Not Alive

By books_are_my_tardis

16.4K 909 987

Seán. Marzia. Mark. Three stories. Three characters. One revolution to free them all. More

Gone With the Wind
Rescue Mission
False Alarm
On the Run
New Team
True Colors
Safe Space
The Calvary
Two Evils
Freedom March
Friend or Foe
Android Camp

Life or Death

412 23 25
By books_are_my_tardis

"Well, the interrogation went about as well as I expected it to." Lieutenant Schied remarked as I left the interrogation room, guards storming in and dragging Jack to a cell close to where the other deviant was locked up.

"I suggest we try interrogating him again later, maybe he'll be more cooperative." I spoke up thoughtfully.

"In the meantime, we can return to the crime scene and actually look around." I added, Lieutenant Schied nodding in agreement.

When we arrived back at the house, all of the other officers had left, allowing Lieutenant Schied and I to have space so we could look around.

Lieutenant Schied went upstairs while I stayed downstairs, going into the living room where the bodies were.

"There's a broken window up here and some blue blood!" Lieutenant Schied shouted.

I glanced back at the bodies before I went upstairs and into the bedroom, finding shattered glass on the floor and a shard in Lieutenant Schied's hand that was covered in blue blood.

I carefully took the glass from him and licked it, the lieutenant grimacing slightly, but otherwise staying silent.

"The blood is from an AX400 android." I stated, tossing the glass away.

"Let's go downstairs and examine the bodies." Lieutenant Schied advised, walking downstairs to the bodies with me following.

I knelt by the bodies and brushed my fingers against the human's blood before sticking them in my mouth, Lieutenant Schied wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Lieutenant Schied groaned, shaking his head as he looked away from me.

"I'm analyzing the blood Lieutenant." I answered, the time of death and other facts about the dead human appearing in the corner of my vision as I stared at my blood stained fingers.

"The human's name was John Smith, he was convicted multiple times for dealing red ice and sex trafficking." I reported, taking a sample of the android's blood.

Tyler eyes me warily, but didn't speak as I analyzed the sample and stood up, letting my hand hang at my side.

"The android was a standard house cleaning model with signs of abuse, its body covered in multiple dents as if it had been hit repeatedly. There's no trace of John on the android, so the android here didn't kill him." I continued.

"So there is another android involved." Lieutenant Schied mused.

"Alright, lets try to find a murder weapon then." Lieutenant Schied sighed, looking around the house.

I searched through the kitchen and soon saw a black handled kitchen knife coated in blood lying on the floor, my scans unable to find fingerprints on the weapon.

"Lieutenant!" I called out, the male jogging into the kitchen from the living room and pausing when he saw the weapon.

"I found the weapon, we just need to figure out what happened here." I murmured as I bent down by the knife, Lieutenant Schied grabbing my hand as I reached towards the blade.

"Don't you fucking stick that evidence in your mouth." Lieutenant Schied warned, pulling me up to a standing position before releasing my hand.


"Just look for something else that could tell us what happened." Lieutenant Schied interrupted tersely.

I waited until he left the room before I analyzed the blood on the knife blade, confirming that the blood was a combination of John's as well as other people's.

"So the murderer has used this weapon before." I remarked under my breath as I stood up.

I froze when I heard something scratching against the window, ducking down underneath the table as the window was pulled open.

An android dressed in all black with short brown hair and a long horizontal cut on their neck hopped through the window and reached down and picked up the knife, its pale blue eyes spotting me in my hiding spot.

I rolled out from underneath the table before throwing the table at them, the android easily dodging it before slashing at me.

The blade tore through my suit and grazed my chest, blue blood staining my torn white button up shirt and dripping onto the floor.

Lieutenant Schied ran in from upstairs and aimed his gun at the android's head, the android grabbing me as a shield.

Lieutenant Schied hesitated just enough to give the android time to throw me against the lieutenant and run out the door.

I scrambled off of Lieutenant Schied and ran after the android, slowing to a halt when I couldn't see it anywhere.

"Damnit, it got away!" Lieutenant Schied cursed in anger as he ran up after me, angrily holstering his gun.

"Lieutenant Schied, why didn't you shoot?" I asked, the male's expression shifting from anger to remorse as he looked away from me.

"Just shut up and get in the car." Lieutenant Schied directed coldly, abruptly storming away with his fingers curled into fists at his side.

I followed his instructions and silently sat in the passenger seat, the lieutenant speeding back towards the station.

When we returned, the cells that were holding Jack and the other deviant were empty, officers looking throughout the building for them.

"Take this. If you find them, use this for defense." Captain Morrison directed me, pressing a pistol into my hands.

I nodded in understanding before I stepped into Jack's cell and looked up, noticing that the grate in the ceiling had been moved recently.

I jumped up and grabbed onto the ledge, pulling myself up into the air ducts before I started crawling around.

Eventually, I found a passage that brought me to the back of the station, pausing at the opening when I saw the deviants and two humans.

"Robbie know safe place, Robbie take friends to safe place where other friends are." The deviant with pale purple hair declared.

Kill them?

Follow them?

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