tempo Β» baekhyun βœ“

By xxbyunhyun

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❝ The bigger the risk, the bigger the rush. ❞ She was given a proposition that she couldn't refuse: stay in p... More

playlist & aesthetics
the motorcycles
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15


5.7K 364 284
By xxbyunhyun

be cruel to me, cause I'm a fool for you



Byun Baekhyun, do you still think of me sometimes?

I haven't forgotten you yet, even if Seulgi is trying her best to make that happen. She doesn't hate you, not like I do when I drink too much strong Chinese liquor and you're all that I can think about. She just hates seeing the people around her sad because of things that they can't really change or control. She says that there is nothing that I can do about it. You will come back if you'll want.

Waiting and hoping was starting to become really painful.

'' This is what I get for going through with your horrible plan! '' Seulgi loudly yelled and sped past me. The wheels of her motorcycle were spinning and mud was spraying everywhere. Her pants were already completely covered with it and a few specks managed to get on her cheeks and freshly coloured blonde hair too. The rainy season made the streets of the shanty town even filthier than usually, but I was glad that at least the water levels were low enough to ride our bikes. Seulgi didn't mind it, but I wasn't as skilful as her and the overflowed river caused me quite a bit of trouble. The water kept knocking me off my bike and making it easier for my enemies to catch me and one time the strong current even almost managed to drag my bike away from me.

Seulgi glanced over her shoulder and continued screaming at me: '' Did you really think that you were going to beat that sumo wrestler in a noodles eating contest?! ''

The two of us were racing down the streets of the shanty town and there were six motorcycles  that were trying to catch up with us. The Chinese gang members were holding swords in their hands and they kept swinging their blades dangerously close to us. It was three months since we arrived in this town and I had yet to get used to the antics of the local criminals. I still found myself loving China as much as Yixing said I would, when he convinced our gang to make it our next destination. The lazy river, the poorly built piers above the water, the forest of tall green trees, the huts with delicious street food, the kind and hardworking people... They all managed to make the life of a fugitive a little more bearable.

I shrieked when one of the gang members almost sliced my head off with his sword, then I kicked his motorcycle with my foot and made him fall over in to the mud. One down, five more to go. '' No! I thought that I would be able to keep eating until you managed to steal the other guy's motorcycle keys! You're the one that got caught, so don't try to blame it on me! My plan was perfect! It's not my fault that your pickpocketing skills suck! ''

Seulgi frowned with annoyance under her helmet before she eyed the two gangsters that were about to catch up with her. We were in a little bit of trouble, but I still couldn't help it but to smirk when I heard her whine: '' I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss guns! Why is everyone carrying swords around here?! ''

She stood up on the seat of her motorcycle and kicked one of her attackers in the face before she made a sharp turn. I missed the path that she took between the shanties, but I managed to take the next and catch up with her again. The large shanty town was like a maze and we were finally starting to remember the different streets with no names and grey huts that at first glance seemed all the same. '' We should've just forgotten about him cheating during that fight with you! ''

'' No way! '' I screamed in response and tightened my grip on the handlebars of my brand new black motorcycle. '' Everyone believed him instead of me! I gotta teach him a lesson! ''

'' That's just because you got a track record for lying! '' Seulgi glanced over her shoulder when I didn't say anything and grinned. '' Oops. Too far? ''

I bit my lower lip and tried to hide how offended I was. '' He even mocked Junmyeon's homemade noodles! And you know he's been trying really hard to perfect his recipe for those! I barely managed to convince him that they were okay enough for him to stop practicing and then feeding them to us for every single meal of the day! ''

Seulgi's eyes grew wide with shock and she almost fell off her motorcycle. '' What? Does that mean that we'll be eating Junmyeon's noodles for dinner again?! You're right, that bastard did deserve what he got! I should've set his motorcycle on fire instead of just scratching it with my knife, kicking it in the mud and running away! ''

A lot of things changed in the past months, but the Aces motorcycle gang somehow managed to stay together. We were fugitives, with incredibly high bounties hanging above our heads, so we had no choice but to leave Korea. The home that we had to abandon, we tried to find here. It wasn't the same, but it was enough.

The Angels motorcycle gang took that as a chance to finally take over the entirety of Seoul and it hurt to know that they won, but we couldn't go back. We could only keep going forward. Go somewhere else, keep running from our pasts. That was how things were for the past couple of months. The first two were the worst. We were in a new place almost every day and we were losing members, but eventually we managed to find a home in Zhang Yixing's hometown.

He was one of the people that stayed, along with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. The two of them were far from being used to our new lives, but they were slowly getting there. Kyungsoo was having a lot of fun planning different motorcycle races through the shanty town where we spent most of our time. Chanyeol familiarised himself with the life here and met some people that had connections that could get him special motorcycle parts and other things that he needed for his work.

Felix on the other hand decided to stay in Seoul. He wanted to come along with us, but Junmyeon didn't let him do it. He was still young, he had his whole life ahead of him and it wasn't worth throwing all that away to become a fugitive. From what we heard, he was doing well in Seoul and winning one motorcycle race after another. The Angels were still pestering him to join their gang, but he never did. Instead he hung out with a different group of kids that were a lot like him. They weren't all bikers, but they were outcasts and they understood each other more than anyone else ever could.

Hwasa was another person that left. She promised to come back one day, but she needed time away from the Aces. She was under someone's protection for her whole life and now it was time to learn how to figure things out on her own. It was rare for her to call, but she sent a lot of letters stuffed with photos. The last one that we got, was filled with pictures of Cuba. Colourful buildings, her motorcycle resting against a palm tree by the ocean and markets full of tourists. It seemed like she was having fun there and she described in a few short sentences, scribbled behind one of the photos, that she was racing and using the money rewards to help the locals that were struggling with money.

I was expecting that Kang Seulgi would leave too, but she didn't. Everyone knew that she would have no problems surviving on her own or even finding a new gang. When someone asked her why she followed us to China, she simply said that she was starting to get bored of Korea and all the same people, places and type of races. She wanted something new and refreshing and that was exactly what she got.

The two of us were still known as Viper and White rose. We weren't seen together very often, but when we were, we were a deadly duo. Just like that day, when she helped me get revenge on a man who cheated in a street fight against me.

'' Where are you going? '' Seulgi asked when I lifted myself from her bed and started picking up my scattered clothing. This somehow happened way too often. The two us already established that we weren't right to really be with each other, but we couldn't ignore the physical attraction between us. Something pulled us together and when I when I looked in to her dark, alluring and captivating eyes, I forgot my hatred for casual hookups. Seulgi's gentle hands and warm lips soon made the rest of the world disappear too. '' You're not staying? Again? ''

I smirked and pulled my t-shirt over my head. When I turned around and saw her laying there on her large bed, I almost changed my mind and went back to her. She was covered by nothing but the silk sheets that always smelled like cherries, her cheeks were a little flushed and strands of her blonde hair were falling over her eyes. '' Duty calls. ''

She pouted, rolled over and landed on her back. The faint light was casting shadows on the curves of her body and she used her hand to push her blonde hair off her eyes. '' Can't you just say 'fuck you' to it and come back to bed? That sounds like a lot more fun. ''

'' It does, but you know that I can't do that. It would be like saying 'fuck you' to Junmyeon. He gave me a job and I am still on thin ice with him. I gotta stay useful. Not only because he would use that as an excuse to get rid of me, but also because I want to, '' I seriously replied and sighed. " Don't you also have work to do? "

" I do, but... " I stepped closer to the bed, caressed Seulgi's cheek and she raised her gaze towards me. She suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me down towards her again. Our lips connected, she flipped us over and straddled me. She was smiling seductively and she slowly slid her hands over my chest. My heart began beating faster and my breath instantly got heavier. Her smile grew wider, because she knew exactly what kind of effect her experienced touch had on me. My breath got caught in her throat when she started to grind herself against me before she leaned forward and began kissing up my neck. '' The bed's too warm to get up. Do you really have to go? ''

I barely managed to bring myself to push her off me and escape out of the warm bed. She huffed in disappointment, rolled on her stomach and watch me put on the rest of my clothing. '' Oh well. I know that you're not going to change your mind so just go. And bring me some dumplings on the way back home, will you? ''

I smirked and winked at her before I grabbed my leather jacket and walked out of the room. There was a new biker in town and Junmyeon ordered me to go and check out who he was. Rumours said that he was winning street races, fights and causing trouble. Junmyeon wanted me to invite him to join us. The Chinese gangs were brutal. He knew that the new biker could either become one of us, one of them or end up stabbed by one of the katanas that were chasing Seulgi and I earlier that day.

I already asked around about the mysterious biker and I decided to join one of the races that he was supposed to participate in too. There were four of us lined up next to each other that night and I was secretly eyeing him from the side. The cheering crowd was placing bets on who they thought was going to win and hoped that the cloudy skies wouldn't turn in to sudden rain before the race would be over. The last time that happened, one of the bikers used the darkness of the storm to hide how he was cheating by throwing ninja stars at his competitors.

The race started and the mysterious guy and I were instantly in the lead. I kept my gaze focused on his back and I couldn't help it but to find something unusual in the way that he raced. He left the main path that was decided and started choosing random shortcuts. I made sure to follow him everywhere he went and at one point, he picked a path through two shanties that was barely wide enough for a motorcycle to pass through it. I knew then that he was trying to get me off his tail, but I wasn't going to let him do it.

I started accelerating instead of trailing behind him. The gravel roads covered with mud and trash almost knocked me off my bike, but I didn't slow down. I kept going faster, until I managed to catch up with him. We were speeding next to each other and I was trying to surpass him when we suddenly looked right at each other and I almost fell off my motorcycle. His face was covered by his helmet, but I still knew right away.

It's you.

My heart was racing in my chest when we reached the finish line. Him first, I second and the others behind us. I let my motorcycle fall in the mud as I pulled my helmet off my head and made my way through the crowd that formed around him. My hands were trembling and my heart began to beat so fast that I thought it was going to give out at any moment. All of the sudden I got scared that I made a mistake and it wasn't really him.

I thought that I missed him so much that I started seeing him in other people, but sure enough, there he was. Standing there so naturally, telling someone something in broken Chinese and waiting for me to get to him. Like he never even left.

His eyes were shining with amusement and mischief when he turned around and poked my forehead. '' You've gotten better at racing. ''

I flinched and put my hand on my forehead. '' I had no mentor, but a lot of time to practice. ''

'' Did you miss me? ''

'' You've got no idea. ''

'' I missed you too, Riri. ''

I jumped in to Baekhyun's arms and he hugged me as tight as he could. He left the gang like Hwasa, with a promise to come back one day, but different from her, he never called or sent any letters. No one knew where exactly he disappeared to and some people believed that he would never come back again. Some even thought that one of his many enemies managed to get to him and kill him.

'' Where were you hiding, Baekhyun? ''

He wasn't there on the day the Aces saved me before I would get to prison. He said his goodbyes before they went to get me. I remembered him as the guy that was given the job to teach me about motorcycle gang life and it didn't seem like he changed all that much. His hair was coloured blonde, as an attempt to make him a little different from his photo in police files, but his gaze held the same enticing energy. '' I wasn't hiding. I needed some time to think and come to terms with certain things. Let go of the past, decide who I really am and what I want... You are never going to believe who joined me when I was trying to do that and followed me out of Korea. He thought that it would be boring once I would leave and he wouldn't be able to keep pissing me off, so he decided to tag along instead. ''

My eyes grew wide with surprise when I spotted a pink haired individual in the crowd. He was rushing closer with a wide smirk on his lips and holding handfuls of cash. '' Okay, I was totally going to bet against you, but it was your money, so I decided to do as you said anyway and now we finally have enough cash to get out of that nasty motel where we've been staying at! It's good that you raced against a bunch of incompetent losers- ''

That was when his gaze landed on me, one of the supposed incompetent losers that Baekhyun raced against. '' Oh, hi, Rei... It's been a while. ''

'' Ravi! '' I screamed with surprise and opened my arms to hug him.

He did the same and we would've ran towards each other if Baekhyun wouldn't grab the back of my shirt and pull me towards him. '' You're going to hug him just like you hugged me? Now I feel a lot less special. ''

I sheepishly smiled at him and Ravi ruffled my hair, completely ignoring the nasty look that he got from Baekhyun. I could barely believe that the two of them were together. I didn't think that I was going to see the training instructor from the Suckerpunch fighting arena ever again, let alone with Baekhyun, but it seemed like they managed to get over their differences and resolve their problems from the past. '' So, how's the life of fugitives here in China? We decided to stop by and I am already loving it. It's so much fun watching Baekhyun getting pissed off over the people not understanding his bad pronunciation or getting food poisoning from the street food markets. ''

I looked at Baekhyun with surprise and blurted out: '' Stop by? You aren't staying? ''

The biker stared at me with hope in his eyes. He tried to stay as calm and serious as before, but I could clearly notice the anticipation in his voice: '' Do you think I could? ''

'' With the aces is where you belong. '' I smiled when I saw him sigh in relief. '' It's where you always belonged and it's good to finally have you back. ''

'' I can't wait to see the look on your boss's face when I'll hand him my application to join your gang, '' Ravi mumbled and grinned in amusement. Baekhyun was about to say something back to him, but the crowd's startled screams made him shut up and look around with surprise. Everyone was beginning to disperse in different directions and disappear in the shadows. A confused frown formed on Baekhyun's face, while Ravi's eyes shined in mischief. '' Looks like someone came to ruin the fun. ''

I cringed at the sight of the group that was approaching. Half of them were police officers, but the other half were gang members. '' You might want to run. The police is a little corrupted here and they are controlled by the local gang. They are not going to ask you for your drivers license or anything like that. Just pull out a sword and use it to slash your head off. ''

I rushed back towards my motorcycle and lifted it from the mud. Baekhyun and Ravi were already sitting on theirs and they turned their heads when they heard me rev up the engine. Mud sprayed up in the air behind the back wheel of my bike and my heart started beating faster in excitement. I put my helmet on my head again and screamed at the duo: '' You think that you can keep up? ''

Baekhyun smirked and rolled his eyes. '' Lead the way! Try not to make it too boring for us! This is not supposed to be a sightseeing tour around town! ''

'' You little bastard, '' I mumbled to myself and sped past the duo. The three of us ended up having to split up in the maze of shanty towns and go in different directions. I was racing between the poorly built huts, piles of garbage and people. We made no plans where to meet up again, but after spending some time riding around, I spotted Baekhyun's new motorcycle parked in the middle of the shanty town's busy market.

I left mine next to it and looked around the stalls. The different types of food, ranging from questionable soups and fried bugs, filled the air with surprisingly mouth watering scents. There were also stalls where you could buy alcohol, weapons, furniture, clothing or anything else that you could really think of. Plastic chairs and tables were set up around the places where they sold food and they were filled with people that were having loud conversations and laughing. Despite the poverty and poor living conditions, the shanty town was always filled with life.

Baekhyun was sitting on one of the chairs and sipping a bottle of alcohol. His eyes glistened in amusement when I sat on the opposite side of his table and placed down a bowl of noodles. I broke the chopsticks in half and started slurping them, while he commented: '' I see that you're still as irritating as ever. ''

'' Should I be worried? '' I stared at my food with a thoughtful frown. '' We've been apart for six months and that wasn't enough to make you forget about my bad attitude? Or did I do something to make you remember that right away? ''

'' A little bit of both. You're not that easy to forget. '' He took another sip of his drink and smirked. '' But I'm also saying that because you just sat down and there are already five people watching you. ''

I raised an eyebrow and teasingly asked: '' Are you jealous? ''

He rolled his eyes, raised his hand in my direction and poked my forehead. '' I was at first, but then I noticed the swords that they have in their hands. ''

'' Swords are better than looks of admiration? '' I asked and quietly chuckled. Then a shadow fell over my features, I leaned closer and lowered my voice. '' But... Do they happen to have snake or koi fish tattoos? ''

Baekhyun downed what was left of his drink and dismissively waved with his hand. '' What difference does it even make? You angered one of them yesterday and one of them them the day before that? ''

I frowned, narrowed my eyes and raised my chopsticks in protest. '' No. One of them want me dead and the others want me super dead. ''

I stuffed some more noodles in my mouth and he shook his head in disapproval. '' That makes no difference whatsoever. Is this the welcome that I get? ''

I was about to eat some more of the noodles, but a warning scream in Chinese made me drop my chopsticks and jump on my feet instead. Numerous figures emerged from the crowd, all holding swords in their hands and with exposed arms that showed their koi fish tattoos. They were part of a gang that got defeated and humiliated by the Aces last week. Junmyeon warned us to be careful when we would be alone, because he was sure that they would use that as a chance to get revenge. '' You would be bored any other way. ''

Baekhyun stood up too and we pressed our backs against each other. He raised his fists and placed himself in a fighting stance. I leaned against his back and pulled out a dagger that I learned to carry around instead of a gun. My heart started beating faster and my eyes narrowed as I scanned the crowd and counted the number of enemies. Some people looked at us with surprise and quickly began to There were fifteen against two. They really weren't fair, but I was expecting them to try to pull something like that, so I wasn't too surprised by their appearance.

'' It's good to be back. ''

I smirked and spun my dagger in my hand. '' Is it? ''

Baekhyun ran through his blonde hair with his hand and his eyes shined in excitement. We were outnumbered, but he always liked a challenge. '' It's like you said. I'm home. Home isn't perfect, but it doesn't have to be. It's just home- ''

He stopped in the middle of his sentence to nudge me and hiss: '' You were looking at your half eaten bowl of noodles instead of listening at me, weren't you? ''

I glanced over my shoulder, looked at him and grinned. '' Do you think that I can grab them before the first guy attacks? It would be such a waste to leave them where they are, don't you think? ''

He stared at me with me a stunned expression on his face before he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. '' Oh. I almost forgot. ''

My eyes grew wide with surprise and I felt tingles where his hands gripped my hips. His touch was rough and familiar. His breath fanned my lips before he connected them with his and I completely forgot about the world around us. I buried my fingers in his messy hair and he pulled me closer to his chest. I lifted my leg, wrapped it around his waist and began to deepen the kiss. He was happily responding back and he was about to slip his tongue in to my mouth when he suddenly remembered where we were and what was happening around us. '' Maybe we should save that for when we're not about to get killed. ''

I pulled back from him and smiled in embarrassment. My cheeks were reddened and I was catching my breath when I turned my back against his again. He did the same and we went back in to our fighting stances, ready to fight and at the same time protect one another.

It was just us two against fifteen armed people before we managed to make it to our motorcycles and escape. There were some fresh scratches on my skin and one of the gang members managed to punch me in the face, but I didn't feel any pain. I was speeding by Baekhyun's side and the two of us raced each other through the shanty town.

He talked about coming home, but he was the real home that came back to me.

The streets were brutal and there wasn't any real moment when we could catch a break. There was always someone to fight against or a gang that wanted to prove that was stronger than us. It got especially intense once we became fugitives, hunted every single moment of our lives. It was far from easy and we often found ourselves risking our lives. Some people cracked under the pressure and every now and then I almost did too, but then I always went for a motorcycle ride.

In those moments, I was free.

My photo in police files, my mistakes, the gangs that wanted my blood, my tainted pasts, my friends that were all criminals... Everything disappeared.

In those moments, it was just me, my motorcycle and the open road.

That was why despite all of the bad things, I still loved the streets and lived for racing.

Sharing it all with someone that had my heart, someone like Byun Baekhyun, only made it all that much better. With him racing by my side, I suddenly took notice of the power that I felt while I held the handlebars of my motorcycle. I saw the remains of that day's beautiful sunset. I saw the way Baekhyun's eyes shined when he glanced over his shoulder and looked at me to make sure if I was still with him and doing okay.

I saw the beauty in the bad and I wasn't alone in the cold and dark night no more.



Every night I used to pray that I'd find my people

and finally I did - on the open road.

We had nothing to lose, nothing to gain

nothing we desired anymore -

except to make our lives into a work of art.


an: thank you so much for taking the time to read this story and thank you for being patient with the slow updates! i really appreciate and i am extremely grateful for all of the support that i got and i hope that you liked the ending! c: this winter has been... a lottt, just.. a lot, let's keep it at that, but writing this made it way more fun and exciting! so i hope that this book managed to make you smile too? or at least a little less bored?

♡ thanks again for reading ♡

may we meet again in one of my future stories!

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