The Universe Put us Together...

By Mama_umbrige

222K 8K 14.2K

By Snoop_kat AU where the date that you met your soulmate is written on you. When you met them, the date chan... More

Learning something new
Omg this is so cute
The truth
Wait what?
Shopping and lessons
This isn't so bad......right?
A/N *shout out*
You want to support me?
Emotions and talking
Late night talks
Is this okay?
New names and realizations
Ready, set, GO!!
I'm sorry
So you wanna...?
Pick and choose
Take your time
Oh boy (*boi*)
Hey, I'm Lance
New views
Not in my house


4.7K 182 542
By Mama_umbrige

A Few Months Later


“Can you believe that Hunk and Shay are getting married today!?” Pidge bounced in the backseat of the car, Lance rolling his eyes at the younger person.


“I don’t know if this is rude to say but we graduated a week ago, shouldn’t they wait a little bit?” Keith asked, his eyes scanning the road ahead of them, silently questioning why they were driving through the woods.


Lance shrugged his shoulder, “they’ve been dating for years, I don’t think it really matters,” he chuckled and turned down a dirt road.


Everyone nodded and Pidge screamed slightly when they saw the location where the wedding would take place. It was in a small opening in the woods, rocks and branches decorated with flowers and anything that nature could offer. “It’s so cute!” Pidge squealed and jumped out of the car, their white suit reflecting the warm sunlight.


Lance watched his friend run and reached for Keith’s hand, “you ready baby?”


Keith squeezed his hand back, “yes, this is going to be so cute.”


Lance nodded, his eyes already feeling wetter, “I’m not going to cry.”


Lance ended up crying as soon as Shay began to walk down the aisle, her gown flowing behind her as she walked slowly towards her soulmate.  Her eyes twinkled with tears and Hunk wasn’t doing much better, he was bent over at his waist, tears falling down his face as he attempted to quickly compose himself.


Lance patted his best friend’s shoulder and turned slightly to look at Keith who was standing right behind him, he intertwined their pinkies and grinned. This was perfect.




“I got in,” Keith’s voice was soft and Lance barely heard him from where he sat in Keith’s bedroom.


“What? Got into what?” Lance put his phone on the red sheets and his eyes only on his boyfriend.


“The Garrison, I got accepted into the Garrison!” Keith jumped up and down a few times, reminding Lance of a little kid, and he jumped up from the bed, his arms wrapping around the other boy.


“No way! This is incredible!”


Keith nodded and leaned up to kiss Lance, humming as he pulled away, “it says that I leave in August for basic.”


Lance paused slightly, “how long is basic?”


Keith shrugged, “four years I think? Two for practice and book work and two for physical stuff, well for the pilots anyways.”


Lance bobbed his head slowly before hugging his boyfriend again, he hope Keith didn’t feel the tears that rolled on his shoulder. Could Lance let him go for four years?




Two Years Later


Lance groaned, his head face first in his pillow as his phone sounded from it’s location on his wooden night stand. He blindly swatted his hand to his phone, attempting to hit the snooze button without having to rise his head from it’s location. He exhaled sharply when his phone fell on the floor, the sound being slightly muffled by his carpet, shit, he lifted his head slightly and reached over the bed, grabbing his phone with his fingers. He squinted at the bright light that filled his eyes and turned off his alarm, falling back on the bed with a muffled noise.


5:45 is too early to wake up, he remained unmoving for a few more seconds, fighting the urge to succumb back to sleep, before pushing himself up in a weak push up. He managed to get his legs out from underneath him and scratched his head tiredly as he stood from the bed. He had been waking up this early for a few months now, but no matter how many times he did, he had yet to get used to it. He slowly began to get changed, pausing when he heard footsteps of the stairs, listening to then disappear into another room.


At least Ashley is awake, he slide a black t-shirt over his torso and fought back a giggle as he smoothed it down. Keith would kill him if he saw him wearing this, even after dating for roughly two years, he still didn’t like it when Lance wore his clothes. Lance rubbed his face and entered his bathroom, quickly brushing his teeth and applying his lotion. It was about 6:10 when Lance finished his routine and he quickly made his way down the stairs, heading straight to the kitchen, siding his apron on with ease. What to cook today,he scanned the kitchen, his eyes falling on a frying pan, we haven’t had eggs in a while.





“What we cooking today Lance?” Ashley came floating into the kitchen, her hair tied in a tight bun, she wore he standard black ripped jean, with a sleeveless red vest, making sure to show off her new tattoo; a pastel blue planet, a few stars surrounding it, it was put on the side of her left shoulder and she made sure to show it off whenever she could, after all Camillia drew it for her.


Lance barely spared a glance at the other women, simply moving to grabbed the bacon of the counter, “eggs, bacon, and toast.”


The women made a small humming sound as she tied her apron around herself, “want me to take over so you can wake everyone up?”


Lance paused for a moment, glancing at the clock before sliding his apron off him. “Sure, I’ll be right back.”


She hummed in response and Lance exited the kitchen, slowly beginning his journey up the stairs, pausing at the third door down from his. This room used to be the library, as Camillia called it, but it had been changed for something else roughly seven months ago. Lance knocked on the door a few times, smiling at the annoying murmurs that came a few moments after.  “Come on you two let’s get up! You have school in a little bit,” he swung the door opened, flickering on the lights, ignoring the screams that filled the room.


“Turn it off Lance!!” A high pitch voice filled the room as the young girl covered her head with her blankets.


“Nope, nope, nope,” he moved towards the bed, “get up Lily and you too Gryffin, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes.” He reached for his sister blankets, yanking them off her body, before turning to do the same thing to his brother. “Be quiet before you wake Cam, she came home at five from the night shift at the hospital, now get dressed and come down stairs as soon as you can.” He walked toward the door, making sure they actually got out of bed before shutting it. He made his way back down stairs, smiling at Ashley as he reached for the plates.


“Did you wake the monsters?” Ashley joked as she scooped some eggs onto the plates that Lance had laid out.


Lance laughed and nodded, “yeah they didn't fight me as much this time,” he began to butter the toast that Ash had prepared a few minutes earlier.  


“That’s good, now we just need them to eat without fighting each other or us,” she reached for the bacon.


Lance bobbed his head, “that’s the real challenge.”


After ten minutes sharp whispers filled the staircase as the twins quickly ran down the wooden steps, pushing each other until they reached the dinner table. “I wanna sit there!” Lily pushed her brother out of the chair he had just pulled out and Gryffin opened his mouth to scream at his sister before Ashley picked him up.


“No screaming or else Camillia will kill you, now there are eight chairs at this table, pick a new one.” She placed the boy down in a chair, opposite side from his sister, before heading back into the kitchen to grab the plates. Lance briskly followed her with a plate for himself and Ashley and sat at the table, eying his siblings. “Are sure that you two are actually nine years old?”


“Yes we are!” They both screamed before digging into their food.


Lance smiled warmly at them, placing some eggs on his fork before placing it in his mouth. He didn’t miss the noise at all, in fact he loved it, maybe that’s what kept him waking up so early in the morning when he usually would sleep as long as he could.


He glanced at his sister Lily, her hair was still the same caramel color, the long waves flowing over her shoulders and down her chest. She was still as energetic as she was when she was younger and she loved staring at Ashley “pictures” whenever she was in the room. She moved in with Lance and the others the same time Gryffin did, she was kicked out when her parents learned that her soulmate was not part of the catholic faith, he was jewish.


Lance had never meet the kid before, he only knew about him from Lily talking about the week they spent together at summer camp. Camillia has his parents numbers but she had yet to call them and discuss a time for them to meet up, they were all too busy at the moment.  


Lance scanned his eyes across the table, his gaze landing on his new brother. He had left the same time as Lily, leaving a few weeks after he told his parent that he wasn’t a girl. If Lance was being a hundred percent honest he wasn’t sure what Gryffin meant when he explain to everyone why he wasn’t a girl and why he was a boy. Of course they all supported him and they were doing everything in their power to help him through this time, even if Lance had to stay up all night researching what it meant to be transgender.


He loved watching his brother get happier by the day, he could still remember how excited her look when Ashley offered to cut his hair the second day he moved in, or when Camillia started mentioning seeing doctors and other specialist. Lance took him clothes shopping and bought him a new wardrobe and the twins even switch schools so no one would know Gryffin before hand.


“All done!” Lily placed her fork down and jumped down from her chair, pulling out a pink ribbon, holding it up to Ashley.


Ashley smiled at the younger girl, “put your dishes in the sink and I’ll do your hair,” she winked slightly and returned to her food, small footsteps running out of the room.


Lance smiled, biting into his toast before glancing at Ashley, “you are good with kids Ash, ever thought about having any?”


Ashley chuckled, “let me get married first.”



One Year After


“You wanted to talk to me Cam?” Lance poked his head into the room, only stepping in when his sister waved him in, turning to face him, her eyes filled with anxiety. “Hey, hey, hey, are you okay?” He rushed forward, grabbing his sister's hand and leading her to the bench that was stationed in her dressing room.


She took a few shaky breaths before opening her mouth to speak, “I can’t do this,” she wiped her eyes, being mindful of her make up.


Lance frowned slightly before hugging his sister with one arm, “sure you can Cam, you’ve been dreaming about this day since you were little,” he reached forward and grabbed a tissue from the box on the coffee table.


She mumbled a small thank you before blowing her nose, “I know I have but I imagined it so differently you know? A husband instead of a wife, my parents actually attending, I just always grew up thinking of something different.”


Lance let what his sister said process in his mind before responding, “do you not love Ashley?”


Camillia shook her head violently, the only word on her tongue was no. “I do love Ashley, I love her more than anything in this world, it’s just different and I’m honestly scared.”


Lance smiled, “and that’s okay, It’s fine to be scared for the future but you and Ashley will figure this out. You two will make new memories together, start you own family, the pain of the past will still be there but it won’t hurt as bad once the future takes over. You just have to let it.”


Camillia nodded a few times, wiping her eyes for a final time, “thank you Lance, I really appreciate it.”


Lance waved his hand in the air before standing from the bench, “now let’s get you ready, Ashley is waiting for you already.”


Coran ended up walking Camillia down the alsil and Lance had never seen a non family member cry so much. The wedding was beautiful, the church was decorated in white and black, accenting both of their personalities. The reception afterwards was lively and Lance watched both his sister and her wife move across the dance floor to their song as Keith bounce his leg to the slow rhythm.


“So what sounds better, Ashley McClain or Camillia Morrison?” Keith whispered, leaning over to get closer to Lance, waiting for his reaction.


Lance hummed in thought and smiled before he responded, “Camillia Morrison, it has a nice ring to it.” Lance watched with wide eyes as the two girls moved across the dance floor as if no one was watching them. He looked across the room, waving at the twins quickly.


A photography was moving around the tables, taking pictures of the guest and eventually came over to the two boys, snapping a quick picture and intending to move on until Keith asked him to take a picture of them on his phone. Lance beamed as the guy walked away, “what was that for?”


Keith shrugged, “no reason.”

After some time more people began to join the couple dancing and Lance stood up, offering his hand to his boyfriend. “Wanna dance mullet?”


Keith grinned and took the other boy's hand, “sure sharpshooter.” The both walked on the dance floor, Lance giving a small bow to the paler boy before taking his hands in his, pulling him closer. They began to waltz together, gliding around the dance floor with ease, “you’ve been taking lessons?” Lance questioned as he spun Keith a few times, following his raven hair with his eyes.


Keith rolled his eyes and purposely stepped on Lance’s foot, mumbling a small opps before laughing. “Allura has been teaching me, Ashley told her I needed help after she saw me at Hunk and Shay’s wedding.”


Lance giggled at the memories that filled his mind and he pulled Keith even closer to him, resting his chin on his head. He inhaled a few times, letting Keith’s smell fill his senses, he hadn’t seen Keith in months and was shocked when he was able to leave basic for the wedding. Lance couldn’t complain though, Keith only had one year left and then he would be a certify fighter pilot, and according to Shiro, he was top of his class. Lance smiled and closed his eyes, continuing to sway to the beat, “I love you.”


Keith rested his head on the tanner boys chest and mumbled his response, “I love you too.”


They danced for a few minutes longer, only focusing on each other before people's speeches began to flood the room, Lance being dragged up to the microphone, a glass of sparkling grape juice place in his hands.  He smiled at everyone in the room, avoiding the two empty chairs that were reserved for his parents, before his eyes fall on the newly weds, “I’d like to start out by thanking everyone for coming to this wonderful ceremony for two truly amazing people. I have known Camillia since I was little and I have only met Ashley a few years ago. They had both welcomed me into their home when I needed shelter and protection from certain things. They didn’t judge me and they didn’t treat me differently even after a few things I may have said about them. They have taught me so many things these past few years, they taught me many different things and how to improve into a better me, how to be a better friend, a better brother and most importaly a better boyfriend. You two are truly the best power couple I have ever seen and even though you two look completely different it doesn’t take much to see that you two are part of the same puzzle.” Lance raised his glass up to the two brides and smiled brightly, “so here’s to you two spending the rest of your lives together!” Cheers filled the room and Lance took a sip of his grape juice, his eyes falling on his boyfriend, are we going to have this?



6 Months After


“I’m so wedding out right now,” Keith fell on top of Lance who was sprawled out on the couch, his tie hanging loosely on his chest.


Lance mumbled in agreement, his finger immediately finding home in Keith’s long locks. “But Shiro and Matt did have a nice wedding, lots of strangers though.”


“To you maybe,” Keith mumbled into Lance’s neck, his breath tickling the tanner boy slightly. “They must have invited everyone from the Garrison, I couldn’t even take a bite of food without someone talking to me,” he groaned slightly and Lance couldn’t help but giggle. 

“You’re so popular baby, it was hard to even talk to you.” Lance felt his heart drop and his fingers halted in the other boys hair, “it’s been hard to talk to you at all.”


Keith froze where he was lying and lifted his head up slightly to stare at his boyfriend, “I know but basic is almost over and then I’ll have my degree a-”


“It’ll be harder to talk to you even more,” Lance closed his eyes, fighting to control his breathing, “I know I sound spoiled but it’s just hard, I feel like you’ve been ripped away from in a sense. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled you’re following your dream but it just can’t help but feel like you forget about me at times.” If Lance could punch himself he would, this wasn’t the time to spill his insecurities to his boyfriend. He should simply be enjoying their time together, not guilting him because he didn’t get to talk to him all the time.


Keith frowned slightly, leaning down and kissing his boyfriend slightly, “do you remember that picture I took of us at your sister wedding?”


Lance nodded slightly, smiling at the memoires.


Keith reached into his pocket, pulling out his wallet, “well I had that picture printed and I put it in here,” he pulled out a folded piece of paper, unfolding it and revealing the picture that was taken. “I also have this picture hanging up in my locker, my dorm, my plane, and my car. I am constantly thinking about you and you have never or will ever leave my mind. You are the only reason I’m pursuing my goal because you told me to, and for that I am grateful.” He leaned down and kissed Lance again, smiling against his lips. “I know we don’t get to talk much and it kills me nearly every day but one day I will be a fighter pilot and you’ll have your bachelors in accounting and business management, working with Ashley dad of course, and we will have our own house and everything will fall into place.”


Lance grinned at the thought of that an and pulled the boy closer to him, “I’d like that.”


Keith kissed him again, “me too.”




A Few Months Later


Lance was slumped on the couch, the house was empty. Ashley was doing a tattoo, Camillia was at work, graduating a year prior, and the twins were at school and Lance was enjoying his time alone, casually flipping through the channels. The doorbell was pushed a few times and Lance fought back the urge to scream before he pulled himself up from the couch, rubbing his head as the doorbell was push three more times. “I’m coming, just hang on.” He swung the door opened, nearly screaming when he saw who was on the other side. “Be-Benji?!”


“Yeah, it’s me,” he didn’t look much different than he did the last time Lance saw him. He still had the same face, just slightly slimmer and his hair was shaved on the sides, styled at the top. The only different thing that stuck out to Lance was that he seems more mature for a twelve year old. Benji wasted no time pushing past Lance, scanning the house quickly before looking back at the steps, “Anna, come on in.”


Lance blinked rapidly at the girl, who he had just noticed perched on the stairs, and watched her stand up and smile at him. “Lancy Lance!”


“Anna?” Lance ran forward, falling on his knees before hugging his sister tightly, her long hair falling down her back. She was slightly taller and her cheeks were more rounded but she still looked the same, she still was quiet but her eyes were filled with wonder.


Lance couldn't help but start crying the longer he held his sister, he hadn’t seen her in almost three years and he pulled away slightly to grab his brother. “Come here Benji,” he brought them both closer and held them like their lives depended on it.


“You can let me go now,” Benji patted his back and began to pull away from him.


Lance reluctantly let go and stood up, ushering his siblings inside before slamming the door, “how did you two find us?”


Benji made his way to the living room, flopping on the couch, “Lily texted me the adress, Anna wouldn’t shut up about seeing you again.” His voice sounded slightly distance and Lance frowned at his tone.


“It’s been awhile, I almost forgot what you looked like, mommy and daddy got rid of all your pictures.” Anna reached for his hand and Lance smiled at his sister.


“Well my face is right here and you can see it whenever you want now.” He kissed his sister on the head, placing her on one of the empty chairs and glanced at his brother. He hadn’t seen Benji in years but he made no movement of even looking at Lance. What’s wrong with him? “Hey Benji can I talk to you in the kitchen?”


The younger boy shrugged his shoulders and pulled himself up from the couch, “wait here Anna.”


Lance pushed the door opened and waited for his brother to walk through, letting the door swing shut before crossing his arms, his eyes narrowing at his brother. “What’s your problem? You haven’t seen me in three years and all you can do it sit on my couch like I’m not even here?!” Lance felt his heart rate increase slightly the longer his brother stared at him.


“You think you can talk to me like that?! You left me three years ago without even saying goodbye! You took the twins in without even checking up on me or Anna or how we have to grown. Anna has been sheltered and she doesn’t understand why you had to leave, mom and dad won’t tell her, but me? They’ve been watching me like a hawk, keeping me in their sights so I don’t end up like you. I lost my childhood the day you left, I became the older brother at age nine and I had to do everything that you left me to do and you didn’t even bother to check up on me,” Benji wiped his eyes and stared at the ground coldy.


Lance felt as though he had just been slapped, he didn’t even consider how his brother fared after he left, he didn’t even cross his mind. “Benji...I’m so so-”


“Save it, I don’t want your pity.” He crossed his arms and Lance felt his stomach drop. He slowly approached his brother and wrapped his arms around him, resting his head on the younger boys. Lance knew he shouldn’t cry but he couldn't help it, and he fought the hot tears that fell down his face.  


“I’m going to make this right, believe me, things are going to change.”


Benji didn’t move at muscle and simply nodded stiffly against his brother, “I’ll believe it when I see it.”


Lance smiled and pulled away from his brother, “well do you want to go get ice cream?”


Benji smiled slightly, “you’re going to need me to buy me a lot of ice cream.”



One Year Later

“You ready for our date tonight?” Keith wrapped his arms around Lance, burying his face in the short brown locks.

Lance smiled and quickly finished buttoning up his pastel blue shirt. “You bet, sir,” he winked at his boyfriend and turned around to face him, whistling slightly at the sight of Keith’s uniform.

Keith smiled slightly and winked, “you like it?”

Lance nodded, “you know I like me a man in uniform.” He reached down and kissed his boyfriend, pulling away quickly and pushing him towards the door. “Now go to work or else you're going to be late.”

Keith chuckled and push the door to their house opened, they had officially moved out from Camillia’s and Ashley’s a few months ago, letting the two of them take care of the twins and the nights where Anna and Benji snuck out to visit. “Tonight at seven?”

Lance smiled, “tonight at seven.”

The day seemed to drag on and Lance tapped his foot impatiently as he watched the time drag on, despite a full day of work Lance felt like a kid going to an amusement park, he couldn't relax. This would be the first date that him and Keith had gone on in months and Lance couldn’t wait, Keith even said that he had a surprise for him.

Lance parked his car quickly and made his way into the restaurant, smiling at the familiar mullet already sitting in a chair. “Always early to the dance are we?”

Keith grinned and stood from his chair, pulling out Lance’s chair before sitting back down in his chair. “I just got too excited and had to come early.”

Lance smiled and rested his head on his hands, admiring how Keith looks in the pale light. He wore a black suit with a red shirt and black bow, Lance mirror his look but with blue. “You look well.”

Keith smiled, “I know that my man likes suits.”

Lance laughed and cats his eyes down, this was going to be a good night.

After dinner Keith drove Lance to an outlook by a nearby lake, the mood lighting up the water. “Woah, this is beautiful.”

Keith smiled and watched his boyfriend admire the view, swallowing any nerves that threatened to consume him. “Lance?”

The tanner boy turned and looked at him, smiling brightly at him, “yeah babe?”

Keith reached forward and grabbed his hands, intertwining their fingers together. “I just wanted to say thank you, for being the best soulmate ever. I know we had our problems in the beginning and I honestly thought would would never make it this far but now we’re dating and we own a house together and this has turned into so much more. I know life won’t always be perfect and we will still hit some bumps in the road but as long as I know that you will be with me I’m not worried.” Keith reached into his pocket and pulled out a familiar box that his hands have felt almost a hundred times, “we have so many great memories together and I really want to make more with you and I think the best place to start would be with this,” Keith slowly dropped to one knee and opened the box, revealing a silver ring with a blue band in the middle, “Lance McClain, will you make me the luckiest boy in the world and marry me?”

Lance felt like crying, he felt like screaming, he felt like jumping for joy but all he could do was stare at Keith, letting his question ring in his ears. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, a million times yes.” Lance leaned down and pressed his lips against the other boy, repeating the action a few times before Keith stood and slide the ring on him.

Keith wiped his eyes a few times and hugged his fiance tightly, letting the warmth between them spread. “I love you so much.”

Lance hugged him back, enjoying the weight that laid on his finger, “I love you more.”


Seven Months After

“You nervous?” Ashley leaned next Lance, her elbows resting on the wooden fence that Lance rested his wrist on. They were both standing outside the reception hall, Lance didn’t want to force Keith to get married in a church but the hotel they were staying at was beautiful.

Lance chuckled, “me nervous? Never.” He liked his lips and Ashley bobbed her head.

“You should be, it’s your wedding night.” She gave him a light punch on his arm and looked through the big window, toward Camillia who was sitting down chatting with Hunk’s mother who was telling her everything she needed to know about having a kid.

“Can’t you believe she’s five months already?” Lance glanced at his sister, trying to distract himself from the nerves that nearly consumed him. He hadn’t seen Keith all day and usually when he got nervous he would go to Keith, but he couldn’t until later.

Ashley beamed the longer she looked at her wife, “I really can’t, I feel like yesterday the doctor was telling us that she was pregnant and now, there's only four months left.”

Lance laughed and straightened his back, smoothing down his suit, “do I look okay?”

Ashley looked him up and down a few times, “no.”

“WHAT?!” Lance felt his heart rate increase as he thought about how he looked bad.

“I’m just joking, you look wonderful hun,” she paused and looked towards Hunk who was flagging him over, “looks like Hunk needs you.”

Lance looked towards his friend and released a nervous sigh, “I guess it’s time.”

Ashlye pushed herself away from the fence, “I got my speech all ready man, I’ll see you later.”

Lance waved her away and walked towards Hunk, he smiled at Lance and rubbed his back, “you ready man?”

Lance shrugged his shoulders, “I suppose, where’s Coran?” He looked around, searching for the older man among the people.

“He’ll be over in a few, I just wanted to tell you good luck, and you aren’t making a mistake.” Hunk smiled and pulled his friend in for a hug.

Lance wrap his arms around him and hugged him back, “thank you.”

They talked for a few minutes longer before everyone started to filter into their seats, and Coran came over and wipe his eyes a few times.

“My boy, you’re finally getting married.” He sounded choked and Lance nodded his head a few times, feeling tears burn behind his eyes.

“I can’t believe that this is happening, I never thought that it would.”

Coran smiled, “but it is, and this is a new chapter in your life, so enjoy it.” He moved Lance in front of the door and wrapped his arm around his. “You ready?”

Lance nodded a few times, “yeah I think so, also Coran, thank you for stepping in, it means a lot to me.”

Coran wiped his eyes again, “you’re basically the son I never had after all. Now let's get you married.”

The doors opened as soon as the familiar songs started, and Lance filled his lungs with air as he began to walk, his eyes immediately finding all of his siblings and all of his friends, he turned his head forward and felt more tears welled in his eyes as he looked at Keith, watching him get closer with every step.

Every step brought back old memories, filling his mind with the punch, their first actual conversation, their first kiss, the first time they hung out, the anxiety, the cuddling, their first fight, their first everything and Lance realized that he didn’t want anything else other than Keith. He stopped when he reached the end and took Keith’s hand in his, smiling at his soulmate. Maybe they didn’t have the perfect beginning but that wasn't going to stop them from having the perfect ending.

That's it guys please make sure to check out the real author on ao3
I'm so sorry for not editing as often love y'all


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