Elijah would officially meet.

The dragonfly clock on the wall read eleven fifty-seven, and her heart was racing at the knowledge that the ever-punctual Elijah would be arriving in exactly three minutes. She took a moment to touch up her lip gloss and slip on her pearl earrings, and the next thing she knew, the doorbell was ringing.

"Mommy! Elijah is here!" Ava cried happily, grabbing Y/N's hand to drag her towards the door.

She held her breath as she pulled open the door, Elijah's good looks never failing to make the butterflies flutter wildly in her chest. He was dressed in a charcoal suit with a light pink tie, his dark hair brushed back neatly.

"Hi," Y/N whispered, and he gave her a little smile in return.

"Elijah! I told the Elasmosaurus you said hi!" Ava said proudly. "Do you like my dress? It's itchy but Mommy says I have to wear it," she informed him.

"You look beautiful, Ava," he promised, smiling at the little girl with so much love in his eyes Y/N thought she might burst.

Then he produced a bouquet of pink sweetheart roses from behind his back, and handed them to Ava. "The Elasmosaurus wanted me to give these to you," he told her, and she squealed adorably.

"He did? Thank you!" she grinned, running towards the steps. "I'm gonna put these next to my bed, Mommy. I'll be right back!"

"Okay, baby," Y/N called after her, her eyes locked on Elijah. "You're looking as handsome as always," she murmured.

"And you have grown even more lovely over the years," he said softly. "But that's no surprise." His eyes landed on the honeybee necklace she was wearing and he sighed.

His heart was aching as he imagined them together all this time, raising their little girl together.

She cleared her throat, pulling him from his daydream.

"Ava and I made lunch," she informed him, leading him back into the kitchen. The table was set for three, her hummingbird plates and floral tablecloth making him feel nostalgic for their days spent at her old apartment in New Orleans.

Ava came running into the kitchen, jumping into Y/N's arms like a tiny monkey, and Elijah couldn't help the grin that spread across his face.

"We made baked ziti, and salad, and even garlic bread!" Ava recited, pointing to the table. "Mommy said it's your favorite, and that makes me happy, because it's my favorite too!"

"What a crazy coincidence," Elijah smirked, watching as Ava jumped down and began to pull her chair closer to his.

"I wanna sit next to you, okay?" Ava said, her brown eyes dancing with joy.

"Nothing would make me happier," Elijah said. He turned and noticed Y/N watching them, a sad smile on her lips.


"And the little princess lived happily ever after," Elijah whispered, kissing the slumbering Ava gently on her head. He slipped quietly from the bedroom and into the hall where Y/N was waiting patiently, her hands tugging at the hem of her mini skirt.

It was the third day in a row Elijah came to visit, and Y/N was thankful to her parents for making themselves scarce, so her daughter could get to know her real father.

They hadn't told her who Elijah really was yet, but they planned to before Y/N and Ava flew back to Chicago.

"Hey," she said softly, and he smiled at her. It wasn't a full smile, and not even a shadow of the adoring smiles he would give her years ago, but it was progress. She would take it.

"Thanks for having me over again, but I think I'm going to head out," he said as they reached the bottom of the stairs, and she felt her heart drop. Each time he came to visit, he left as soon as Ava fell asleep, making it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her.

"Um, I was wondering if you'd like to stay for a bowl of ice cream. I have a pint of birthday cake, and I sort of remember it's your favorite," she said, hopeful she could change his mind.

She was drunk off the cologne that had been lingering since the first day he came over, addicted to the high his scent brought her. She was desperate for more time in his company.

A resigned sigh escaped his lips, as he turned to her with an arched eyebrow. "I never could say no to birthday cake ice cream," he admitted.

She brightened instantly, feeling suddenly optimistic, and ducked into the kitchen to grab the ice cream. She skipped the bowls in favor of eating straight from the carton like they used to, and hoped that he'd still be okay with that.

She paused at the doorway, her heart skipping a few beats at the sight of him loosening his tie on her parents' sofa. One thing was clear to Y/N - despite their time apart, her love for this man had only grown. Every time she saw Ava's chin dimple, or saw her play her toy piano, she was reminded of him, and the way he set her soul on fire.

She would give anything to turn back time and tell him about Ava sooner.

"Elijah, I--"

She was about to tell him everything she had been feeling in her heart, when he suddenly stood from the sofa and crossed the room, lifting the object with amusement.

"You still have this? And you brought it with you to your parents' house?" His fingers curled around the marble handle, the sterling silver engraving gleaming beneath the overhead light.

"Of course," she shrugged. "If I couldn't have my favorite backscratcher," she said, nodding at him, "this was the next best thing."

He placed the backscratcher back down beside the sofa and moved towards her at an agonizingly slow pace. When he reached her, his hands cupped her cheeks and he met her eyes, his gaze filled with curiosity.

"Y/N.." he began, his thumbs gently tracing the lines of her jaw.

"Elijah, after all this time, I've never stopped loving you," she blurted, before she could talk herself out of it. "I kept Ava from you because my heart was broken, and I would give anything to take it back. But please, give me a chance to make it up to you. Let me in your heart again, Elijah - let me make things right."

His eyes closed as he inhaled deeply, searching his heart for a forgiveness she was afraid wouldn't be there.

But when his eyes fluttered open and met hers, she saw all the love she had felt in her heart staring right back at her.

He nodded once, before crashing his lips to hers in the world's most perfect second first kiss.

It was a gentle, tender kiss, his touch lighter than a hummingbird feather, but it still lit every nerve in her body on fire. She pressed into him, deepening the kiss with a tilt of her head, and she felt him smile against her lips.

His hands moved to tangle in her hair, something he'd wanted to do since the first time he'd laid eyes on her in Psychology class, and he realized that his heart felt full for the first time in a long, long time.

She pulled back with a grin, her eyes sparkling with a happiness that she had never known before.

"That was even better than I imagined it would be."

He grinned at the homage to their true first kiss, the one from the night their daughter was conceived, and wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her even closer to him.

His hands slid down to glide over the curve of her backside, squeezing gently as he looked her in the eyes.

"I'm in this for the long haul," he warned. "You and Ava.. this is forever for me. Are you okay with that?"

"I have already loved you for about a million years, Elijah. I'm more than okay with that," she assured him, pressing her lips to his once more.

This kiss was messier than the others, almost feverish, as their lips parted, teeth clashing. Her tongue was inside his mouth, exploring him, as his hands slipped down to the backs of her thighs.

He lifted her up and her legs automatically wrapped around his waist. The soft silky material of her mini skirt flowed out behind her, the feeling of her warm skin against his palms making him groan.

"I take it you still prefer not to wear panties," he said, his voice strained.

"You're about to find out," she whispered, before nipping his bottom lip with her teeth softly.

He groaned as he felt the wet heat from between her thighs through his trousers, and he moved towards the stairs on unsteady feet.

Their soft moans bounced off the walls of the empty hallway in their haste to find a private space to reconnect. He wasn't familiar with the rest of the rooms of her childhood home, so he just turned the knob of the first door he found.

Pushing inside the dark room, his hand slid down the wall in search of a light switch. When the vanity light flickered on, they realized they were in the bathroom.

"This is good enough," she panted. She cried out as her back hit the wall, Elijah's lips trailing fire down her neck. When his teeth captured her earlobe between them, she shivered, rolling her hips against his prominent bulge. "Elijah, I've missed you so much."

His face lit up at that moment, despite the lust currently overpowering his brain, and he carefully placed her on top of the bathroom counter.

"I've missed you, too," he confessed, his brown eyes filled with an undying love that took her breath away.

Before she could respond, she felt his hands glide up the inside of her thighs, softly caressing the skin with the pads of his fingers.

His fingers moved in teasing patterns, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. She sighed as she pressed her hands against the hard muscles of his chest through his dress shirt, fingers tracing the grooves she had gotten to touch freely only once before.

She moved to open the buttons of his shirt, working quickly to remove the stiff white fabric from his chest, before helping him slide the shirt down his arms. The thin white tank he wore underneath bunched in her grasp, as she lifted it up to reveal the ridges of his abdomen. She licked her lips when he pulled it over his head, and she could see that his physique had only improved in their time apart.

"You're beautiful, Elijah," she whispered, and he knew she didn't just mean his body. He kissed her quickly before pulling her soft white sweater up her torso and over her head. Her breasts bounced from the effort, the outline of her nipples visible through her sheer pink bra, and he felt his pants grow even more restrictive.

"You take my breath away," he admitted quietly, nuzzling into the crook of her neck. "I'm so sorry we lost so much time together."

His warm breath fanned across her neck, and she shivered.

"We'll just have to make up for lost time," she purred, her hands reaching behind her to unclasp her bra. When the lace material was discarded behind her, his mouth was on her nipple, licking and sucking the tender flesh hungrily. His hand was on her other breast, kneading it in time with the swirling of his tongue, and she felt herself grow wetter for him.

Her hands dropped to the waistband of his dress pants, working open the button and zipper quickly so she could touch him, too. She remembered he was well-endowed, but when he was revealed to her again, she gasped at his size.

She took him in her hands to pump him gently as his hand pushed between her legs. His fingertips brushed against her bare pussy, and he growled.

Her hand dropped from his cock as he wrapped his fingers around her thighs, tugging her down to the edge of the counter, and spreading her wide open for him. Her fingers ran through his hair, gripping the chocolate strands tightly.

"I've been dreaming of the way you taste," he rumbled against her drenched slit, and she moaned sinfully at the vibrations. His tongue slid through her folds languidly, taking the time to savor the taste of her. He licked slowly, teasingly, as she rocked shamelessly against his mouth, needing him to increase his pressure. He chuckled and pressed into her, wrapping his lips around folds and driving the tip of his tongue deep inside her.

"Oh, Elijah," she whimpered, as he fucked her with his tongue, licking her quickly and with a hunger that had her orgasm building higher and higher.

When he added a finger, thrusting it in and out while he flicked her clit relentlessly with his tongue, she felt herself explode, the hot waves of pleasure washing over her. Her fingers were tugging on his hair so tightly that his scalp burned deliciously, adding to the fire that was already raging inside of him for her.

When she opened her eyes, his gaze on her was hot, only causing her need for him to intensify. He used his strong hands to spread her open wider, before he began teasing her with the crown of his cock.

"You're soaked for me," he groaned, as he lined himself up and pushed inside so slowly she thought she might burst.

"I need you," she gasped, circling her hips in an effort to get him to move faster. She clenched around him and he shuddered, slamming fully inside of her in one possessive thrust of his hips.

His hands were on her waist, fingers digging into her flesh so hard it stung, as he pumped his hips. The tip of his cock was brushing against a sensitive spot inside her that had her seeing stars already, the familiar tightening causing her walls to flutter.

His head dropped to his shoulder as he increased his pace, pulling her hips up to ensure every stroke was deeper than the one before.

"Fuck," he groaned, "you feel too good."

Her nails were digging into his flesh as he drove into her, the stinging sensation on his back barely registering while he drowned in the pleasure she provided.

"I want to feel you come inside me," she whimpered, dropping her hands to squeeze his ass cheeks and draw him even deeper.

He nodded once before his lips were on her neck, sucking roughly against her pulse in time with his thrusts.

"Come for me first, Y/N," he growled, and with one perfectly angled thrust, she was coming apart. Her entire body trembled and she squeezed her eyes shut in ecstasy, his name a strangled cry as she hit her climax.

His muscles stiffened as his thrusts grew frantic, his hips slamming her back into the bathroom wall as he chased his high. He came harder than ever before, filling her with his hot release as he clutched her to him tightly.

"God, you're amazing," Y/N whispered, her body still trembling from the best orgasm she'd ever had.

His arms collapsed against the counter, his head dropped to her chest, as they gasped for air.

"I love you, Elijah," she said.

He smirked as he lifted his head to kiss her temple, and then pulled her down to the floor with him so she could rest in his arms.

"I love you.. so much, Y/N. Do I have to handcuff us together to ensure you don't run away tomorrow?" He teased, earning a grumble from the mother of his child.

"Very funny. Do I have to come by your place and make sure Hayley isn't in your shower?"

He snickered, shaking his head. "The only woman I ever plan to have in my shower again is right here in my arms. And no matter what life throws at us, I'm never letting her go again."

"Do you really mean that, Elijah? Because there's a little girl down the hall who would very much like to know who her daddy is.. and when she finds out it's you, she will be over the moon," she admitted, her own words tugging at her heart.

"Well, that is the most wonderful news," he smiled, "because I've been in love with her mom for years. Y/N, I'd love nothing more than for you both to have my last name," he whispered, kissing her again. He lifted her carefully and walked her to her bedroom, where they fell asleep entwined just like they had years before.

But this was just the beginning of their story. Even though it seemed as if Fate and Destiny had conspired to keep the two lovers apart, they worked very hard to ensure they'd find their way back together.

Ava, along with her baby brother and baby sister, grew up in a house filled with more love and laughter than they could have ever imagined.

And Elijah Mikaelson had found his Happily Ever After at last.

[The End.]

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