Werewolf Hunter

By ateezistic

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She has been hunting down werewolves her whole life ever since her parents were killed by them. It all change... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Fourteen

61 2 0
By ateezistic

A sear of pain rushed down my body as the pain lasted for a good few minutes, my hands had turned into paws while my body was covered in red fur.

By the time the pain had subsided, I was lying on the ground with a huge sigh in relief.

Hello, human. I mean, Lesley.

I forced myself to stand up, my head turning around to see who was talking to me.

I'm inside of you, moron.

My eyes snapped open at her words before I felt a growl coming from me as I had opened my mouth to snap at her for calling me a moron.

Who are you?

I'm your inner wolf, Jingles.

Jingles? You mean, Jingle Bells?

Ugh, why do everyone keep calling me that.. Whatever makes you happy, Les.

I chuckled at her defeated words, knowing that I wasn't the only one who had referenced her to the song.

Care to explain how you are suddenly awake? I thought I never had a wolf.

Fear and anger of losing your mate are the elements which is able to wake me up from my sleep. Besides, I was bound to wake up anyway as today marks the 100th year I have been trapped in the sleeping spell.

Sleeping spell?

Ever heard of the fairytale, Sleeping Beauty? This beauty you are talking to has been trapped in a sleeping spell for 100 years until my partner I'm attached to, does something to wake me up. And you have finally done it, I've been waiting.

First of all, don't be so shameless and call yourself a beauty. I snorted at her choice of words of calling herself beauty, amused by this creature.

And secondly, why is waking you up so complicated? And, why are you trapped in a sleeping spell?

Hey, I am a beauty. She tried to reason with a playful growl, making me laugh.

Anyways, long story short, the Moon Goddess did this to me because she told me I was going to remain asleep for 100 years until my new partner, goes by the name of Lesley finally appears and wakes me up.

Did she explain why?

She said it was bound to happen, didn't explain much. You can ask her yourself once you step into the grave. Her last sentence made me chuckle with amusement as I never knew my wolf was this sarcastic.

Okay fine, Jingles. Can you now teach me how to shift back to my human form?

Are you sure you want to do that?

What's wrong with that?

You are going to be naked as your clothes were torn when you shifted.


Geez, how would you not know? You are a werewolf.

Sorry to break it to you, sweetie. But I was raised by hunters before I met you.

Hunters? You've got to be kidding me. The Moon Goddess didn't mention my partner to be raised by hunters. But, how did you get this werewolf blood anyway? Were you adopted?

More like kidnapped and whisked away to the hunters den. I let out a growl in response.

You don't seem happy with them, Les.

I was happy with them, until recently I discovered the man who was once my god-father, turned out to be my parents' murderer.

Damn, that must have been a scene to watch.

Seriously, that's what you can say after what I told you?

Fine, I'm sorry for the loss. Does that means we get to kill him?

Yes, but not now. Now's not the time.

Sure, if you say so. I could imagine her shrugging with a bored look on her face right now.

Okay, can we shift back now?

Sure, just imagine the features of your body, from your face all the way to your legs. Not sure why, but her tone was playful.

I did what she had instructed me to do, imagining myself as I felt another sear of pain rushing back.

I screamed again, the furs slowly fading as my bones twisted in an ungodly manner.

Before I knew it, I was standing in the middle of nowhere.

When I looked down, I couldn't believe my eyes. I was naked.

Holy shit, Jingles! How am I going to go back like this?

I was about to tell you to rush back to the house to get some clothes before you shifted back. But on second thoughts, I would rather watch your priceless reaction.

You son of a b*tch.

I could hear a chuckle coming from her while I let out a low, warning growl.

It shut her up as she disappeared into the back of my head. I sighed, folding my arms as I looked down at my body.

How am I supposed to return back to the cabin without anyone spotting me in this state?

"You sure have a beautiful wolf, sugar." I looked up as a figure stepped out of the shadows.

Mate, mate. My wolf chanted as she was oogling over our mate.

I do know that, met him earlier than you.

Damn, he is a hottie. We are so lucky.

Sure, we are. I rolled my eyes at her girliness.

"Have you been watching?" I scrunched my nose up in disbelief as a smirk was plastered on his handsome face.

"I didn't want to disturb you while you were shifting in the process, but I never knew I would get to see you shift into a beautiful wolf."

Aw, he called me beautiful.

Whatever makes you happy.

"Well she may be beautiful to you, but she's seriously a pain in the ass right now." I chuckled, ignoring a growl coming from my wolf.

You just had to spoil the moment, Les. I hate you.

And with that, she shut me off and ignored me while I shook my head.

"Okay, she's ignoring me right now. Still can't come to terms that I have a wolf, and a really b*tchy one."

My words made him chuckle as he stared at me with amusement twinkling in his golden eyes.

"Oh, you will get used to it. Right now, she is communicating with my wolf who is also gushing over his mate."

"Oh great." I scoffed with an eye roll.

"What's his name by the way?"

"Rock." He responded, leaning in to give me a short peck on my lips.

"Mhm, I could get used to this." I smiled at the kiss before I watched as he took off his shirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked in alarm, my heart beating rapidly.

He pulled the shirt over my body as it dawned on me that I was still naked.

"Keeping my sugar warm of course. And, my wolf is being a pain in the ass for wanting to complete the mating process." He muttered the last part under his breath before his eyes widened with regret.

"I didn't mean to say that, it slipped."

I intertwined my fingers with his with a small smile on my lips. "It's alright, I was affected because of him. Now, I have come to terms that I will be fighting against him once he attacks."

He shook his head, "Let me be the one to fight against him, I can't bear to lose you to him."

I sighed, "Blake, there's something I have to say.."

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