Austin and Ally- Proms and Pr...

By R5Fan05

27.2K 579 69

Ross Lynch and his family plus Ellington and all their girlfriends are going to the Austin and Ally after par... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15- Christmas!!!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22: The Wedding!
Chapter 23

Chapter 13

1K 19 0
By R5Fan05

(Ross's POV)

We walked around for a bit. Then Rochelle dragged me over to a Rollercoaster. So everyone followed us.

Rochelle- Let's go on this

Ross- No way

Rochelle- Why?

Ross- It's to dangerous

Rochelle- Then come on with me

Ross- No

Rochelle- Why? Are ya scared?

Rocky- Now you have to go on it

Ross- Fine

Rochelle- Yay

We sat in our seat and it took off. We stopped 10 minutes after. I got out of my seat and picked up Rochelle and placed her down so she could walk.

Rochelle- That was Awesome!

Ross- Yeah

I felt sick but we walked over to everyone who we're stop there.

Laura- Are you ok Ross?

Ross- It's fine, I just feel sick

Laura- Well you have just been eating Candyfloss and then went on a Rollercoaster which I told ya not to do

Ross- Fine I shouldn't of ate the Candyfloss let's just go

We started walking when my phone rang. I answered it.

(H-Heath)/ (R-Ross)

H- Hi Ross can you come down to the set?

R- Why? What's up?

H- Just come it's urgent

R- Ok we'll be there as quick as we can

She hung up and I put my phone in my pocket.

Laura- What?

Ross- Heath wants us to go down the set immediately

Rochelle- But what about the rides?

I kneeled down in front of her.

Ross- We have to leave now but if you behave then I will let Rydel give you a makeover

Rydel- Really?

Ross- Yeah Whatever

Rochelle- Let's Go!

She ran off and I chased her. I caught her.

Ross- Calm down

Rochelle- Sorry

We walked to the Van and everyone got in and Laura's parents got in a different car and followed us to the set. We got out, signed our names and walked to our Dressing Rooms. Everyone crowded into mine and me and Laura went to find Heath.

Ross- Heath?

Heath- Hi!

Laura- What's so urgent?

Raini and Calum ran up to us.


Heath- That

Ross- That's amazing

Laura- Let's go tell the others

Raini- Can we come? Is Rochelle there?

Laura- Yes you can come and yes she is

Calum- Awesome

Heath- Come back in 1 hour to film

Ross- We will

We walked back to my Dressing Room and opened the door. I sat down on the floor with Rochelle, Laur, Raini and Calum.

Stormie- What was urgent?

Ross- Just that we're getting a Season 4!


Ellen- That's amazing honey

Laura- I know

Ross- Right Rocky move, let me sit on the couch

Rocky- No

Ross- Rocky, I have performed 4 times today and I was mithered by Interviewers on the Yellow Carpet plus Rochelle has been hyper all day I wanna sleep so move

Rocky- Ok fine

He sat on the floor and I sat down. I laid back and I closed my eyes. Suddenly Rochelle jumped on me.

Rochelle- Play dollies

Ross- Play with Uncle rocky, I want sleep

Rochelle- Please!

Ross- Laura!

Laura- Let daddy sleep and come here

Ross- Thank you

She got of me and I fell asleep. I woke to Rochelle jumping on me again.

Ross- Rochelle!

Rochelle- What?

Ross- I wanna sleep

Rochelle- Get up, you need to go film

Ross- Ok

She stood up and I walked out with Laura, Raini and Calum.

(Rydel's POV)

Rydel- Alright, Rochelle come over here, your dad said I can give you a make over and that's what I'm gonna do

She skipped over and sat down. I was doing it for ages. Then I was done.

Rydel- Complete

Stormie- Let us see

I turned her around and everyone gasped.

Ellen- Beautiful and nice tutu

Stormie- Wow! You look amazing

Rochelle- Thank you nana

Then Ross, Laura, Raini and Calum walked in an Ross froze.

Ross- Rydel?

Rydel- Yeah?

Ross- Have you put make up on my daughter?

Rydel- Yes but you said I could

Ross- No I said make over I meant her hair or clothes, why would I mean Make up when I have told you twice not to put it on her?

Rochelle started crying. I kneeled down next to her.

Rydel- Sweetie, what's wrong?

Rochelle- Daddy thinks I look ugly

Ross came over and kneeled down.

Ross- Hey, I don't think you look ugly

Rochelle- You were shouting at Auntie Rydel for putting Make up on me

Ross- Yeah because you too young, but you look beautiful

Rochelle- Really?

Ross- Yes

She hugged Ross.

Rochelle- Love you daddy

Ross- Love you to sweetie

He sat down and placed her in his lap.

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